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随着我国大学生毕业分配制度由统一分配到双向选择的改变,大学生创业越来越受到国家、社会的重视。但目前我国大学生创业比例和创业成功率都很低。本文探讨了在当前形势下的如何加强创业能力培养、创业心理准备和创业实践准备,营造大学创业教育氛围,培养大学生的创业素质,提高大学生创业成功率。  相似文献   

试论大学生创业成功率的提高   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生创业是创业机会的识别、创业资源的整合和创业团队的运作三者之间有机协调、匹配的过程.在这个过程中.大学生个人、高校、政府和社会等必将对大学生创业成功与否产生重要影响.要提高大学生创业的成功率.必须构建大学生创业素质与能力培养体系、创业教育体系、创业政策支持体系和创业社会服务体系.  相似文献   

禤福英 《广西教育》2010,(36):11-12
当前,缺乏资金、经验,无法找准创业项目是大学生创业成功率低的原因。要提高大学生创业成功率,应对大学生加强创业教育,完善创业政策扶持体系,搭建多种创业"孵化"平台,为大学生提供创业前、中、后服务。  相似文献   

实施大学生创业引领计划的关键在于不仅要增加创业人数,更要提升创业质量,切实提高创业成功率。促进大学生创业成功,不但要输血扶持,更需要造血引领。各种"优惠"或"扶持"政策措施虽然很重要,对尚且稚嫩的大学生初创企业也非常必要,但不是问题的核心;引领大学生选择与自身实际相匹配的创业项目,着力打造企业的造血机能,才是政府推进大学生创业工作的重中之重。推动大学生创业,应针对不同的群体,既可以引领大学生发挥知识优势,投身科技成果转化创业,也可以利用连锁加盟优势。此外,还要对大学生创业加强营销和管理指导,"扶上马还须送一程"。  相似文献   

在教学中,"植物细胞有丝分裂观察实验"的成功率较低。根据实际教学情况,可利用6-BA对实验材料进行处理,在实验中,增加分裂期细胞的比例,同时,应对教材中的实验步骤进行优化,简化实验操作步骤,从而比较明显地提高实验成功率。  相似文献   

由于成本小,门槛低,手续少等优势,不少当代大学毕业生选择了网上开办网店,走上了自主创业之路。文章从创业计划书、市场调查、创业信心、商品定位、货源渠道、推广营销等关键环节,论述了大学毕业生网上开办网店提高成功率的策略与技巧。  相似文献   

明确职责划分提高打水泥塞(挤水泥)施工成功率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油田油气水井在开发生产过程中,由于受油气水运移及各种应力、腐蚀、地质结构及施工措施诸因素的影响,一方面使新井水泥返高不够,固井质量不合格;另一方面使生产井原固井水泥环遭到破坏,或造成油气层窜通或地层胶结物被破坏。近井地带形成空洞,或因地层出水,套管破漏使油水井不能正常生产。但是在实际固井工作中,由于客观情况的变化,或主观上的工作失误。会出现在注水泥工程中发生井漏、高压、替空、油气水侵窜槽等都会导致固井质量不合格。通过提高挤水泥工艺施工成功率,使固井质量合格。恢复油气水井正常生产,延长油水井的寿命。  相似文献   

用大学生创业成功率作为创业教育实效性的评判标准是偏颇的.成功创业不仅需要创业相关的知识和技能,还与创业者的性格品质、家庭状况、社会环境等因素息息相关;创业教育是培养创新精神和创业能力的教育,不是企业家速成培训;高校创业教育能够提升创业所需知识和技能,培养创新精神,但不能创造成功创业的所有条件,无法独立地改变大学生创业成功率低的现象.追求创业成功率的高校创业教育不可持续,创业教育分类评价是大势所趋.  相似文献   

实施ERP(企业资源计划)有助于建立现代企业管理模式,从而提高企业自身管理水平和经济效益.然而ERP实施的风险也很大,如果不成功,不仅会消耗企业的宝贵资源,还会造成企业管理的混乱.因此,企业在建立ERP系统之前,必须对自己企业进行科学的评估,确认具备条件后,再根据自己的特殊情况,作需求分析和投资效益分析,明确企业对新系统的需求状况,最终根据企业规模大小、软件功能和实施的难易度、报表的齐全性、软件实施人员的素质等方面对软件进行综合评价,确定适合自己企业的软件,提高ERP实施的成功率.  相似文献   

在现代篮球水平发展越来越高的今天,作为篮球运动中将场上五个人串联起来形成一个整体的桥梁的传球技术,其重要性不言而喻。因此,提高传球成功率,在篮球运动中具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

Gathering student feedback on teaching practice is commonly used in educational settings as an improvement tool and performance measure. Typically this feedback is collected using rating style surveys when a subject concludes; however, whether this practice improves the quality of teaching requires further research. This study was designed using an action research methodology to investigate the impact of student feedback on teacher practices in a secondary setting. Specifically, the efficacy of an ongoing, collaborative feedback model in which teachers collected student feedback regularly, were guided in reflecting on the data, and were supported through professional development to improve their practices was explored. Results supported student feedback as a valuable improvement tool, and powerful stimulus for teacher reflection. Student feedback informed teachers on the effectiveness of their practice and identified areas for future professional learning. Additionally, it opened up a dialogue around teaching and learning in the classroom, and gave the teachers insights into the unique challenges experienced by their students.  相似文献   

