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本文以氦原子~3D~e双激态中的N=3,n=4序列为例,通过形状密度的分析和分波分析,研究了~3D~e态中的电子云分布.详细给出了这些态中电子间的角关联、径—角关联和径—径关联,发现了电子云分布的各何异性.除了比较这些态与总轨道角动量L≤1的态中的电子关联的差异之外,还对属于同一超多重态的~3D~e、~1D~3、~1P~0和~3P~e诸态的“类转子结构”进行了比较,  相似文献   

本文通过对低能e-He弹性散射在不同势下相移的计算,定量地分析了交换,关联两种效应各自的作用区间,贡献大小。  相似文献   

本文利用拉卡方法与对角和不变法则导出氦原子组态的两个谱项式,利用波动力学的变分法得出两谱项的能量值,结果与实验值相比较,符合得较好。  相似文献   

针对普通高校本科生学习"同科电子原子态确定"碰到的困难,引进一种简便的杨图法作为教学方法。以同科p电子的L-S耦合为例,详细介绍该方法的操作步骤。实践证明:杨图法操作简单,物理思想明晰,适应范围广,无需太深的理论基础,学生容易掌握。  相似文献   

在用变分法研究氦原子基态能量和波函数过程中,放弃选用两个相同类氢原子基态波函数乘积作为氦原子基态尝试波函数的方法,而是选取三参数的尝试波函数对氦原子体系的非相对论基态能量进行了数值计算,计算结果与实验值相当接近.  相似文献   

本文利用类氢波函数计算了氦原子双激发态~1P~e中的N=2,3系列能谱,利用维里定理对计算结果给出了评估,并与Lipsky等人的结果进行了比较,结果令人满意、  相似文献   

应用量子力学第一玻恩近似和氢原子与氦原子的解析波函数,计算了它们弹性碰撞和各种非弹性碰撞截面。  相似文献   

利用L-S耦合的方法和泡利不相容原理,给出了确定多个同科电子原子态的一种方法,称之为字母组合法,并用若干具体例子加以说明.结果表明,该方法是确定多个同科电子原子态的一种很有效的方法.  相似文献   

关联——顺应模式是在关联理论和话语顺应理论的基础上产生的一种新的语用模式。文章以这一新的视点讨论了听力理解的认知过程,继而提出了听力教学应立足于语篇教学,应该重点培养、提高学生的语篇能力。  相似文献   

美国每一乡镇有邮局,有些非常小,你会发现它们设在商店的角落处,有些在大楼里。邮局每周五天以及周六上午营业,从周一到周五营业时间从上午8:30到下午4:30o  相似文献   

Universities in the United States of America are in a state of decline. Allocations, the proportion of knowledge taught, the proportion of research carried out, staff number, movement and salaries are all declining. Recognition of this situation has initiated studies of, and changes in, what they do in terms of value, quality and effective use of resources. Television is used extensively to relieve traditional faculty teaching load, enable faculty to maximise use of scarce resources and enhance the quality and coverage of knowledge. Developments in cable television, optical fibres, lasers and satellites herald a new era, pose a threat to the autonomy of universities and have initiated inter‐university competition for the same students as well as opening up new opportunities and markets. Substantial development has taken place in postgraduate studies and outreach.  相似文献   

本文讨论了在简谐振子形式下计算少体系统束缚态时利用对称性和低能态基矢对变分基的选取和简化,从而得到较简单的哈密顿矩阵,并利用此简化的基矢具体计算了3—α、4—α体系能谱。  相似文献   

美国学校选择改革-来自卡内基教学促进委员会的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1992年 ,卡内基教学促进委员会发表了《学校选择特别报告》 ,对于学校选择中三种形式的效果进行了分析和评价。报告的核心观点是 ,不要把改变学校教育状况的全部希望寄托在学校选择上 ,提高教学质量不仅是一个制度问题 ,同时也是一个管理问题 ,学校选择效果与校长和教师的创新动力、经费数量和学校规模有关 ,教育改革的注意力应该从体制设计转移到学生身上来。  相似文献   

Writing at a time when applications of Total Quality Management (TQM) in higher education in the United States are in great vogue, the author reminds the reader that TQM is only one of many management strategies that over the years have had their periods of popularity. Strategies come and go. Usually a hot strategy is in vogue for no more than seven years; then other ideas come into vogue as other ways of getting the quick fix are tried. Other strategies in competition with TQM in the United States include outcomes assessment, Deming's fourteen points, the Malcolm Baldridge Award, the ISO 9000 series, restructuring, re‐engineering, and performance indicators. American higher education institutions will probably have recourse to more traditional models than TQM for creating change in the future.  相似文献   

In the United States, concern over unemployment and underemployment among graduates of higher education institutions has led to much debate over university‐level studies. The below information refers to this problem in relation to a recently published forecast of employment prospects for college graduates in the United States.  相似文献   

Experimentation in Holocaust education began in American schools in the mid‐1970s. After construction of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., the subject gained momentum. The last two decades have seen continuous development. In five states, Holocaust education is required at all school levels; in sixteen others, it is highly recommended. Serious teaching of the Holocaust started in earnest only long after World War II, when the horrors were at a distance and survivors started breaking the silence. Only then did systematic research begin. Teaching about the Holocaust developed as a result of Holocaust consciousness and of the growing feeling of its relevance to American culture. Such instruction also developed against a background of ongoing public debate concerning the Holocausts uniqueness, a controversy that has found its way into various teaching programs.  相似文献   


Women were denied the right to an education for many years in the United States. This paper investigates the history of women in American higher education to identify points of access on the basis of this investigation, and to arrive at implications for women now and for the future. The paper contains a survey of the literature regarding women and higher education. Emphasis is placed on colleges for women, specifically Bryn Mawr and Wellesley. Comparisons between the two schools are made, and both are contrasted with Oberlin and the University of Michigan. Access for women at the community college level is discussed, because this is the entry point to higher education to which most women today have access.  相似文献   

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