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Zoology, being a basic bioscience, is essential for a better understanding of applied biological disciplines. A sound background in zoology can often be the key to success in modern day cutting-edge biological research. Students of zoology have many more interesting questions to ask now than ever before. Precisely when did humans take to clothing? How is losing body hair actually correlated to body louse speciation? What is so unique about a schistosome that enables it to parasitize two very different host species, to have a free living stage and show a broad range of host specificity in one life cycle? Genomics has already helped us to get the molecular expression profiles of many organisms. But to understand how all the information obtained at the molecular level fits into the scheme of things, we need a sound foundation in zoology. It is all the more fun studying zoology now with so many interesting questions to ask and ideas to explore.  相似文献   

This article desribes an attempt made by researchers at the Research Centre for University Extra-mural Studies to improve the performance of extra-mural students following courses in the Adam Mickiewicz University by providing systematic training in the preparation of written assignments. A significant feature of the experiment was the integration of pedagogic material into the content of the subject-based courses.  相似文献   

Wilderness Therapy (WT) programming has been criticized for underutilizing nature as an active co-facilitator in treatment. Although some concept models in the field take into account nature’s contributions in WT, an abundance of multidisciplinary research suggests that nature contact and connection could be of greater emphasis. The purpose of this article is to introduce the EcoWellness model as one empirically based approach for facilitating intentional nature connection in WT. The state of WT research and supporting theory are reported. The EcoWellness framework is overviewed and embedded within the multidisciplinary literature. A case example is presented and implications for integrating EcoWellness into WT practice, training, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologicmalignancy. Poor survival rates are mainly attribut-able to late diagnosis. Most patients at diagnosis haveadvanced stage disease. The 5-year survival rate forlate clinical stage ovarian cancer is only 25%, but forearly stage disease, the survival rate can be as high as90%. CA125, the most widely used biomarker forovarian cancer, does not have a satisfying positivepredictive value. In early stage ovarian cancer,40%–50% pati…  相似文献   

This paper notes the recent rise in the number of courses, conferences, and publications devoted to the issue of ethics. It considers two different approaches to ethical training, one deduced from first philosophical principles of social ethics, and the other based on case studies of practical issues. The paper argues that a combination of both approaches is necessary to ensure situational applicability, whilst guarding against criticisms of moral relativism and expediency. In addition, the paper argues for an understanding of, and commitment to, personal integrity in professional practice.  相似文献   

In a chemistry instrumentation course, the teachers explain to students how instruments function and which their basic technical principles are. We integrated an interactive UV-Visible spectrophotometer simulator into a chemical instrumentation course in an attempt to improve the teaching procedure. The students were divided into two groups, the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). The students of EG participated in an instrumentation course in which we distributed to them the components of an old spectrophotometer and presented them with figures and animations about the component’s functions using Power-Point presentation. During the presentation a discussion took place and we posed questions to the students in order to make them think about the technical principles of the UV-Visible spectrophotometer. After the presentation, the students performed virtual experiments using UV-Vis spectrophotometer simulator on personal Computers and they shared measurements, observations and conclusions about their experiments using the LAN (local area network). In the students of CG we presented the spectrophotometer and its components following the traditional way, drawing the components’ function and the structure of instrument on the blackboard. Comparison of the two groups showed that the EG students valued the opportunity to collaborate with other peers during the lecture and also they found this teaching procedure useful. As a result they felt more confident to manipulate a real instrument and the EG students better understood the function and the technical principles of the instrument than the CG students.
David RobertsEmail:

This paper advocates the argument that philosophical and empirical modes of inquiry are seldom brought together to gain a better understanding of pedagogical ethics in the natural settings of school life. Here, it is hoped that this kind of combination provides interpretative lenses for the deliberation of pedagogical practices. The paper aims to shift focus to the scene where the conditions and contingencies of pedagogical ethics may be found. This means exploring day‐to‐day details of pedagogical encounters to see what they might offer in putting forth an understanding of pedagogical ethics. This paper uses three interpretations from philosophy and ethics. It focuses on the perspectives of pedagogical purposes, obligations, and situations, together with their empirical interpretations of the ethic of ideals, the ethic of rights and duties, and the ethic of character and will. It shows how abstract philosophical theories can be translated into real‐world ethics in education and how these reference points can help teachers in their practical ethical reflection.  相似文献   

