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In this paper, one 19‐year‐old married mother who was sexually abused when younger discusses the painful and important role reading has played in her life. By using narrative discourse analysis, I parse the young mother’s spoken narrative and illuminate the emotions that cluster around her reading experiences. I discover that she has used reading as a way to make sense of the traumatic experiences of her childhood. I discover as well that, though she evidences immaturity, her moral thinking – refined through her roles as daughter, mother, and wife – is more nuanced than are the texts she is able to read. The questions I ask about her relationship to these books can be generalized to many non‐traditional students going to high schools, or reading in book clubs, today.  相似文献   

There is a general acceptance that inclusion is morally and ethically the most appropriate form of education. However, more research needs to focus on how best to accommodate and support the educational needs of all students, including those with physical disabilities. Listening to young people with physical disabilities talk about their educational experiences is one way to do this. The aim of this research was to investigate the life stories of a small number of young people with physical disabilities, in particular focusing on their educational experiences. Nine young people, between the ages of 10 and 13 years, who used a manual or powered wheelchair and had the cognitive ability to participate in a series of biographical interviews, were recruited. They collaborated in the writing of their life stories. One theme identified in the analysis of these life stories was their educational experiences. The results highlight that the participants held mixed views about their education. The four who attended a segregated special school were generally positive about their experiences. Participants who had attended a mainstream school talked about positive and negative experiences. Individual and differing perspectives on friendships and the ethos of their school were noted. It is suggested that young people with physical disabilities need to be considered as individuals and that if schools are to achieve the goal of inclusion they need to develop ways to accommodate each individual's needs.  相似文献   

有人说丁玲延安时期的作品,都是描写残酷的敌我战争的现实主义作品,经历生活的重重变故和苦难,她已经是一位现实主义革命作家。但是,一个作家的经历固然重要,而性格,才是决定作品具有独特的作家自我风格的要素。丁玲就是一个乐观浪漫的人,她延安时期的作品,虽然是描写革命,但作品中处处体现着她的浪漫主义情结,尽管在特定的历史环境中,她不能完全按照自己的性格进行创作,但丁玲延安时期的小说,都有其浪漫主义性格的渗透。  相似文献   

谭恩美作为美国文坛一名女性少数族裔作家,在性别和种族上都处于边缘性的境地。作为女性,在男权话语为主的文坛,她是一个"他者";作为少数族裔作家,对美国主流文化而言,她也是一个"他者"。但是这种复杂的双重身份却赋予她的作品一种鲜明而独特的女性主义特征。文章重点以谭恩美的《喜福会》为文本,通过女性主义的视角,来解析其作品中所表现出的女性主义特征。  相似文献   

在《秘密花园》中,苏珊·索尔比是一个次要人物,但她却在各位主要人物的生活中起着举足轻重的作用。备受赞誉的她不仅与身边所有人相处融洽,与大自然的关系更是非同一般。试从生态女性主义的角度追溯苏珊和谐幸福生活的源头,进而证明其幸福生活是她以自然之道待人接物,与自然和谐相处的必然结果。  相似文献   

This article is a presentation of current research on pupils’ experiences in encounters with their classmates in school. The starting point is the narratives of Loffa, a 25‐year‐old nursery teacher, telling us about her school experiences. She gives a picture of herself as a quiet and well‐behaved schoolgirl, and she talks about things such as the limited space she and a group of her classmates had in their classroom, about how they were regarded as ‘nerds’ by the other pupils and therefore had little to say in what went on in their classroom. Seen in the light of the political, social and historical context of the vision of a ‘school for all’ and of the principle of a ‘complex social environment’ this can be interpreted as one version of the specific expression in Lotta ‘s class of the built‐in conflicts of the comprehensive school, the conflicts between groups with different intellectual traditions and needs.  相似文献   

张爱玲的作品,以女性孤独无力的生存状态,弥漫濡染到生命底蕴深处的荒凉的家园幻梦和浓厚的悲剧意识。张爱玲的小说注重对女性的刻画描写,笔触直透人性深处,她笔下的女性往往是因特定的生存环境,在心理和生理的交困中挣扎、堕落,最终成为一个个悲剧的载体。张爱玲以苍凉的个人生命体验不露声色地讲述普通人的故事,籍以展示她充满孤独感、悲剧感的人生经历。本文通过对她小说中的人物、情节的分析,及对其生活经历的分析,试图解读张爱玲生命中的这一内容。  相似文献   

