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Many English primary teachers find the notion of assessing children's work in art difficult. This paper reports on work carried out with non‐art‐specialist primary teachers’ and student teachers’ use of a three‐point assessment model and related tasks, which supported teachers and students to engage critically with children's development, or lack of it, in observational drawing. This enabled teachers and students to develop appropriate planning and differentiated strategies for children's work in art. Equally important is that in engaging with these assessment tasks they were able to develop aspects of the critical language needed for teaching and learning in art.  相似文献   

St Angela's College of Education for Home Economics is an associate College of the National University of Ireland, with a small annual intake (28 students) for a four‐year B.Ed. degree.

A consequence of the College's association with NUI was the introduction of microteaching as part of the Education component of the degree. In order to meet fully the requirements of such a programme, the College undertook the development of a microteaching studio, specifically focused upon the teaching of Home Economics.

In this brief article, the authors explain the thinking and planning that went into the installation of the studio.  相似文献   

"奖惩性"与"发展性"教师评价之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"奖惩性"和"发展性"教师评价是当前两种主流教师评价思想."奖惩性"因素始终渗透在教师评价之中."发展性"教师评价因与奖惩手段的完全脱钩而难以取得预期的评价效果.两者都有其优越性和局限性,在相互借鉴、相互吸收对方合理成分的基础上最终它们将走向融合.  相似文献   

How to create something which is more meaningful to students than a simple homework diary is the issue that underlies this paper. The introduction of a student planner into year 9 of a high school is followed. The writer used reflexive practitioner research and ethnographic techniques to raise issues concerning the role of the tutor, teacher/pupil and teacher/parent relationships. He suggests that a gap appears to exist in pupil's ability to plan for the mid-term. The difficulties of classroom innovation and change in relation to teacher's craft knowledge is touched upon.  相似文献   

The school itself should serve as a laboratory for the study of social science concepts and generalizations, maintains Dr. Schlechty.  相似文献   

Many so‐called brain‐based educational approaches have been strongly criticized for their lack of empirical support and occasionally for their use of pseudoscientific concepts. As a result, several use the term neuromyths to refer to false beliefs or misinterpretations regarding neuroscientific facts. We surveyed both teachers and student teachers concerning their agreement toward hemispheric dominance, modality dominance, and the Brain Gym© method. Results suggest that teachers as well as student teachers believe in the reality of hemispheric and modality dominance but only a few were aware of the Brain Gym© method. Correlation analyses show moderate relationships across different beliefs and/or their perceived benefits in education. Teachers believed more than student teachers in hemispheric dominance and its pedagogical relevance. Together with other studies, the results suggest that teachers and student teachers could benefit from appropriate training in this new field of research.  相似文献   

素质教育的历史发展及其新的时代机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强调素质教育 ,并不是彻底否定传统教育。素质教育有一个历史的发展过程 ,是在同功利教育的长期斗争中逐渐发展和完善的教育观念。科学和民主的社会环境是全面实施素质教育的基础。知识经济新时代的到来 ,素质教育又一次受到社会重视 ,并提到前所未有的认识高度 ,从而使素质教育拥有更加广阔的发展空间。在强调综合素质的前提下 ,当前需要将个性培养、创新能力和人文精神的倡导作为突破口 ,全面实施素质教育。  相似文献   

文章通过分析四种本科师范生录取考核制度发现,这些制度采用多次认知考核保障师范生生源的基本学术能力,采用表现性评价考查其非认知能力即"适教",考查其从教意愿即"乐教",考查其教学基本技能即"能教"。当前,该制度存在的问题是:大部分高师院校将认知考核作为唯一考核方式,非认知考核面临信效度威胁及成本和公平问题,认知、非认知考核方式的预测能力有待进一步研究。基于此,建构了师范生录取考核制度的概念框架。  相似文献   


