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Interpretive and critical research in sport and physical education   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Qualitative research encompasses two distinct approaches, interpretive research and critical research. Locke has provided an excellent review of the assumptions and methods of interpretive research. His article provides an important service to the field by informing the broad range of scholars within physical education about this growing area of research. The one weakness of his review is that it may not emphasize sufficiently the need to ground qualitative research in an understanding of the social sciences so that the researcher can provide an adequate context for the interpretation of data. Locke limits his review primarily to the interpretive approach and mentions critical theory only briefly, a decision that seems appropriate in an introductory tutorial. Most of the qualitative research being done in sport and physical education is interpretive, not critical. However, a few of the researchers in this area seem to be moving toward a critical perspective. Therefore, this article attempted to provide a brief overview of critical qualitative research.  相似文献   


Background: In team games situations, the ability to make fast and accurate decisions is crucial to performance. As such, effective decision making, characterised by the consistent and efficient ability to choose the right course of action at the right moment, is a key component of match performance in team sports such as rugby union. Previous research has identified pedagogical approaches to enhance decision making. However, there is dearth in research to investigate how coaches evaluate tactical decision making and subsequently develop context specific ‘on’ and ‘off-field’ coaching practices to improve it. Further, the value coaches place on decision making is under explored.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore coaches’ perceptions of decision making in rugby union. The specific objectives to meet this aim were to: (i) Explore coaches’ perceptions of the value and importance of decision making in rugby union; (ii) Identify coaches’ opinions of the key decision making moments in games and how to evaluate them; and (iii) Investigate coaches’ on and off field methods for improving players’ tactical and strategic decision making.

Participants: Purposive sampling was used to select five male coaches, whose ages ranged from 25 to 41 years, from a regional rugby union club in Wales to participate in the study. Coaching experience ranged from two years to 16 years.

Methods: The interpretative paradigm was used within the study with data collected through semi-structured interviews with academy rugby union coaches. This type of interview gathered rich, detailed and complex accounts of coaches’ opinions of players’ in-game decision making in rugby union in order to inform practice and theory. Inductive and deductive qualitative thematic analysis was used to analyse and interpret the data.

Findings: All five coaches agreed that decision making was a crucial part of the modern game of rugby union. There was some disagreement between them about the players’ autonomy to make their own decisions on the pitch and a general lack of clarity between ‘game plan’, ‘strategy’ and ‘tactics’ amongst the coaches. All the coaches agreed that the process of evaluation of players’ decision making should involve a joint discussion with the players. They also agreed that developing decision making was one of the hardest things to coach. Finally, they used a variety of ‘on’ and ‘off-field’ coaching methods to achieve this including video analysis, questioning and the use of games based scenarios.

Conclusion: This study acquired the coaches’ voice on players’ decision making in rugby union by exploring its perceived importance to them and how they evaluated and attempted to improve it. A clear attempt was made among the coaches to develop a ‘non-judgemental’ atmosphere in the evaluation and improvement of players’ decision making. Future research should consider the use of explicitation interviewing, where the interviewer (coach) aims to get the player into a state of evocation, to relive the key decision making moments in an attempt to improve it.  相似文献   


This paper documents the process of utilizing Twitter for a doctoral dissertation in rugby governance, and highlights the key benefits of using Twitter as a research tool. Research followed a case study approach to delve into the four major uses of Twitter: (1) a warning system for dramas or incidents relating to one’s research field; (2) data collection; (3) finding and recruiting research subjects; and (4) building a personal research brand. The research design used a mixed method approach that combined qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The findings serve as the basis for the pursuit of more detailed future research with Twitter as the principal medium in focus within the area of sport.  相似文献   

Contemporary aspects of research methods in sport and exercise psychology are discussed in this wide-ranging review. After an introduction centred on trends in sport and exercise psychology methods, the review is organized around the major themes of quantitative and qualitative research. Our aim is to highlight areas that may be problematic or controversial (e.g. stepwise statistical procedures), underused (e.g. discriminant analysis), increasingly used (e.g. meta-analysis, structural equation modelling, qualitative content analysis) and emergent (e.g. realist tales of writing). Perspectives range from the technical and speculative to the controversial and critical. While deliberately not providing a 'cookbook' approach to research methods, we hope to provide enough material to help researchers to appreciate the diversity of potential methods and to adopt a more critical perspective in their own research consumption and production.  相似文献   

