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对于是否应该对幼儿进行识字教育,从20世纪初开始就是教育界争论的热点话题,至今没有人能给出一个明确的定论。笔者认为,婴幼儿时期是识字的关键期,幼儿大脑皮层已经具有了分析、综合能力以及幼儿识字所需具备的认知结构基础,在幼儿期可以开展识字教育。早期识字是早期阅读的重要内容,而识字教育本身就是一项全面而优越的智力活动,早期识字教育的实施可以促进幼儿智力的发展和大脑发育,激发幼儿学习汉字的兴趣,为幼儿的全面发展甚至幼儿的一生奠定良好基础。在实施过程中,教育者应该以幼儿的识字特点与认知规律为基础,采用游戏法、情景法,并在主题活动和创意阅读中进行渗透,对幼儿进行识字教育,促进幼儿的发展与提高。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from two qualitatively based studies, one conducted at an urban preschool in Northern California and the other at a rural Head Start Center in the Midwest. By presenting detailed data from the two preschool sites, the article describes several ways to strengthen existing literacy practices for children, families, and teachers in both urban and rural early childhood settings. The studies focus on such critical aspects of child and family literacy development as ownership and inclusion, raising important issues for practice and policy in early childhood literacy and language education.  相似文献   

瑞吉欧幼儿教育体现一种独特的儿童观和教育观,为世界关注幼儿教育的个人和组织所注意。瑞吉欧幼儿教育具有包括活动学习有效性,幼儿园、家庭、社区交互协作性,系统的自组织性等核心学习机制。瑞吉欧幼儿教育的背景文化、教学方法、环境等要素揭示其活动学习有效性的效应机理,团体中心、社区管理模式反映了瑞吉欧幼儿教育学习环境的作用机制,系统的自组织则呈现出瑞吉欧幼儿教育学习系统的自组织机制并彰显生态课堂的特征。  相似文献   

幼儿科学素养培养方法探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿科学教育是科学启蒙教育,学习科学的过程是幼儿主动探索的过程。幼儿科学素养培养方法的科学合理性至关重要,直接影响幼儿科学素养培养的成效。对科学素养内涵的认知和幼儿园科学教育的目标解析是幼儿科学教育方法的基础。观察法和模拟实验法是幼儿期孩子科学素养培养的主要方法,这些方法的实施必须遵循安全性、兴趣性、时空性和持续性原则。  相似文献   

The Implications of the 'New Literacy Studies' for Literacy Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the following questions:
  • 1 The ‘problem’: what is the ‘Literacy Debate’ and why do such apparently arcane accounts of language and literacy have such a high profile in popular media?
  • 2 What are the New Literacy Studies (NLS) and what are the new understandings of language and of literacy on which NLS are based?
  • 3 . What are the implications for literacy education?

A child with special needs will flourish and benefit from an early childhood environment that empowers learning. Center learning empowers a child to be actively engaged in self-directed learning based on strength, ability, and interest. Center learning can enhance interactive language, story response, art, reading and writing-like behavior, collaboration, buddy activity, and independence. All of these empowering areas of development are strongly related to the child's emergent literacy development. The variety of center learning experiences is limited only by the imagination; this article provides a selection of start-up ideas for the early childhood educator.  相似文献   

在考察学前教育对儿童发展的积极影响时,人们引用最多的是美国佩里幼儿园项目、芝加哥儿童家长中心、卡罗莱纳初学者项目等示范项目.然而,事实上这些示范项目都主要是针对低收入家庭儿童的,其产生的显著效果并不具普遍性.借鉴这些示范项目的成功经验,我国政府在学前教育领域的政策与投入应加大对社会处境不利儿童的关注;应充分考虑文化背景对教育效果的影响机制,而不能一味照搬这些示范项目;应审慎对待这些示范项目的研究结论,引导公众建立对幼儿教育的合理期待.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effectiveness of large-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development (PD) intended to improve early childhood educators' knowledge, beliefs, and practices. PD was offered in a real-world context and delivered at-scale across the state, implemented by an independent contractor. Educators (n = 535) were randomly assigned to participate in one of three types of PD: 30 hrs of language and literacy PD presented in a workshop format, 30 hrs of language and literacy PD plus monthly coaching, or PD on alternative topics (comparison). Baseline and outcome measures were collected by an independent research team to determine PD effectiveness. Growth curve analyses showed little change in educator outcomes over an 18-month period, with no differences among conditions or evidence of moderation by educator or classroom characteristics. Explanations for lack of PD impacts and the importance of evaluating educational investments are discussed.  相似文献   

学前儿童早期阅读内涵解析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
学前儿童的早期阅读在我国当前学前教育理论研究中日益受到重视,但在实践中,仍然存在很多错误的认识和做法。针对这一现状,本文从五个方面阐释了对学前儿童早期阅读的认识,具体包括早期阅读的意义、早期阅读的目标、早期阅读与识字的关系、早期阅读材料的选择以及早期阅读的实施,以此构建现实中的理性行为。  相似文献   

全美幼教协会(NAEYC)是美国影响力最大的民间幼儿教育组织,其在制定幼儿教育从业者专业标准、保证美国幼儿师资水平方面发挥着重要作用。NAEYC发起的"幼儿教育从业者系统行动计划"(ECWSI)明确提出了美国幼儿教育从业者专业发展系统的政策领域、基本原则及一系列支撑措施,为帮助各州建立专业、稳定、高效的幼儿教育师资队伍,保证幼儿教育质量做出了积极贡献,对我国加强幼儿教师队伍建设具有重要启示。  相似文献   

