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在我国旅游业向低碳化转型的背景下,构建和优化旅游公共服务体系是旅游业实现可持续发展的必然要求。文章通过分析国内外旅游公共服务体系的研究现状,在对湘西凤凰古城旅游公共服务体系建设现状的实地调查基础上,分析了凤凰古城旅游公共服务体系建设存在的问题和发展趋势。提出在低碳旅游视角下,构建和优化凤凰旅游公共服务体系的六点建议,为凤凰行政部门提供具有理论基础的决策依据,推动凤凰古城旅游公共服务体系的构建。  相似文献   

城镇化是伴随工业化和现代化的步伐而出现的发展趋势,是一国文明程度和发展水平的重要体现。城镇化以公共服务配套为基础:以统筹城乡公共服务供给为指导、以健全城乡公共服务体系为支撑、以促进城乡公共服务均等化为目标。城镇化对公共服务理念、责任、投入、均等化提出了一系列的挑战,这就需要改革地方政绩考核制度,注重城镇化与资源环境社会协调发展;明晰各级政府的财政责任,匹配事权、财权与财力;推进户籍制度改革,统筹城乡公共服务体系;政策倾斜农村农民,推进城乡公共服务差异化供给。  相似文献   

系统探究职业院校毕业生就业公共服务政策,对当前就业优先战略的实施具有重要意义。梳理我国1980—2023年职业院校毕业生就业公共服务政策文本发现,这一时期职业院校毕业生就业公共服务政策的演进经历了统包统分末期、双向选择政策期、自主择业期、“双创”期和强化就业优先期,发展趋势从计划导向转向市场导向、从经济优先转向就业优先、从单一权威转向协同参与,形成了职业院校毕业生就业公共服务政策体系,但协调措施、管理机制、反馈机制等仍亟待完善。因此,打造更加公平、更加充分的就业公共服务体系,提高就业服务质量,应优化就业公共服务政策的协同性、加强就业公共服务政策的适应性、提升就业公共服务政策的运行效率。  相似文献   

公共服务是大学使命的重要转向,质量与责任是高等教育公共服务的核心,政府在高等教育公共服务中的角色是提供服务而非掌舵。国际高等教育公共服务的发展趋势呈现出多元化的高等教育治理模式、合作型的高等教育发展取向、参与式的高等教育监管方式。完善的高等教育公共服务体系将有效满足和谐社会对高素质人力资源的需求,增强社会的安定与发展的公益性,缩小社会发展的差距。  相似文献   

本文在梳理公共服务体系产生与发展脉络的基础上,运用文献研究、案例研究的方法分析了公共服务体系的特征及由国家、区域和行业组成的公共服务体系结构;通过对公共服务体系建设运行过程的分析,探讨了电大体系的优势及其在公共服务体系建设运行中的重要作用。文章最后对公共服务体系建设与运行的若干问题进行了分析,提出了公共服务体系的发展方向,对我国远程教育学习支持服务体系的建设具有一定的理论意义和实践指导作用。  相似文献   

现代远程教育公共服务体系发展现状与存在问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程教育公共服务体系建设有助于推进优质资源的整合与共享,提高学习支持服务的质量和水平,对构建终身教育体系和建设学习型社会具有重要意义。本文在调研的基础上,从基本建设、服务及支撑平台、与网络学院合作方式及职责等方面对我国现有公共服务体系进行了分析,并提出目前公共服务体系运行中存在的问题和解决建议。  相似文献   

远程教育公共服务体系运行要点观照   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共服务体系是为远程教育试点高校和学习者服务的,必须与走在前列的远程教育试点高校的思想方法相适应.因此,决定公共服务体系运行的基本要素就离不开试点高校运行要点、学习中心运行要点及公共服务体系运行要点这三个方面.  相似文献   

本文在调研的基础上,对我国国家级公共服务体系、区域性公共服务体系和行业性公共服务体系的运行现状和存在问题进行了分析,指出在今后发展中应形成国家级、行业和区域相互补充的教育公共服务联盟;明晰网络教育学院和公共服务体系的职责;加强从业人员培训;构建统一的现代远程教育服务平台;国家出台公共服务体系建设与管理办法;完善公共服务体系质量评估指标体系;加强对校外学习中心的管理。  相似文献   

高校网络教育及公共服务体系的SWOT分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我国高校网络教育及公共服务体系的探索与实践已逾十年,优势与劣势同在,机遇与挑战并存。本文基于相关研究文献、政策文件及统计数据分析,探讨了我国高校网络教育发展改革面临的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,并对全国性、区域性、行业性和虚拟性公共服务体系进行了SWOT分析,思考了公共服务体系的发展策略与研究思路。  相似文献   

为充分发挥教育信息化在教育改革和发展中的支撑和引领作用,积极探索现代信息技术与教育的全面深度融合,推进教学资源公共服务体系建设和应用,文章依据信息资源规划理论与方法,结合某校数字教学资源公共服务体系建设情况,提出校级数字教学资源公共服务体系的总体结构及业务模型、功能模型、数据模型和用户模型,为有关院校开发与应用教学资源公共服务平台提供参考.  相似文献   