探索短距离速滑教练员对速度素质的理论认识与训练特征,对解决运动员在比赛中的后程降速问题具有有益的参考和借鉴。采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和观察法对我国短距离速滑速度训练特征进行了研究,发现教练员对短距离速滑速度训练的理论认识没有真正转化为实践行为;优秀短距离速滑运动员速度素质训练手段选择在陆上准备期、冰上准备期和竞赛期具有不同,但只有在竞赛期速度训练才可以真正称得上是专项速度训练;短距离速滑速度训练中教练员主要采用重复训练、变换训练法和间歇训练等方法,在速度训练的基本要求上88.2%教练员所采用的速度训练与专项技术相结合,在速度训练强度的安排上38.2%教练员每次训练都要求最大强度,50%的教练员少数要求最大强度,11.8%的教练员不要求最大强度。  相似文献   

Contemporary aspects of research methods in sport and exercise psychology are discussed in this wide-ranging review. After an introduction centred on trends in sport and exercise psychology methods, the review is organized around the major themes of quantitative and qualitative research. Our aim is to highlight areas that may be problematic or controversial (e.g. stepwise statistical procedures), underused (e.g. discriminant analysis), increasingly used (e.g. meta-analysis, structural equation modelling, qualitative content analysis) and emergent (e.g. realist tales of writing). Perspectives range from the technical and speculative to the controversial and critical. While deliberately not providing a ‘cookbook’ approach to research methods, we hope to provide enough material to help researchers to appreciate the diversity of potential methods and to adopt a more critical perspective in their own research consumption and production.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity and strong advocacy for combining quantitative and qualitative methods, few mixed methods approaches are found in the sport management research. As a result, this article examines the frequency with which mixed methods research has been used in recent sport management research, and demonstrates ways in which mixed methods can help improve the validity of research findings in sport management related topics. Because research in sport management often is concerned with causal questions, this article provides mixed methods designs for improving causal inference. Examples are provided from three areas of sport management research, including marketing, organizational behavior, and finance. The designs that are provided are based on the mixed methods design dimensions of time order and priority of quantitative and qualitative data.  相似文献   

浅谈跳远训练方法的选择与运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过综合运用文献资料法、观察逻辑法等研究方法,对跳远训练方法进行详细分析,并对其所涉及的分类、运用、适用原则进行研究,提出其中要注意的问题和建议,为广大跳远运动员和教练员在跳远训练方法的选择与运用上提供参考.  相似文献   

提高教练员岗位培训教学质量的策略   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,对提高教练员岗位培训教学质量等有关问题进行探讨。结果发现,提高综合职业能力、学习新知识,是教练员岗位培训教学的主要目标;突出实用性、实效性、实践性、学习效果的长期性,是教练员岗位培训专题设置主要依据;改进与完善授课方式,是教练员岗位培训教学改革的重点;完善考核手段,是检验教练员岗位培训效果的关键。  相似文献   

服务传递过程中健身私人教练发展存在的问题与建议   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
运用文献资料、走访调查等研究方法,对北京、上海和广州三市健身娱乐行业私人教练的发展现状进行分析。结果显示:企业经理人对私人教练在服务传递中的作用认识存在偏差,对私人教练的职业定位认识不全面,缺乏良好的培训体系,对私人教练的生涯规划重视不足等是存在的主要问题。据此,提出相应的建议及健身俱乐部间私人教练培养沟通与交流的途径与内容。  相似文献   

CUBA男子篮球运动员身体素质测试方法与测试指标研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用特尔菲法和数理统计法对所设计的CUBA男篮球运动员的身体素质测试方法进行筛选并用于试验。主要结果显示:CUBA男篮运动员外线队员在灵敏、腰腹力量、速度耐力和一般耐力方面的素质高于内线队员,但其它身体素质之间没有显著性差异,后卫队员的综合素质能力要高于中锋队员。身体素质成套测试与教练员的定性评定结果具有较高的一致性,能够较为全面反映出运动员身体素质的真实水平。  相似文献   

专业化视野中的体育教练员继续教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从专业化角度对体育教练员继续教育在专业化进程中的作用、体育教练员继续教育存在的问题及对策进行研究。认为体育教练员专业化与继续教育有着密不可分的关系,高效的继续教育是不断提高体育教练员专业化水平的保证。揭示目前我国体育教练员继续教育存在的主要问题及原因,提出相应的策略。即确立人本化培训目标,树立专业意识,加强师资队伍建设,完善法律、法规等。  相似文献   

对我国高水平田径教练员、优秀田径运动员、体育类院校专家、田径运动管理者进行问卷调查,结合个案研究、逻辑推理、数理统计等研究方法进行资料的整合与统计,构建我国田径教练员显性素质结构、提炼其核心素质结构。认为我国田径教练员的显性素质结构包括两项二级指标、十项三级指标、四十九项四级指标。核心素质的重要程度依次为专项训练能力、指挥比赛能力、专项经验、运动训练基础理论知识、运动医疗保健知识、管理队伍能力、哲学和思维科学知识七项要素,并区分为核心层和保障层。  相似文献   

