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Nambury S. Raju (1937–2005) developed two model‐based indices for differential item functioning (DIF) during his prolific career in psychometrics. Both methods, Raju's area measures ( Raju, 1988 ) and Raju's DFIT ( Raju, van der Linden, & Fleer, 1995 ), are based on quantifying the gap between item characteristic functions (ICFs). This approach provides an intuitive and flexible methodology for assessing DIF. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain DFIT and show how this methodology can be utilized in a variety of DIF applications.  相似文献   

Large data sets from a state reading assessment for third and fifth graders were analyzed to examine differential item functioning (DIF), differential distractor functioning (DDF), and differential omission frequency (DOF) between students with particular categories of disabilities (speech/language impairments, learning disabilities, and emotional behavior disorders) and students without disabilities. Multinomial logistic regression was employed to compare response characteristic curves (RCCs) of individual test items. Although no evidence for serious test bias was found for the state assessment examined in this study, the results indicated that students in different disability categories showed different patterns of DIF, DDF, and DOF, and that the use of RCCs helps clarify the implications of DIF and DDF.  相似文献   

Traditional methods for examining differential item functioning (DIF) in polytomously scored test items yield a single item‐level index of DIF and thus provide no information concerning which score levels are implicated in the DIF effect. To address this limitation of DIF methodology, the framework of differential step functioning (DSF) has recently been proposed, whereby measurement invariance is examined within each step underlying the polytomous response variable. The examination of DSF can provide valuable information concerning the nature of the DIF effect (i.e., is the DIF an item‐level effect or an effect isolated to specific score levels), the location of the DIF effect (i.e., precisely which score levels are manifesting the DIF effect), and the potential causes of a DIF effect (i.e., what properties of the item stem or task are potentially biasing). This article presents a didactic overview of the DSF framework and provides specific guidance and recommendations on how DSF can be used to enhance the examination of DIF in polytomous items. An example with real testing data is presented to illustrate the comprehensive information provided by a DSF analysis.  相似文献   

透视数学表现性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学表现性评价创设具体情境,从“做”中评价数学知识与技能:它凸显数学化思想,分层评价发现问题、解决问题的能力;而且它更新评价理念,全方位关注学生的数学情感与态度.我们要重视数学表现性评价,进行“测验嵌入式”和“教学嵌入式”数学表现性评价的实践研究.  相似文献   

课程嵌入型表现性评定是当前基础教育新课程改革倡导的重要的学生学业评价方式.以335名初中一年级学生为被试,采用为期一学年的追踪实验研究方式,探索课程嵌入型表现性评定对数学自我效能的影响效果.研究结果表明,此方式对学生的数学自我效能的发展具有显著促进作用,主要体现在日常生活中数学任务的效能、数学相关课程的效能与数学学业问题解决效能等三方面,且随实验进程促进作用将不断增加.  相似文献   

微积分是研究函数性态的一种重要工具,讨论了微积分在初等数学中的一些应用.  相似文献   

新课程理念下中学数学学习过程评价的探究   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
数学学习过程评价,是数学新课程评价的核心内容.它是将评价与教师的教学与学生的学习活动有机地结合起来,把评价纳入学习活动过程之中,并将评价作为学生主动学习的一部分,以评价促进学生的学习和学生的发展.数学学习过程评价的目的是为了及时反馈调节学生数学学习活动,促进学生的发展,而不是为了检查.正确建构数学学习过程评价必须明确过程评价的意义、类型、内容、评价方法和呈现方式.  相似文献   

Factors that contribute to the performance gap between subgroups and mainstream students deserve special attention. Different subgroups are faced with different sets of challenges. To understand and control for factors leading to the performance gap between subgroups and mainstream students one must clearly understand the issues specific to each subgroup. This paper focuses on assessment and performance issues for English language learner (ELL) students as a subgroup. Identifying factors affecting the performance gap between ELL and non-ELL students may help gain insight into assessment issues for other subgroups of students as well as strengthen assessment of this group.  相似文献   

数学教学评价的问题是关系到数学教学改革的成败问题,因此,必须正确认识数学改革中的数学教学评价,深刻理解它的意义和功能,建立科学有效的评价手段和方法。  相似文献   

The trend in mathematics achievement from preschool to kindergarten is studied with a longitudinal growth item response theory model. The three measurement occasions included the spring of preschool and the spring and fall of kindergarten. The growth trend was nonlinear, with a steep drop between spring of preschool and fall of kindergarten. The modeling results provide validation for the argument that a classroom assessment in mathematics can be used to assess developmental skill levels that are consistent with a theory of early mathematics acquisition. The statistical model employed enables an effective illustration of overall gains and individual variability. Implications of the summer loss are discussed as well as model limitations.  相似文献   

