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Joan Solomon 《Interchange》2000,31(4):339-360
This address covers several aspects of a teacher's "sense of honour." There is the professional honour we accord ourselves as members of a group who have shared working values. This is shown to be seriously at risk in today's world of distrust in all experts. Research evidence helps to show how, through practice and reconstructed autobiography, teachers develop an important functional sense of personal identity. Pupils form a large part of the content of this practitioner honour, although the teachers' relationship with them is carefully distinguished from that between parent and child. It is further argued that the teachers' pedagogic knowledge of science is, and indeed should be, closer to post-modern epistemology than to the abstract logical approach taken during the Enlightenment. The final section looks at society's changing demands on education and how this affects teaching, teachers, and their sense of honour in the tasks they undertake.  相似文献   

关于"师范教育"向"教师教育"转型的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国传统师范教育体系与社会发展需求存在明显差距。“师范教育”的终结性和一次性的教师培养模式,难以适应全面推进素质教育和创新教育的要求。建立开放的教师培养模式与教师职业专业化、教师职前职后一体化的终身教育理念,是由“师范教育”向“教师教育”转型的先决条件。  相似文献   

教师角色:从"规定"走向"赢得"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来,教师的角色价值主要是以外在取向为主,教师只是按照社会规定或期望的角色规范进行职业行为,这种规定性的角色严重抑制了教师主动性、创造性的发挥和自我潜能的实现,成为教师专业化发展的羁绊.在教师专业发展和课程改革对教师角色的要求下,教师角色只有从"规定"走向"赢得",即追求一种自我更新的价值取向,教师的职业实践才会具有生命意义.  相似文献   

编者按:长年以实验室为家的中科院院士、上海血液研究所所长、中国人类基因组研究领衔人之一、上海第二医科大学陈竺教授获得“长江学者成就奖”一等奖后,在“长江学者奖励计划”首批特聘教授受聘暨首届“长江学者成就奖”颁奖典礼上的发言感人至深,体现了院士的风采和高尚的品德.陈竺院士多年来潜心实验研究,在白血病基础和临床研究及人类基因组的研究方面取得了令人瞩目的成就.然而,在巨大荣誉面前,他深情怀念培育他的祖国人民、前辈、师长,永远不忘共同合作的同事,字字流露出他谦虚谨慎、戒骄戒躁;淡泊名利、虚怀若谷;尊重师长、提携俊彦的人格魅力,值得我们每一位实验室科技工作者一读.经本刊编委尹松林教授访问,征得本人同意,特转载于此. 尊敬的李岚清副总理、彭云副委员长、朱光亚副主席,尊敬的陈至立部长,尊敬的李嘉诚先生,尊敬的各位领导、专家、来宾和朋友们,女士们、先生们: 值此“长江学者奖励计划”首批特聘教授受聘和首届“长江学者成就奖”颁奖典礼之际,请允许我代表首批应聘的“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授和首届“长江学者成就奖”的获奖者们,向尊敬的教育部领导、尊敬的李嘉诚先生以及“长江学者奖励计划”的评审专家,表示最衷心的感谢和最诚挚的敬意!  相似文献   

教师:"原理"课教学改革的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新一轮高校思想政治理论课程改革新方案中,“原理”课是极为关键的重大“战役”,处于举足轻重的地位。能否改革好“原理”课,并使“原理”课真正成为“大学生真心喜爱、终身受益”的优秀课程,教师是关键。  相似文献   

从“师范教育”走向“教师教育”   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从分析"师范教育"和"教师教育"各自的概念内涵及特征入手,阐述了"师范教育"走向"教师教育"所凸显的观念更新,以及推进教师教育课程体系整体变革的迫切性。  相似文献   

The extreme shortage in recent years of engineers and scientists with advanced degrees has caused a severe depletion of younger university teachers in these fields. The simultaneous increase in the number of technical students in universities has put an added load on the remaining faculty. While the larger student population promises to provide warm bodies to fill technical positions, there is a great danger that the quality of the product will deteriorate.  相似文献   

本文从中国基础教育课程综合化改革的需要出发,论述课程综合化对中国现行教师教育在培养体系、专业模式、课程体系及教师角色行为实践等方面的挑战,以及中国教师教育相应的改革措施。  相似文献   

科学教育目标的演变主要经历了两个过程:培养”科学专家“和提升”科学素养“。提升”科学素养“主要指三方面内容:了解、掌握科学知识;对科学探究方法和科学程序的理解;作为一一项珠科学的理解。”科学素养说“的科学教育目标,与全面推进素质教育、科教兴国的总方针是吻合的,它强调科技与社会、科技与文化、科技与人之间的关系,可以为我国深化课程和教学改革提供深刻的启示。  相似文献   



