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PISA对参加国或地区教育政策的调整和教育实践改进有重要影响。英国自2000年参加第一轮PISA测评以来,学生测评的结果呈下降趋势,迫使英国放弃"保守"政策,开始"向最优者学习",由此而启动了"中英数学教师交流项目"。该项目对英国基础教育改革动向产生了一定的影响,使其决定在学生学习、课堂教学和教师发展方面采取相应的改革措施。这可以使我们进一步正确理解PISA测评的政策意蕴、理性看待"中英数学教师交流"意义,厘清参与国际教育测评和交流的价值。  相似文献   

国际大规模教育评估越来越受到世界各国的重视,成为衡量各国教育质量的重要手段。国际学生评估项目(PISA)在国际上的影响越来越大,对世界各国教育政策的影响日益深刻。加拿大一直积极参加PISA项目,PISA对加拿大基础教育政策产生了重要影响。其影响加拿大基础教育政策的方式有:通过媒体舆论影响教育政策话语实践,作为国际基准促进教育指标调整,引导评估从基于课程转向基于能力,通过相对排名验证教育政策的有效性,评估结果影响各省课程改革。其影响加拿大基础教育政策的基本特点包括:PISA对加拿大教育政策的影响在国家、省级层面共存,PISA结果证明加拿大教育政策的公平性,加拿大不会仅仅依据PISA结果对教育政策作出重大调整,加拿大教育政策对PISA的反应具有自身的特殊性。PISA已经成为全球教育政策制定的重要参考。  相似文献   

国际学生评估项目(PISA)不是一种高利害性的考试,它的主要目的是反思影响各国基础教育质量的问题,改善教育政策。具体是通过测试各国(地区)学生相关素养,并对其影响因素进行分析,基于教育中对质量与公平的考量,采用数据挖掘的实证技术,利用发布报告的显性方式,为各国教育政策的制定或调整提供参照,以达到促进各国教育发展、提升教育质量的目的。  相似文献   

PISA测试结果的每一次公布都会引起世界的瞩目,各国政府及相关教育政策决策者会依据其结果对其相关教育政策作出调整。在正式实施测试之前,OECD会提前公布相关测试框架,这会在一定程度上影响未来的教学与评价走向。PISA2021测试框架最为显著的一个变化体现在数学素养定义中的数学推理,侧重在数学推理的介绍及其与问题解决的关系。通过对PISA2021的分析发现,数学推理包括演绎推理和归纳推理,贯穿问题解决的全过程,所有数学活动的展开都围绕数学推理而进行。  相似文献   

在教育全球化时代,地方化因素对于一个国家是否成为教育改革的参考标准依然重要。澳大利亚和韩国两国媒体对亚洲国家和地区PISA成功的描述与话语讨论因国情不同而表现出各自的特点,进而影响着政策借鉴是否可以以及如何发生。基于对澳大利亚与韩国媒体对PISA结果报道的比较后发现,对亚洲教育的刻板印象、国家间的经济关系、潜在参考国家和地区在PISA排名表中相对排名的变化等三大因素影响着一个国家对这些国家或地区"最优教育系统"的政策借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,PISA测试的效应及其影响在全世界范围内不断扩大,也招来了不少国际学者批判的声音。针对PISA测试的批判体现出视角多元化的特点,聚焦的议题主要涉及PISA测试的技术、内容,以及政治层面的影响。从社会学角度进行分析,PISA测试体现了新全球主义和新自由主义的属性。基于国际学者对PISA测试的批判,我国的基础教育质量监测应汲取PISA测试长处、规避其不足,理性看待PISA测试的结果及其解释,并建构中国本土教育质量监测体系。  相似文献   

李宇 《教育与考试》2023,(3):52-57+62
PISA是一项为期三年的国际调查,旨在通过测试15岁学生的技能和知识来评估教育体系。通过探究PISA测试的方法论存在的问题,如样本收集、对学校课程的忽视、无法呈现现实语境和翻译,得出PISA测试结果的科学性和客观性存在一定缺陷,并从数字治理和政策借用两个方面探讨了PISA测试可能会对未来教育产生的数字霸权和教育同化。  相似文献   

PISA2009上海项目,开启了用PISA监测我国义务教育质量的先河。继而有关学者主张,借鉴PISA建构我国的义务教育质量监测体系,以提供中国同世界上其他国家或地区间可比较的教育质量指标,从而为国家教育政策的制定和调整提供依据。然而,当我们将PISA移植于中国义务教育质量监测,并将其结果在国际上进行比较的时候,不可无视两个问题:一是学生生存质量问题;二是教育效率问题。前者关注:学生在教育过程中幸福感如何、承受的压力有多强、失去了多少原本不该失去的东西;后者关注:某一PISA成绩的取得,消耗了多少劳动,花费了多长时间。  相似文献   