Ego integrity, the last developmental task in Erikson's psychological theory, develops naturally among older people. However, the presence of loss–like physical disability–can considerably affect the quality of life, interactions, and well being of older adults. Hence, older people with physical disabilities need more assistance in accomplishing tasks of ego integrity. This study aimed to utilize traditional Filipino art to capture the essence of the lived experiences of a select group of older people with physical disabilities in relation to their ego integrity. Four Filipino elderly with physical disabilities were purposely selected for this study. Picture prompting and doodling sessions were held as pretest and posttest to ascertain the effectiveness of puni-making in facilitating ego integrity of participants. A series of interviews were pursued to elicit experiences and feelings of participants regarding their disability and old age. From the analysis of the triangulated set of data, two findings emerged. First, four activators of ego integrity, namely: work, family, belief in self and belief in God, were identified as essentials in the formation of the participants' ego-integrity. Second, shifts related to the activators were identified indicating ego integrity's source, meaning and connection elements have become more grounded, certain and integrated. The influence of puni-making in understanding the ego integrity of older people with disabilities was found to be a sound and novel recreational therapy. It can stimulate a select group of Filipino elderly for openness to share their subjective and yet illuminating life experiences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify parental influences on physical activity behaviours of children with disabilities. One hundred and forty-eight parents of children with disabilities responded to a survey about factors related to parent and child physical activity, parental support and belief in their child’s abilities regarding physical activity. The results of multiple regression revealed that parents’ perceived competence of their child’s physical ability and parental support were the key factors of promoting physical activity behaviours of children with disabilities. Findings from this study should be utilised to inform parents on the ways that they can be most helpful for improving the physical activity experiences of their children.  相似文献   

Amy Lynn Chua is a daughter of Chinese immigrants, a lifetime professor of Law school of Yale university, she became popular and controversial since she published her child-rearing memoir《Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother》, in which Amy Chua wrote down how to teach her two daughters in a harsh and strict way, especially a discussion about Chinese and American family educational ways. This paper use this case as an example to compare differences between Chinese and American family educational ways and try to analyze reasons.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon data from an ongoing series of life history interviews with a young lesbian PE teacher, called Jessica (a pseudonym), who has recently started her career in a secondary school. Various moments from her life as told and written are provided in order to present a view of schooling from a particular standpoint that, for the most part, has been repressed. Therefore, how Jessica experiences homophobia and heterosexism in educational institutions, how she relates these experiences to other moments in her life, and the identity management strategies she adopts to cope with specific situations, provide important insights into a reality that is oppositional to the taken‐for‐granted reality of the dominant and privileged sexual class in schools, that is, heterosexuals. These insights illustrate how Jessica is systematically denied an essential freedom that is systematically granted to heterosexual teachers in a way that legitimises a distinction between her private and public lives that is partial, distorting and perverse. It is concluded that taking action against homophobia and heterosexism is the responsibility of all educators regardless of their sexual identity.  相似文献   

《沉没之鱼》是谭恩美全新突破的一部作品,文中的幽灵叙述者陈璧璧是潜在的主人公。她幼时缺乏母爱的"创伤性经验"对她以后的成长产生了重要的影响,她在兰那王国之旅逐渐走出自己的心理创伤,并去了解爱、接受爱的过程。  相似文献   

While teacher educators agree that teaching is a profoundly moral activity, little attention has been placed on the moral perspectives about teaching and learning of those entering the teaching workforce. As a way of illustrating the importance of helping both future teachers become aware of their own moral compasses and teacher educators to understand ways in which such knowledge can support their students, I use methods of qualitative inquiry to explore the life history of one European American preservice elementary teacher in the USA. In recounting the events of her life, Rachel Rosenberg demonstrates how she uses her own life experiences to frame the moral aspects of her future role as a teacher and especially her perspectives on literacy teaching and learning. The methods used here to elicit and analyse Rachel’s story can be useful to teacher educators who want to understand how the moral perspectives embedded in teachers’ stories influence the ways in which teachers approach and enact the work of teaching.  相似文献   


