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As part of an ongoing longitudinal study of developmental delay (DD), 35 six‐year‐old children with delays of unknown aetiology were assessed with measures of cognitive, language and educational competence. Their parents provided detailed information about their self‐help and personal‐social competencies, behaviour problems and temperament. As a group, the DD children evidenced high rates of behaviour problems, but there was considerable within‐group variability in intensity and pattern of problems. Low relationships were found between the intensity of behaviour problems and children's chronological age (CA), IQ, language level and self‐help competencies. The child variable most strongly associated with behaviour problems was temperament, or behavioural style.  相似文献   

以理论研究的视角,现有面向对象程序设计语言的理论模型存在不足,如C++不支持元类,Java和C#的基本类型不是对象等.为此,设计了一种程序设计语言Shrek,将多种语言特性和语言设施统一在一个简洁、一致的模型下实现.Shrek语言是基于类的完全面向对象语言,拥有动态强类型系统,采用了与Mixin相结合的单继承机制.该语言具有协调一致的类对象结构,具备结构化计算反射能力,能够进行安全的元类程序设计.另外,它还支持多线程程序设计和自动垃圾回收,并通过本地方法机制极大地增强了自身的表达能力.该语言的原型系统已经实现,达到了预期的设计目标.  相似文献   

This paper explores ideas of language as a cognitive tool and the role of gesture in expressing children's interests and levels of knowledge. The context is a group of three‐year‐old children who participate in a weekly music session with a trained musician. The authors present drawings from photographs of children's hands and interpret them, using contextual information, to explain how the positioning of the children's hands reflects their internalized understandings and can be viewed as a rich symbolic language. A discussion of the early childhood curriculum and the use of finger plays has been included to suggest that gesture was initially viewed as part of ‘the whole child’ but, today, activities like finger plays have become ritualized exercises. It is suggested that if adults do not listen to the language of hands they are depriving themselves of a valuable window into children's thinking and learning.  相似文献   

Many children learning English as an additional language (EAL) show reading comprehension difficulties despite adequate decoding. However, the relationship between early language and reading comprehension in this group is not fully understood. The language and literacy skills of 80 children learning English from diverse language backgrounds and 80 monolingual English-speaking peers with language weaknesses were assessed at school entry (mean age = 4 years, 7 months) and after 2 years of schooling in the UK (mean age = 6 years, 3 months). The EAL group showed weaker language skills and stronger word reading than the monolingual group but no difference in reading comprehension. Individual differences in reading comprehension were predicted by variations in decoding and language comprehension in both groups to a similar degree.  相似文献   

The study Improving Language And Reading Skills (LARS) in children with German as a first or second language evaluates a newly developed differentiating programme for reading in terms of its effects on the reading and language ability of second graders with German as a first or second language. The participant group consisted of 105 children. Fifty-five children belonged to the group that received the programme (LARS-group) and 50 children received traditional instruction (TI-group). The reading, spelling and language ability of each participating child were assessed before and after the programme period. The children of the LARS-group were supported over three months in terms of reading texts and completing the corresponding tasks. The texts and the tasks were adapted to the students' ability levels (three different ability levels: above average, average and below average level in reading). The results indicate that the learning outcomes for children in the LARS-classes were significantly higher for reading fluency and comprehension, but no effect was observed for language and spelling. The results suggest that the LARS programme was equally effective for children with German as a first or second language.  相似文献   

Twelve parents of young deaf children were recorded sharing books with their deaf child--six from families using British Sign Language (BSL) and six from families using spoken English. Although all families were engaged in sharing books with their deaf child and concerned to promote literacy development, they approached the task differently and had different expectations in terms of outcome. The sign bilingual families concentrated on using the book to promote BSL development, engaging in discussion around the book but without referring to the text, whereas the spoken language families were focused on features of the text and less inclined to use the book to promote wider knowledge. Implications for early intervention and support are drawn from the data.  相似文献   

This paper will consider issues that are important in the teaching and learning of programming to students in their first year of an undergraduate course in a computer science discipline. We will suggest that the current educational climate offers the opportunity to move the focus onto the learner and their experience, and that second language learning and teaching in the field of English as a Second, or Foreign, Language may be a fruitful area on which to draw. We will review a particular aspect of second language pedagogy-learner strategies-and discuss their applicability to students who are starting to learn how to program. We will consider ways in which these strategies might be useful to support learning programming at this level.  相似文献   