We investigate the efficacy of text messaging campaigns to support students with key steps in the college search, application, selection and transition process with concurrent cluster randomized control trials. Collaborating with national non-profit organizations, we implemented text-message based outreach to students in the high school graduating class of 2016 in over 700 high schools that primarily serve low-income students. Collaborating with several Texas school districts, we implemented a school-based version of the intervention. In contrast to the national version which produced null and negative effects, the school-based intervention yielded positive and significant impacts on several college-going steps but still only yielded significant impacts on college enrollment and second-year persistence for certain subgroups.  相似文献   

Feedback is an effective instructional practice for improving achievement. The importance of feedback has been understood by teachers for many years, yet recent research has elevated its status. One characteristic of effective feedback is personalized comments, which assist students in understanding their performance. Most research analyzes the effects of written feedback. Some current studies have examined the effects of alternative delivery methods, such as audio. One new approach for creating and delivering feedback is through screen capture technology. A case study was conducted to examine the effects of this method on the academic performance of 36 undergraduate students in a teacher education course. Results showed that screen capture feedback is effective for guiding corrections on a writing assignment. Students also reported that feedback was useful for knowing what they were doing right or wrong and that they would prefer more feedback of this type.  相似文献   

基于实验教学的创业教育模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于实验教学的创业教育模式吸收了以第一课堂为主的理论创业教学模式和以第二课堂为主的实践创业教学模式的优点,是连接创业教育理论和创业教育实践的桥梁.基于实验教学的创业教育模式可以更好地整合学校资源,降低教育成本,提升教学效率,该模式能为高校,尤其是普通高校开展创业教育提供新的思路和视角.  相似文献   

Employment rates and post-school transition outcomes for individuals with disabilities remain alarmingly low compared to peers without disabilities. Transition-Focused Individualized Education Plans (TF-IEPs) often centre on skills associated with employment experience opportunities that are immediately available to the individual with a disability. While the transition plans focus on the student's strengths and areas of interest, less attention is paid to the guidance and support a student might need in choosing a sustainable career. We contend that teams must develop transition plans with specific attention to projected labour market data. Using this information will ensure that we are preparing students with disabilities for long-term success. This article describes how school teams can use an in-depth labour market analysis to develop robust transition plans. These plans will prepare students for careers that will last far into the future.  相似文献   


Traditional professional development is often characterized as being expensive, time consuming, and lacking impact. In contrast, online professional development provides greater flexibility and is becoming increasingly popular for school personnel. In this article, we report the process and outcomes of gathering feedback to adapt traditional in-person to online training differentiated for the participants to maximize utility, efficiency, and effectiveness in meeting the needs of key stakeholders. Focus groups were conducted with teachers, administrators, and other specialists to gather feedback on content as well as how online learning modules (OLMs) could be tailored to meet specific school site and team needs. We discuss our findings in the context of continuing efforts to improve general and specific professional development opportunities.  相似文献   

Discussions of support and intervention in undergraduate university education are dominated by discussion of attrition. This study quests more broadly in arguing that support and intervention for undergraduate students may also benefit from models of engagement and success as well as conventional risk and failure. Supporting this proposition is a study that involved multifactorial approaches based in a combination of aspects of social network theory and social ecology theory. Analysis was enacted through social network analysis of archival data sets derived from a single cohort of 4065 undergraduate students at a regional Australian university. The findings suggest that models of academic success are suited to examination of the broader issues of student agency and undergraduate university education. The success networks developed are uniquely student-centred and place-based and may serve as more nuanced models for university intervention and support structures and mechanisms.  相似文献   

助学贷款政策的实施帮助很多贫困家庭的学生圆了大学梦,但是助学贷款的还款率始终成为了我们关注的焦点问题,不少学生由于家庭条件的原因以及个人毕业后工作的原因很难还清助学贷款,因此,还款违约问题频发,严重影响了助学贷款相关工作的顺利进行,本文主要分析助学贷款还款率低的问题所在、总结违约的原因,提出有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

The present study attempted to develop a quantitative model using the WISC-R that could be used to predict those students most likely to be successful in gifted education programs. The study was conducted in two phases using two groups of gifted children. In phase one, 120 elementary students randomly chosen from a pullout program in a suburban school served as the subject pool. The subjects had varying degrees of success in the program. Phase one subject data were used to develop a quantitative model; phase two subjects were used for predictive purposes. Specific results in phase one yielded six maximally discriminant WISC-R subtests. These subtests were then used to predict at well above chance levels (87.8%) those students who were known to have been either marginally or highly successful in the program (n = 41). The present study goes one step beyond previous research by using these maximally discriminant subtests to predict program performance of gifted children.  相似文献   

高等学校在推进住房制度改革的过程中,逐步形成了包括周转房、租借房以及教职工之间承租住房等多种住房使用形式,但总体上是周转不畅,使用效益不高.在分析高校内部住房和租房现状的基础上,提出了培育高校内部租房市场,提高住房使用效益的建议和具体措施.  相似文献   

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