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利用Con-Trex等速肌力测试与训练系统,以180°/s、120°/s、60°/s的3种角速度对13名男子优秀自行车运动员和13名女子优秀自行车运动员左腿髋关节进行等速向心收缩测试。获得了相应的等速向心收缩的伸屈肌峰值力矩、伸屈肌总功、伸屈肌平均功率等指标,并结合项目特点分析各角速度下指标的差异。  相似文献   

目的:对广东省女子手球队运动员肩关节屈伸肌群的力矩特征进行研究,为运动队的训练和科研提供参考。方法:运用CON-TREX人体肌力评估和训练系统并选取60°/s和240°/s对运动员两侧肩关节进行等速测试。结果:肩关节伸肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩值均大于屈肌;受试者肩关节屈伸肌峰力矩比值大都在60%-90%之间;大部分队员肩关节同名肌力矩差值在10%以内。结论:广东女子手球运动员两侧肩关节伸肌群力量大于屈肌;右侧肩关节伸肌群的力量大于左侧;在两种不同测试速度下,受试者肩关节屈伸肌峰力矩比值在合理范围内;大部分队员两侧肩关节伸屈肌力量保持平衡。  相似文献   

目的:探讨优秀男子举重运动员肘关节屈伸肌群等速肌力特征及变化规律,为专项力量训练及同类研究提供理论参考。方法:采用美国CYBEX-Norm770型等速力量测试系统,测评山西省男子举重队7名现役运动员不同角速度下(30°/s、180°/s、)肘关节屈伸肌群等速肌力相关参数。结果:1)男子举重运动员双侧肘关节屈伸肌PT/BW随测试速度增加整体上呈现下降趋势(30°/s→180°/s);在同一测试速度下,右侧伸肌PT/BW显著高于左侧(P<0.05)。2)男子举重运动员双侧肘关节F/E随测试速度的增加而增大,测试速度为30°/s时,右侧肘关节F/E偏低仅为66%。3)男子举重运动员双侧肘关节屈伸肌AP随着测试速度的增加而增大。测试速度为180°/s时,右侧屈伸肌AP显著高于左侧(P<0.05)。结论:1)山西省优秀男子举重运动员双侧肘关节屈伸肌的肌力发展不均衡,右侧伸肌最大力量、快速力量显著大于左侧。运动员需要加强左侧肱三头肌、肱肌等伸肌的力量训练;同时在技术训练时,注重两侧肢体用力的对称性,实现双侧肘关节肌群均衡发展。2)未来研究应进一步确定优秀举重运动员AP下降的速度阈值,并...  相似文献   

对个体膝关节伸屈肌群力学性质的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
本文实验对象为10名体院本科男生(20岁),用CYBEX6000测膝屈伸肌群的力矩。一套实验由6个角速度实验组成,分别是60°/s,90°/s,120°/s,150°/s,180°/s,210°/s。实验时,角速度间休息20秒,套间休息半小时。先每个人做3套实验。一天后,每人再做3套实验(实验为等动实验)。各人实验数据按关节角(间隔5度)、角速度组成样本后,求样本平均值和样本标准差。以样本平均值做各关节角的不同速度的伸膝肌群和屈膝肌群的参数曲线族。实验发现,膝伸屈肌群的肌肉力矩,在动作开始和结束的膝角附近,膝伸屈肌群的肌肉力矩离散度大,表现为样本标准差大。其他膝角膝屈伸肌群的肌肉力矩离散度较小。各膝角的肌群力矩参数曲线并不全是随速度的增加而肌群的力矩减小。膝屈伸肌群的肌肉力矩参数曲线族呈现反S形趋势。在高速度时伸肌群表现弱趋势而屈肌群表现强趋势。分析认为是小腿的重力效应。运动员个人膝关节屈伸肌群力量的参数曲线族,可与其高速摄影解析运动学结果对照。对其做膝关节测试范围内任意膝角任意速度的动力进行估计。最大肌群力矩参数曲线可提供各速度下屈伸峰值力矩比,为医疗保健提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨女子手球运动员的踝关节等速测试力量特征。方法:运用CON-TREX对受测试运动员的踝关节进行等速向心测试。结果:受试队员两关节伸肌的相对峰力矩值均显著大于屈肌;女手队员的比值范围在32%~40%之间;踝关节伸肌的平均功率值显著大于屈肌;踝关节伸屈肌的总功值随测试速度的增大而减小。结论:1)女手队员踝关节屈肌最大力量强于伸肌;2)女手队员踝关节屈伸肌力量比例合理;3)女手队员踝关节屈肌的快速力量强于伸肌;4)女手队员踝关节伸屈肌的总工作能力比较弱。  相似文献   