<正>编者按PISA是目前国际最权威的大规模的对学生学习素养进行测试的教育评价之一,对提高学生综合素养发挥着重要作用。北京市房山区参与PISA,旨在通过PISA测试结论得出客观的信息,观察和反思自身的优势和不足,为政府教育政策的制定和调整提供更为客观、科学的依据,依托项目驱动的方式在实践中探索改进。  相似文献   

PISA是经合组织参与全球治理的重要政策工具.它的产生与教育治理领域中的新自由主义、数目化管理及比较转向息息相关,在一定程度上引发了全球教育政策的“趋同”现象,并在不同国家与地区发挥着“教育政策改革指引”或“教育政策或立场背书”的作用,其影响的范围和程度则由各国具体的PISA成绩、文化传统、地缘政治地位、国内政治环境等...  相似文献   

In this article we attempt to analyse how OECD knowledge production is integrated with the process in which Finnish education policy takes shape. This is done by analysing the uses of the OECD PISA Study by Finnish central government officials. The main question posed is: How do these officials interpret the PISA results so as to justify the decisions made in Finnish education policy in the past or to point out new areas of development concerning basic education? The analysis shows that the interpretations of the PISA results tend to favour those responsible for actions within the central government. In the texts analysed, the scientificity of the PISA programme is presented as beyond question, while the direct usefulness of the research results for the further development of national education is also proclaimed. As to the specific results of PISA, the excellent learning outcomes of Finnish students are claimed to be due to educational reforms conducted and decisions made by the central government, whereas shortcomings and areas in which the officials see a need for improvement are argued to be dependent on the actions of other agents. Thus, the analysis shows that the conclusions drawn from the PISA results in texts representing the views of central government are biased and serve to justify its policy agenda.  相似文献   

As the field of education has become a highly internationalised policy field in the last decade, international organisations such as the OECD play an ever more decisive role in the dissemination of knowledge, monitoring of outcomes, and research in education policy. Although the OECD lacks any binding governance instruments to put coercion on States or to provide material incentive, it has successively expanded its competences in this field. OECD advanced its status as an expert organisation in the field of education mainly by designing and conducting the international comparative PISA study. With PISA, the OECD was able to greatly influence national education systems. Basically, States were faced with external advice based on sound empirical data that challenged existing domestic policies, politics, and ideas. One prominent case for the impact of PISA is Germany. PISA was a decisive watershed in German education policy‐making. Almost instantly after the PISA results were publicised in late 2001, a comprehensive education reform agenda was put forward in Germany. The experienced reform dynamic was highly surprising because the traditional German education system and politics were characterised by deep‐rooted historical legacies, many involved stakeholders at different levels, and reform‐hampering institutions. Hence, a backlog of grand education reforms have prevailed in Germany since the 1970s. The external pressure exerted by PISA completely changed that situation.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a recent study of the education policy uses and impact of international large-scale assessments, namely the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The paper focuses on two overlapping dimensions of PISA’s education policy use in the context of Spain. These include political dimensions, such as the use of PISA to initiate and justify the 2012?2013 educational reforms; and technical dimensions, namely the use of PISA in the development of national-level indicators used to benchmark progress and guide education and curriculum reform. The study points to the growing dominance of PISA as a powerful policy tool. Findings from the paper add to the body of literature on the different ways in which international assessments are used to guide education policy within national spaces and the role of the OECD as an agent of transnational policy steering.  相似文献   

Mathematics achievement in different education systems around the world is assessed periodically in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA is deemed to yield robust international comparisons of mathematical attainment that enable individual countries and regions to monitor the performance of their education systems relative to standards being achieved internationally, with a view to informing their mathematics education policy decisions. Initially, the role of PISA in instigating mathematics education policy borrowing is outlined using England as a case study, and some existing technical critiques of PISA are then reviewed. Following this, aspects of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s later philosophy of mind are used to reason that an over-reliance on the use of PISA to inform policy decisions in mathematics education may be problematic. It is suggested that, when PISA is viewed through a later Wittgensteinian lens, a potential deficiency in the underpinning psychometric model, pertaining to the inherent indeterminism in unmeasured mathematical abilities, may weaken PISA’s utility in guiding mathematics education policy decisions. It is concluded that, whilst PISA mathematics scores may give some indication of the mathematical proficiency of a nation’s students, caution is required before mathematics education policies are borrowed from other jurisdictions on the basis of PISA performance. Implications for the other PISA domains are also outlined.  相似文献   

