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高等学校教师考核工作历来是高校人事管理的重要课题。随着事业单位人事制度改革的深化,要求改原身份管理为岗位管理,则聘后考核更加重要,因此寻求一种好的考核办法便为当务之急,也是高校改革的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

论高等学校教师现行年度考核   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校教师年度考核是对教师一年工作表现与工作绩效的评价,是高校教师管理的有效手段。但从近几年的运行情况看,确实存在一些不容忽视的问题,主要表现在:"一刀切"现象,即重操作性,轻可行性;"GDP"现象,不少高校的领导存在类似地方官员和企业绩效考核的数量化倾向,按年度考核的刚性做法,过于数量化,不利于教师的成长,应引起有关方面的重视。高校教师考核要以人为本,将考核年限放宽2-3年,要树立科学的发展观,建立科学的考核指标体系。  相似文献   

教师培训评估是一个对训前、训中、训后各个环节进行综合检测和考评的逐步深化过程,通过评估,对教师培训中的每个阶段、每个环节不断进行调控,以促进教师培训向规范化、制度化、科学化方向发展,保证高校教师培训的质量和效果.  相似文献   

高等学校干部考核体系,以其独有的与现代高等学校管理体制相适应的特征,为高等学校党委选拔使用人才奠定了良好的基础.正确的考核原则、全面的考核指标项目、多元化的评价主体、科学的考核方法是保证考核结果客观公正准确的关键因素,也是高等学校干部考核工作改革的重点.认识、实践、思考、再实践,不断完善高等学校干部考核工作是永恒的课题.  相似文献   

党员考核评价是导向,是“指挥棒”“风向标”“牵引器”,对党员起着重要的引导、鞭策和激励作用。以首批全国党建工作样板支部-兰州石化职业技术大学机械工程学院党总支教工党支部为例,在总结支部党员考核评价制度应用实践基础上,对当前高等学校教师党员考核评议工作中普遍存在的问题和不足进行了剖析,并就构建科学党员考核评价体系的重要意义进行了阐述。重点围绕考评项目和内容、考评过程管理、考评结果运用等关键点,探究构建党员科学考评体系的主要做法和初步成效,提出经支部探索实践得到的经验和启示,为建立和完善科学的高校教师党员考核评价制度提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

高等学校经济效益的考核是我国高等教育体制改革发展的客观要求,文章阐述了经济效益考核的意义,经济效益指标的建立,以及经济效益指标体系和分析方法;主张建立经济效益考核指标体系,对高等学校办学的经济效益进行综合评价。  相似文献   

学业成绩的考核,是教师检测教学效果和总结教学经验,不断改进教学的重要途径.学生的学习效果,在一定程度上,反映了教师的教学效果,教师对检查结果,进行认真,深入的质量分析,有助于有效地调整、改进教学内容和方法,提高教学质量.  相似文献   

《高等教育法》规定了培养人才在高等学校各项工作中的中心地位,培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才是高等学校的首要任务。毫无疑问题,培养人才要通过教师的教育教学活动来完成,教师的教学水平和教学工作情况直接影响人才培养质量。因此,调动教师投身教育教学工作的积极性,始终是高等学校人事管理工作的中心任务之一。考核作为教师管理的基础工作,不仅可以直接激励教师的工作积极性,而且是落实教师聘任制和职务聘任制的关键环节。本文拟从高等学校现行教师考核工作实践中存在的问题着手,探讨高等学校教学工作实行量化考核的指导思想、考核内容、考核标准以及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Research and teaching at a research university   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines tensions between the research and teachingcomponents of the faculty role. It does so by reporting resultsfrom a case study of committed undergraduate teachers at aresearch university. Having agreed that research was the dominantelement in the university's academic reward system, samplemembers were cross-classified along two dimensions: First, theirown adaptation to the reward structure, as indicated by theirfive-year records of involvement in funded research; second,individuals' stated attitudes and beliefs toward the teaching andresearch roles. Although the 11 active researchers (ARs) withinthe sample reported somewhat more positive attitudes towardsresearch than did the 18 less-active researchers (LAs), we foundconsiderable overlap across, and variation within, the twosubsamples. Particularly noteworthy were the presence of a strongallegiance to the historic teaching mission of publicuniversities among both groups and, among the LAs, anoppositional cadre of politically adept senior faculty who hadachieved some success in preserving or expanding the place ofundergraduate teaching in the reward systems of their departmentsand colleges. The paper concludes by considering the case studyfindings in light of both recent theoretical work on intrinsicmotivation and the future of the teaching role.  相似文献   

在分析了高校教师教学质量评价特点的基础上,构建了一种基于模糊理论与神经网络的高校教师教学质量评价体系。该模型将教学评价指标概念量化成确定的数据作为网络的输入,模糊综合评价结果作为输出。该方法既克服了评价主体在评价过程中的主观因素,又得到了满意的评价结果,具有广泛的适用性。  相似文献   