发展性评价体系中一个重要的工作就是开发多样化的评价工具和方法。在课题研究中我们重点开展了如下七个方面的评价工具的开发与实践:日常观察,等级和分项测试,成长记录袋,表现性任务,通过浓缩孩子成长特点的评价,二次评价,通过家长、学校合作,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

培养学生高层次数学能力是国际数学教育界共同关注的问题.培养高层次数学能力,不可忽视传统的课堂书面笔试的实施.在数学评定中,运用传统的课堂书面笔试和较新型的多元评定方法评定学生高层次数学能力是十分必要的、可行的方法。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates and discusses the use of think aloud protocols (TAPs) as an approach for examining and confirming sources of differential item functioning (DIF). The TAPs are used to investigate to what extent surface characteristics of the items that are identified by expert reviews as sources of DIF are supported by empirical evidence from examinee thinking processes in the English and French versions of a Canadian national assessment. In this research, the TAPs confirmed sources of DIF identified by expert reviews for 10 out of 20 DIF items. The moderate agreement between TAPs and expert reviews indicates that evidence from expert reviews cannot be considered sufficient in deciding whether DIF items are biased and such judgments need to include evidence from examinee thinking processes.  相似文献   

Test developers and psychometricians have historically examined measurement bias and differential item functioning (DIF) across a single categorical variable (e.g., gender), independently of other variables (e.g., race, age, etc.). This is problematic when more complex forms of measurement bias may adversely affect test responses and, ultimately, bias test scores. Complex forms of measurement bias include conditional effects, interactions, and mediation of background information on test responses. I propose a multidimensional, person-specific perspective of measurement bias to explain how complex sources of bias can manifest in the assessment of human knowledge, skills, and abilities. I also describe a data-driven approach for identifying key sources of bias among many possibilities—namely, a machine learning method commonly known as regularization.  相似文献   

构建科学合理的评价方式,通过评价更好地了解学生的学习,并以评价改进教学,成为近来教育教学中非常值得关注的话题。表现性评价运用于小学数学教学中,能更好地了解学生的数学理解水平并有效改进教学。以“两位数减一位数退位减法”为例,制定了算理理解的水平框架并设计了表现性任务,对学生的算理理解水平和学习过程进行了测评。最后,合理应用表现性评价框架及测评,有针对性地进行了教学设计,有效促进了学生对算理的理解水平。  相似文献   

质性地比较论证了基于认知诊断理论的数学教育评价工具开发的可行性。通过分析实际测试数据,比较几种不同认知诊断模型中的参数估计方法实际应用于分析数学评价测验的可能性。研究发现,认知属性概念可以帮助研究者和实践者分析影响学生解答数学题目背后的认知结构。人工神经网络模型能够充分利用理论设计的认知模型,克服测验题目有限、题型多样、认知属性差异大等不易分析的困难,较好评价学生的数学学业成就,为后续教学提供诊断性信息,达到了诊断性测验的目的。  相似文献   

传统的小学数学课程评价以“工具理性为价值取向”,导致课程评价侧重认知目标,忽视情感与态度目标的达成;强调以预设目标为尺度,关注结果的终结性评价,评价由专家、教师完全操纵,学生成为评价的旁观者。本研究以多元化评价作为小学数学课程评价的价值取向,提倡一种动态的多元化课程评价观——评价主体多元化,评价内容多元化,评价方式多元化;注重形成性评价与总结性评价相结合;采用定性描述为主的方式呈现评价结果。  相似文献   

几种常微分方程解法中的数学化归思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
化归思想是常微分方程重要的数学思想方法.探讨几种常微分方程解法中的数学化归思想方法,有利于从整体上把握微分方程的理论和方法;提出在微分方程的教学中重视和加强数学化归思想的教育对数学培养具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

阐述了高师常微分方程教学突出数学思想教育的意义和途径  相似文献   

试论行为表现评估模式——英语课堂教学的形成性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对比分析英语教学的传统考试模式与行为表现评估模式,说明行为表现评估的正确使用有利于以人为本、重视学生能力发展的外语教学思想的贯彻,有利于学生学习自主性、创造性的培养。广大教师因此需要清晰认识行为表现评估,有效地评估学生英语学习的行为表现,使得教师和学生将课堂语言学习与实际生活联系起来,从而促进英语课堂教学模式的改革。  相似文献   

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