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在活动跑台上跑和在田径场上跑,两种活动时的能量消耗无显著差异(P>0.05),但总的趋势是后者大于前者。经线性回归分析,它们之间呈高度相关(r=0.97,P<0.01)。  相似文献   

孙泊  刘宇  李海鹏 《体育科学》2012,32(9):17-22
目的:研究走、跑模式下健康成年男子单位时间单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系以及单位距离单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系;探讨相同速度走、跑两种不同的运动模式下能量消耗特征;方法:19名男性大学生作为研究对象。使用跑台控制速度,采用走、跑两种运动模式,每一速度至少测试6min,以速度递增的方式进行测试,走、跑模式转换时休息至安静状态。使用VO2000测试安静以及运动中的气体代谢参数,PO-LAR表测试心率;结果:建立走模式以及跑模式下的能量消耗与速度之间的拟合方程;单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速二次曲线拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.88;单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速线性拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.72;两条拟合曲线的交点坐标为(2.35m/s,141.7cal/kg/min);在测试速度范围之内,同等速度下走与跑的单位时间的能耗具有显著性差异(P<0.01),跑的能耗显著大于走的能耗。单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速的2次拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.98,曲线最低点的坐标为(1.14m/s,0.553cal/kg/m),单位距离单位体重的平均能耗与跑速拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.68;结论:1)单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速呈二次曲线关系,单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递增关系;2)单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速呈"U"型曲线关系;单位距离单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递减趋势,说明在一定速度范围内随着跑速的增加单位距离单位体重的能耗降低。  相似文献   

目的:通过EMG记录分析跑台跑和场地跑肌肉用力情况特征,比较这两种状态跑时肌肉用力方式的各自特点。方法:11名中长跑运动员,每名运动员分两天测试,随机让其以10 km/h、12 km/h、14 km/h、16 km/h、18 km/h的速度在场地和跑台(0%、5%、10%坡度)运动6min,每种速度跑之间间歇10min。使用便携式Megawin ME-6000肌电仪记录其下肢肌群(臀大肌、股外侧肌、股二头肌、腓肠肌内侧头、胫骨前肌)EMG变化情况。结果表明:在肌肉用力方面,5%坡度的跑台跑可以模拟场地跑,而10%坡度的跑台跑则可以给予下肢肌群更强的刺激,以满足训练的需要;跑台跑时,胫骨前肌需要比在场地跑时动员更多的运动单位参与工作,而跑台的坡度和速度增加对动员更多的运动单位影响不大。  相似文献   

为了给广大体育爱好者从琳琅满目的运动鞋中选择适合自己的慢跑鞋提出建议,从肌电学和气体代谢方面分析穿4种不同慢跑鞋的能耗。肌电实验结果表明,穿不同慢跑鞋走(1.5 m/s)、跑(3.5 m/s)时,由于跑鞋的重量差异以及结构差异导致下肢8块肌肉放电量出现比较明显差异;气体代谢结果表明,穿不同类型的慢跑鞋在跑台上进行15分钟3.5 m/s匀速跑时,能量消耗差异也比较大。结合跑鞋和自身情况,运动爱好者要有目的性地选择适合自己的运动鞋。  相似文献   

场地竞走和长距离跑几种记圈方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合运用各类调查法、文献资料法、观察统计法和分析比较法对场地竞走和长距离跑几种记圈方法从科学性和实用性方面进行研究。研究结果认为,单一的记圈方法有缺点和优点,综合法集中了各种单一方法的优点,又对各种单一方法的缺点起到了互辅作用。建议在比赛中采用综合法比较好。  相似文献   

