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内容创新 <人民日报海外版>日本月刊在东京出版 理论文摘杂志<红旗文摘>创刊 智库月刊<全球化>创刊 <中国食品安全报>创刊 <中国机构改革与管理>杂志出版 <大学生村官报>创刊 <中国国家旅游>杂志创刊 <中国双拥>杂志创刊 湖北日报传媒集团创办<前卫·楚天法治> <动漫报>创刊  相似文献   

本文比较分析了<中国文献编目规则>和<普通图书著录规则>在标目法方面的异同,介绍了<中国文献编目规则>第二部分<标目法>的主要特点和新增内容,指出了其中的一些不足并提出了解决办法.  相似文献   

2009年已经过去,回望一年来网络上流行的事件,有些内容平淡无聊,有些内容却是回味无穷令人深思.岁束年终,<天府早报>联合<新快报>、<新闻晨报>、猫扑同等媒体共同盘点"2009中国网络大事件".其中,"贾君鹏"因为红得突然、迅速,甚至"莫名其妙"而位列第三.  相似文献   

简要回顾2009年<中国科技资源导刊>恳谈会暨科技资源管理学术研讨会的主要内容,从如何加强科技资源管理研究和推动导刊发展两方面进行综述,根据<导刊>3年发展规划,结合专家建议提出<导刊>20LO年发展的思路.  相似文献   

我国的新闻类周刊早已有之,但直到近几年才悄然形成声势,出现了一批深受读者青昧的新生代新闻周刊.<三联生活周刊>与<中国新闻周刊>是其中的有代表性的刊物.本文通过对<三联生活周刊>与<中国新闻周刊>比较分析,总结出两者在读者定位、市场定位、栏目设置、内容和风格方面的特点,以此来探寻我国新闻类周刊的特点.  相似文献   

本文试图通过对2010年"两会"期间<中国经营报>、<第一财经日报>微博的内容研究,管窥经济类报纸与微博技术的结合以及由此带采的思考.  相似文献   

<四库全书总目>是中国古典目录学史上最具影响力的著作.本文从人物字号、籍贯、朝代、职官,著作的内容、刊刻时代等方面纠正<四库全书总目>错误十条.  相似文献   

民国八年(1919年)二月,德清蔡氏后代镜莹、兆骥、振镛等人发起修订<德清蔡氏宗谱>,于民国九年(1920年)完成,距今已有90多年.<德清蔡氏宗谱>共10册,分12卷.卷一为<河南开支蔡氏通谱>,有要内容有<序>、<跋>、<追远自三皇蔡氏本源全系图>、<蔡氏谱系图>、<成王策书蔡仲之命>、<蔡氏通谱世系源流>等;卷二为<谱中传录>;卷三为<德清蔡氏宗谱>,其主要内容为<序>、<秘书公祠堂碑记>、<世谱源委>、<文溥公年谱>、<松竹公家训>、<松竹公家规>、<蔡氏家条>等;卷四为<像赞>;卷五为<祠堂图、墓图>;卷六的内容为<诰>、<墓志铭>、<科第>等;卷七至卷十二分别记载了<总支世系>、<大支世系>、<二支世系>、<三支世系>等的内容.  相似文献   

陈卓宇  顾欣 《青年记者》2008,(10):20-21
<中国国家地理>杂志是迄今为止大陆唯一一家通过版权贸易,商标授权在其他国家和地区完整落地的原创媒体.作为一本地理科普类杂志,<中国国家地理>独特的内容和定位使得它在海外发展的道路越走越宽.  相似文献   

从<申报>创刊到民国初年的几十年间,<申报>的广告无论在版面还是内容上都在不断地变化,这种变化反映了中国报人和民族资本家的广告意识在不断发展和提高.中国报纸广告的成长和发展,标志着中国广告事业逐渐向成熟化运作迈进.  相似文献   

