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竞技体育中兴奋剂问题的经济学分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
韩开成  王和平 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):130-133
运用西方经济学有关理论,揭示了竞技体育中兴奋剂问题产生的根源,并对有关问题进行了分析。巨大的成本-收益反差,是造成兴奋剂泛滥的根源;极低的兴奋剂检测率和检出率促使远动员成为风险爱好者,进而做出服用兴奋剂行为决策;在“怕吃亏”心理的作用下,个体项目运动员之间博弈的结果服用兴奋剂是较好的策略,集体项目运动员服用兴奋剂明显少于个体项目也是运动员博弈的结果。  相似文献   

现代的兴奋剂问题不再是简单的医学和生理学的问题,所以要对产生兴奋剂的社会和心理因素进行分析,揭示其社会和心理诱因。本文对这两方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文从社会学、文化学的角度对滥用兴奋剂的体育异化现象进行了批判。建议从科技哲学、社会心理尤其是生命伦理上对服用兴奋剂现象进行再思考,以杜绝这类现象的滋生与蔓延。主要内容如下:1.雅典奥运会滥用兴奋剂现象引发的思考2.滥用兴奋剂的社会文化特征论述了滥用兴奋剂的四个社会文化特征:欺骗人类性;亵渎科学性;腐蚀社会性和玷污文化性。3.滥用兴奋剂引发的社会问题(1)严重危害运动员的身心健康滥用兴奋剂对运动员身心具有极大危害性。兴奋剂对心理的危害也十分严重,轻者加大运动员的心理压力,重者使他们一生难逃负罪感。(2)影响体育运…  相似文献   

关于兴奋剂,国家体委一贯实行“三严”方针,即:严令禁止,严格检查,严肃处理.今年,国家体委主任伍绍祖又提出了“三不”原则,即:即使查不出也不用,别人用我们也不用,宁可不得金牌也不用.这里所谓的“兴奋剂”,属于“禁药”,纯粹是为了刺激、提高运动成绩,是国际奥委会和广大群众所反对的.国际奥委会医学委员会规定的禁用药物有6大类:1“麻醉剂”,作用是麻醉肌肉,降低痛感,提高心理亢奋;2“兴奋剂”,能使运动员消除疲劳,增强体力和兴奋,提高速度;3.是“利尿剂”,可以稀释尿液.掩盖尿中的药剂量,减轻体重;4.“镇静剂”,用于提高镇静感,稳定情绪,用于射击、射箭运动员;5.“合成类固醇”,是雄性激素衍生物,能刺激肌肉增长,增强耐力;6“合成类荷尔蒙”,使用它体能耐力明显增强.上述6类禁药中,“兴奋剂”常人最熟悉,“合成类固醇”危害最大,“合成类荷尔蒙”最难被测检.这种升级换代的禁药大体称为“红血球生成素”,是一种较为耐热的蛋白质,可以刺激红血球的产生.早在1968年第19届奥运在墨西哥  相似文献   

在现代体育中,兴奋剂成为一个令人难以回避的问题,给体坛和奥林匹克运动带来了灾难性的后果,由于各种社会和心理原因,使得运动员及体育组织为了名利铤而走险。随着科技的进步,大量药物的研制,使兴奋剂的检查变得扑朔迷离,成为困扰体坛的难题。  相似文献   

服禁药与反禁药的交锋,随着奥运会的周期,每4年掀起一次高潮。一轮“严打”过后,总有英雄变狗熊;本·约翰逊、克拉贝、米歇尔·德布鲁因、克里斯蒂、怀特,还有许许多多巨星都因掉进“药瓶子”终生与耻辱为伴。但是,有更多的运动员,无视前车之鉴,继续偷服禁药。兴奋剂现象已成为全球化问题,称兴奋剂为“体坛瘟疫”绝非危言耸听。服用兴奋剂,就如同打开潘多拉的盒子,从残害肌体到祸延社会,给神圣的奥林匹克运动、给人类社会带来的后果是灾难性的。随着体育竞技日趋激烈,也随着药品由天然物质向人工物质发展,服用兴奋剂现象与日俱增。来自发达…  相似文献   

