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1.理论探究 例1如图1所示,已知斜面上的运动物体受到的滑动摩擦力f=μN=μmg cosα(μ为动摩擦因数,N为物体对斜面的压力),试推导影响斜面机械效率大小的因素.  相似文献   

我们知道:作为数学老师,每一次施教活动,无非是按照数学教学大纲,把数学知识(包括能力要求)通过施教信息传输给学生;学生接受并保持了这些信息,变成自己的知识和能力,以便通过自己的再认识、发展、派生出新的知识和能力。传输信息的质量,接受并保持信息的效果,是影响教学质量的关键。本文想从施教教论、学习论的角度,对数学记忆中的信息保持原理及应用做些粗浅的研究。  相似文献   

目的了解医学类专业学生对就业问题的看法,以利于进行针对性的就业指导。方法对襄阳职业技术学院2011级845名大学生(男593人、女252人),分三个专业(临床347人、护理372人、药学126人)进行匿名问卷调查,进行χ2检验分析。结果药学类、临床类专业的大学生对自己第一份工作的薪酬期望都在2 000元左右,护理类的学生在2 000-3 000元之间,三个专业之间具有较高统计学差异(χ2=88.292,P=0.000);就业指导方面:48.7%大学生认为成功就业的重要因素是就业出路指导(招聘信息的提供),27.9%的被调查者选择了个人素质能力的培养,13.5%的选择了应试技巧训练,具有较高统计学差异(χ2=38.967,P=0.000);就业时工作地域的取向调查结果表明:大多数学生选择了中小城市,排列第二的是经济发达城市;同中有异的是护理学生选择经济发达城市较多,临床学生选择基层乡镇的较多,具有较高统计学差异(χ2=51.950,P=0.000);学生就业失败时取向调查结果表明:排列顺序为大部分选择继续求职(48.9%)、继续求学(20.3%)、自主创业(14.0%),少部分选择普通打工(11.0%),但是临床类学生首选继续求学,护理与药学类学生首选继续求职,选择自主创业的临床与护理类学生也为数不少,具有较高统计学差异(χ2=106.560,P=0.000);就业地点与恋爱关系遇到可能冲突时的选择调查结果表明:排列顺序为大部分选择以自己为主(58.7%)、爱情至上(21.8%)、具有较高统计学差异(χ2=106.560,P=0.000)。结论社会应当视解决学生就业为头等大事,根据专业性质不同,针对性地提供招聘就业信息,培训应聘技巧和素质能力,指导学生根据学历现状选择就业地点与工资水平,及时提高学历,树立正确的就业观和恋爱观。  相似文献   

本文通过实验研究,探讨工作记忆与小学生英语学业成就之间的关系。结果表明:(1)小学生的英语学习成绩与听觉工作记忆、视觉工作记忆存在正相关,其中视觉工作记忆与学业成绩的相关性更高;(2)工作记忆对男生学业成绩的影响要大于女生;(3)随着记忆负荷的增加,小学生工作记忆的准确率降低。针对研究结果,文章提出相应的课堂教学策略,以促进学生信息保持和加工能力的提高。  相似文献   

词源信息对英语学习者起着很重要的作用,不仅可以帮助记忆词汇还能了解词的演变、历史等。因此,双语词典提供词源信息是必须的。为了让读者更方便地使用双语词典,有必要对词典一些不足的地方进行优化设置。本文筛选了需要添加词源信息的词汇类型并阐述了原因。  相似文献   

以小学五年级学生为被试,选取数学学优生30名,数学学困生32名,通过设计不同条件的负启动实验,对两组被试的分心抑制能力和记忆提取抑制能力进行了比较。结果表明:(1)数学学困生在特性抑制和记忆提取抑制上显著差于学优生;(2)与学困生相比,数学学优生对存在于知觉水平的干扰物反应更快。  相似文献   

英语惯用语是高职高专学生学习和运用英语的难点之一。作者先简要说明其对进一步学习英语的重要性,并主要将表达“有能力”(ABILITY)和“无能力”(INABILITY)的意义相同或相近的惯用语分别进行归纳整理。旨在开阔学生视野,帮助学生能更好理解和运用这些英语惯用语。  相似文献   

