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电视娱乐节目的"生命周期"越来越短,主要原因是受众收视疲劳和创作者自身疲劳。电视娱乐节目要做到无疲劳运作,必须要有准确的节目定位,把握节目的发展方向;控制节奏,确保节目的良性运作;善于"变"和"化",促进节目的有效创新;贴近民众,回归节目的本位功能。  相似文献   

经济节目自诞生伊始就伴随着电视"大众化"传播特性和经济"专业化"内容领域的矛盾,面临着"外行看不懂,内行不爱看"的难题,受到质疑和争议。对于节目受众和内容的精准定位,从源头上解决了经济节目的切入点和指向性问题,成为电视经济节目成功突围的关键。经济节目在日新月异的经济和媒介环境中激流勇进,呈现出经济娱乐化、形态多样化、视角平民化、视野国际化等发展趋势。  相似文献   

上周末晚上回家,打开电视正好看到北野武在主持节目,谈到「残念な人が必要」,这句话直译成中文,是"需要遗憾的人"。这个节目里跟踪拍摄了这么一件事。  相似文献   

当下,中国电视传媒中出现了一批以"草根""民生"为主要特征的电视节目,这些节目呈现出一个共同的特征——"全民"自由参与和自主狂欢,而这一特征的背后,显示出的是民粹主义的思想价值倾向。这类节目一味地迎合观众的口味,过分满足观众偷窥、泄愤等不良情绪,盲目、非理性的思想特征不断充斥荧屏,营造了日趋低俗的电视文化氛围,对社会造成长期隐性的负面效应。  相似文献   

雷青云 《辅导员》2014,(10):89-89
许多人喜欢看《实话实说》这个节目,演播室的每一位观众都是演员,都能畅所欲言地发表自己的见解和看法。观众们也觉得这个节目风格平易近人、内容实在,主持人机智幽默、相处和谐。也许是职业的原因,由此,笔者想到了语文课堂。我们何不把课堂当作电视演播室,把学生当作"现场观众",而我们的语文教师就来做那个"节目主持人"呢?那么,怎么才能把我们这台"节目"办得生气勃勃,让每一位"观众"都积极热情地参与其中去呢?  相似文献   

":真人秀"节目近年来在全球范围内掀起了又一场电视的新革命。自荷兰的《老大哥》开始了它的序幕,之后这种电视节目形式被澳大利亚、德国、丹麦、美国等18个国家广泛移植,一度占领收视最高蜂。到2004年NBC职场真人秀《学徒》的推出,"真人秀"节目在短短几年间迅速走红。我国也尝试着将这种节目移植进来,但大多数的节目引进我国后遭遇了"水土不服"的情况。因此,由"真人秀"在不同国家呈现出不同的发展状况,我们可以追根求源到各国的本土特点。  相似文献   

按照麦克卢汉"媒介即讯息"的观点,3D电视的发明和应用,从人类传播活动的发展历史来看,是具有时代意义的重大事件。3D电视应该在发展的过程中,逐渐探索出适应其独特影像特色的节目形态,形成区别于传统电视的核心构成。本文对3D电视节目形态的探索研究分为两个层次展开:宏观上的频道节目构成层面形态和微观上的节目层面的形态。  相似文献   

这几天,我们家来了一位企业家——"走开"。"走开"在我身上开了店,害我整天说"走开"。上回,我在家里看电视,爸爸见了,说:"你整天就知道看电视,不务正业,将来可怎么办?" 我不胜其烦地说:"走开,你没看见我最喜欢看的节目开始了吗?识相的话就走开,不然我就要‘暴力解决’了!"  相似文献   

电视法制节目一方面肩负着"普法""载道"的社会责任,另一方面又面临着发展困境。形态老化,同质化竞争;题材资源匮乏,争夺激烈;围追堵截,其它电视栏目大量涉及法制题材。文章基于法制节目的社会责任和面临的困境,探讨法制节目未来的发展策略和方向。  相似文献   

李凌 《教师》2011,(6):9-9
为宣传全国推进义务教育均衡发展的新进展和新成果,由教育部基础教育一司、中国教育电视台联合举办的"推进义务教育区域均衡发展成果节目展播"于2月21日通过电视、网络、手机等媒体全面展开。  相似文献   

用自编问卷调查236名在校大学生对相亲节目的态度,结果显示:大学生普遍对相亲节目有一定的关注,但主流态度仅把它当作一项娱乐而已;大学生基本上能客观理智地看待相亲节目现象,此类节目使大学生们对现实认识得更清楚;大学生对节目的关注度和认可度受性别等人口学变量的影响,表现出较大的差异性;大学生对嘉宾重名利的价值观表示认同,表明他们的价值观呈现多样化,且带有功利性。  相似文献   

江苏卫视推出的相亲节目《非诚勿扰》曾一度掀起了国内相亲节目的收视狂潮。这样的婚恋相亲节目在美国也是非常流行的,例如《单身汉》、《单身女郎》、《恋爱达人》等。这些婚恋交友类节目,在某种程度上可以反映出在中西方社会中美女性的思想状态、价值体系以及社会地位等等。  相似文献   

江苏卫视2010年开播的《非诚勿扰》相亲节目在国内掀起了一阵电视婚恋浪潮。这些节目的流行与当下所处的后现代文化语境不无关系。中国当下的电视相亲节目的审美取向浸染着后现代之风。文章主要从大众化的审美追求、反美学的审美判断、快餐化的审美体验三个方面,揭示后现代语境下的电视相亲节目的审美取向。  相似文献   