我国优秀青少年女子跳高运动员膝关节等速肌力特征研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对18名二级以上青少年女子跳高运动员左右两侧膝关节进行等速测试,探析青少年跳高运动员膝关节向心屈伸肌群的生物力学特性,为运动训练、科学选材及临床康复等提供理论依据。利用Kinitech等速肌力测试系统对青少年女子跳高运动员膝关节进行等速肌力测试,发现青少年女子跳高运动员双侧膝关节屈伸肌群等速向心收缩时的峰力矩随运动速度的增大(60°/s→240°/s)呈减小趋势,在60°/s和120°/s测试速度下同侧肌群表现为伸肌峰力矩明显大于屈肌峰力矩(P<0.05),而240°/s测试速度下则反之,同一测试速度下,左、右侧膝关节屈肌群峰力矩具有显著性差异(P<0.01),峰力矩屈伸比(F/E)随运动速度的增加呈增大的趋势;最大功率随运动速度的增大而增加,同一测试速度下屈肌群与伸肌群最大功率无明显差异(60°/s伸肌除外),达峰力矩的角度表现为伸肌明显低于屈肌,并随运动速度的增加有增大趋势,而伸肌有减小趋势。达峰力矩的时间表现为随速度的增加而减小的趋势,同一测试速度下表现出伸肌大于屈肌;相对峰力矩只有在240°/s运动速度下与大小腿比例(D/X)呈高度负相关。得出结论,青少年女子跳高运动员膝关节屈伸峰力矩变化规律与成年人基本一致,但双侧膝关节屈伸肌群做功能力较弱,应加强下肢肌群的速度力量练习。  相似文献   

目的:观察不同角速度重复训练期间腰背屈伸肌群等速向心运动时峰值力矩的变化规律.方法:利用瑞士产CON-TREX TP500型人体腰背肌力评估和训练系统,测评了8名体育教育专业健康男大学生进行三种角速度(45°/s、90°/s、135°/s)各13组重复训练期间(共39组)腰背屈伸肌群抛物线主动补偿模式下等速向心肌力指标.结果:1)在13组的重复训练期间,随着训练组数的增加,受试者的伸肌和屈肌峰值力矩均呈现先上升然后逐渐降低的趋势,于第7组(135°/s)时即出现显著性降低(P<0.05).2)在前6组重复测试中,三种速度下,第3组与第4组间的峰力矩值均高度相关.3)基于第3、4组的数据,45°/s时背伸肌群的峰值力矩显著性高于而屈/伸比则显著性低于90°/s及135°/s时的值(P<0.01).45°/s及90°/s运动时腰背屈伸肌群之间到达峰值力矩的平均角度存在有极显著性差异(P<0.01),而135°/s运动时二者则基本相同(P>0.05).结论:腰背屈伸肌群等速向心康复训练时宜采用3~6组慢速或中速方式;等速力量评价时应以第3组或/和第4组的测试数据为基础进行评价.  相似文献   

分析比较不同级别男子跳高运动员膝关节屈伸肌群离心收缩时峰力矩特点及差异。在首都体育学院生物力学实验室,采用德国ISOMED2000等速测试仪,对8名一级男子跳高运动员和8名二级男子跳高运动员膝关节肌群进行等速离心收缩测试,测试角速度60°/s、120°/s、240°/s,指标包括峰值力矩、相对峰力矩(峰值力矩/体重)、峰值力矩屈伸比。研究结果:(1)一级跳高运动员起跳腿膝关节屈、伸肌峰力矩较二级跳高运动员有显著性差异(P<0.05);(2)平均功率随给定运动角速度的增大而增大(P<0.01);(3)离心收缩峰力矩随给定运动速度的增加无显著变化;(4)离心收缩膝关节屈伸肌群峰力矩比值为0.60~0.63之间。结论:跳高运动员膝关节肌群等速测试结果的差异是造成一、二级跳高运动员成绩差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

