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Several fundamental problems in hydrophobic force measurements using atomic force microscope (AFM) are discussed in this paper. A novel method for colloid probe preparation based on chemical etching technology is proposed, which is specially fit for the unique demands of hydrophobic force measurements by AFM. The features of three different approaches for determining spring constants of rectangular cantilevers, including geometric dimension, Cleveland and Sader methods are compared. The influences of the sizes of the colloids on the measurements of the hydrophobic force curves are investigated. Our experimental results showed that by selecting colloid probe with proper spring constant and tip size, the hydrophobic force and the complete hydrophobic interaction force curve can be measured by using AFM.  相似文献   

从纳维埃-司托克斯方程出发,结合层流附面层内流体的特点。推导出层流附面层内流体的运动方程,将其应用到平板的绕流中,并将理论结果与实验分析作了比较。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new molecular connectivity wherein the atomic delta value is weighted by the Mulliken bond order, and thus connects effectively the molecular orbital theory with the topological theory and converts the molecular connectivity method into a novel quantum-topology method. Comparison of the atomic delta value of the molecular connectivity with the value of the Mulliken bond order, showed that they have similar physical meanings. The calculated new molecular connectivity indexes of some typical hydrocarbons showed good correlatin with their volumes, hydrophobic constants and thermodynamic properties, respectively.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONObjecttrackingisachallengingandimpor tanttaskincomputervision .Someofthemorepopularapplicationsincludevideosurveillanceinstrument,roboticcontrol,andautonomousve hicularnavigation .Trackingalgorithmsfindhowanimageregionmovesfromoneframetothenext.Thisimpliestheexistenceofanerrorfunc tiontobeminimized ,suchasthesumofsquareddifferences (SSD)betweenthetwoimagere gions.Thiserrorfunctionistheresultofmakingthe“constantbrightnessassumption” .Yet,quiteoftenweareinterestedintrackinga…  相似文献   

Dynamic equivalence of the wind farm is a fundamental problem in the simulation of a power system connected with wind farms because it is unpractical to model every generator in a wind farm in detail. In this paper, an Equivalence Method based on the Output Characteristics (EMOC) is proposed, with which the wind farm composed of Squirrel-Cage Induction Generators (SCIGs) can be equivalent to one generator. By considering the diversity of wind generators and special operating characteristics of a wind farm, the equivalent generator based on EMOC responds accurately in various faults. No matter whether the wind farm is integrated in grid or just programmed, EMOC can be used to acquire an accurate equivalent generator. Simulation of the dynamic equivalence of an SCIG wind farm validated the method.  相似文献   

This novel method of Pedestrian Tracking using Support Vector (PTSV) proposed for a video surveillance instrument combines the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier into an optic-flow based tracker. The traditional method using optical flow tracks objects by minimizing an intensity difference function between successive frames, while PTSV tracks objects by maximizing the SVM classification score. As the SVM classifier for object and non-object is pre-trained, there is need only to classify an image block as object or non-object without having to compare the pixel region of the tracked object in the previous frame. To account for large motions between successive frames we build pyramids from the support vectors and use a coarse-to-fine scan in the classification stage. To accelerate the training of SVM, a Sequential Minimal Optimization Method (SMO) is adopted. The results of using a kernel-PTSV for pedestrian tracking from real time video are shown at the end. Comparative experimental results showed that PTSV improves the reliability of tracking compared to that of traditional tracking method using optical flow.  相似文献   

We proposed a novel method of fabricating polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic chip polymer master molds in this paper. The method mainly includes two steps. First, a stainless steel slice was laser etched to form a metal model. Then, the organic solution of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was casted onto the metal model to fabricate the PMMA master which subsequently would be used to fabricate PDMS chips. We systematically researched different laser parameters influencing the surface status of microchannels and obtained optimized etching parameters. We investigated and optimized the organic solution composition of PMMA while casting chip masters, and developed a method to form fine polymer masters using two different viscosity solutions to cast the model in turn, and studied the repeatable replication. Then, we investigated physical performance of this chip and evaluated the practicability by analyzing Rhodamine B. Compared with present methods, the proposed method does not need photolithography on photoresistant and chemical etching. The entire fabricating progress is simple, fast, low-cost and can be controlled easily. Only several minutes are required to make a metal model, 3 hours for a PMMA master, and one day for PDMS chips.  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种分析含受控源电路的简便方法.应用这种方法可以把电路中的受控源视为独立源,因此具有简化计算的优点.  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 A great deal of models have been studied on the subject of Diffserv, including static and dynamic pricing schemes. In the case of dynamic pricing, the network administrators adapt the link price to the bandwidth changes; In static pricing, the price is set based on the analysis from the historical data , and it is impossible to react to the changes in the demand or traffic load of the network. However, this scheme is easier to implement. Generally, there always exists an equi…  相似文献   

A novel method for mobile robot simultaneous localization and mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION A key prerequisite for a truly autonomous robot is that it can simultaneously localize itself and accu-rately map its surroundings (Kortenkamp et al., 1998), which is known as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), which, when phrased as a state estimation problem, involves a variable number of dimensions. Murphy and Russell (2001) adopted Rao-Blackwellized particle filters (RBPFs) as an effective way for representing alternative hypotheses on robot paths and ass…  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical three-dimensional mathematical model of circulation and heat transfer in generator of glass melting furnaces. The model was based on the heat transfer between the smoke flow and the lattice units, and between the air flow and the lattice units. This model not only bypassed the difficulty of complicated computation of the heat transfer process in the regenerator of glass furnaces, but also avoided the irrationality of fixing the temperature distribution on the surfaces. Use of the model yielded very important data and also the method for the design of the regenerator of glass furnaces in practical production.  相似文献   

