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This longitudinal case study of a 10‐year‐old girl with autism and severe communication impairment measures the impact of the MORE (Means, Opportunities, Reasons and Expectations) approach to enhancing engagement and communication. Through detailed observation of video data over a period of 28 months, engagement behaviours including interaction with adults and following adult directions increased, while resistant behaviours such as kicking, hitting and pushing adults away decreased. Fluctuation between different ‘states’ demonstrated that the frequency and duration of engagement was influenced by the MORE approach and an emphasis on developing intrinsic motivation. In order to enable further efficacy research, core features of the intervention and the changes in engagement over time are described.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the play interaction of a young child with autism and the strategies adopted by her teachers to facilitate her inclusion in and through play. The data are from an ethnographic case study in an inclusive nursery in the South of England spanning 6 months. The aim was to understand and describe the play of a child with autism in a naturalistic context. Methods included field and video observations and semi‐structured interviews conducted with the parents and teachers. Analysis of the data highlighted the teachers' strategies underpinned by a strong play ethos, a collaborative approach and a supportive curriculum framework. We argue that the case provides helpful data on what teachers can do to enable children with autism to be successfully included through play.  相似文献   

The study outlined here was an attempt to examine the use of Social Story DVDs as a single‐intervention approach in addressing the issue of anxiety around turn taking in a child with dual diagnosis of autism and learning disability. The child selected was in a school for children with additional needs. The child was taught in a daily session focusing on the Social Story DVD materials around ‘turn taking’ and accompanying ‘turn‐taking’ activities. Immediate peers were also included in the ‘turn‐taking’ sessions and the child would incorporate these skills with his peers in the classroom setting. The results showed that only through combining strategies and combining interventions can the diverse range of individual needs of those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and learning disability be met. Using a sole intervention to address specific social deficits misses the complexity of ASD and each individual's uniqueness.  相似文献   

Deciding on a secondary school for children with autism is notoriously difficult for parents. While current UK legislation emphasises the choice that parents of children with special educational needs should have in educational decision-making, there is a dearth of research in this area, which means that little is known about how parents come to make decisions about secondary school placements and the types of support, if any, they receive from professionals. The present study aimed to determine the factors that immediately influence secondary school choice for young people with autism in one London local authority from the perspectives of multiple informants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents of children with autism (n?=?7), young people themselves prior to secondary school entry (n?=?6), parent advisors (n?=?5) and secondary school professionals (n?=?5). Parents emphasised the anxiety and burden of the decision-making process. There was, however, substantial agreement among adult groups on the factors necessary for a successful secondary school placement: a nurturing, flexible and inclusive environment that emphasised both academic and life skills. Few adults, however, mentioned the importance of children's social relationships – a factor that featured prominently in the reports of young people. These findings highlight both the different perceptions of those involved in making decisions about the educational placements of children with autism and the challenges associated with weighing up these potentially conflicting perspectives. More work is needed to ensure both that information is transparent and accessible to all parents and that young people are actively involved in decisions that ultimately affect their lives.  相似文献   

This research is a longitudinal, ethnographic study that focuses on mealtimes with one boy from 9 to 78 months of age in a day-care center in Japan. It looks at routine interactions between a child, his nursery teachers, and the environment, which is a shared and mutually available communicative space between participants in collaboration. The aim of this study is to clarify how the meal as a learning problem is “solved,” especially with young children whom the teacher cannot instruct verbally, and how the environment in which this takes place affects the process and is used in collaboration. The first part, a diachronic illustration of the child’s environment, in which all materials are organized as a total system to constrain his action, demonstrates the dynamic relation between his actions, the nursery teachers’ actions, and the environment. The second part presents the findings of a microanalysis of the interaction between a nursery teacher and the boy at 15 months, which is a critical transitional time from other-assisted to self-organized eating. It shows the close interdependence between the child’s environment and the teacher’s way of caring for him. The teachers generally used environmental modifications to assist his eating and to channel his actions toward their preferences. This study has demonstrated that children can learn much through an intentional arrangement of an artificial environment.  相似文献   

为探讨鼻音功能低下患儿鼻腔共鸣障碍的矫治训练的有效方法。实验对一名鼻音功能低下的听障儿童进行鼻腔共鸣障碍矫治训练,采用捏鼻试验监测患儿鼻音功能并且采用单一被试法对鼻腔共鸣障碍矫治前后的鼻流量数据进行统计分析,以监测训练效果。经矫治后患儿捏鼻试验发鼻音时鼻翼两侧有明显振动感,矫治前后鼻流量值差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。鼻腔共鸣法、增加鼻音训练对于鼻音功能低下有很好的疗效。  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that the way adults interact with children with autism can have a great impact on their spontaneous communication. However, to date, few studies have focused on modifying adults' behaviour and even fewer have been conducted in school settings which actively involve teaching staff in designing the intervention. The aims of this study were twofold: (1) to explore the extent to which staff were able to build on their good practice and alter their interactive style and (2) to then assess the effects of this change on children's communication. The study used an action research methodology and involved three members of staff and six children with autism. The staff and the researcher developed an Adult Interactive Style Intervention (AISI) in partnership. This was based on two theoretical models of child development and disability. Data were collected pre‐ and post‐intervention and at follow‐up (12 months after the end of the main study) to measure change. The results showed that staff considerably increased the number of times they used AISI principles post‐intervention and that this change had a significant impact on the children's spontaneous communication. All three staff took an active participatory role in the study which was considered a very positive and empowering experience.  相似文献   

