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This study investigated the psychometric properties of a teacher-reported version of a Swedish school climate instrument called the Pedagogical and Social Climate (PESOC), which consists of 95 items covering cultural, structural and social factors. A sample of 348 teachers from 19 Swedish secondary schools was used. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis conducted within a structural equation modelling framework indicated that the PESOC had a two-factor structure at the teacher level and a one-factor at the school level. The PESOC’s convergent validity was supported by the school-level correlations between PESOC and another established instrument (i.e., the Team Climate Inventory). Further validation studies of PESOC are needed with larger, more representative samples, and with information on important outcomes such as student achievement and wellbeing.  相似文献   

大型综合性调查经常包含认知测试部分。基于控制调查成本以及降低数据缺失率的要求,大型调查中的认知测试设计一般较为简洁,在这种情况下,其信度和效度可能受到影响。本文运用经典测试理论和项目反应理论两种方式来分析中国家庭追踪调查中字词测试的信度和效度。我们还同时比较了3种计分方法,它们分别是原始分计分法、最难题计分法以及基于项目反应理论的计分法。分析结果显示,中国家庭追踪调查中字词测试信度较高,其结构效度和效标效度良好。3种计分方法结果的相关度很高,在分析截面数据时没有实质性的差别。  相似文献   

通过对《浮生六记》的两个英译本中文化负载词的翻译策略比较,从译者主体性的角度探讨分析了两位译者翻译策略的选择及其成因。本研究认为,不论译者采取什么样的翻译策略,都会受到自身价值观、意识形态或文化背景等因素的潜在制约,并在翻译的过程中发挥着潜移默化的作用。  相似文献   

Parental meta-emotion, assessed through interviews, involves parents' philosophy about emotions and has been found to be related to parenting behaviors and children's emotional and social competence (e.g., Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 1996; Katz & Windecker-Nelson, 2004). The Emotion-Related Parenting Styles Self-Test is a true-false (ERPSST-T/F) self-report version of the meta-emotion interview introduced in a parenting guidebook (Gottman, 1997). Although this test is user-friendly, its psychometric properties have not been evaluated. In the first study, 100 parents (89 mothers, 11 fathers) completed the ERPSST-T/F and evidence was found for the internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the measure (Lee, Hakim-Larson, & Voelker, 2000). In the second study, 31 parents (21 mothers, 10 fathers) completed a Likert-type scale version of the ERPSST (ERPSST-Likert) and the internal consistency of the scales was improved. In addition, the scales were found to correlate in expected directions with other measures of parenting attitudes regarding children's emotional expressions, even after controlling for parent gender and social desirability. These findings provide some preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the ERPSST-Likert and provide support for further development of the instrument.  相似文献   

Parental meta-emotion, assessed through interviews, involves parents' philosophy about emotions and has been found to be related to parenting behaviors and children's emotional and social competence (e.g., Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 1996; Katz & Windecker-Nelson, 2004). The Emotion-Related Parenting Styles Self-Test is a true–false (ERPSST–T/F) self-report version of the meta-emotion interview introduced in a parenting guidebook (Gottman, 1997). Although this test is user-friendly, its psychometric properties have not been evaluated. In the first study, 100 parents (89 mothers, 11 fathers) completed the ERPSST–T/F and evidence was found for the internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the measure (Lee, Hakim-Larson, & Voelker, 2000). In the second study, 31 parents (21 mothers, 10 fathers) completed a Likert-type scale version of the ERPSST (ERPSST–Likert) and the internal consistency of the scales was improved. In addition, the scales were found to correlate in expected directions with other measures of parenting attitudes regarding children's emotional expressions, even after controlling for parent gender and social desirability. These findings provide some preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the ERPSST–Likert and provide support for further development of the instrument.  相似文献   

对于孟子的性命观,唐君毅先生给出了自己独到的解读。在他看来,孟子乃"即心言性",以此超越告子以来"以生言性"之传统及其弊端。唐君毅先生更就"心之生"处深入发掘孟子性善说的具体内涵,创发新论。此外,唐君毅先生以义命合一之旨解孔孟知命、立命诸说,新意迭出,创发前人之所未发,于义命分立之说外开出一新的义理世界。  相似文献   

贵州作家冉正万的短篇小说集《树洞里的国王》,收录了该作家的若干代表作,反映了该作家大致的创作面貌。通过细读分析小说集中的若干篇小说,可以发现,每一篇作品都指向了同一个方向,思考了同一个问题,讲述了同一个故事,作出了同一种反抗,即人的异化。从中可以管窥冉正万写作以来的犹疑与困惑,以及反抗异化、探索生命真相的重要努力。  相似文献   

Improvement of the services offered by secondary schools in the UK has been a major concern for the educational authorities. One of the most widely accepted ways to test the quality of school services is the performance indicators approach. Performance indicators, as they stand, are quite complicated to use. Many of them could be criticised for not considering pupils views about their school but rather gathering adult-centred information, since it is teachers and not pupils who do the assessment. Therefore, a new student scale has been developed, based on performance indicators, and its properties are described as follows. The new Quality of School Life scale has shown good psychometric properties and it has proven easy to use and administer. It has been shown to reliably and validly measure pupils views about their quality of school life and school satisfaction. Results are discussed in relation to potential future use of the scale by educationalists.  相似文献   

