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Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语注释,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.When a doctor takes a person’s(脉搏),he usually puts his finger on thewrist to feel the heart beat patiently.2.Tom shouted at me,but I tried to keep himc(镇静).3.He dialed120and called an(救护车  相似文献   

[例文]Last Sunday afternoon, I was in a bookshop.Suddenly I saw a short man behind me. He stole my purse and ran out of the shop. I followed him but he ran faster than me. I shouted "stop thief! stop thief!" A policeman came to help. Then a woman came and told us "I saw him. He ran along the street and then turned right at the first crossing." The policeman started to run and he ran faster than me. Soon he stopped the thief and I got my purse back.  相似文献   

笔者根据教学中学生写作暴露出的用词错误,归纳了20个经常出错的单词,现整理如下: 1.explain典型错误:Please explain me how to join a tennis club.正确表达:explain不属于可带双宾语的动词,可以说:explain sth.(to sb.)或explain to sb.sth.,故上句应改为:  相似文献   

先请看下面两个句子:1.It’s right of you to do it.2.It’s easy for you to do it.有的同学问,这两个句子的结构相同,为什么句1用of、句2用for呢?也就是说,在“It is+adj.+of(for)+sb.to do sth.”这个句型中,怎样确定要用of还是要用for呢?一般情况下,我们可使用以下两条规则来解决of和for的纠葛。(一)如果句中的形容词表示的是sb.的某种特征或品质,即句中的sb.和adj.构成的主谓关系(主语+连系动词+形容词)合乎逻辑,应用of。如句1变成Youare right.合乎逻辑。再如:It is kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了。It was foolish o…  相似文献   

一、do sb a favour该结构表示“帮助某人”,也可说成do a favour for sb,注意其中有不定冠词。如:Would you do me a favour please?请你帮我个忙,好吗?He is always ready to do a favour for his classmates.他总是乐于帮助同学。以下各句均可表示“劳驾请把窗户打开”。注意,当favour后有定语修饰时,其前习惯上要用定冠词:Do me a favour and open the window.Do me a favour by opening the window.Do me a favour—open the window,please.Do me the favour to open the window.Do me the favour of opening the window.二、do sb …  相似文献   

英语初学者在学习不定式时,常碰到这类句子: a. It is no use for you to talk to him at this time. b. It is kind of you to help me. a句中的for you to talk to him at this time和b句中的of you to help me都是动词不定式复合结构作主语,两个it都是形式主语,这样把it代替真正的主语放在句首而把真正的主语置于句子后部,往往是为了避免句子头重脚轻,保持句子的平衡,但对句子中的for和of有不少英语初学者(包括一部份英语教师)还不甚清楚。  相似文献   

I.walk.go 这两个词都有“走”的意思。但二者在用法上有以下区别: walk多指步行或散步,其主语通常是人。例如: Let’s walk there.让我们走着去那儿。 go多指“离去”,不一定指步行走路,通常与带介词to的地点状语或带介词by的方式状语连用,其主语可以是人,也可以是物。例如: He often goes to bed、at nine o’clock. 他  相似文献   

1.误:How is the weather like today? 正:How is the weather today?/What is theweather like today? 析:问“……怎么样?”可用How is…?句型或What is…like?句型。 2.误:He asked me to take a message to you. 正:He asked me to take a message for you. 析:表示“给……捎口信,的固定结构是take amessage for sb。  相似文献   

It is+adj.+for(or of)sb.+to do sth.是英语中常用的一个句型结构。如: It’s very kind of you to help me. It’s very difficult for me to learn math.乍一看,此类句型不定式前的逻辑主语是用for还是用of,似乎很难区别,许多同学分辨不清,但仔细分析,要弄清这一问题,并不难。用for还是用of主要取决于be动词后的形容词,我们把这一句型中be动词后的形容词分为两大类。  相似文献   