目的:探究积极自我暗示对高三学生自我效能感到作用。方法:采用前后测实验设计,使用施瓦泽(Schwarzer)等人编制的一般自我效能感量表(GSES)与自编积极自我暗示材料,对190名高三学生施测。结果:(1)通过积极自我暗示,被试的自我效能感水平得到提高,t=15.101,P〈0.001.(2)前测与后测中,自我效能水平在性别维度上均无显著差异。(3)被试受暗示性在性别维度上差异显著,女生更易受暗示,男生自我效能更稳定,t=2.932,P〈0.01。结论:证实了积极自我暗示对自我效能感有提高的作用,同时也为高三学生明确了一种简单易行、效果良好的减压方法。  相似文献   

根据认知信息加工理论可知,学习实质上是由习得和使用信息构成的.信息的习得是信息的收集、编码、贮存的过程;使用信息是在需要时提取信息并加以运用的过程.而信息的收集、编码、贮存和提取所涉及的心理过程就是记忆.所谓记忆策略是指主体对自身记忆活动的有意识控制和由主体所使用的能增强记忆效果的方法和技能.笔者就中学化学教学谈谈对学生进行记忆策略培养的体会.一.短时记忆策略(注意策略)的培养心理学家阿特金森一希弗林提出的记忆信息加工模式见下图(1):从上图不难看出,在整个记忆系统中短时记忆(又称注意)极为重要…  相似文献   

2007年全国高中数学联赛一试第14题为: 题目 已知过点(0,1)的直线l与曲线C:y=x+1/x(x〉0)交于2个不同点M和N,求曲线C在点M,N处的切线的交点轨迹.  相似文献   

中文成语是惯用语的一种重要形式,采用中文四字成语作为实验材料,以事件相关电位为实验手段,通过N400和P600两种成分考察中文成语的认知理解过程。操纵两个因素,即熟悉程度(熟悉与不熟悉)和词语类型(成语、短语),要求被试对词语进行正误判断。结果提示,与四字短语相比,四字成语在大脑的理解加工存在区别。实验结果支持中文成语加工的构造模型。  相似文献   

通过测试受试在单词列表和句子语境两种习语呈现方式下学习和汉语习语相似的和相异的英语习语时,对所学习语意义的记忆,考察了习语类型和习语呈现方式对ESL学习者直接学习英语习语的影响。结果显示:语境方式更有利于受试对英语习语意义的记忆;受试在记忆与汉语习语相似的英语习语时表现出明显优势;习语类型和习语呈现方式两个变量之间无交互作用,各自独立影响习语的学习效果。  相似文献   

文章考求方言本字,根据的是古今语音对应规律、词义的相关性与古文献资料印证三条标准,并据此考证了永州方言本字中的30个动词。  相似文献   

Field News     

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether examiners' personal familiarity and professional experience with examinees affects handicapped children's test performance. Subjects were 22 handicapped preschoolers. Examiners were either experienced (N = 11) or inexperienced (N =11) with this group of children and with testing. Subjects were assigned randomly to one of the two examiner groups. Within examiner groups, children again were assigned randomly to two examiners, one to serve as a personally familiar tester and the other to function as a personally unfamiliar tester. Each examiner tested children in both personally familiar and unfamiliar conditions in a repeated measures crossover design. Results indicated that subjects performed more strongly when tested by personally familiar examiners regardless of testers' experience. Additional analyses suggested that (a) there was no difference between experienced and inexperienced testers' cognitive complexity or attitude toward the handicapped; and (b) both examiner groups described the handicapped relatively simplistically and negatively. This may partially explain the finding that professional experience was a poor proxy for personal familiarity. Implications for current testing practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of shared singing of a picture book on the Chinese vocabulary recall and retention of young bilingual learners in Chinese immersion programs using an experimental study design. One hundred and six immersion kindergarteners from three different school districts in the U.S. Midwest were assigned to the experimental group (n = 53) and the control group (n = 53) at the class level. The experimental group listened to a song-based storybook (also known as a story song) and shared in singing it, while the control group heard the same story, read aloud and shared in reading it. The pre-test was administered to determine the participants’ vocabulary level before the study. Immediate and delayed post-tests were used to assess their immediate recall and delayed retention of vocabulary targeted in the shared reading/singing. Independent t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis were employed to examine differences between the two groups in vocabulary recall and retention. The results showed that the experimental group achieved greater improvement in their vocabulary than the control group. This finding suggests that shared singing can be a useful pedagogical tool for spoken vocabulary acquisition and retention in picture books.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of three integrated and contiguous instructional designs using incongruity humor on the recognition and recall of information measured by immediate learning and retention tests. First graders in three classes (N=58) were randomly assigned to one of three humor design treatment groups and a control group. On two successive days prior to receiving a humor treatment, each group received a taped reading of a familiar story, which succeeded in the intended manipulation of subjects to low levels of arousal and interest across all groups. The three humor designs included a humor experience which was immediately followed by a serious presentation of new information (contiguous-immediate design), the same humor experience with a one week postponed presentation of the new information (contiguous-postponed design), and a presentation of the new information with humor interspersed within (integrated design). Results indicated that the two contiguous humor treatment groups had higher immediate memory and retention scores than the control group, particularly with regard to recall of the new information. The integrated humor treatment failed to have its intended humor reaction. Limitations of previous research, which generally does not support the instructional value of humor, are discussed in terms of basic theory and research in humor, motivation, and learning.  相似文献   