Although teachers vary widely in their perceptions of education, student achievement, and methods of assessment, more than psychometricians and other people they concentrate on student performance of tasks. To the teacher, grades are an indication of successful acquisition of particular knowledge and an increase in skill. Achievement is not thought of so much as enhancing a trait or increasing an ability, but as successfully completing the task. They visualize the experience, more so than the competence. When emphasis is given to standardizing curricula and testing, even though goals and standards can be expressed as task performance, the technology of testing and school reform devises indicators of success in terms of human ability. Ability is generalized; task performance is particularized, contextualized. When the success of teaching or schooling is interpreted in terms of test scores, the teacher is pressed to reconceptualize teaching and, directly or indirectly, to teach for the test.  相似文献   

新课程视野下的发展性学生评价观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价方式的改革是影响新课程发展的关键环节,它直接关系到新课程改革能否顺利实施。然而,传统的学生评价中过于重视甄别与选拔功能、过分强调学科知识、过分注重他人评价等弊端,已成为制约新课程实施的瓶颈,必须加以改革。发展性学生评价观主张评价应面向全体学生,关注学生的全面发展,提倡评价主体的多元性、评价标准的多元化、评价方法的多样性,必将对新课程的实施和发展起着推动作用。  相似文献   

英文电影应用到课堂教学中有不少局限。为充分发挥电影的功用,有必要培养学生课余自主观赏电影的习惯。本文探讨教师如何鼓励、指导、督促学生形成这一良好习惯。  相似文献   

Teaching for understanding requires teachers to organize thought-demanding activities which continually challenge students to apply and extend their prior knowledge. Research shows that student teachers often are unable to develop lessons in teaching for understanding. We explored how a domain-specific heuristic can assist student biology teachers in developing problem-posing lessons according to teaching for understanding. Worksheets of lesson plans were analyzed according to criteria for problem-posing lessons. Furthermore, student teachers’ perceptions of the design heuristic’s usefulness were categorized in a cyclical process. In general, the heuristic appeared helpful to most student teachers for designing problem-posing lessons satisfactory according to the criteria. Furthermore, teachers indicated that using the heuristic deepened their subject matter knowledge and their awareness of pupils’ prior knowledge.  相似文献   

Sixty preservice teachers participated in a program which allowed them to research one ethnic culture, to spend one day as a participant observer in the life of an ethnic family, and to explore the similarities and differences between cultures and within cultures based on their own experience and the feedback of experts. Students self‐reported quantitative gains in empathy, self‐development, understanding of the relevance of multiculturalism in education and confidence to teach the culturally different. Qualitative change in attitudes indicated a decrease in stereotypic thinking, greater understanding of ethnic parents and children and a willingness to make further contact with people from diverse cultures. Benefits to participating hosts are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the encounters between the changing expectations on the teacher role, teacher education and Swedish student teachers’ beliefs about their role as teachers, with special emphasis on the socialisation process of the pupils and the teacher's possible influence on it. The discussion is based on two empirical studies among Swedish compulsory school student teachers (M. von Wright, (1996) Propedeusis? Om motet mellan lärarstuderande och lärarutbildningen, in: Grundskollärarutbüdningen 1995. En utvärdering. Högskoleverkets rapportserie 1996:1 R.; M. von Wright (1997) Socialisationsprocessen. Metaforer och synsätt hos blivande lärare. Licentiatuppsats. Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm). The results show that student teachers when they enter their education on the one hand tend to carry with them explicit expectations which strongly reflect the values of what is considered pedagogically correct. At the same time students express implicit beliefs and underlying conceptions of human development, which in many cases are incoherent. During teacher education the pedagogically correct beliefs might become replaced, but implicit beliefs as affinity to certain pedagogical discourses are not changed or brought to awareness unless they are seriously challenged and problematised. Yet these beliefs direct the students’ attention. Changing demands on the teacher role bring about expectations on a shift in thinking about teaching and learning. Teacher education and educators can play important roles in making the students aware of their everyday beliefs and eventually change them.  相似文献   

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