科学技术相伴现代奥林匹克运动有百年历史,对奥林匹克运动产生极为深刻的影响。仅在奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂斗争领域,科技正效应对 奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作起着积极的推进作用,为世界范围内打击兴奋剂使用提供了便利的条件和可能;科技负效应也为研发和使用兴奋剂提 供了科学“帮助”,导致竞技体育和奥林匹克运动中兴奋剂泛滥。采用文献资料、系统分析、逻辑推理等研究方法,试图从价值论、认识论、经济和科 技等多维度视角,剖析科技负效应导致竞技体育和奥林匹克运动中兴奋剂泛滥的社会文化根源,进而探寻奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作难以取得成 效的原因。从科技负效应导致奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作的艰巨性角度来看,反兴奋剂工作的难度主要体现在:(1)技术控制的失效性增加了反兴 奋剂工作的难度;(2)技术控制的方法可能成为研发和使用兴奋剂的“帮凶”;(3)科技负效应体现在反兴奋剂检查存在极低的“检出率”等方面。研 究结果认为,只有通过道德和法律等多种文化形态的综合运用,建立和完善反兴奋剂监督机制,加大对服用兴奋剂的处罚力度,改善科学技术在奥 林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作中的使用环境等,才能使科技真正成为推动竞技体育和奥林匹克运动发展的强大驱动力。  相似文献   

世事轮回,万物相克。上帝造了一个亚当,便要配一个夏娃;“性自由”之风尚未刮遍全球,艾滋病便接踵而至;人类刚刚被赐予一个冰清玉洁的五环圣殿,便要同时忍受兴奋剂的肆虐。 当“兴奋剂魔匣”的盖子一打开,体育之神便发出了第一声号哭。人们羞羞答答、半推半就开门揖“魔”,举起鸡毛掸子拂打几下,便名之曰“全球反兴奋剂战役”。 百年奥运史,也是一部人类无法抵御兴奋剂之诱惑和入侵的辛酸史,是一部暴露人类贪婪、愚昧和无能的悲哀史。  相似文献   

兴奋剂搜查若干法律问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
运用文献资料和比较的方法,通过对国内外发生的兴奋剂搜查典型实例的比较,探讨了我国和一些国家在兴奋剂搜查方面存在的差异及我国在兴奋剂搜查问题上面临的法律困境;提出在反兴奋剂斗争形势日益严峻、复杂的背景下,采取兴奋剂搜查行为的必然性;阐述了在国际社会“法治兴奋剂”发展趋势下,加强兴奋剂搜查法制建设的必要性和重要性;提出通过修正刑法、体育法等法律,加强兴奋剂搜查立法,设定我国兴奋剂搜查的权利主体,明确兴奋剂搜查对象和权限范围,严格兴奋剂搜查程序等设想和建议。  相似文献   

随着体育运动的日益商业化、政治化,使用兴奋剂的丑闻不断涌现,如何使体育运动的参与者在一个公平和健康的环境中,实现“更快、更高、更强”体育精神的展示成为体育界关注的焦点。而为了打赢这场没有硝烟的战争,不仅应从法律和科技等宏观层面进行管控,还应从教育等微观层面着手,加强对反兴奋剂教育的研究。研究发现:当前的反兴奋剂教育存在教育内容复杂化、教育对象宽泛化和纯洁体育氛围缺失等问题,文章在剖析问题的基础上,认为反兴奋剂教育与社会控制理论在目的、任务和过程层面存在适用性;基于社会控制理论的启示,提出通过培育良善的风俗习惯,营造道德遵守的风尚,树立忠诚信仰,完善法治治理制度和注重社会舆论的监督等路径来解决目前我国反兴奋剂教育存在的问题。  相似文献   