Many of the current approaches used in teaching and learning in engineering education are not the most appropriate to prepare students for the challenges they will face in their professional careers. The active involvement of students in their learning process facilitates the development of the technical and professional competencies they need as professionals. This article describes the organisation and impact of a mini-conference and project work – the creation of a software product and its introduction in the market – aimed at the development of professional competencies in general and writing skills in particular. The course was evaluated by assessing the students’ perception of the development of a number of professional competencies through a questionnaire completed by 125 students from two consecutive year groups. The results indicate that the project work and the mini-conference had a positive impact on students’ perceptions of the development of professional competencies.  相似文献   

秘书工作是一个复杂的工作,他的工作内容比较琐碎,涉及到企业的各个方面,凡是与企业有关的一切,好像秘书的工作都可以与之相关。秘书工作是协助企业领导做好服务工作,保证企业业务的正常运转。当企业发生危机时,秘书的工作就显得更加重要。因此,秘书人员一定要注意提高自己的危机处理能力,当有危机发生时,能快速、有条不紊的协助企业领导做好危机处理工作[1]。随着经济的发展,对秘书的危机处理能力要求越来越高,秘书的工作效率对企业的利益、领导的工作效率具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

Conceptual design plays an important role in product life cycle, which requires engineers to use sound design theory, cross-disciplinary knowledge, and complex technical support to acquire design concepts. However, the lack of sufficient computational tools makes it difficult for designers to fully explore in the wide design solution spaces. Therefore, this paper proposes an integrated cognitive computing approach to formalize the cognitive activities of conceptual design. A cognitive computing model composed of concept associative memory, concept generation, and decision-making process is established based on the integration of cognitive psychology and engineering design. First of all, the Hopfield neural network is used to acquire similar concept solutions for specific subfunctions from a knowledge base. Then, morphological matrix and genetic algorithm are introduced to produce a set of feasible candidate solutions in the concept generation process. Furthermore, a technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution is applied to evaluate the generated concept solutions and obtain the optimal solution automatically. Finally, a case study is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Researchers completing a study of liberal arts education sought to identify learning outcomes associated with both wisdom and citizenship. They have synthesized these themes into seven outcomes that facilitate effective student learning and development.  相似文献   

Conclusion The integration at Makefield and Manor Elementary Schools of the microcompuer with the elementary curriculum has increased student achievement and teacher comfort with her new technology. Our programs are still being refined as an outgrowth of these efforts and our on-going self-assessment.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a didactic approach for computer science courses based on the concept of socio-technical Informatics Systems, demonstrating the linkage between computational issues and their manifold social contexts as well as their close relation to social and ethical issues. The analysis of the product–process relationship of software development as a major element of the construction of Informatics Systems leads to the identification of important criteria for designing computer science courses. The selection of application areas as context types, of educational lenses, of methods and of media enables an integrated teaching approach. This kind of integrated approach offers an holistic approach to technical and societal aspects of an Informatics System in computer science education.  相似文献   

中亚国家独立后,因诸多因素的共同作用,先后发生了各类公共危机,为此中亚各国在政治、经济、外交、社会发展、思想意识、法律等领域采取了一系列治理举措,从而有效地预防和治理各类公共危机,维护国家安全和社会稳定。  相似文献   

随着高校的快速发展.高校图书馆面临前所未有的发展危机,危机管理已经成为图书馆管理的重要内容之一。图书馆危机管理主要体现在突发性危机管理和潜在性危机管理两个方面。图书馆危机管理的精髓在于防范胜于处置.因此危机管理的根本在于日常预防和危机处理预案的管理。  相似文献   

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