卜范芳是我国女子400m跑冠军,多年来一直将模拟跑道训练作为一种创新的训练方法,对于提高其速度耐力水平有着非常显著的效果。本研究目的旨在通过运动学测试和肌电测试,比较卜范芳模拟跑道跑和场地跑技术结构和肌肉用力结构的差异,从而客观地评价这一训练方法的优劣。运动学测试表明,模拟跑道跑和场地跑两种技术比较,蹬地腿的蹬离角、摆动腿的最小折叠膝角、最大髋角、腾空高度和时间都存在较大差异。肌电测试表明,下肢8块主要肌肉在两种跑的技术中其贡献率也存在明显的差异。因此认为,如果长期进行模拟跑道训练,将会导致运动员技术动作的改变和肌肉用力的不协调;模拟跑道训练作为提高速度耐力的训练手段比例不宜太大,最好在运动强度训练阶段采用。  相似文献   

目的比较IC法与心率法能量消耗的差异,以IC法为标准建立Actigraph GT3X+三轴加速度计法能量消耗的预测方程,寻找一种科学简便的运动员能量消耗测评方法。方法优秀重剑、现代五项运动员30名,运用Cosmed Quark PFT运动心肺功能仪监测能量消耗、摄氧量、心率,三轴加速度计记录加速度计数。结果 (1)IC法所测能量消耗与加速度计数ACz、VM、心率及心率法能量消耗均相关(P<0.01);(2)小、中等运动强度心率法能量消耗显著高于IC法(P<0.01),大运动强度下两者无显著性差异(P>0.05),极大运动强度心率法能量消耗显著低于IC法(P<0.01);(3)以20名运动员为对象,ACz和体质量、VM和体质量为自变量建立加速度计法能量消耗方程,以另外10名运动员为对象验证方程的准确性,所建方程的预测值与实测值之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 (1)采用的心率法能量消耗较为准确地预测70%-90%VO2max(大强度)跑台运动的能量消耗,高估中小强度、低估极大强度跑台运动的能量消耗;(2)三轴加速度计可以预测运动员能量消耗,所建分段加速度能耗预测方程适用于类似本研究方案的跑台运动。  相似文献   

对中小学生进行2种常用方式乒乓球击球练习时的能量消耗进行测定和比较。结果显示:在中学生组,2种击球方式均属中小强度运动;在小学生组,反手连续推挡单球为中小强度运动,左推右攻定位多球击球练习属于中等强度运动;所有受试者左推右攻定位多球击球练习的耗氧量均显著高于反手连续推挡单球练习。  相似文献   

目的:使用SWA传感器测量跑台走跑和实地自行车运动时的能量消耗,并与间接测热法测量结果相比较,对SWA测量运动健身时能量消耗的有效性进行研究,为传感器的准确应用提供参考。方法:15名成年男性在平板运动跑台完成4.8km/h、6.4km/h、8.0km/h 3个速度的走、跑运动,并在室内完成10km/h、13km/h、15km/h的场地自行车运动,使用SWA(两个软件版本V6.1、V7.0)和间接测热法预测运动时的能量消耗,对预测数据进行配对t检验、回归分析、相关性分析、ICC系数以及Bland-Altman一致性检验。结果:1)SWA 6.1高估了跑台走跑(高估1%)和实地自行车运动(高估9%)的能量消耗,但相关性和一致性较好(r=0.91,ICC=0.91)。2)SWA 7.0高估了跑台走跑(高估325%)和实地自行车运动(高估357%)的能量消耗,其与IC预测能量消耗的差值随着强度的增加而增大,但两者之间的相关性较好(r=0.91),一致性在可接受的范围之内(ICC=0.44),且SWA 7.0预测走跑能量消耗时与IC的一致性大于预测自行车运动能量消耗与IC的一致性。结论:SWA传感器预测的运动健身能量消耗值远远大于间接测热法预测的能量消耗,且预测的能量消耗差值随着运动速度的增加而不断增加,与该传感器旧版本高估低强度运动能量消耗和低估高强度能量消耗有所不同,但预估的能量消耗与间接测热法之间有较高的相关性和一致性。  相似文献   