Although transition outcomes for youth with disabilities have shown some improvement and transition support practices have been identified, many young people continue to face transition barriers that preclude their full participation in key adult life activities. While research efforts have largely been professionally driven, there is emerging literature suggesting that the use of participatory, empowerment methodologies may bolster the identification of appropriate research methods and useful solutions to problems, as well as promoting the application of findings to accomplishing practice and policy improvements. The purpose of this study was to use a youth-directed, participatory action methodology to investigate youths' perceptions of the value of transition promotion experiences identified as effective by professionals, and to examine the level at which youth with disabilities participate in those experiences. A survey was developed and administered to 202 young people with disabilities by leaders from the National Youth Leadership Network. Findings indicated that youth generally endorse the importance of validated transition promotion practices; however, they reported having limited opportunity to participate in them. Implications related to the use of participatory action methodologies and needed practice and policy improvements are discussed.  相似文献   

"In the course of my social life, I try to avoid telling people that I am a teacher, but when I have to, the shutters come down like a clamp” (A head teacher). A young teacher in her first year remarked that she had stopped telling young men with whom she danced that she was a teacher. “It's much easier if I say that I work in a shop or an office.” Sociological writing and inquiry suggests that such experiences are not idiosyncratic. Like the policeman and the priest, the teacher may be perceived as the symbol of approved behaviour and values, not comfortably‐acceptable in the spontaneous, everyday concourse of other adults. The notion is built into all formulations of the teacher stereotype.  相似文献   

谭恩美《接骨师之女》中的女儿露丝是第二代美籍华裔移民,处在中美文化夹缝中的她感受到被两种文化边缘化的痛苦,由此坠入迷茫与困惑深渊。直到认同中国文化后,露丝才走出文化身份缺失的困境,并完成了对自我的重构。作者借此表明华裔移民应该在中美两种文化间找到一种平衡,并利用其独特的文化身份为两种文化交流做出贡献。  相似文献   

English painter Barbara Bodichon received a dynamic home education, consisting of engaging lessons, reading sessions, family discussions, sketching excursions, and trips at home and abroad. As an adult, Bodichon led a nomadic life, living between Algeria and England and travelling across Europe and America. Seeking to unpack travelling and travel letters as sources of learning, this paper studies Bodichon’s correspondence as epistolary articulations of her Bildung (self-cultivation). It argues that, conforming to Bildung’s idea of forging one’s individuality in interaction with the world, her travelling provided her with a variety of settings through which she extended towards the unknown and incorporated it into her sense of being. In turn, letters functioned as forums where she made sense of encountering the difference through which she individualised her subjectivity. Notwithstanding, a revised reading of Bildung permits teasing out to what extent Bodichon’s self-cultivation was developed at the expense of certain social categories.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterise the development of a preservice physical education teacher's professional activity over the course of training interactions with her co‐operating teacher. The student teacher's professional development was studied using a hermeneutic and inductive approach based on the analysis of data from observation and self‐confrontation interviews. The results showed that the preservice teacher's conceptions regarding her teaching developed despite communication difficulties with her co‐operating teacher and that she constructed new knowledge—at times without her co‐operating teacher's awareness—even when she disagreed with him. However, the student teacher's classroom activity did not always change as a result of this new knowledge. The self‐confrontation interviews revealed her construction of knowledge, as well as the reasons for disagreement and her resistance to changing her classroom action.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the third-level sector across the world has acknowledged a hopeless track record of promoting and retaining competent women in leadership roles. However, change, in terms of women’s contribution and participation, has been minimal at least, or gradual at the most optimistic. In this paper, a woman with more than two decades experience as a full-time academic in the field of higher education relates her sense of loss and purposelessness when attempts to reach for a higher level position were consistently unsuccessful. Using autoethnography she relates her experiences of sexism in higher education, and the ways in which sexism turns into oppression through silencing. She proposes how her experiences point to the need for change, and she indicates that training to reduce gender bias has been proven to improve feelings of workplace fit for participants who collaborate with people who have addressed their gender bias.  相似文献   

Through collaboratively designed qualitative inquiry, we investigated the responses of high school students with learning disabilities to a teacher’s intervention intended to promote self‐realization, a fundamental component of self‐determination. Activities were embedded within the general English curriculum and delivered in a special education classroom over the course of an academic year. Several themes emerged from analysis of student interviews, student responses to writing prompts and surveys, a teacher journal, and student portfolio pieces. Silence and misconceptions were prevalent in student experiences. However, through the intervention students acquired information that helped them make sense of their school experiences, redefine themselves in positive ways, and take small steps toward greater self‐advocacy within their current school setting. The mediating influence of positive adult voices and concerns about social stigma were evident in students’ responses, which prompted us to question teachers’ and families’ responsibilities for engaging young people in dialogue about special education and disability.  相似文献   

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