It is+adj. +for(or of)sb.+to do sth.是英语中常用的一个句型结构。如: It's very kind of you to help me. It's very difficult for me to learn math. 乍一看,此类句型不定式前的逻辑主语是用for还是用of,似乎很难区别,许多同学分辨不清,但仔细分析,要弄清这一问题,并不难。用for还是用of主要取决于be动词后的形容词,我们把这一句型中be动词后的形容词分为两大类。  相似文献   

一、为什么有些主动句不能改为被动句? 英语句子常可以用两种语态即主动语态和被动语态来表达,句意并无改变。例如:I gave him a book.→He was given a book by me.或A book was given to him by me.  相似文献   

英语中,系动词“be”用于进行时加动态形容词,表示某人或某物一时的情状或品质。这类句子往往暗含某种意思,其暗含之意即为通常的表现。请看举例:1.They are being friendly,to me today.他们今天对我很友好。暗含:They are not so friendly to me at other times.2.He is being modest.他这会儿很谦虚。暗含:Modesty is not necessarily his nature.  相似文献   

在英语复习时应对一词多义的词多加注意。请将下列各句中的划线动词译成中文。 1. Jim is making a plane. ( ) 2. The story made us laugh. ( ) 3. He told the news to everybody. ( ) 4. She told me to come at once. ( ) 5. Did you ask her which to buy? ( ) 6. He asked me to help him. ( ) 7. How can I get there? ( )  相似文献   

1.课文原句:It was all that a person would need to survive—clothing,tools, weapons,pottery and spare materials to make new tools.(p.75)要点:spare的用法。透视:1)spare作动词意为"抽出/剩下(时间)",句型为"spare sb. time"。例如: Can you spare me ten minutes at the mo- ment?  相似文献   

It is+adj+for sb.+to do与Itis+adj+of sb.+to do这两个句型在日常英语中经常应用,表面上很相似,有时候介词for和of还可以互换,其意不变。如: It was nice for you to lendme the money=It, was nice ofyou to lend me the money.但在多数情况下,两个介词是不能互换的。现就它们的不同之处谈点肤浅的看法。  相似文献   

1.请把你的新字典给我看看。[误]Please show me to look at your new dictionary.[正]Please show me your new dictionary.[析]show sb.sth.意为“把某物显示给某人看”,本身含有look at之意,故不能再与look at连用。2.我的父亲每天步行去那儿。  相似文献   

一、It takes sb.some time/money to dosth.某人花费多少时间(金钱)做某事。例如: It takes me ten minutes to walk to schoolevery day.每天我要花十分钟时间步行去上学。It took him forty dollars to buy the dictionary  相似文献   

今天早上Simon忽然听到有人对他说:“你戴大檐帽,特别像个女兵。”淡淡的感觉,没什么好说的。后来他们又端详了一番,说“只可惜那胡子坏事”。Long before I haven’t beard."Ca" often shouted at me:"Hi!La-dyman(小白脸)".She is my desk mate,a hot girl,because of my staunch(忠厚老实),she analyzed(分析)my character(性格)is shy,graceful(优雅)and clever like……,I’m so angry and shouted:"shutup!"  相似文献   

determine v. “决心、决定”。1. 后接on/upon+n. We determined on an early start. 2. 后接(not)to do sth. They determined not to travel further. 3. 后接sb. (not)to do sth./against sth. 1)What determined you not to accept the offer? 2) What determined you against the offer? 4. 后接object-clause He determined that he would go at once. 注:分词作状语时用其过去分词形式。He left the place, determined never to come back again.  相似文献   

请看下面的句子:He wants me to see him off tomorrow.这句话的意思是:他要我明天去给他送行。wants后面有宾语“me”,还有“to see him off”作宾语补足语。ask,order,make,have,see等动词有时也和want一样,后面有了宾语,还要加宾语补足语,句子的意思才能完整。这样,宾语和宾语补足语合在一起就构成了复合宾语。  相似文献   

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