以 3缩水甘油环氧丙基三甲氧基硅烷对玻璃基片表面进行硅烷化后 ,用下列 4种方法组装手臂分子 :①盐酸直接处理 ;②先用聚六乙二醇 ,然后用盐酸处理 ;③用乙二胺、戊二醛、乙醇胺和硼氢化钠分别处理 ;④用聚六乙二醇、乙二胺、戊二醛、乙醇胺和硼氢化钠分别处理 .用XPS(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy)和测定接触角的方法对上述组装进行了表征 ,并用直接偶联荧光单体及合成 2 0mer寡核苷酸与带荧光的互补探针杂交的方法对上述手臂分子的合成效率及杂交效率进行了考察 .实验表明方法③组装的手臂分子得到的结果优于其他 3种方法 ,证明了手臂分子的空间效应、亲水性等性质对寡核苷酸合成和杂交存在影响 .  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein plays an important role in Parkinson's disease (PD). The current study of alpha-synuclein mainly concentrates at the gene level. However, it is found that the study at the protein level has special significance. Meanwhile, there is free information on the Internet, such as databases and algorithms of protein-protein interactions (PPIs). In this paper, a novel method which integrates distributed heterogeneous data sources and algorithms to predict PPIs for alpha- synuclein in silico is proposed. The PPIs generated by the method take advantage of various experimental data, and indicate new information about PPIs for alpha-synuclein. In the end of this paper, the result illustrates that the method is practical. It is hoped that the prediction result obtained by this method can provide guidance for biological experiments of PPIs for alpha-synuclein to reveal possible mechanisms of PD.  相似文献   

A new absorbing boundary condition(ABC) for frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain algorithm for the arbitrary dispersive media is presented.The concepts of the digital systems are introduced to the (FD)^2TD method.On the basis of digital filter disigning and vector algebra,the absorbing boundary condition under arbitrary angle of incidence are derived.The transient electromagnetic problems in two-dimensions and three-dimensions are calculated and the validity of the ABC is verified.  相似文献   

通过对STL文件的分析和几种常用数据结构的比较,给出了一种层次环状数据结构,该结构是由快速排序顶点序列进行冗余顶点滤除,并建立顶点邻接表和三角面片邻接表而得到的.由于邻接表中存储的是点、面的索引号,从而提高了后续查找的效率,节省了存储空间.本方法已成功应用于虚拟牙齿矫正系统的开发,同时也适用于其它各种以STL为数据交换格式的系统.  相似文献   

在用机器视觉在线自动测量大尺寸零件的直线轮廓尺寸时,为了消除序列图像拼接中的旋转偏差,提出了一种基于链码搜索的新算法.将序列图进行滤波、分割、边缘提取预处理后,搜索边缘轮廓线的链码长度,根据链码长度求出轮廓线与坐标轴间的夹角,将序列图反向旋转这一角度,使序列图中直线轮廓方向与坐标方向一致,从而消除了序列图的旋转偏差,为后续拼接中消除平移偏差做好准备.对旋转偏差为0°~9°的线性轮廓零件进行了实验,结果表明:与经典的Hough变换相比,新方法精度更高,速度更快,这对实现大尺寸直线轮廓零件在线高精度测量具有重要实用价值.  相似文献   

多序列比对是一种重要的生物信息学工具,在生物的进化分析以及蛋白质的结构预测方面有着积极的意义.以CLUSTAL W为代表的渐进式比对方法在此这个领域取得了很大的成功,但其固有的缺陷阻碍了其比对精度的进一步提高.本文提出了一种基于小波包变换的多序列比对方法,这种方法利用小波包对数字信号良好的分析能力来寻找序列之间的相似片断,从而达到提高精度、降低计算量的作用.最后,本文利用多序列比对平台BA lisBASE和仿真程序ROSE,给出了此方法与其他比对算法的效率比较结果和讨论.  相似文献   

The pressurized reservoir is a closed hydraulic tank which plays a significant role in enhancing the capabilities of hydraulic driven robotics. The spring pressurized reservoir adopted in this paper requires comprehensive performance, such as weight, size, fluid volume, and pressure, which is hard to balance. A novel interactive multi-objective optimization approach, the feasible space tightening method, is proposed, which is efficient in solving complicated engineering design problems where multiple objectives are determined by multiple design variables. This method provides sufficient information to the designer by visualizing the performance trends within the feasible space as well as its relationship with the design variables. A step towards the final solution could be made by raising the threshold on performance indicators interactively, so that the feasible space is reduced and the remaining solutions are more preferred by the designer. With the help of this new method, the preferred solution of a spring pressurized reservoir is found. Practicability and efficiency are demonstrated in the optimal design process, where the solution is determined within four rounds of interaction between the designer and the optimization program. Tests on the designed prototype show good results.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Automatic face recognition has become a very active research area in the last decade due to the new interest in, and need for, surveillance and security, telecommunication and digital libraries, hu-man-computer intelligent interaction, and smart en-vironments. The small sample size (SSS) problem is often encountered because the number of the samples is much smaller than the dimension of the sample space in face recognition. It results in the singularity of the within-class …  相似文献   

针对传统无监督图像显著性目标检测鲁棒性不强、学习算法复杂度高的问题,提出了一种新的鲁棒无监督显著性目标检测方法——三元结构化矩阵分解目标检测。该方法利用低秩矩阵三元分解降低奇异值分解(singular value decomposition)的算法复杂度,结合高层先验知识,提升复杂背景下的显著性目标检测性能。通过分层稀疏正则化和构造索引树,解决显著图的细节缺失问题。在3种标准多目标数据集上对主流无监督显著性目标检测方法进行了实验对比,结果表明,所提方法学习时间最多可以降低40%,并且F-measure指标在超过50%的阈值范围内鲁棒性优于当前最好的无监督检测算法。  相似文献   

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