对我国运动员心理技能训练研究现状的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用文献分析法、数据分析法、逻辑分析法对运动心理技能训练的概念进行辨析,指出目前国内心理技能训练研究存在研究方法单一、集中于理论研究、实证研究过重、缺少具体过程研究、未能重视教练作用等问题。并提出以下建议:明确概念界定,建立运动心理技能训练的自身理论;丰富心理技能训练研究的方法;拓展细化运动心理技能训练研究的内容;探究训练效果的保持和迁移。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the interpretive synthesis of qualitative research in the sport and exercise sciences. The paper discusses the “meta-interpretation” approach which attempts to maintain an interpretive epistemology congruent with the majority of primary qualitative research. The paper reviews and evaluates eight research methods or approaches that include some form of synthesis and that are and have been widely used in sport, health and exercise research (literature review, systematic review, meta-analysis, meta-ethnography, grounded theory, cross-case comparison, secondary analysis of primary data, and interpretive phenomenological analysis). The key features of each approach are drawn out, and their implications for the meta-interpretation approach are discussed. The paper then outlines the procedure for meta-interpretation before concluding with some comments on the functions of synthesis in general and meta-interpretation in particular.  相似文献   

The aim of this meta-study is to provide a critical synthesis of qualitative research on athletic identity in sport psychology. A total of 108 empirical studies were identified, including 63 quantitative studies, 40 qualitative studies, and five mixed methods studies. Qualitative and mixed methods studies were reviewed with the meta-study method, which involves a meta-analysis in terms of theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and findings. In our discussion we focus on evaluating and critiquing the current status of qualitative research on athletic identity and outlining recommendations for improving methodological rigor. It is concluded that both quantitative and qualitative studies need to be more explicit about their philosophical underpinnings and better grounded in psychological identity theory.  相似文献   

教练员人力资本若干理论问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用文献资料、对比分析和逻辑分析的方法对教练员人力资本的概念、构成与特征进行了分析。研究认为:教练员人力资本由其效率性人力资本、动力性人力资本和交易性人力资本三部分构成,其人力资本具有形成的阶段性、长期性、实践性和人力资本的专用性等基本特征。  相似文献   

This article presents a hypothetical dialogue between a notational analyst (NA) recently schooled in the positivistic assessment of athletic performance, an ‘old-school’ traditional coach (TC) who favours subjective analysis, and a pragmatic educator (PE). The conversation opens with NA and TC debating the respective value of quantitative and qualitative methods of performance analysis. Having considered their arguments from a-distance, PE offers a philosophically underpinned point of view that helps to practically reconcile NA's and TC's opposing positions. While primarily focusing on practical issues relating to the analysis of athletic performance, PE contends that ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ approaches can be legitimately used in combination. Such a stance would appear in-line with a pragmatic philosophical perspective, which by focusing on practical issues embraces pluralistic methods. It is hoped that this dialogue will facilitate further philosophical and practical debate to generate knowledge that could enrich coaches' understanding by presenting an approach to performance analysis that is more realistic for practitioners.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, qualitative research methods have become more commonplace in sport management scholarship. In the main, they are largely defined by a formulaic approach in which case studies, semi-structured interviews, and coding are often used. Alternative qualitative approaches, which may open up research to new audiences and research participants, and challenge assumptions about ‘good research,’ appear to be largely absent. This special issue on contemporary qualitative research methods in sport management includes conceptual advances in community-based research approaches, Indigenous methodologies, participatory action research, autoethnographies, and narratives. In addition, we present empirical papers that illustrate the use of autoethnography, narrative, digital ethnography, and phenomenology in the field. These articles provide examples for use in classes on qualitative research methods, and can serve to inspire others to use contemporary methods. We encourage sport management researchers to learn about and use contemporary qualitative data collection and analysis, and alternative means of disseminating their work to further enhance the field and challenge ways of knowing and doing research.  相似文献   

对排球教练员赛中场外指导的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排球新规则允许教练员比赛中站在本方场外对场上运动员进行指导,这是继暂停、技术暂停、换人、局间进行指导以外的又一新的指导方式,它给教练员临场指挥带来不同程度的影响,同时也对教练员提出了更高的要求。分析、研究排球赛中场外指导运用的时机和方法,以提高教练员对赛中场外指导的认识及临场指挥能力和水平,更好地适应和利用新的规则。  相似文献   

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