This article describes a graduated re-entry behavioral intervention implemented over an eight week period to treat a child with school refusal who would run away from school if taken there against his will. A multi-method evaluation procedure was used. Baseline data were collected over a five day period documenting school attendance and running away behaviors. In addition, a comprehensive psychological test battery was administered to the child, and clinical interviews conducted with the child's parents and teacher were used to develop the most appropriate treatment program. Based on these data, an initial graduated exposure to school combined with positive reinforcement for staying in school was chosen. As the intervention proceeded the greatest concern became the need to minimize the reinforcing impact of the child's mother on the child's school refusal. The intervention was eventually changed to a rapid exposure to school. By the third week of the intervention, the child was attending school all day for five consecutive days. He maintained this attendance record for the remainder of the treatment program. Follow-up data collected at bi-weekly intervals for a seven month time period until the end of the school year and follow-up for the first two months of the next school year showed stable and continued efficacy of the intervention, with no reoccurrence of refusal to attend or remain at school once he had arrived. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Maureen Crago collaborated with Hugh Crago on their longitudinal studyPrelude to Literacy: A Preschool Child's Encounter with Picture and Story. Since then, she has been in private practice as a psychotherapist. She is currently reexamining the rich store of observation on whichPrelude was based for a series of articles that widen and deepen the focus of the original study.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the outcomes of a peer partnership program trialled at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. The program was designed based on a community of practice methodology to bring together academic staff for the purpose of advancing teaching practice. The program encouraged professional and supportive environments for the purpose of critical reflection and personal development. The belief was that quality teaching is core business and vital to university organisational goals. Peer partnership programs support improvement in teaching and learning. Participants in the program reported the program enhanced their commitment and insight into teaching and that there is willingness to be involved if supported by colleagues and an organisation. Feedback from participants in the program was positive and outcomes arising from the QUT Peer Partnership Project were the development of an online peer partner tool-kit, staff development training, an instructional DVD and integration of the project goals within QUT staff development programs.  相似文献   

Bandura's theory of self-efficacy predicts that teachers with high, self-efficacy should persist longer, provide a greater academic focus in child-centred classrooms and exhibit different types of feedback than teachers who have lower self-efficacy. This paper reports on the science teaching self-efficacy in a group of teachers at a state primary school. The research was conducted in two stages using firstly the Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (STEBI-A) to identify cases, and secondly, a semistructured interview coupled with classroom observations. Thirty seven teaching staff were surveyed with the STEBI-A instrument. The five highest and five lowest scoring teachers on the personal science teaching self-efficacy subscale of the STEBI-A were interviewed. The analysis of interviews and observations indicated that teachers with high personal science teaching self-efficacy have had a long interest in science and a relatively strong background of formal science studies with opportunities for exploring out of school activities. Although they may have experienced negative science experiences in their own schooling other ameliorating factors existed which maintained their interest. Their instructional strategies in science lessons were more child-centred than those reported by teachers with lower personal science teaching self-efficacy. The implications of the results for the inservice training of teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the opportunities and dilemmas that have been encountered by researchers seeking the views of young people with autism. Twelve researchers were interviewed about their experiences in this field. Through exploration of the complex methodological and ethical issues that they encountered, this study aims to better understand how researchers can improve the way they listen to, and engage with, the views of children and young people with autism. This article discusses four themes that emerged from the interviews: power dynamics; building rapport; communication; and meaningful processes and outputs.  相似文献   

本文结合四川外语学院外交学专业的双语教学实践,探讨外语类院校双语教学的优势、瓶颈、途径及教学模式,以期对外语院校开展双语教学提供有价值的建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to study the learning of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) by disadvantaged high school students in a Thai welfare school. Three DNA units of the genetics instructional units (GIUs) based on a social constructivist approach were implemented to 14 disadvantaged school students at Grade 12 in Bangkok. The data were collected from classroom observation, interviews, students' works, basic genetics concepts survey and advanced genetics concepts survey. It was found that before the implementation of the GIUs, the majority of students had "no conceptions" about gene, chromosome and DNA including their relationships. During the implementation of the GIUs, the teacher induced students into the lessons, checked students' prior knowledge, used practical-inexpensive-durable instructional materials, promoted social interactions through a variety of teaching strategies, periodically used dynamic assessments and assigned students into groups where they were able to communicate with others. After the implementation, the majority of students showed having "scientific conceptions" in the chemical components of DNA and "partial understanding" of the DNA structure and relationships among cell-nucleus-chromosome-DNA-gene concepts.  相似文献   

Young children with autism benefit from various adaptations made to an early childhood classroom. This article includes modifications for both teacher‐directed and child‐initiated activities. Adaptations are given for the classroom environment, daily schedule, sensory needs, transitions and general teaching strategies. The techniques described are especially important when working with young children with autism, but are also helpful for all young children. The information provided is gained from several years of experience working with young children with autism in schools, homes and childcare.  相似文献   

This paper studies the linguistic input attended by a deaf child exposed to cued speech (CS) in the final part of her prelinguistic period (18-24 months). Subjects are the child, her mother, and her therapist. Analyses have provided data about the quantity of input directed to the child (oral input, more than 1,000 words per half-an-hour session; cued ratio, more than 60% of oral input; and attended ratio, more than 55% of oral input), its linguistic quality (lexical variety, grammatical complexity, etc.), and other properties of interaction (child attention and use of spontaneous gestures). Results show that both adults provided a rich linguistic input to the child and that the child attended most of the input that the adults cued. These results might explain the positive linguistic development of children exposed early to CS.  相似文献   

近年来,应用语言学作为独立的一门学科而收到了丰硕的研究成果。本文以应用语言教学为例,阐述其从语言教学到以教学为核心的语言使用的相关内容。  相似文献   

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