运用运动心理学有关理论对CUBA前八部分运动员竞赛状态焦虑的影响因素进行问卷调查。结果表明 :各因素的影响程度由大到小依次排列为“挫折”、“冲突”、“失误”、“比赛”、“自我概念”、“限制”、“实力”、“身体状态”。与此同时 ,针对这一特点提出高校教练员在赛中、赛前所要注意心理调控艺术及日常加强运动员心理适应能力训练的对策。  相似文献   

新时代高等院校的课程思政改革致力于深入挖掘专业课中的思想政治资源,有效发挥课堂育人的主渠道功能。在此目标指引下,体育类院校专业课程的课程思政改革势在必行,运动心理学是体育类高校体育运动类专业的本科骨干课程。动机的自我决定理论认为,人天生就有追求身心成长和能力发展的倾向,但需要环境提供持续的营养和支持。基于此,运动心理学课程思政从自我决定理论出发,立足于对学生个体特征和不同学习需求的分析,紧紧围绕如何满足其自主性、能力感和归属感来设计并实践激发和内化学生协同吸收专业知识和思政资源的动机环境,在具体教改中实现了5个方面的经验:以生为本,精心引入与专业深度融合的思政资源来激发动机的教学内容上的“精”;“师”是基础,着力构建专业教师团队确保课程思政教师队伍上的“专”;问号课堂,“问”出融会贯通专业知识和思政资源的教学过程上的“问”;活学活用,构建问题情境促进思政资源内化的教学设计上的“活”;知行合一,做中学,磨砺意志深度夯实思政教育的教学手段上的“实”。另外,要全面推进课程思政,还需注意完善教师全员育人的教学理念、着重分析学生的个性特征、打造多部门协同合作的“育人共同体”,以构建高校专业课课程思政改革的全员全程全方位育人体系。  相似文献   


Doping is a complex moral and scientific dilemma and its prevention has led to a costly but less than perfect control system implemented worldwide by the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA). For a substance or method to be considered for the WADA Prohibited List, three criteria must be met: (1) the substance or method has the potential to enhance, or enhances, sport performance; (2) use of the substance or method represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete; and (3) use of the substance or method violates the “spirit of sport”. The “spirit of sport” is defined as “the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind” and explained with reference to a series of ideal values: ethics, fair play, and honesty; health; excellence in performance; character and education; fun and enjoyment; teamwork; dedication and commitment; respect for rules and laws; respect for self and other participants; courage; community and solidarity. These values do not lend themselves to clear-cut interpretation and are of little help in drawing unambiguous lines in concrete cases. A proposal is made of how to interpret the “spirit of sport” in more precise ways in terms of a combination of the fair opportunity principle and a biological and evolutionary understanding of athletic performance as a result of the systematic utilization of the phenotypic plasticity of the human organism. The argument is that such understanding improves significantly the possibilities for drawing of lines when it comes to doping issues.  相似文献   

This study examined temporal trends in home advantage in the top two English football divisions and used change point analysis to test the hypothesis that home advantage has not remained constant over time. Regression analysis was used to model the impact of substitutions (a proxy for “information transfer”) and the points system on home advantage. The results suggest that changing from two points for a win to three points for a win has led to a 0.39 reduction (95% confidence interval = 0.21 to 0.56) in the ratio of home wins to away wins. Increasing the number of substitutions is associated with a small increase in the ratio of home wins to away wins, although this is not statistically significant. The evidence indicates that, in this particular context, the extent of home advantage has diminished. This contradicts most other published work, which suggests that home advantage is stable over time. I argue that this reduction is more likely to be the result of the introduction of three points for a win, which has lessened the incentives for away teams to settle for a draw, than an increase in “information transfer”. Research into temporal trends in home advantage is interesting in its own right but might, in addition, shed light on determinants of the home advantage phenomenon.  相似文献   