对10名跳远专项二级运动员8周系统的振动力量训练研究表明:在刺激频率为30~35 Hz、加速度25~30m/s2条件下,实验组(I组)和对照组(Ⅱ组)髋、膝、踝关节的伸屈肌群最大功都有不同程度提高,其中I组髋关节伸屈肌、膝、踝关节的屈肌最大功增长幅度比Ⅱ组大,屈肌最大功增长幅度比伸肌大,而且屈肌的最大功要比实验前呈现显著性增长;I组髋关节伸屈肌、膝关节屈肌、踝关节伸肌相对峰力矩的增值幅度比Ⅱ组大,而髋、膝、踝三个关节屈肌相对峰力矩增长幅度相对较小.髋、膝、踝关节肌力增长情况表明:髋关节前4周增长幅度较低,后4周增长幅度较高,呈现出明显的"先低后高"变化特征;而膝、踝关节前4周增长幅度较高,后4周提高幅度降低,呈现出明显的"先高后低"变化特征.  相似文献   

文烨 《中国体育科技》2012,48(4):71-77,89
目的:研究优秀乒乓球运动员和普通在校大学生肘关节拮抗肌活动在等动屈伸过程中的差异。方法:以8名优秀乒乓球运动员和8名普通高校大学生为研究对象,利用Biodex等动测试仪和Noraxon表面肌电仪记录上肢肘关节等动屈伸过程中作为拮抗肌的肱二头肌和肱三头肌的力量特征和表面肌电信号特征。肘关节伸肌和屈肌分别在最大等长收缩、15°/s、30°/s、60°/s、120°/s、180°/s、240°/s条件下进行3次最大等动离心屈伸运动。以标准化的均方根振幅(RMS)和标准化的峰值力矩作为评价指标。结果:对于大学生和优秀乒乓球运动员来说,随着肘关节速度的增加,两组受试者的屈伸肌力矩都呈下降趋势,大学生表现为速度大于60°/s时伸肌力矩大于屈肌力矩(P<0.05),优秀乒乓球运动员表现为伸肌力矩低于屈肌力矩,但没有统计学差别(P>0.05)。大学生和优秀乒乓球运动员都表现为在向心收缩时不同速度下随着主动肌力矩下降,拮抗肌激活水平表现为逐渐增高,且所有线性拟合系数r2>0.7。优秀乒乓球运动员拮抗肌肱三头肌的激活水平(在MVC时:10.1%±5.2%,240°/s时:15.1%±6.6%)要显著低于普通高校大学生(MVC时:29.3%±8.8%,240°/s时:38.0%±15.1%)。而作为拮抗肌的肱二头肌激活水平在普通大学生和优秀乒乓球运动员之间没有统计学差异(P>0.05)。优秀乒乓球运动员拮抗肌/主动肌肌电活动比要显著低于普通大学生(P<0.05)。结论:与普通大学生相比,优秀乒乓球运动员肘关节拮抗肌肱三头肌的激活水平要更低,这可能是优秀乒乓球运动员对肘关节周围肌肉进行长期训练的结果。而两者拮抗肌肱二头肌激活水平没有统计学差异,其原因可能是由于两者在日常活动中肱二头肌作为拮抗肌经常为了克服地心引力受到同样的刺激造成的。  相似文献   

Muscle weakness is considered a risk factor for ankle injury. Balance training and barefoot running have been used in an attempt to strengthen the muscles crossing the ankle. It is expected that training tasks that successfully strengthen the ankle would elicit increased muscular activity. However, it is unknown how an individual's ankle strength will influence the muscle activity used during a given task. Twenty-six participants performed dynamic (shod, barefoot running) and static tasks (squat on ground, squat on ®Bosu Ball) believed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the ankle. Electromyographic signals of the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and gastrocnemius medialis (GM) were recorded and analysed using a non-linearly scaled wavelet analysis. Participants were divided into a strong group and a weak group according to their isometric plantar-flexion torque. The weak group required more relative GL and GM muscle activity during each training task compared to the strong group. No difference was observed between shod and barefoot running. There was a significant effect of training task on muscle activation level for the weak group. Differences in ankle strength had a significant impact on muscle activation.  相似文献   