Current knowledge of the integration of children with specific language impairment (SLI) is examined. The paper begins by defining this group of children and the nature of their difficulties. The heterogeneous characteristics of SLI children are discussed. It then addresses the educational provisions made for SLI children and the opportunities for integration present in different models of provision. Research on the integration of SLI children is evaluated with particular emphasis on the difficulties encountered by this group of children. The paper concludes with some thoughts for future research.  相似文献   

为贯彻军队院校计算机基础课程要立足于"建设信息化军队,打赢信息化战争"的方针,提高计算机基础课程教学水平,提出以计算思维为导向、以实战化案例问题为牵引、以能力培养为目标,建设传授知识与思维训练相结合、编程语言与程序设计相结合、自主学习与平台引导相结合的计算机C程序设计MOOC,以及知识单元趣味性、教学案例实战化、求解问题双线索、编程实践有节奏、思维训练多维度的建设思路。  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a self-modeling procedure and a self-modeling procedure combined with social reinforcement on the language acquisition of bilingual children. In the self-modeling condition the children were prompted to mimic portions of sentences on audiotape. These fragments were edited into complete sentences and served as models during instruction. Children in the self-modeling group displayed significantly more adjective usage and adopted more of the modeled content than children whose self-modeled responses were socially reinforced and children assigned to the two control conditions.  相似文献   

Sociocultural researchers have claimed that students' learning of science is a discursive process, with scientific concepts and ways of reasoning being learned through engagement in practical enquiry and social interaction as well as individualized activity. It is also often claimed that interacting with partners while carrying out scientific investigations is beneficial to students' learning and the development of their understanding. The research we describe investigated the validity of these claims and explored their educational implications. An experimental teaching programme was designed to enable children in British primary schools to talk and reason together and to apply these skills in their study of science. The results obtained indicate that (a) children can be enabled to use talk more effectively as a tool for reasoning and (b) talk‐based activities can have a useful function in scaffolding the development of reasoning and scientific understanding. The implications of the findings for educational policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Conclusion Parents want to help their young-ster learn and grow and, if offered the means to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, will assume this responsibility. It is hoped that through the suggestions, source lists, and examples provided here, educators will be stimulated to explore the development of parent workshop programs. This article is based on a series of workshops the author designed and initiated for parents at the Whitney Young Jr. Day Care Center on Staten Island, New York, in the spring of 1977. Edith Barnes is Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York, 715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, New York 10301. She is a member of the New York City Higher Education Task Force for the International Year of the Child and Chairperson of the Staten Island IYC Committee. She is also a member of the HEW Advisory Committee of Staten Island Children's Community Mental Health Center, member of the Center Policy Committee of Staten Island Head Start, and Founder and Past President of the Staten Island Nursery Directors' Organization (SIND).  相似文献   

This study explored whether the directionality of the relation between majority language and various facets of socioemotional development (three to 5 years old) differs between children with different language backgrounds. 12,951 children (49% girls; 85% White, 6% Pakistani and Bangladeshi, 3% Black, 3% Mix, 2% Indian) from the British Millennium Cohort Study (2001–2006) were included in two-time-point cross-lagged analyses. Models controlling for important covariates found a bidirectional association for monolinguals (βs = .05, −.07, −.04), a unidirectional effect of majority language on socioemotional difficulties for dual language learners (DLLs) speaking English and minority language(s) at home (β = .14), and a unidirectional effect of socioemotional strength on majority language for DLLs speaking only minority language(s) at home (β = −.17).  相似文献   

This research, undertaken by Dr Gina Conti-Ramsden and her team at the University of Manchester, involved investigating three groups of children: children with specific language difficulties; 'maths poor' children; and a control group (n = 15, 12 and 15 respectively). These three groups of children were compared on a task of processing two and three digit numbers. Few differences were found between the children who had language difficulties and those who were 'maths poor'. These findings suggest that both groups of children may have some form of language difficulty that contributes to a delayed performance on some maths related tasks.  相似文献   

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