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从1869年沙俄设置国民学校检查机构,到苏联时期建立的国民教育视导总局,再到2004年新成立的教育与科学督察署,俄罗斯教育督导体制的各个方面都发生了很大的变化,每个时期教育督导的职能都被赋予了不同的意义,同时也呈现相应的特点.新修改的俄联邦教育督导制度呈现新的变化:组织机构与教育行政体制相一致,且更加细致严谨;职责更加广泛,权限更加明确;督导实施程序的操作性、民主性更强.  相似文献   

从1869年沙俄设置国民学校检查机构,到苏联时期建立的国民教育视导总局,再到2004年新成立的教育与科学督察署,俄罗斯教育督导体制的各个方面都发生了很大的变化,每个时期教育督导的职能都被赋予了不同的意义,同时也呈现相应的特点。新修改的俄联邦教育督导制度呈现新的变化:组织机构与教育行政体制相一致,且更加细致严谨;职责更加广泛,权限更加明确;督导实施程序的操作性、民主性更强。  相似文献   

In the past twenty years, Russian education has undergone transformations under the influence of global discourses. In this ethnographic study, I draw on Bakhtin’s (1981 Bakhtin, M. (1981). The dialogic imagination. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. [Google Scholar]) theory of dialogue to examine how actors respond to these transformations. The purpose of my study is threefold: to document the emic perspectives on the changes, to reconstruct the implicit knowledge embedded in teacher education institutions, and to use that knowledge to challenge assumptions carried by global discourses. This study offers a new perspective on contradictions that global reforms evoke and calls for ground-up research that will use local categories to challenge global neoliberalism.  相似文献   

The social, economic, and cultural changes that occurred in Russia following the collapse of the Soviet Union have combine to impose sever damage on the population, and not least on Russia's young people. The provision of new forms of social and economic support are needed, as well as new youth programs, if further damage is to avoided.  相似文献   

Taking the Chelyabinsk region of Russia as an example, the author examines how economic decline, the result of transition, can be countered by the organization of local regional scientific and educational complexes. These bring together the government departments responsible for science and higher education, both at the federal and at the local levels, the local research institutions, and the local higher education institutions so that they can pool their efforts in achieving common educational, economic, scientific, and developmental objectives. Several of these regional complexes have been founded, or are in the process of being founded, in the Urals area of Russia. The author concentrates on the Regional Scientific and Educational Complex that is being created in Chelyabinsk, briefly describing the tasks that it has set for itself.  相似文献   

一、序 论 俄罗斯联邦的国家教育论纲 (下称论纲 )是基础性的国家文件,这一文件确立了教育在国家政策中的优先地位,确立了教育的基本发展方向和战略。   论纲确定了教育教学发展的目标和途径,它通过教育领域内的国家政策在 2025年以前达到教育系统发展的预期成果。   教育的战略目标与俄罗斯社会发展的重要问题密切相关,包括:   ——教育为俄罗斯社会经济和精神发展建立基础,保证人民高质量的生活与国家的安全;   ——巩固国家的民主法制和公民社会的发展;   ——在世界经济一体化中为市场经济动态发展提供干部保证,这…  相似文献   

The paper presents an examination of the Russian special education system in the late 1990s. It is concerned with continuities and changes in ideology, policy and practice, particularly in regard to acceptance of debates around educational integration. Evidence from a study of educational practice concerning children with learning difficulties in two regional Russian cities is presented, including interview data with special educational professionals. Small-scale changes to the special education system at the local level are highlighted as positive measures to address the failures of a somewhat rigidly segregated system. The ability to make such changes and maintain the functioning of the system is notable in the context of prolonged budgetary crisis. Practitioners whose views are represented in the study are shown to have engaged with the integration debate, although there was little fundamental criticism of the underpinnings of the Russian system. Understanding and application of the notion of integration for disabled children were diverse. Indeed some interviewees used this term to describe the structures within which they worked, in spite of the system's largely segregated nature. The concept was being reworked to demonstrate awareness of international approaches, while avoiding the devaluing of the distinct, Soviet approach of defectology with its central tenet of differentiation.  相似文献   

《俄联邦国民教育要义》概述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文考察了普京上任后推出的<俄联邦国民教育要义>,包括:该<要义>为何具有独一无二的特性,该<要义>本身的地位和使命,该<要义>赋予教育的基本目的和任务,该<要义>赋予国家在教育领域的基本任务与职责和该<要义>兑现后的预期结果.通过以上考察,指出新世纪最初25年内俄罗斯解决教育领域的热点、难点问题的基本指导思想及其落实途径和可能的结局.  相似文献   

Changes in reproductive behavior among young people in Russia, changing patterns of marriage and family formation, and high death rates among males are all affecting Russia's human capital potential, and public policy reforms will need to take this into account.  相似文献   

王义高 《比较教育研究》2001,22(3):45-48,44
本文对前俄罗斯总统教育顾问和教育部长э.д.第聂伯罗夫为代表的“教育社会化”思潮进行了四个方面的评析:1)评“国家社会主义”的铲除;2)评社会和教育的“解国家化”;3)评“非国有化”和“私有化”;4)评从“国家管理”到“社会管理”、从“联邦制度化”到“地方自治”。  相似文献   

俄罗斯联邦少数民族教育立法的基本原则及其法源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯联邦少数民族教育立法的基本原则有:少数民族拥有平等的受教育权、平等的语言自由权和语言教育权,尤其是有保留本族语和以本族语接受教育的权利;联邦政府实行化平等与民族理解的教育,尊重各共和国的教育自决权。俄罗斯联邦少数民族教育立法的基本原则源自前苏联时期的少数民族教育立法。  相似文献   

For a number of reasons, higher education in the Russian Federation has been able to benefit from a more stable financial situation than have most of the other “socio‐cultural areas” in Russia. It has nevertheless been severely affected by the problems besetting the other sectors of the Russian economy, most of them linked to the rigours of transition to a market economy. The situation will improve as the Russian economy as a whole improves and as higher education in Russia not only becomes more market‐oriented and quality conscious but adopts specific administrative measures designed to ensure efficiency.  相似文献   

俄罗斯社会转型期教育改革中多元文化的体现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转型期的俄罗斯在教育法律法规制定、办学形式多样化、教学计划与课程设置等诸多方面扩大了地方教育自主权,保护了民族化和地区化传统,体现出了多元化的特点。  相似文献   

The identification and support of talented students is one of the priorities of educational policy in the Russian Federation. There is currently a wide range of regulatory legal acts aimed at organizing work and support for students who have demonstrated outstanding ability. This article considers both direct support for talented students such as scholarships, and indirect measures: improving educators’ professional skills, developing model programs for general education, creating information portals to support talented students, etc.  相似文献   

对俄教育私有化战略的考察与思索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文考察了俄教育私有化战备的制定过程及贯穿于该过程的两派争论与斗争,并就此发表了考察者的三则思索:(一)关于私有制下的国(公)立教育的性质与功能;(二)关于俄“国立”、“私立”教育之争的价值及成因;(三)关于我国公、私立学校的权重关系。  相似文献   

What is the history of educational assessment and research in Czechoslovakia? How have attitudes toward testing changed over the years? What are the prospects for the future?  相似文献   

俄罗斯教育在近几十年的改革中形成了比较完善的教育体系,并不断从传统走向现代。在新的历史时期,通过实施教育现代化发展战略,俄罗斯在教育领域进行了一系列改革,获得了实质性进步,其诸多举措值得借鉴。  相似文献   

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