运动心理学在游泳教学中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李一玉 《体育科技》2004,25(2):48-49
采取对比实验探讨运动心理学在学校游泳教学中运用的实效性。教学实验结果显示 :采用运动心理学原理进行教学有利于创造和谐、愉快的教学环境 ,调动学生的积极性和主动性 ,教学效果优于传统教学  相似文献   


The effects of grip and forearm position on two tests of upper body muscular endurance were investigated in 109 male subjects 18–21 years of age. Subjects were systematically presented 12 tasks: six pull-up and six straight-arm hang grip and forearm variations. Each of the six tasks for both endurance tests represented a different combination of grip (thumb over bar and thumb under bar) and forearm position (pronated, supinated and semi-pronated). Task results were analyzed utilizing 2 × 3 (grip × forearm) ANOVA with repeated measures on the two factors. Analysis of pull-up data revealed that the semi-pronated and supinated forearm positions were not statistically different from each other, but superior to the pronated condition. Results of straight-arm hang performance revealed a significant difference between grips at the semi-pronated position, with the “thumb under bar” being superior. Results for forearm positions at grips indicated a significant difference for the “thumb under bar,” with the pronated and semi-pronated positions being superior to the supinated position. For forearm positions at “thumb over bar,” the pronated condition was significantly different from the semi-pronated and supinated positions. Thumb position trends and kinesiological mechanical analysis did foster general recommendations for use of the “thumb over bar” for pull-ups and the “thumb under bar” position for the straight-arm hang.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether decisions made by six qualified referees were consistent when watching the live 2016 televised Champions League Final. Referees were paired off into three separate rooms. Two referees watched the game with no supporters present. Two watched the game surrounded by Real Madrid supporters, and the remaining two watched the game surrounded by Athletic Madrid supporters. Referees were asked to decide whether each decision made by the on-field referee was either correct or incorrect. Results identified two types of refereeing inconsistency. The first type was a systematic tendency of the supporting crowds (both rooms) to influence the adjudicating referees to make fewer incorrect (disagree with the on-field referee) decisions (8 and 5) than referees in the “no supporters” room (19) (χ2 = 11.22 [df = 2], P = 0.004). The second type of inconsistency was the home advantage “bias”, where the surrounding crowd influenced the adjudicating referees to favour their team, by disagreeing with the decision made by the on-field referee (χ2 = 6.0 [df = 2], P = 0.0498). One explanation for these inconsistencies is that referees adopt a coping strategy of “avoidance”, i.e., when faced with difficult decisions, referees simply avoid making unpopular decisions by waving “play on”.  相似文献   

对于运动员流畅状态的干预已成为理论研究的热点问题,而探寻流畅状态的影响因素进而调控运动员的流畅状态,也是训练与竞技实践工作者的迫切需要。从流畅状态干预角度出发,对124名冰雪项目运动员施测“运动员流畅状态影响因素问卷”,考察冰雪项目运动员流畅状态影响因子及其特点。研究发现:冰雪项目运动员流畅状态影响因素由“积极的心理准备”“、放松的情绪状态”和“专注于比赛的注意力”三个因子构成;不同训练年限运动员在“积极的心理准备”因子存在显著差异,不同项目、主力–非主力、训练年限分组、运动成绩分组的运动员之间,在“放松的情绪状态”和“专注于比赛的注意力”因子存在显著差异。对冰雪项目运动员赛前流畅状态的调控,要重视赛前心理准备、情绪放松以及比赛专注力的心理指导与教育,并要针对不同群体运动员的特点开展相应工作。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、归纳总结法、数理统计法对基地认定标准方法、细则、条件进行了变化的分析,得出"基地"认定标准在不断的创新完善,加强了"基地"建设的要求,加大了人才培养的质量,全面化可持续化,提升了培养人才的理念,强化了对"基地"的管理,以及对"基地"认定评估提出了一些建议,推动更多的后备基地建设。  相似文献   

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