Under pressure to fight corruption, hold public officials accountable, and build trust with citizens, many governments pursue the quest for greater transparency. They publish data about their internal operations, externalize decision-making processes, establish digital inquiry lines to public officials, and employ other forms of transparency using digital means. Despite the presence of many transparency-enhancing digital tools, putting such tools together to achieve the desired level of digital transparency, to design entire government systems for digital transparency, remains challenging. Design principles and other design guides are lacking in this area. This article aims to fill this gap. We identify a set of barriers to digital transparency in government, define 16 design principles to overcome such barriers, and evaluate these principles using three case studies from different countries. Some principles apply to projects, others to systems, yet others to entire organizations. To achieve digital transparency, before building and deploying digital solutions, government organizations should build technological and institutional foundations and use such foundations to organize themselves for transparency. The proposed design principles can help develop and apply such foundations.  相似文献   

图书采购招标评标标准的制定与把握   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈琳 《图书情报工作》2006,50(10):118-120
阐述图书采购招标中制订评标标准所应涵盖的主要内容(如书商的基本面、服务承诺和图书折扣等)。认为在招标过程中还应 对书商的财务状况、经营状况和特色、合作伙伴、书目组织、图书采购方式、售后服务等诸多评价指标进行多方考察,并就评标过程中 如何正确把握评标标准提出建议。  相似文献   

介绍了web2.0的核心技术Ajax的技术组成和工作原理,探讨了如何利用ajax的异步交互技术原理实现专家评论模块功能和提升用户体验。  相似文献   

In 2010, in response to the Australian Government’s November 2009 apology to Forgotten Australians and former child migrants, a scoping study was undertaken by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) to assess the options for a national ‘Find and Connect’ service to allow people to locate and access relevant records and have recourse to support services. The scoping study noted that Pathways, a web-based public knowledge space and a product of the Victorian ‘Who Am I?’ research project, was a community-based information resource without equal in the out-of-home care sector in Australia or indeed internationally. The scoping team made the observation that Pathways, due to its quality of content and coherent structure, appeared to be based on a set of principles and wondered what they were. In response the research team set about articulating the principles that underpinned their approach to archival documentation and the use of digital technologies – principles that had emerged through more than two decades of public domain, archive-focussed projects. This paper presents those ten principles and discusses them within the context of Pathways and the ‘Who Am I?’ project. The principles played a key role in FaCHSIA adopting Pathways as the model for the national Find and Connect database and web resource, launched on 15 November 2011. The principles underpin community knowledge building in the fourth or pluralised dimension of the Records Continuum. The paper ultimately argues that all stakeholders (all people and organisations connected with records) should have the ability to contribute to the utilisation of those records through the improvement of documentation and that some archival systems do have a duty of care to ensure they can inter-operate with community-generated knowledge.  相似文献   

As journalism struggles to adapt to technological disruption, journalism educators are searching for ways to prepare students for an industry in flux. Entrepreneurial journalism has been incorporated into university curricula as a solution, however the discourse and application lacks a theoretical basis. This article aims to address these gaps by clearly defining entrepreneurship, its theoretical principles relevant for journalism education and then outlining the trial of a Multidisciplinary Experiential Entrepreneurship Model (MEEM), designed to enhance graduates’ career aspirations through cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset. The MEEM trial was assessed using a sequential mixed-methods approach, consisting of survey data collected at the start and completion of the course and interview data collected two months later. The findings demonstrate that the theoretical principles underpinning MEEM not only enabled students to create a new media venture, but the skills acquired also provided a method for entrepreneurial problem-solving and innovating, which is valuable to students working inside or outside traditional news media. This paper contributes theoretically by outlining five principles of entrepreneurial problem-solving and providing a teachable method that can be deployed through an effectual entrepreneurship pedagogy.  相似文献   

This paper describes the investigation and development of new principles, models, methods, and an organizational technological scheme for the operation of the united information-technologic complex of regions (UITCR), substantiates the development of the UITCR, reveals its properties, and suggests its principles, models, and methods of operation.  相似文献   

Considers the principles of typography in relation to readers and readability, type of text, editorial methods, and the effects of new electronic publishing options.  相似文献   

论高校图书馆对大学生实施信息素养教育的原则与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出了高校图书馆对大学生实施信息素养教育的四个基本原则:主动性原则、开放性原则、实践性原则、差异性原则,在此基础上提出了图书馆对大学生进行信息素养教育的若干策略。  相似文献   

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