Mobile learning (M-learning) is a learning paradigm that utilizes the advantages of mobility and wireless technologies in the learning and education process. It can be characterized by the ability to support and provide strong interaction between learners and instructors, offering high levels of learning motivation, collaboration, and flexibility to the learning activities. Despite the increased popularity of M-learning, there is no complete and well-defined set of educational requirements for M-learning in higher education which considers both instructional design and M-learning design. Therefore, this paper proposes a new educational requirements model for M-learning development and adoption in higher education. This set of requirements has been built from a literature study with focus on standards for learning and mobile application software quality and guidelines. This work presents the results of applying the proposed set of educational requirements on three different M-learning systems. Instructional designers and educational software developers may find the requirements useful in the development of M-learning systems. The effort described is part of an Omani-funded research project investigating the development, adoption and dissemination of M-learning in Oman.  相似文献   

Zellynne Jennings 《Compare》2017,47(6):818-834

For some four decades governments in Commonwealth Caribbean (CC) countries have been introducing interventions in their school systems to provide quality education for all. Examples of these are learner-centred teaching pedagogy and the integration of technology into teaching and learning. The data for the paper is based on published research and evaluation studies of these interventions. How successful have these interventions been? Following a discussion of how quality in education and learning has been interpreted, this paper seeks to answer this question through a review of selected interventions in schools in three CC countries. Challenges that CC countries need to address as they pursue goals relating to quality education are: the intersection of quality with access and equity, limitations in teacher training which have militated against change in teaching pedagogy, and resources and infrastructure.  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic review to identify policy interventions that improve education quality and student learning in developing countries. Relying on a theory of change typology, we highlight three main drivers of change of education quality: (1) supply-side capability interventions that operate through the provision of physical and human resources, and learning materials; (2) policies that through incentives seek to influence behaviour and intertemporal preferences of teachers, households, and students; (3) bottom-up and top-down participatory and community management interventions, which operate through decentralisation reforms, knowledge diffusion, and increased community participation in the management of education systems. Overall, our findings suggest that interventions are more effective at improving student performance and learning when social norms and intertemporal choices are factored in the design of education policies, and when two or more drivers of change are combined. Thus, supply-side interventions alone are less effective than when complemented by community participation or incentives that shift preferences and behaviours.  相似文献   

在远程开放教育中搞好管理课程的教学,加强管理素质教育,对于提高学习者的自主学习能力具有重要意义。远程开放教育应在管理素质的学习、管理素质的实践管理及管理素质的默化三个层面展开管理素质教育,运用教学设计、个人学习管理、合作学习等教学策略,使学习者充分获取课程知识,提升管理素养、增强自我管理能力。  相似文献   

Although teaching quality is seen as crucial in affecting students’ performance, what types of instructional practices constitute quality teaching remains a question. With the theoretical assumptions of conceptual and procedural mathematics teaching as a guide, this study examined the types of quality mathematics instructional practices that affect students’ mathematics learning across five high-performing Asian education systems using the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 dataset. It found that no combinations of the components of conceptual and procedural mathematics teaching practices exist consistently across the five education systems. Results from the study provide important implications for practitioners and policy makers regarding how to improve mathematics teaching and learning in these Asian education systems as well as elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper examines the expansive–restrictive continuum of apprenticeship learning in the context of different education and training systems. It compares the English state-funded apprenticeship programme for young people with the Finnish and the French programmes with a specific focus on access to learning through the programmes. These three countries represent three types of Western and Northern European education and training systems. The paper argues that there are country-specific meanings of apprenticeship that influence how access to learning along the expansive–restrictive continuum is typically characterised. These country-specific meanings of apprenticeship arise from their context in differing education and training systems. The paper concludes that the English conceptualisation of apprenticeship as training lends itself to more restrictive approaches to apprenticeship than the Finnish and the French programmes in terms of access to learning.  相似文献   

现有高等教育质量保障的分析框架有很多,但存在影响因素分类标准混乱、整合效果不佳、对影响因素间的关系分析不够深入等问题。而从质量的概念和高等教育历史演进的角度来分析,高等教育质量涉及影响逻辑、质量偏好等都不一样的三类影响系统。三类系统独立运行、相互制衡、相互促进是保障高等教育质量的关键。因此,为了构建完善的高等教育质量保障体系,必须按照三类系统的运行逻辑,完善三类系统,并且实现三类系统间的相互制衡、相互协调,齐心协力为保障高等教育质量服务。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校会计专业的双语教学应以培养适应双语工作环境的会计专业人才为目标。本文从动机不足、双语课程双语教学与专业英语教学的混淆、缺乏系统的双语专业课程体系三个方面反思了目前应用型本科院校会计专业双语教学普遍存在的问题,并提出双语教学应贯穿在所有专业课学习之中,因应学习程度、课程性质的不同而在授课语言、教材选用上由浅至深,循序渐进。通过成体系的专业课程双语教学使学生确实具备胜任双语工作环境的专业素质。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化与提高教育质量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国高等教育现已基本达到了国际公认的大众化标准,应把提高高等教育质量摆在突出的位置。在高等教育大众化、全面推进素质教育、建设学习型社会的时代背景下,高等教育应当被赋予新的内涵。当前应在体制和政策上为提高高等教育质量努力创造条件。  相似文献   

本文从高等教育规模扩张对教学质量的冲击、高等学校教学过程特点、高等学校对于学生学习服务支持的现状三个角度,剖析了学习支持对于提高我国高校教学质量的现实意义,并提出在充分利用信息技术构筑学生学习支持平台的基础上,实行低年级学生指导教师制、建立学习指导中心、加强心理咨询室的学习辅导功能等诸项具体措施。  相似文献   

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