性别语言为语言研究的重要内容,与语境紧密相联。本文选择婚恋交友电视节目这一具体语境对性别语言进行研究,以《非诚勿扰》中的话语为语料,用定量和定性的方法,从语音、词汇、句法、会话模式、副语言多层面来分析婚恋交友节目中的性别语言。旨在弥补以往关于性别差异研究缺乏具体语境研究的缺憾,证实和补充以往性别语言的研究成果,发现新时代背景下和具体语境中性别语言的创新点,并剖析其存在的深层次原因,预测婚恋交友电视节目新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

以韩礼德功能语法的会话模式理论以及情景语境理论作为分析框架,试以国内典型的电视相亲节目《非诚勿扰》第252期会话作为分析语料,旨在探讨此类节目中会话参与者在交际活动中呈现的会话模式,借以浅析电视相亲节目掀起收视狂潮的原因。研究表明,在所分析的《非诚勿扰》语料中,存在四种主要的会话模式:提问-回答型合作会话模式、陈述-认可型合作会话模式、陈述-反驳对抗型会话模式及提问-拒答对抗型会话模式。  相似文献   

中古、近代汉语词汇研究始于词语考释.近十余年来,中古、近代汉语词汇研究方面有代表性的著作种类繁多,大致可概括为断代词语通释、专书语言词典、专类语言词典和断代语言词典等.考察这些词语训释专书,可以从宏观上展示中古、近代汉语词汇研究的现状和成果,细心的读者还可从中领悟到继续从事这方面研究的门径和方向.  相似文献   

在媒体与市场的双重合力下,一跃成为荧屏新宠的电视相亲,在屡创收视佳绩的背后,却暗藏危机。关于节目形式雷同、炒作成风、价值混淆、观众审美疲劳等批评接踵而来,试从节目成功运作、社会效应、媒体反思等方面对电视相亲进行剖析与反思,探讨如何使其在取得经济效益的同时,兼顾文化价值,走上一条良性发展的轨道,  相似文献   

近些年来,相亲类节目风靡整个电视荧屏,作为相亲类节目的代表《非诚勿扰》始终保持着较高的收视率,其中的原因:多元化、冲突性强的节目内容;舞台及音效的特色包装;独特的节目效果等。但这类节目依然有缺乏创意、诚信缺失等一系列问题存在,需要从增强节目创新意识、提高版权保护意识等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

ObjectiveFor child protective services (CPS) youth who may have experienced more than one form of maltreatment, the unique contribution of emotional abuse may be over-looked when other forms are more salient and more clearly outside of accepted social norms for parenting. This study considers the unique predictive value of childhood emotional abuse for understanding adolescent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology and dating violence. Further, PTSD symptomatology is assessed as an explanatory bridge in the emotional abuse—teen dating violence link.MethodsA random sample of 402 youth from the active caseload of a large urban CPS catchment area participated as part of a larger longitudinal study on adolescent health behaviors. Mid-adolescent youth across types of CPS status were targeted. CPS youth reported on lifetime maltreatment experiences, PTSD symptomatology, and past year dating experiences, using published scales.ResultsOver 85% of CPS youth had begun dating. For dating youth, some level of dating violence was common: over half of females (63–67%) and nearly half of males (44–49%). Taking into account other forms of maltreatment, emotional abuse emerged as a significant predictor of both PTSD symptomatology and dating violence among males and females. PTSD symptomatology was a significant mediator of the male emotional abuse-perpetration and the female emotional/physical abuse-victimization links, indicating a gendered patterning to findings.ConclusionsThese results indicate that: (1) CPS youth are a high priority group for dating violence and PTSD-linked intervention; and (2) CPS youth continue to experience the unique negative impact of childhood emotional abuse in their adolescent adjustment. All CPS children should be evaluated for emotional abuse incurred, and appropriate intervention attention be given as to how it specifically impacts on the child's approach to relating to themselves and to others.Practice implicationsThe present study directs practice implications in regards to: (1) the problem of teen dating violence, (2) the salience of childhood emotional abuse; and (3) the importance of targeting PTSD symptomatolgy among CPS youth. A substantial number of CPS youth report early engagement in violent romantic relationships and require support towards attaining the non-coercive relationship experiences of their non-CPS-involved age mates. The topic of dating, healthy dating relationships, and dating violence may need to be part of the regular casework, with a view towards supporting youths’ conceptualization of and skill set for healthy, close relationships. Further, this knowledge needs to be translated to foster parents and group home staff. With regard to the impact of childhood emotional abuse, CPS workers need to be sensitive to its potential for long-term, unique impact impairing relationship development. Emotional abuse is (a) unique among genders (i.e., for females, it clusters with physical abuse) and (b) uniquely predictive of PTSD symptoms and dating violence. Finally, as is consistent with theory and biopsychosocial evidence, PTSD symptomatology is a key causal candidate for understanding maltreatment-related impairment. Attention to targeting PTSD symptoms may be preventative for dating violence; attention to targeting emotional abuse experiences may be preventative for PTSD symptoms. CPS youth are an important population to involve in research, as their inclusion adds to the evidence-base to achieve evidence-informed practice and policy within child welfare.  相似文献   

This article is the first comprehensive review of speed dating in the tertiary sector. While speed dating has its origins as a networking technique to connect singles, it has only more recently made its way into the academy. Since 2005 universities world-wide have begun to adopt speed dating protocols as a tool for building research culture. An extensive review of the brief history of speed dating in university settings indicates that the motivation for organising events tends to fall into six clusters. Each motivation is discussed here, as well as two potential as-yet-unexplored outcomes for research students in academe: increasing wellbeing through improving social relations and aiding the conceptualising of theses. Finally the authors raise the need for further research in this area to establish its real impact and to identify best practices.  相似文献   

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