美国幼儿教师教育标准及启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
制定幼儿教师教育标准是幼儿教师教育的基础性工作。美国全国幼儿教育协会制定了幼儿职业准备标准,提出了“促进幼儿发展与学习”、“构建同家庭、社区的关系”、“对支持幼儿及其家庭的措施进行观察、建立档案、开展评估”、“开展教与学的活动的知识和能力”、“成为一名专业人士”等五项幼儿教师教育的核心标准,还提出了范围广泛的普通知识教育标准。为了适应我国幼儿教育发展的需要,我国应尽快制定专门的幼儿教师教育标准,美国幼儿教师教育标准为我们提供了镜鉴。  相似文献   

计算机与幼儿园课程的整合   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文主要探讨了计算机整合于幼儿园课程的几个问题,包括怎样理解计算机整合于幼儿因课程的含义,将计算机整合于幼儿因课程的意义,以及整合的具体方式,并对整合过程中遇到的问题如教师自身的计算机基础、软件在课程整合中的作用等问题进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

Currently in South Africa, there are over 20 000 underqualified Grade R teachers who are enlisted into service to ensure that Grade R teaching can continue. The aim of the study reported on was to investigate the challenges and needs faced by underqualified teachers in order to promote the professional development of teachers teaching in rural areas. Phenomenology was used as the research design. By means of a qualitative research approach, purposeful sampling selected only underqualified early childhood education (ECE) teachers teaching in rural schools for more than five years or more in three provinces, as well as their school principals. The findings revealed the following needs and challenges: the need for resources; poor infrastructure; lack of parental involvement; overcrowded classrooms; the need for in-service training; needs of the rural communities; and support from an open distance learning (ODL) institution.  相似文献   

毕生发展观以贯穿人的一生的发展历程作为指导思想来看待儿童每个时期的发展变化.本文在介绍其基本理论要义的基础上,重新解读了在毕生发展观指导下的早期儿童发展与教育的内涵,同时就毕生发展观指导下的儿童早期教育原则进行了阐述,以期为早期儿童教育的理论与实践研究提供一种新的视角.  相似文献   

In Aotearoa New Zealand, many early childhood teachers gain their teaching qualification via distance study while working in an early childhood centre. Early childhood teachers work in a team environment, and it is important to understand more about how distance students negotiate changes in their workplace practice as their professional knowledge develops. This article draws on a study that explores students’ experiences of distance teacher education as a process of changing participation in the workplace. Distance study supported increasingly confident participation as students saw more meaning in their daily work. The students’ identities and their workplace cultures and practices influenced what students paid attention to and the decisions they made when negotiating changes within their teams. Their experiences suggest that strengthening students’ relational agency at work is a useful focus for distance early childhood teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

This paper promotes a philosophy derived from the direct distribution of goods to needs that occur in mothering and invisibly in many other aspects of life. Such a philosophy is suggested as an alternative to market based values, which currently permeate society. It is important to bring alternative values to consciousness and validate them for both teachers and children so that the orientation towards the other that characterizes the gift paradigm will not be lost in the fight for survival endemic to a market society. The hope is that we can find solutions that are viable for all. After presenting this philosophy, we show how it already exists among educators and children, and we suggest ways in which it may be validated and promoted in early childhood education.  相似文献   

在传承民族传统优秀文化中促进少数民族幼儿全面发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
每个少数民族都有自己独特的物质文化与精神文化.少数民族幼儿教育应继承和发扬本民族的传统优秀文化,才能促进本民族幼儿的全面健康和谐发展.然而当前无论是少数民族幼儿园还是少数民族年轻一代的家长都盲目遵从城市主流汉文化,在教育内容与方式上没有体现本民族的文化特色.为促进少数民族幼儿民族认同感与民族自豪感的形成,促进少数民族幼儿社会性的积极健康发展,少数民族幼儿园与家长应积极创设富有民族特色的教育环境,带领幼儿感受传统民族节日与风情,为幼儿提供丰富多彩的具有民族文化内涵的教育活动,并在言传身教中培养幼儿具备本民族的传统美德.  相似文献   

论早期读写的习得性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文围绕“幼儿是如何学习读写的”这一问题,探讨了幼儿早期读写学习的特征。幼儿的读写具有“早期性”和“奠基性”,早期读写学习主要是以习得的方式进行的。早期读写的习得性主要表现在学习情境的真实性和学习目的的间接性,学习过程的互动性和创造性以及学习结果的经验性等方面。了解早期读写习得性的意义在于,幼儿园早期读写教育应当以创设真实的有意义的读写情境为原则,以整合读写教育和其他领域的教育、整合日常读写活动和专门读写活动、整合口语学习和书面语学习为基本教育策略。  相似文献   

STEAM教育作为一种新的教育范式,被全世界各个国家采用。近年来,幼儿教育界也掀起了STEAM教育风潮。目前,我国的幼儿艺术教育正在经历着转型时期,STEAM教育为我国艺术教育提供了借鉴:加强教育的跨学科性和融合性、注重教育内容的生活化和情境性、扩展艺术教育的内涵和外延、树立坚定的STEAM教育理念。  相似文献   

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