专业视野中的PISA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近来,国际学生评估项目(PISA)备受国内外关注。PISA项目缘于发达国家对基础教育质量的反思,是一项以改善教育政策为导向的跨国测试研究。本文解读了PISA测试独创的素养及其内涵结构,探究了PISA研究试图解释的学生素养形成与学生个人参与及学习策略间的关系,分析了PISA研究试图发现的学生素养与家庭影响、学校均衡、教育公平的关系。本文认为,公平而卓越正在成为发达国家和国际组织衡量基础教育质量的新尺度;多维度、多学科、重数据与国际参照已经成为教育研究与教育评价的重要发展方向;教育政策的制定应该建立在研究、数据和证据的基础上。  相似文献   

Using the political‐economic analysis of globalisation and education as well as a culturalist approach to education policy borrowing, the paper analyses the role of local actors, specifically, national newspapers and the Ministry of Education, in mediating the potentially homogenising curricular policy pressure of globalisation exerted through the PISA league tables. Using the recent Japanese education policy debate as a case study, the author demonstrates how the Japanese media interpreted the PISA 2003 findings in a way that resonated with the specific cultural, political, and economic context of the time and how the Ministry used the findings to legitimise otherwise highly contentious policy measures. Questioning the conventional interpretation that the PISA 2003 shock caused the Ministry to redirect its controversial yutori (low pressure) curricular policy, the paper reconstitutes the Ministry as an active agent that capitalised on an external reference (PISA) to re‐establish its political legitimacy in a time of increasing neo‐liberal state‐restructuring.  相似文献   


Background: PISA results appear to have a large impact upon government policy. The phenomenon is growing, with more countries taking part in PISA testing and politicians pointing to PISA results as reasons for their reforms.

Purpose: The aims of this research were to depict the policy reactions to PISA across a number of jurisdictions, to see whether they exhibited similar patterns and whether the same reforms were evident.

Sources of evidence: We investigated policy and media reactions to the 2009 and 2012 PISA results in six cases: Canada, China (Shanghai), England, France, Norway and Switzerland. Cases were selected to contrast high-performing jurisdictions (Canada, China) with average performers (England, France, Norway and Switzerland). Countries that had already been well reported on in the literature were excluded (Finland, Germany).

Design and methods: Policy documents, media reports and academic articles in English, French, Mandarin and Norwegian relating to each of the cases were critically evaluated.

Results: A policy reaction of ‘scandalisation’ was evident in four of the six cases; a technique used to motivate change. Five of the six cases showed ‘standards-based reforms’ and two had reforms in line with the ‘ideal-governance’ model. However, these are categorisations: the actual reforms had significant differences across countries. There are chronological problems with the notion that PISA results were causal with regard to policy in some instances. Countries with similar PISA results responded with different policies, reflecting their differing cultural and historical education system trajectories.

Conclusions: The connection between PISA results and policy is not always obvious. The supranational spell of PISA in policy is in the way that PISA results are used as a magic wand in political rhetoric, as though they conjure particular policy choices. This serves as a distraction from the ideological basis for reforms. The same PISA results could motivate a range of different policy solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a multi-level comparative approach to analyse Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) and Programme of International Student Achievement (PISA) mathematics results for a country, Russia, where the two tests provide contradictory information about students’ relative performance. Russian students do relatively well on the TIMSS mathematics test but relatively poorly on the PISA. We compare the performance of Russian students with different levels of family academic resources over the past decade on these tests compared to students with similar family resources in Russia’s neighbours and to Russian students studying in Latvian and Estonian Russian-medium schools. These comparisons and interviews with educators in Latvia and Estonia help us understand why students in Russia may perform lower on the PISA and to draw education policy lessons for improving international test performance generally and Russian students’ PISA mathematics performance specifically.  相似文献   

The paper examines the role of PISA in the globalisation of education policies. It approaches the question by assessing the effects of PISA on the ways in which new legislation was debated in national contexts in the period 1994–2013. The study asks: Has there been an increase in the number of references to the international community in debates on education policy due to PISA, and, if so, is this change confined to debates on education policy? Our analysis shows that education policy debates feature an increasingly global discourse in which organisations such as the OECD have an authoritative role. Yet, our findings do not support the claim that PISA is the cause of a change in this respect. Debating national policies in a global context and utilising the same transnational discourses regardless of the policy issue area in question has long been with us, yet there is a global trend in which national policies are increasingly often debated through appeals to models and policy advice promulgated by international organisations.  相似文献   

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