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网络游戏对青少年有很强的吸引力,同时也具有一定的教育启发功能;这一吸引力与学习过程的结合将有效促进游戏与教育的双赢.本文以动机为研究视角,运用主成分分析与典型相关分析方法,深入研究网络游戏参与动机与学习动机的匹配关系.结果显示,社会学习、自我肯定的游戏参与动机与求知成就、个人前途的学习动机存在正相关关系;娱乐猎奇、逃避归属则与外部期望、物质激励存在相关关系.  相似文献   

人们的任何活动,总是从一定的动机出发,并指向一定目的.参与不同活动的动机,以该活动的名称来命名,如参与游戏的称游戏动机,参与劳动的称劳动动机,参与学习的称学习动机.学习动机在学习活动中的意义是很大的,古今中外不少思想家、教育家、心理学家给予它特别的青睐.不少教育心理学或学习心理学的著作,都辟专章讨论学习动机问题.那么,什么是学习动机?它与学习目的,学习效果的关系如何?  相似文献   

学习者游戏经验差异是影响游戏化学习动机、体验与效果的重要因素,但其机制尚不明确,且未形成针对游戏经验差异的游戏化学习对策。鉴于此,研究基于大理论视角,构建游戏经验差异对游戏化学习的影响机制假设模型,并招募具有高、低游戏经验的大学生被试各25名,借助眼动仪与问卷采集被试游戏化学习时的视觉认知、学习动机、学习体验与学习效果数据,分析游戏经验差异对游戏化学习的影响并验证假设模型。结果表明:高游戏经验学习者内部动机、积极情绪与学习效果都相对更高,而低游戏经验学习者仅外部动机较高;游戏经验差异影响游戏化学习的机制表现为高游戏经验学习者能够通过降低外部动机、提高内部动机和积极情绪来提高学习效果,还能通过积极情绪体验获得高水平心流体验、感知成就与学习满意度。研究提出四条针对不同游戏经验学习者的游戏化学习设计对策:促成“外驱”向“内驱”转化、推动游戏化学习“挑战”与学习者“技能”高度匹配、诱发“积极情绪”以促进游戏化学习认知加工、巧用“游戏元素与机制”改善游戏化学习行为。  相似文献   

本文探讨在线教育游戏参与动机的作用机制,以此促进在线教育游戏的设计,创造更加丰富的积极体验,进一步激发在线教育游戏中的学习动机。通过获取461份关于在线教育游戏参与动机的有效调查问卷,利用数据进行分析,结果表明:益智动机、探索动机、成长动机、创造动机、竞争动机、社交动机、扮演动机、管理动机、攻击动机、成就动机、想象动机、隔离动机12种主要的动机形式对在线教育游戏参与意向存在综合作用,从而为在线教育游戏更有效地激发学习动机提供依据。  相似文献   

基于ARCS动机模式的轻游戏化学习软件将激发动机的教学策略引入轻游戏案例模块,将ARCS学习动机与游戏动机结合,以提升学习者注意力与满足感。 软件设计关注游戏氛围、动机与游戏关联性的创设,构建了轻游戏学习环境下的虚拟实验、资源分享、合作学习等教学模块,通过多种游戏激励机制提升学习者自信心,最终实现提升学习效果的目的。  相似文献   

霍艳云 《学周刊C版》2014,(6):160-161
活泼好动是学生的天性,他们喜爱游戏,在玩中感受不到累,整个活动中都能保持高涨的情绪,脸上始终洋溢着会心的微笑。将游戏与英语教学结合起来,为学生设计一系列集趣味性与知识于一体的英语游戏活动,可以使课堂教学更加轻松、愉悦,激起小学生内心强烈的参与动机与浓厚的学习热情,调动学生参与学习的主体性、主动性与积极性,能够让学生在游戏中学习,在快乐中学习,让学生真正地爱上英语学习,展开快乐学习。  相似文献   

<正>小学数学"综合与实践"是以问题为载体、以学生自主参与为主的学习活动,也是一种课程形态。它是教师通过问题引领、学生全程参与、实践过程相对完整的学习活动。游戏是儿童的存在方式,数学游戏能够激发游戏动机,发展游戏思维,培育游戏精神。综合与实践课型丰富,其中的游戏型活动具有自主性、游戏性、开放性和创造性,深受学生喜爱。然而目前不少教师对游戏型综合与实践理解肤浅、教学  相似文献   