李开刚  洪平  尚文元  宗丕芳 《体育科学》2003,23(5):102-105,F003
采用实验法,利用跑台进行递增负荷运动时测定我国优秀游泳运动员最大有氧能力。结果显示:1)VO2max平台持续时间(VO2maxPD)是另一个可以反映游泳运动员的最大有氧能力的重要标识,只有把VO2max和VO2maxPD二者结合起来才能更全面反映运动员有氧能力的内涵;2)心率无氧阈(HR—AT)应成为游泳训练中控制训练负荷的重要指标。  相似文献   

LivePod LP2检测人体运动中能量消耗水平的信、效度检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
加速度传感器以其轻便、客观、精确等特点,在人体体力活动测量与评价中被广泛使用。LivePod LP2是一款国产新型加速度传感器,它基于3轴加速度MEMS传感器技术,采用人体动作智能模糊识别模型和个性化能耗模型测量人体运动中的能量消耗。对LivePodLP2在测量人体运动能量消耗的信度和效度水平进行了验证。26名受试者在4个不同部位佩戴LivePod LP2,在3种速度下(4km/h、6km/h、8km/h)运动。通过计算ICC,发现其值处于0.978~0.997;采用相关分析、配对样本t检验以及Bland-Altman分析法等方法对仪器和MAXII测量数据分析表明:LivePod LP2佩戴于右侧臀部上方,在慢跑速度水平下效度水平最高。LivePod LP2可以用于记录体力活动能量消耗,在日常应用中,用户可以选择将LivePod LP2固定于腰部来监测运动能量消耗情况。  相似文献   


Eighty-two male college students were divided into three equal-size groups for the purpose of testing the transfer effects between motor skills judged similar in perceptual components but different in motor components.

Criterion measures of gross movement ability and static balance were analyzed and practice tasks similar to these criterion measures in perceptual components but different in motor components were developed. All subjects were pretested on the criterion measures, after which groups 1 and 2 practiced 3 min. per day for 28 days on the practice tasks while group 3 performed unrelated isometric exercises. On the post-test, the experimental groups were found to be significantly superior to the control group on gross movement accuracy and static balance. It was implied that the transfer resulted from the similarity in perceptual components of the two motor skills, and that perceptual abilities were subject to improvement through practice.  相似文献   


Sixteen men were studied during 6-min bouts of motorized treadmill running at 230 m · min–1 and 0% and 4% grade to compare [Vdot]O2 while using freely chosen stride lengths (CSL) and stride lengths approximately 8% shorter (SSL) and longer (LSL) than CSL. The study also attempted to determine whether stride length variations of these proportions altered [Vdot]O2 differently at the two grades. CSL were greater (p<.05) at 0% than 4% with mean values of 133.5 and 131.5 cm, respectively. Two-way ANOVA (Stride x Grade) with repeated measures yielded significant F values (p<.05) for the main effects of both stride length and grade but not for interaction between the two factors. Mean [Vdot]O2 values were 44.95 and 56.80 ml · kg1 · min–1 at 0% and 4% grade, respectively. The Tukey w procedure was used for comparing the main effect means across both grades for the three stride lengths. These means were 50.94, 49.88, and 51.80 ml · kg1 · min–1 for SSL, CSL, and LSL, respectively, with the CSL mean significantly less than the SSL and LSL means (p<.05). Stride length variations of approximately ±8% did not alter [Vdot]O2 differently at the two grades, and although [Vdot]O2 for SSL and LSL was not different, [Vdot]O2 was significantly (p<.05) increased by 2.1% for SSL and 3.8% for LSL. Not all individual patterns followed the group norm, however, in that three subjects were more economical with short stride lengths and two were more economical with longer strides.  相似文献   