目的:通过运动学指标分析,对自行车短距离项目几种力量耐力和速度力量训练方法的专项性和有效性进行对比研究。方法:选择上海自行车队短组3名男子优秀运动员为对象。选择2011年全国比赛8场1km计时赛,以及期间分别进行的8节原地750m和蓝线行进750m训练课进行力量耐力训练方法分析;选择同期进行的12场争先赛200m资格赛,以及12节大坡行进200m和牵引125+200m训练课进行速度力量训练方法分析。采用德国SRM系统采集运动学指标,分析数据包括各训练比赛中的功率、频率、速度,同时记录运动成绩。结果:(1)原地750m训练的前两个250m分段及总平均功率(Pmean)和平均频率(Cmean)均显著低于1km计时赛;蓝线行进750m各分段Pmean、Cmean和即刻速度均高于原地750m,且总Pmean和Cmean与1km计时赛相比无明显差异。(2)牵引125+200m训练的两个100m分段的Pmax和Cmean、200m总Cmean和50m分段即刻速度均显著高于大坡行进200m训练和争先资格赛。结论:蓝线20km/h行进出发750m和摩托车牵引125+200m训练方法可能是更加符合专项要求的自行车短距离专项力量耐力和速度力量训练。  相似文献   

Previous researchers have identified significant differences between laboratory and road cycling performances. To establish the ecological validity of laboratory time-trial cycling performances, the causes of such differences should be understood. Hence, the purpose of the present study was to quantify differences between laboratory- and road-based time-trial cycling and to establish to what extent body size [mass (m) and height (h)] may help to explain such differences. Twenty-three male competitive, but non-elite, cyclists completed two 25 mile time-trials, one in the laboratory using an air-braked ergometer (Kingcycle) and the other outdoors on a local road course over relatively flat terrain. Although laboratory speed was a reasonably strong predictor of road speed (R2 = 69.3%), a significant 4% difference (P < 0.001) in cycling speed was identified (laboratory vs. road speed: 40.4 +/- 3.02 vs. 38.7 +/- 3.55 km x h(-1); mean +/- s). When linear regression was used to predict these differences (Diff) in cycling speeds, the following equation was obtained: Diff (km x h(-1)) = 24.9 - 0.0969 x m - 10.7 x h, R2 = 52.1% and the standard deviation of residuals about the fitted regression line = 1.428 (km . h-1). The difference between road and laboratory cycling speeds (km x h(-1)) was found to be minimal for small individuals (mass = 65 kg and height = 1.738 m) but larger riders would appear to benefit from the fixed resistance in the laboratory compared with the progressively increasing drag due to increased body size that would be experienced in the field. This difference was found to be proportional to the cyclists' body surface area that we speculate might be associated with the cyclists' frontal surface area.  相似文献   

马国强  李之俊  米卫杰  刘茂 《体育科研》2010,31(6):55-57,64
分析自行车运动员在场地1 km计时赛和竞速赛中的专项数据变化规律,并与常用的速耐训练方法进行比较分析,探讨两个项目的专项速度耐力特征,为指导专项训练提供实验依据。1 km计时赛中,运动员往往在最后300 m左右出现体能的明显降低、专项速度耐力下降的现象。竞速赛中三道队员如果不能在前两圈跟骑过程中有效的节省体力,会在第三圈的后半圈出现耐力降低的专项特点。在短距离自行车专项训练中,专项速度耐力应当作为训练重点常抓不懈,并使用合适的传动比和贴近专项的训练方法,使专项训练强度能够保证比赛要求。  相似文献   

Nowadays, fixed gear competitions on outdoor circuits such as criteriums are regularly organized worldwide. To date, no study has investigated this alternative form of cycling. The purpose of the present study was to examine fixed gear performance indexes and to characterize physiological determinants of fixed gear cyclists. This study was carried out in two parts. Part 1 (n?=?36) examined correlations between performance indexes obtained during a real fixed gear criterium (time trial, fastest laps, averaged lap time during races, fatigue indexes) and during a sprint track time trial. Part 2 (n?=?9) examined correlations between the recorded performance indexes and some aerobic and anaerobic performance outputs (VO2max, maximal aerobic power, knee extensor and knee flexor maximal voluntary torque, vertical jump height and performance during a modified Wingate test). Results from Part 1 indicated significant correlations between fixed gear final performance (i.e. average lap time during the finals) and single lap time (time trial, fastest lap during races and sprint track time trial). In addition, results from Part 2 revealed significant correlations between fixed gear performance and aerobic indicators (VO2max and maximal aerobic power). However, no significant relationship was obtained between fixed gear cycling and anaerobic qualities such as strength. Similarly to traditional cycling disciplines, we concluded that fixed gear cycling is mainly limited by aerobic capacity, particularly criteriums final performance. However, specific skills including technical competency should be considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of prior cycling on EMG activity of selected lower leg muscles during running. Ten elite level triathletes underwent two testing sessions at race pace: a 40 km cycle followed by a 2 km run (CR) and a 10 km run followed by a 2 km run (RR). EMG data from selected lower limb muscles were collected at three sections of each run (0 km, 1 km and 2 km) for six strides using a portable data logger. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between condition were found for the level of activation (Lact) for biceps femoris (BF) during stance and vastus lateralis (VL) during flight and stance. Vastus medialis (VM) changed in Lact, during flight, between sections in the 2 km run. Furthermore, significant differences (p < 0.05) between condition were found for BF during stance and for rectus femoris (RF) and VM during flight. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the duration of VL activation (Dact) across sections of the 2 km run. Findings from this investigation highlight changes in muscle function when changing from cycling to running and indicate a need to train specifically for the cycle to run transition. Such training may improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.  相似文献   