国外教师教学质量评价发展的研究及启示   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文梳理了国外教师教学质量评价的发展历史,以美、英两国为例分析研究了国外教师教学评价的主要方式、内容及发展方向。国外教师教学评价理念、评价制度上的有益经验值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

In 1949–50 Canadian professors, reacting to historically low salaries and inadequate pensions, founded the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Although its early concerns were economic, by the late 1950s the interest of the organization was spreading to issues of academic freedom and tenure and, related to it, university government. Having opened a national office in Ottawa, the CAUT soon championed an increased role for professors in governing their institutions. The bookA Place of Liberty (Whalley, 1964) eloquently made the claim for faculty empowerment. This movement also gained strength from the shortage of qualified staff in the 1960s and the resulting need of universities to improve terms and conditions of employment. Although faculty involvement in governance grew, by the mid-1970s many faculty members were embracing faculty unionization. This initiative had for years repelled most professors because it seemed unprofessional. However, deteriorating finances created a condition in which especially junior staff turned to faculty unions for protection. Not all Canadian universities became unionized. In spite of dire warnings about the effects of unionization, it does not seem that unionized universities today offer less scope for faculty participation in governance than the non-unionized.  相似文献   

Background: People’s perceptions of scientists have repeatedly been investigated using the Draw-a-Scientist Test (DAST). The test is used to identify people’s (stereotypical) images of scientists, which might affect attitudes towards science and science-related career choices.

Purpose: The current study has two goals. (1) Applying the DAST at a university in South Africa, the study will add to the existing research literature through its Southern African context. (2) The study will also look more closely at the link between (stereotypical) images of scientists and science-related career choices.

Sample: The DAST was applied to first-year students (n = 445) across different faculties at a South African university. If the assumption that young people’s perceptions of scientists influence their career choice is correct, one would expect differences in the drawings made by students who have opted for different fields of study.

Design and methods: The DAST was administered during orientation week of the first-year students in January 2017. Students were provided with a prepared blank sheet of paper and asked to draw a scientist and to fill in further information on the back of the paper. A content analysis applying the DAST checklist was used to analyse the images.

Results: The findings show that South African students use about four stereotypical indicators when drawing a scientist, and social science students drew stereotypical attributes more frequently when compared to students from other faculties. A typical scientist – as depicted in this study – is a man of uncertain age, who wears eyeglasses and a lab coat, and is surrounded by laboratory equipment.

Conclusions: Findings are largely in line with the international research literature. To challenge gender stereotypes, more contact between students and female role models might be essential. If (stereotypical) images really affect science-related career choices deserves further attention in future research studies.  相似文献   

美国大学教师工作量浅析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
美国大学教师工作量问题的历史及其相关研究数据,显示大学教师工作量的构成包括教学、科研和服务三个部分。美国高等教育不同发展时期对此问题的不同认识和讨论,对于深刻认识大学教师的工作,科学合理地制定大学教师工作量及其评价标准,具有借鉴意义  相似文献   

必须遏制大学教师队伍的近亲繁殖   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
由于长期计划经济思维方式和本位主义的影响,我国高等学校教师队伍和学术研究中的近亲繁殖现象十分严重。这个问题已经到了非解决不可的地步,否则要建设世界一流大学和从事创造性的研究将是非常困难的。  相似文献   

论新建本科院校专业建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新建本科院校在专业建设方面现存的主要问题是:学校各级领导对专业建设重视不足:地方政府对高校决策的影响过大;专业口径较窄;专业建设规划存在问题;师资队伍建设不完善.其解决途径是:制定科学的专业建设规划;用系统的观点来处理专业建设工作;加强师资队伍建设;加强科学研究;加强专业建设评估体系建设.  相似文献   

A parity-equity model was developed for estimating the influences of a comprehensive list of factors classified as rational or nonrational equity and parity (marketplace). In a multiple regression analysis of faculty salaries for two years, the parity-equity model accounted for 86% of salary variance: over 60% by professional rank; approximately 16% by other rational equity factors; 3% by college and departmental parity; 3% by college and department affiliation; and 1% by nonrational equity factors. This model is recommended for studying, year-to-year changes in salary policies and for checking the importance of each factor in salary increase deliberations.  相似文献   

研究型大学教师的职业成就评价指标探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对两所研究型大学教师进行的职业成就评价指标的开放式访谈和问卷调查显示,大学教师职业成就的评价指标排序前五项分别是:学术同行认可度、职称、学生认可度、收入水平、职业满意度。该结果为进一步研究如何提高大学教师的职业成就做了必要的铺垫,也为教师队伍管理提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

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