When subjects make simultaneous aiming movements of the upper limbs over different distances, assimilation effects are shown; the shorter distance limb overshoots when paired with a longer distance limb. However, it is not known whether assimilation effects are due to variations in distance per se or to variations in target location. To separate the possible influences of distance and location, 60 subjects made rapid bimanual aiming movements in one of four conditions. The two different-distance groups made a 20° movement in the left hand and a 60° movement in the right hand to either the same or different target locations. The comparison groups moved 20° in each limb. Somewhat surprisingly, spatial assimilations were greater when moving different distances to the same, rather than different, target locations, which suggests interlimb differences in distance mediate assimilation effects rather than target location. Temporal assimilations were greater when distance and location were varied, but the assimilations were not related to interlimb differences in velocity, as predicted by Marteniuk and MacKenzie (1980).  相似文献   

通过查阅国内相关文献资料,分析了短跑运动能量消耗的基本规律。由于短跑技术动作的不规范、缺乏准备活动或准备不充分、肌肉的紧张、全程节奏紊乱、肌肉柔韧性差、过度紧张的心理,造成了运动员身体能量的大量消耗,致使能量不足而出现肌肉损伤现象。并由此论述短跑运动员肌肉能量消耗与肌肉损伤的相关机理,提出了有利于运动员能量储备的训练方法。  相似文献   

散打运动员体能测试模式与标准   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用测试法和多元统计法,对目前散打运动员体能测试内容及其标准的合理性和有效性进行分析探讨。认为,散打运动员体能测试的重点应在速度耐力、耐力方面和力量、灵敏方面,并由此建立了可供散打运动员体能测试采用的部分项目及相应的评定标准。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of triathlon training using multiple, short cycle-run sequences (multicycle-run training) on cycle-run performance. Twelve competitive triathletes, randomized into two groups, underwent multicycle-run training or normal training for 6 weeks. During this period, baseline training remained the same for both groups, and only the high-intensity component differed. The differentiated exercises were performed at or above 100% maximal aerobic velocity. The improvements in overall cycle-run performance were similar (3.3 ± 1.4 % and 6.1 ± 1.7 % rise in performance in multicycle-run and normal training, respectively). However, the improvement in performance was significantly greater for the multicycle-run training (- 11.2 ± 6.8 s versus ?1.2 ± 7.7 s for multicycle-run training and normal training, respectively) during both the cycle-run change and the first 333-m lap, which together are termed the cycle-run transition. We concluded that 6 weeks of multicycle-run training did not induce greater improvement in cycle-run performance than did normal training in competitive triathletes. However, it did induce significant improvement in the cycle-run transition. This finding indicates that multicycle-run training may help competitive triathletes to develop greater skill and better physiological adaptations during this critical transition period of the triathlon race.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to compare the peak physiological responses among four protocols that employed different amounts of handweighted exercise in 16 males (aged 26.3 ± 4.1 years). The four protocols were (a) uphill treadmill running (UR; 3.36 m-s1, 2.5% grade increase-3 min1); (b) uphill treadmill walking while pumping 1.36kg handweights (HW) (UWHW; 1.79ms1, 5.0% grade increase-3 min1; (c) treadmill walking while pumping .91-kg HW (WHW; 1.79 m-s1, 0% grade, .91kg HW increase-3 min1); and (d) standing in place and pumping HW (SHW; arm work as described in WHW). It was hypothesized that the peak responses would be inversely proportional to the estimated muscle mass activated (i.e., UR = UWHW > WHW > SHW). Dependent variables included peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak), peak heart rate (HRpeak), peak ventilation (Vepeak), and peak respiratory exchange ratio (RERpeak). No differences were noted between UR and UWHW with respect to any of the dependent variables. All variables (except RERpeak) were greater (p < .01) in UR and UWHW than either WHW or SHW. RERpeak was greater (p < .01) in UR and UWHW than in WHW. VO2peak and HRpeak were greater (p < .01) in WHW when compared to SHW. Mean VO2peak was 97.5, 69.7, and 60% of UR for UWHW, WHW, and SHW, respectively. Therefore, walking and pumping handweights provides a maximal stimulus to the oxygen transport system.  相似文献   

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