Human subjects, sitting at the center of a circle of eight lights, were tested on analogues of radial-maze item-recognition (Roberts & Smythe, 1979) and order-recognition (Kesner & Novak, 1982) tasks. Subjects in the item-recognition condition saw a list of seven lights, and then the nonlist (eighth) light was tested against the first, fourth, or seventh light from the list. The subjects were required to point toward the nonlist light. Subjects in the order-recognition condition saw a series of eight lights, followed by a test of the first and second, fourth and fifth, or seventh and eighth serial positions. They were asked to point toward the light with the earlier serial position. Subjects’ item-recognition serial-position curves exhibited a recency effect with a 0-sec retention interval (Experiments 1 and 2), and were U-shaped (Experiment 1) or flat (Experiment 2) with a 30-sec retention interval. Subjects’ order-recognition serial-position curves were U-shaped at both retention intervals. Subjects’ reported mnemonics were, generally, unrelated to their choice accuracy. The results suggest analogous memory processes in animals and humans.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of didactic and experiential supervision procedures on the judged counseling effectiveness of high and low cognitive complexity counselor trainees. Subjects in the two supervision groups (N=16) were trained in attending, questioning, and reflection of feeling over three sessions. Training consisted of exposure to videotaped counseling models, discussion of the model's behavior with the supervisor, videotaped role playing of therapy, and discussion of the therapy with the supervisor. Training was exactly the same for both groups except for supervision. A control group (N=8) did not receive any training. All subjects, including controls, were pre- and post-tested for counseling effectiveness as measured by judged tape ratings on the 25-item Counselor Effectiveness Scale and four scales designed to assess affective, exploratory, listening, and honest labeling responses.High complex subjects responsed more favorably to the didactic supervision significantly outperforming both the high complex controls and the low complex didactic subjects on four of the five dependent measures, whereas high and low complex subjects did not respond differentially to the experiential supervision. The results were discussed in terms of fitting the complexity of the students to the supervision approach in selecting students for counseling programs.This paper was presented at the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 1980, and was based partly on the senior author's doctoral disser tation (University of Maine, 1978).  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects on meaningful learning achievement of concept-related instructional organization and locus of control orientation. Two five-week instructional treatments were developed, one which explicitly stressed concept relationships and one which did not. Five hundred and forty-one subjects at six Indiana high schools were involved in the study. Analyses of covariance of posttest and six-week retention test scores with treatment as the independent variable showed no significant treatment effect. Analyses of variance of test scores with locus of control orientation as the independent variable resulted in highly statistically significant differences. Subjects with an internal locus of control orientation achieved more than externally oriented subjects. A two-way analysis of covariance by treatment and locus of control orientation resulted in a statistically significant treatment/locus of control interaction effect for retention test scores. Externally oriented subjects who were exposed to the concept-related treatment generally retained more than those in the comparison group. Internally oriented subjects retained about the same amount of information regardless of treatment group. When the male and female subjects were analyzed separately, the interaction effect appeared greater for females than for males.  相似文献   

刘菊 《海外英语》2014,(19):232-233
Language and culture have influenced each other. They cannot be separated as isolated one. Culture finds a better representation through language use. Language is an indispensible carrier of culture. Many words have their origins in religion, mythology stories and literary works. Looking at English vocabulary from an etymological perspective is a good way to go in teaching college English vocabulary. This paper gives a brief introduction about the characteristics of English vocabulary and some advantages of teaching vocabulary from an etymological perspective, also, suggestions in using etymological perspective to teach college English vocabulary.  相似文献   

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