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China is known as the earliest nation in the world to plant mulberry trees,raise silkworms,make silk and weave silk fabrics,Chinese people began making silk fabrics more than 5000 years ago.Thanks to outstanding quality,brilliant colors and rich diversily of Chinese silk,China is praised as"silk nation".  相似文献   

<正>Opened on December 12, 2011 and after 365 days, the 2012 Year of Chinese Culture in Turkey is closed as a full success on December 04, 2012. Various events during the Year are like a strong "Chinese wind"blowing across dozens of Turkish cities. According to statistics from the Culture Section of the Embassy of China in Turkey, during the Year,  相似文献   


Recent film and television treatment of South Asia from UK producers have introduced new angles on the violent politics of colonial past, whether this be the activities of the East India Company in the early days of Empire, or about Partition, at the ostensible Raj’s end. The controversy over Gurinder Chadha’s 2017 film Viceroy’s House is taken as an opportunity to consider the new South Asian film and television studies and the emergent scholars that are challenging conventional media studies models. The co-constitution of here and there is given as an analytic lens through which to comprehend representation and stereotyping in films “about” politics in South Asia, and the view taken is that a debilitating divide and rule, via mechanisms of representation, remains strongly in place, despite the fighting efforts of the new South Asian media scholarship.  相似文献   

Kesi, or cut silk, refers to silk tapestry with cut designs, and is a unique Chinese traditional silk weaving technique. Archaeological evidence indicates that silk tapestries with cut designs were produced in China as early as the Tang Dynasty [618-907]. From the bags for daily use in the Tang Dynasty to the emperor's dragon-patterned gowns in the Ming Dynasty,  相似文献   

<正>The Silk Road has always remained an exotic region for the people from around the worldThanks to its geographic location,the Silk Road provided perfect oppor...  相似文献   

吴定安 《寻根》2005,(6):91-94
研究古籍涉及浙本、蜀本、建本者较多,涉及赣本或金溪版本很少。本文拟就“金溪书”作些探究,以求正于方家。  相似文献   

吴德祥 《寻根》2002,(2):84-84
在福建连城冠豸山下,有一四堡乡,仍保存有完整的雕板印刷化古迹。  相似文献   

<正>Fujian is also called "Min". Located in Min-nan (Southern Fujian) is the city of Quanzhou, hometown of overseas Chinese, and it was historically referred to ...  相似文献   

<正>Nanyue Palace site is located in the old town area of Guangzhou City. Since 1975, a number of relics have been discovered, including the shipbuilding site fr...  相似文献   

李军 《寻根》2005,(4):16-18
丝绸之路,因中国古代的丝绸而得名,自汉至宋,它一直是中西方商业贸易的主干道。敦煌则是这万里丝路上的一颗璀璨明珠,她身上所散发的幽幽古香、所蕴涵的深厚历史底蕴,直到今天还吸引着全世界探索的目光。  相似文献   

近30年来的南方丝绸之路研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南方丝绸之路是古代从成都出发,经过云南,跨越缅甸,通往印度、中亚和西亚,直至欧洲的一条陆上商道。这条古商道原本是一条民间的通商道路,始见于汉代的《史记》。汉武帝时曾派人至滇探访这条通往印度、大夏的道路,终因种种原因而未能如愿。迄至东汉明帝永平十二年(公元69年),汉王朝置永昌郡(治今云南保山)后,乃得以打通这条道路,使之成为一条官道,并一直延续到了现代,而日益发挥出中外交通干线的作用。  相似文献   

马里扬 《寻根》2010,(4):91-93
苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》中“羽扇纶巾”的形象,究竟是指周瑜还是指诸葛亮,仍旧是学界争论不休的话题。无论当日苏轼意在谁属,到了南宋后期词人吴文英的笔下,着实落在了诸葛亮的身上:“记羽扇纶巾,气凌诸葛。”(《江南春》)至于再后来的《三国志通俗演义》里,诸葛亮一亮相便已然是“头戴纶巾,身披鹤氅”。  相似文献   

<正>The Silk Road was an ancient trade route stretching through the northern part of the Eurasian Continent.It is so named because silk was the major type of car...  相似文献   

励双杰 《寻根》2005,(2):79-83
据沈括《梦溪笔谈》记载,我国北宋庆历年间布衣毕异发明了泥活字,从而成为世界上第一个发明泥活字也是第一个发明活字印刷术的人。在他之后,据张秀民先生《中国活字印刷史》考证,宋代的周必大、元初杨古以及清乾隆间吕抚、道光时李瑶、翟金生等,均制造或使用过泥活字印刷。世事沧桑,迭经荣悴,时至今日,  相似文献   

牛达生  牛志文 《寻根》2008,(6):86-88
“印纸”,是经过印版印刷的纸张,是古代印刷术的一种凭证。在史籍中,武则天是最早被记载使用“印纸”的人。这种印纸,比现代任何出土印刷品的年代都要早,在研究印刷术发展史上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In his state visit to Kazakhstan in 2013, Chinese President Xin Jinping proposed the strategic initiative of "co-building the Silk Road Economic Belt", which attracted the extensive attention of countries and regions along the Silk Road. What role will culture play in this ambitious initiative? Prominent figures from the cultural and business communities voiced their opinions.  相似文献   

耿相新 《寻根》2020,(1):108-113
中国古代的学术传统偏重于阐释和整理,这一学风的养成也许源自孔子的“述而不作”,孔子在《论语》中说:“述而不作,信而好古。”这里的“作”指立论创说,是指前人所没有的,作者最早发现、发明而书写下来的;而“述”则是在前人创作的基础上进行解释,是阐述前人学说的。这一文明奠基时期的学术趋向深深地影响了中国学术的发展方向。孔子之后的两千年里,中国古代产生的述论类书籍远远超过创作类书籍,经部书籍尤为如此。  相似文献   

杨蕤 《寻根》2021,(2):9-14
梳理陆上丝绸之路发展演变的历史,不难发现,汉唐时期是人们重点关注的领域,也产出了十分丰硕的成果.这不仅因为汉唐是丝路史上的兴盛和巅峰时期,而且留下大量的历史记录、出土文献以及文物考古资料,学术界借此基本廓清了这一时段中西交流的概况和面貌,甚至可以说,丝绸之路业已成为汉唐时期一个重要文化符号.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the 2011 Supreme Court decision in which video games were granted full First Amendment protection. By comparing this case with earlier ones dealing with computer code, the article points to inconsistencies in how the courts are approaching digital media. These inconsistencies are symptomatic of a focus on the screen or the treatment of digital media as commodities. This status and the pervasive logic of commodity fetishism are what, in our current legal and economic environment, enabled the protection of games as pure speech. In actuality, the decision protected corporate rights and speech.  相似文献   

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