教育游戏价值显著,但现状不容乐观,原因之一是不能充分激发玩家参与动机。相比火热的商业游戏,诸多动机激发策略值得借鉴。对比二者动机激发差异,找出教育游戏存在的问题,提出解决对策。以期改善教育游戏窘境,吸引更多玩家,发挥其独特优势。  相似文献   

正活泼好动是学生的天性,他们喜爱游戏,在玩中感受不到累,整个活动中都能保持高涨的情绪,脸上始终洋溢着会心的微笑。将游戏与英语教学结合起来,为学生设计一系列集趣味性与知识于一体的英语游戏活动,可以使课堂教学更加轻松、愉悦,激起小学生内心强烈的参与动机与浓厚的学习热情,调动学生参与学习的主体性、主动性与积极性,能够让学生在游戏中学习,在快乐中学习,让学生真正地爱上英语学习,展开快乐学习。笔者现对游戏在英语教学中的具体运用浅谈如下几点。一、活跃课堂氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣  相似文献   

瞿晴  魏桂霞 《动漫界》2022,(20):94-96
一、研究背景 陈鹤琴先生曾经说过:"游戏是儿童的心理特征,游戏是儿童的工作,游戏是儿童的生命."幼儿的游戏与日常生活是密不可分的,游戏是幼儿学习的主要途径,可以帮助幼儿获得各方面能力.游戏从本质上说就是幼儿的自主性活动,可以激发幼儿主体的内在动机,促使幼儿主动、自愿参与活动,并获得积极愉悦的情感体验.对于幼儿来说,户外...  相似文献   

游戏与学习研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机游戏在图形、复杂性、交互和描述等方面越来越复杂,多种类型的游戏已经在市场上占有重要地位,计算机游戏正成为文化的一部分。游戏与学习的关系成为越来越多的研究者关注的重点。本研究综述的目的是提供关于计算机游戏产业、市场和文化等现状的一个概述;对游戏与教育相关性研究的主要进展提供概览,并对该领域的相关文献进行概述;为教育研究共同体和游戏开发商等就如何在学习资源设计中使用游戏技术进行交流提供基础;为教育共同体在教育环境中使用数字游戏的讨论提供基础。同时本研究还以恰如其分的语气承认,在现有的教育体制和学习模式下,应用游戏的一些障碍和挑战。不仅如此,在这篇研究综述中,作者还为设计者、研究者和政策制定者提出了如何将游戏的一些本质特点融入学习资源和学习环境设计中的一些方法,而不仅仅是像今天教育游戏给学生提供的似乎像糖衣的"趣味性",只是使学生完全沉浸其中。  相似文献   

The need for literacy and the English curriculum to attend to digital literacies in the twenty-first century is well established. Although studies in digital literacies have examined the inclusion of computer games in schools, there has not been an extended study of English teachers incorporating computer games into their teaching and learning through action research projects. This paper outlines the structure and progress of a research project exploring the uses of computer games in English classrooms. We argue that much can be learned about the teaching of both print and digital literacies from examining computer games and young people's engagement in online digital culture in the world beyond school.  相似文献   

Researchers have argued that an effort should be made to raise teachers’ and parents’ awareness of the potentially positive educational benefits of playing video games (e.g., see Baek, 2008 Baek, Y.K. (2008). What hinders teachers in using computer and video games in the classroom? Exploring factors inhibiting the uptake of computer and video games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11, 665671.[Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]). One part of this effort should be to increase understanding of how video games can be situated within teachers’ existing goals and knowledge of learning and instruction. However, relatively little research on game-based learning addresses teachers (Ketelhut & Schifter, 2011), and for many a gap remains between the apparent enthusiasm of researchers and policy makers relative to the potential of educational games and the attendant practicalities of selecting and implementing video games in classroom settings. This article begins to bridge this gap by providing research-based areas of awareness and a discussion of factors that can facilitate understanding related to choosing and using video games. To this end, we show how educational games can be conceptualized from different theoretical perspectives on learning and discuss a number of essential design issues that educators should take into account when considering a video game for educational use.  相似文献   


This study is a review of video games studies completed in South Africa. This paper looked at existing research on video games in South Africa in order to understand the research approaches used, and the learning outcomes found in respect to findings from studies in the western world. Interestingly, the study shows similarities in the learning outcomes, yet a great emphasis on educational games targeted to address issues relevant to South Africa. This research also reveals that context, as argued in sociocultural theory, shaped the content of the games designed, populations studied, type of game to associate with video games, and learning.