通过对上海市男子短距离自行车运动员在10运会前一年的比赛、训练情况进行连续追踪,应用SRM训练系统对运动员在训练和比赛情况进行分析,对SRM训练系统在自行车运动员专项力量训练中的应用进行了探讨,结果发现:(1)使用SRM训练系统可以监测自行车运动员比赛或训练中的实时情况,通过功率、速度以及频率等指标,可以反映自行车运动员专项能力的变化情况。(2)自行车运动员的运动成绩取决于专项力量的大小,而不是绝对力量的高低。(3)自行车运动员的专项力量是在自行车运动中表现出来的一种高频率的踏蹬力量。  相似文献   

目的:了解在常规力量训练基础附加核心力量训练及振动训练方法对国家女子篮球队18名运动员腰背、膝关节、踝关节等速肌力的影响。方法:采用Pneu VIBE振动训练台对国家女子篮球运动员进行振动刺激力量训练,振动频率为25~40 Hz,同时进行核心区肌力训练。经过12周系统的力量训练,应用IsoMed 2000等速测试训练仪器对女子篮球运动员腰腹、膝、踝关节屈伸肌群进行等速力量测试分析。结果:经过12周综合力量训练,女子篮球运动员腰背等速肌力明显上升,屈肌峰力矩(PT)增加了14.35%,背伸肌力量增加了15.65%,差异具有显著性。而下肢力量膝关节峰力矩、屈伸肌峰力矩比率(H/Q)无显著变化。踝关节研究发现,左踝背屈峰力矩训练后稍有减弱,跖屈肌峰力矩以及跖屈/背屈比无显著变化。结论:在常规力量训练中增加先进的核心区训练可有效增加女子篮球运动员腰腹肌力,而振动训练以提高踝、膝关节肌力的方法的有效性需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of prior cycling on EMG activity of selected lower leg muscles during running. Ten elite level triathletes underwent two testing sessions at race pace: a 40 km cycle followed by a 2 km run (CR) and a 10 km run followed by a 2 km run (RR). EMG data from selected lower limb muscles were collected at three sections of each run (0 km, 1 km and 2 km) for six strides using a portable data logger. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between condition were found for the level of activation (Lact) for biceps femoris (BF) during stance and vastus lateralis (VL) during flight and stance. Vastus medialis (VM) changed in Lact, during flight, between sections in the 2 km run. Furthermore, significant differences (p < 0.05) between condition were found for BF during stance and for rectus femoris (RF) and VM during flight. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the duration of VL activation (Dact) across sections of the 2 km run. Findings from this investigation highlight changes in muscle function when changing from cycling to running and indicate a need to train specifically for the cycle to run transition. Such training may improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was (1) to determine the relationship between roentgenographic measures of muscle size of the leg and ankle extensor strength of 51 seven-year-old children, and (2) to examine sex differences in strength and leg muscle size at this age level. The correlations between ankle extensor strength and the measures of leg muscle size ranged between .58 and .63 for the boys and between .22 and .52 for the girls. The boys were substantially stronger than the girls in ankle extensor strength (P = .02) and possessed on the average the greater muscle size. When boys and girls were paired on the basis of measures of muscle size, the superiority of the boys in strength was significant at only the 30-per-cent level of confidence.  相似文献   

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