The purpose of this article is to promote awareness of a growing body of literature concerned with the relationship between the epistemology of science and school science education, and to stimulate debate concerning the role such epistemological considerations should play in the professional training of science teachers. First of all, a rationale is provided for the inclusion of the epistemology of science and its relationship to school science education as an essential component on the professional training of all science teachers. This is followed by a review of existing resources for use in science teacher education curricula, and suggestions for new resource material. Finally, a possible curriculum for inclusion in science teacher education programmes is presented.  相似文献   

科学教师的知识结构与专业匹配是当前中小学科学科目教学备受非议与关注的焦点,渗透在其中的性别问题更是成为制约科学科目日常教学与科学教师专业发展的困境.文章尝试突破为性别刻板印象所遮蔽的科学教师专业发展研究,基于性别社会学理论来探究社会性别分工对女性科学教师专业发展的影响.研究采用问卷调查走进行动主体,阐明科学教师教育现状,通过访谈探析科学教师的职后专业发展现状,厘清其专业发展的社会结构性成因,梳理女性科学教师专业发展的行动逻辑.研究发现:学科性别隔离与职业性别区隔的双重桎梏加剧了女性科学教师的弱势地位,科学教师需要打破性别藩篱,从组织制度生活中和社会性别建构缝隙中寻找专业发展的可能路径.  相似文献   

类比教学在《科学》教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
类比教学是学生掌握知识的有效方法,科学教学中通过科与科之间的类比、知识点之间的类比、科学概念之间的类比,激发学生探索的意向,发展学生的思维能力,使学生掌握学习的方法,提高学生的素质。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the types of instruments being used to document mathematics and science teacher quality characteristics in 48 nationally funded mathematics and science education awards. Each of the 48 projects operationalized teacher quality and determined how to assess it. The main research questions examined the instruments awardees used to gather data on mathematics and science teacher quality, and the main characteristics of teachers examined by awardees. Results showed that awardees most frequently used surveys or questionnaires to assess characteristics of mathematics and science teacher quality. The most common teacher characteristics examined by awardees' included teacher behaviors, practices, and beliefs, followed by the assessment of subject and pedagogical knowledge, and the documentation of mathematics and science teachers' certification. A few new instruments were under development and in use to assess characteristics of teacher quality. Detailed information on the development and psychometric properties of the instruments used for these examinations was not available from the reports. Because awardees were at different stages in their funded activities and data collection efforts were ongoing at the time of this analysis, this study offers a preliminary and formative review of the use of assessments to document mathematics and science teacher quality characteristics among these awards.  相似文献   

在当前的教改中,语文学科领域出现了不少错误倾向。非科学的语文教材观,是导致这些错误倾向产生的一个重要原因,我们应当围绕“认识语文教材”、“钻研语文教材”、“使用语文教材”,对非科学的语文教材观进行具体深入的评析,指出其错误所在,以便提出解决办法。在当前新课改大背景下讨论语文教材观决非多此一举,可以说,有什么样的语文教材观,就会有什么样的语文教学观。语文教师必须用科学的教材观指导自己的教学实践,实现语文教学过程的最优化。  相似文献   

论英语教学中教师的“助手”角色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今语言教学中越来越强调学习者的中心地位,不少专家学者都提出“英语是学会的”,我们应当强调学习者“学”的一面,重视他们本身的悟性。同时,我们也不能忽视教师的作用。为了更好地体现和巩固学习者的中心地位,教师应当充当起“助手”穴aide雪的角色,为学习者提供帮助,而不能喧宾夺主。  相似文献   

Teachers’ responses to inspection were investigated using a questionnaire survey of a random sample of 821 secondary school teachers who had undergone a full OFSTED inspection and in‐depth interviews with a further 35 teachers. The research found that inspection causes additional stress and that female teachers, regardless of level of seniority, felt more nervous about inspection than male teachers. Both male and female teachers felt more nervous when an inspector of a different gender to themselves was observing them in the classroom. Teachers’ affective responses to inspection alter their behavioural ones, thus affecting the resultant picture not only of the school itself but also of schools in this country‐‐a picture on which future advice and policy may be based. Explanations for gender differences are sought using the frameworks of stress and power differentials.  相似文献   

班主任既是老师又是家长,班主任工作既繁琐又朴实。班主任既要教导学生多学文化科学知识,将来做一个对社会有用之人,又要引导学生树立正确的世界观和人生观,帮助他们走上正确的人生旅途。作者根据多年的班主任工作经验,就工作中容易出现的“爱”与“严”尺度把握不准的问题进行了分析和探讨,以求共同进步。  相似文献   

根据我国目前教师继续教育工作的需要和现代学科建设规范的要求,应建立一门教师继续教育学。教师继续教育学研究的基本范畴是教师的角色和素质、教师的成长与发展规律、教师的培训规律。其理论基础较为宽泛,包括普通教育学、成人教育学、终身教育学、继续教育学和教师发展理论等。本文还提出了构建这一学科的工作思路。  相似文献   

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