Science education video game research points toward promising, but inconclusive results in both student learning outcomes and attitudes. However, student-level variables other than gender have been largely absent from this research. This study examined how students’ reading ability level and disability status are related to their video game-playing behaviors outside of school and their perceptions about the use of science video games during school. Thirty-four teachers and 876 sixth- through ninth-grade students from 14 states participated in the study. All student groups reported that they would prefer to learn science from a video game rather than from traditional text, laboratory-based, or Internet environments. Chi-square analyses indicated a significant association between reading ability level, disability status, and key areas of interest including students’ use of video games outside of school, their perceptions of their scientific abilities, and whether they would pursue a career in the sciences. Implications of these findings and areas for future research are identified.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of online games, understanding users' intention to play online games has become a new issue for academics and practitioners. Prior studies have investigated the factors affecting behavioural intention to play online games. However, little research has been conducted to investigate the gender differences in the acceptance of online games. Thus, this study is to investigate the effects of perceived playfulness and its potential antecedents (ie, computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, challenge, speed and feedback) on the behavioural intention to play online games, and to examine the gender differences in the perception and acceptance of online games. Data collected from 281 respondents in Taiwan were tested against the research model using analysis of variance and structural equation modelling approaches. The theoretical and practical implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

Designed-based research principles guided the study of 51 secondary-science teachers in the second year of a 3-year professional development project. The project entailed the creation of student-centered, inquiry-based, science, video games. A professional development model appropriate for infusing innovative technologies into standards-based curricula was employed to determine how science teacher’s attitudes and efficacy where impacted while designing science-based video games. The study’s mixed-method design ascertained teacher efficacy on five factors (General computer use, Science Learning, Inquiry Teaching and Learning, Synchronous chat/text, and Playing Video Games) related to technology and gaming using a web-based survey). Qualitative data in the form of online blog posts was gathered during the project to assist in the triangulation and assessment of teacher efficacy. Data analyses consisted of an Analysis of Variance and serial coding of teacher reflective responses. Results indicated participants who used computers daily have higher efficacy while using inquiry-based teaching methods and science teaching and learning. Additional emergent findings revealed possible motivating factors for efficacy. This professional development project was focused on inquiry as a pedagogical strategy, standard-based science learning as means to develop content knowledge, and creating video games as technological knowledge. The project was consistent with the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework where overlapping circles of the three components indicates development of an integrated understanding of the suggested relationships. Findings provide suggestions for development of standards-based science education software, its integration into the curriculum and, strategies for implementing technology into teaching practices.  相似文献   

肖红 《海外英语》2014,(20):280-281
Computer video games,which are based on personal computers,game consoles,and portable devices,can be played solo or multiplayer,and over networks. Interaction,which is the basic characteristic of games,provides rich communication opportunities for audiences. Meanwhile,narrative is a far more diverse concept to be considered as a distinctly important way of communication. This essay will compare and contrast the communication opportunities provided by narratives and computer games.  相似文献   

This study examines how 31 middle-school children conducted multimodal analyses of video games. Over four consecutive days, students played video games for 30 minutes and then wrote written reflections about the multimodal symbols within the game and how these symbols influenced their interpretation and decision-making processes during gameplay. Students produced 124 reflections in total, which were analysed via template analysis to determine how children metacognitively reflected on different types of multimodal symbols and used those symbols to comprehend the games and make decisions. Results illustrate how students engaged in metacognitive semantic and syntactic processes with a variety of multimodal symbols, such as written language, dynamic visuals and abstract symbols, during gameplay that aided their understanding of the games and influenced their decisions. This study contributes to the limited empirical research on video game literacies and illustrates children's meaning-making processes while engaged with video games as multimodal interactive texts.  相似文献   

Complex computer and video games may provide a vehicle, based on appropriate theoretical concepts, to transform the educational landscape. Building on the original game object model (GOM) a new more detailed model is developed to support concepts that educational computer games should: be relevant, explorative, emotive, engaging, and include complex challenges; support authentic learning activities that are designed as narrative social spaces where learners are transformed through exploration of multiple representation, and reflection; be gender-inclusive, include non-confrontational outcomes, and provide appropriate role models; develop democracy, and social capital through dialogue that is supported by means of computer mediated-communication tools; and include challenges, puzzles or quests, which form the core of the learning process, where access to explicit knowledge, conversations, and reflection results in the construction of tacit knowledge. It is argued that the GOM version II can be used not only to support the development of educational computer games but to provide a mechanism to evaluate the use of computer games in the classroom.  相似文献   

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