This study uses multilevel models to examine longitudinal associations between contextual influences (neighborhood and family) assessed in 1983 in a cohort of 2,355 children, 4-16 years of age, and educational attainment in 2001. Variation in educational attainment in 2001 attributable to between-neighborhood and between-family differences was 8.17% and 36.88%, respectively. The final model explained 33.64% of the variance in educational attainment, with unique variances of 14.53% for neighborhood and family-level variables combined versus 10.94% for child-level variables. Among the neighborhood and family-level variables, indicators of status (5.29%) versus parental capacity/family process (4.03%) made comparable predictions to attainment while children from economically disadvantaged families did not benefit educationally from living in more affluent areas.  相似文献   

质量是高校发展的生命线,教育质量观决定着高校人才培养的方向和价值取向.但很长时间里,我们的质量观是以"社会"为评价取向的,这在实际的人才培养过程中,存在着很多问题.本文认为,高校质量观应该回到培养什么样的人这个教育的元命题上来,教育的本质应该是使人学会幸福地生活,教学生懂得理解和创造美好的事物,发现生活中的真、善、美,培养学生诚实、勇敢、守信等美德,这是教育的最根本的价值取向.因此,高校教育的一个最根本的任务,就是帮助学生了解幸福与美的真谛,学会生活.  相似文献   

提高社会生活质量是建设学习型社会的重要内涵,而学校知识群体的参与推动是提升社会生活质量的重要动力。走向生活,学校应该通过专题讲座、研讨座谈、咨询展览、举办活动等社会教育方式来开展知识技能教育、亲职教育、环境教育和休闲教育,通过丰富自身的社会生活,深化社会教育实践活动,促进社会生活质量的提升。  相似文献   

当前大学生存在生命意义追寻空虚化、生命价值理想多元化、生命情感淡漠化、生命责任“实用”化的现象。因此,对德育工作者来说,培育大学生生命尊严意识、使之不断提升生命的价值和质量意义十分重大。  相似文献   

Temperament is a developmentally important construct, hierarchically comprised of several lower-order dimensions subsumed under effortful control, negative affectivity, and surgency. The Children's Behavior Questionnaire-Very Short Form (CBQ-VSF) was developed as a brief measure of the higher-order factors of temperament to aid researchers in understanding the relation between these factors and other developmentally important constructs. In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of the CBQ-VSF in preschool children (N = 277) using teachers and parents as informants. Several dimensions of temperament emerged independently of the three higher-order factors. Comparing the extracted factors to other measures of temperament revealed limited convergent and discriminant validity. Further, similar teacher and parent report factors did not correlate. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the CBQ-VSF be refined to better reflect core dimensions that comprise the higher-order factors.  相似文献   

In two independent studies of questionnaire administration, respondents completed multidimensional self-concept inventories within four randomized research conditions that mirrored the most common administration formats used in practice: paper booklets with and without answer sheets and computer questionnaires with single versus multiple items per screen. Strong differences among conditions emerged for completion time, but not for psychometric properties of scores (means, variances, reliability coefficients, concurrent validity coefficients). Answer sheets increased completion time by 24% to 34%, single-item displays by 20% to 25%, and computerization by 13% to 17%. Completion time was longer for multiple-alternative than for rating-scale items, but relative effects of answer sheets, single-item displays, and computerization remained consistent. We discuss implications for questionnaire construction and administration.  相似文献   

生活方式与生活质量:中国社会福利研究的独特视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活方式是中国社会学研究的重要课题,社会福利与社会政策研究是新兴议题,生活方式与生活质量是社会学与社会政策研究共同关注的重大理论与政策议题。中国社会如何处理社会学取向与社会福利政策取向的生活方式研究,是个既关系到如何深化中国社会生活方式研究,又关系到如何推进中国社会福利与社会政策研究的重大理论与现实问题。本文从中国社会状况与欧美学术传统的角度,探讨生活方式与社会福利研究的关系模式。  相似文献   

海明威短篇小说中生命与死亡主题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海明威的作品中,生命与死亡是一个永恒主题.通过对其短篇小说文本的详细分析,发现海明威生命与死亡的探讨和认识大致经历了三个发展阶段:从最初的好奇与茫然,到对生命与死亡现象的迷惘与困惑,最终到达理智和超然的境界.文章分别对这三个阶段在相应的短篇小说中的反映进行阐释.  相似文献   

仪器设备是高校办学的重要基础与保障条件,其配置、使用及处置等管理,直接影响着高校实验室作用的发挥及对教学科研活动的保障.将企业管理中的全生命周期管理理念引入高校仪器设备管理当中,建立仪器设备全生命周期管理的理念,为实现对仪器设备的全过程、全方位、全要素管理.仪器设备的全生命周期管理,应实现预算配置按需配置、账目管理心中...  相似文献   

Teacher burnout is a growing phenomenon that may dramatically reduce the quality of life of both teachers and students. Many studies have conceptualized teaching as a high-contact profession and, focusing on the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout, they have highlighted the relation with students as a key dimension of teachers’ stress. This paper presents an original instrument (TSS-Sr) to measure teachers’ stress related to the interaction with their pupils. It provides the psychometric characteristic of this scale. Results support a model of measurement of teacher social stress based on four dimensions: verbal aggression, dislike students, awkward reactions, demanding requests. Implications about the use and the applications of this instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the Ontario and Nebraska tests for the deaf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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