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文化距离远近会从社会文化、学习过程及价值观冲突等方面给留学生跨境适应带来影响,对此许多学者从不同维度进行了研究.我们参考Black提出的跨文化适应测量维度,从总体适应、人际交往适应以及学业适应三个方面分别进行了调查以及追踪观察与访谈;采用SPSS18.0处理数据,结合文化距离理论对调查结果进行分析.调查与访谈结果显示,马来西亚、印度尼西亚、柬埔寨、老挝等国留学生各方面适应困难居于东盟各国之首,在文化适应、专业适应、参与活动等方面也体现出明显差异.这总体上符合文化距离近、跨境适应压力小,文化距离远、跨境适应压力大的客观描述.作者还依据上述结论提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

随着中国与世界交流日益频繁,二语习得已经成为我们语言学习中不可或缺一部分,其习得过程更是复杂多变。"洋泾浜"是一个特殊的语言现象,Schumann从社会心理学角度提出了"洋泾浜假设",并以此提出的文化适应模式理论对二语习得进行分析。两者是不同的概念,需要在研究中加以区别。  相似文献   

以近十年中国知网所登载的有关流动儿童城市适应问题的文章为研究对象,采用归类整理的方法对不同年限、不同视角、不同作者的文献进行梳理,可以发现:适应的概念涉及流动儿童的心理适应和文化适应两个方面;心理适应不良、环境适应不良、文化适应不良是流动儿童群体城市适应困难的主要表现;适应的影响因素包括个人、家庭、学校和社会四个层面;该领域的研究视角多元、方法科学,但实证研究居多,应加大理论研究的深度和广度;取样过于狭隘,样本研究年限过短,应拉长研究年限,增加追踪调查。  相似文献   

将"能力"作为文化适应的一个研究范畴,与"态度"、"策略"、"模式"一同构成教育人类学文化适应研究的四维研究路向。通过问卷调查,运用教育统计方法,结合民族学/人类学文化适应理论进行研究,认为学校、生源地、性别、专业、年级、民族在不同程度上影响少数民族大学生的文化适应能力,其中学校和民族分别是影响少数民族大学生文化适应能力最显著和最不明显的因素;少数民族大学生的文化适应能力未呈现出随年级的增加而随之提高的趋势;民族院校大学生文化适应能力普遍低于其他高校大学生;少数民族大学生文化适应能力与学校生活满意度正性相关。  相似文献   

分析近20年来国内相关文献发现,小学生学校适应研究以实证研究为主,主要聚焦于关系研究、现状研究、措施研究和问卷编制四个主题;理论研究主要包括学校适应的理论模型、分类、影响因素和提升措施等;研究方法以问卷法为主。现有研究尚存在追踪研究不足、研究对象聚焦于适应不良小学生以及研究工具良莠不齐等问题。今后研究应推进本土化理论建构,加强追踪研究;加大对教育措施的实证研究力度;从积极心理学视角以及宏观教育系统的视角审视小学生学校适应问题。  相似文献   

本研究以Hofstede的文化维度为视角,考察了高校"海归"教师在旅居国文化价值观的影响下,回国之后在工作中经历的跨文化逆向性适应过程,试图探寻高校"海归"教师心理不适应背后的文化根源。根据理论研究提出三点假设,并用问卷调查和数据分析的方法客观论证假设、得出推论,探讨不同文化价值观对跨文化逆向性适应所带来的影响,探索高校"海归"教师在逆向性适应中的应对策略,从根本上帮助这一群体尽快完成归国工作后对国内文化、社会、学术环境的再适应,从而更好地实现自身的价值。  相似文献   

文化适应问题是当前文化研究中的重要课题,通过分析少数民族大学生这样一个特殊群体在文化适应过程中存在的心理适应问题和社会文化适应问题,及影响少数民族大学生文化适应的障碍因素,并针对存在问题提出心理适应对策、文化适应能力的培养对策以及学校的教育对策,对于解决少数民族大学生的文化适应问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

流动儿童的城市适应问题随着流动儿童数量的不断增加和在城市长期生活而成为研究者们关注的焦点。对从国内外主要数据库中检索到的过去20年有关我国流动儿童城市适应的590篇研究成果进行了梳理,综述流动儿童城市影响的概念、理论、标准、现状、影响因素,主要得出了以下结论:(1)适应的概念涉及心理层面和社会文化层面等多个方面;(2)适应的理论有文化冲击理论、适应理论和社会排斥理论等;(3)适应的标准分为过程论和变量论;(3)心理、学校和社会文化适应的总体水平较差;(4)适应的影响因素包括个人、家庭、学校和社会多个方面。根据这些研究结论,对研究的局限进行了分析并提出了未来研究的展望,希望今后多进行整体性、综合性、深度研究,为家庭、学校和政府部门提供应对性的政策和策略。  相似文献   

阴阳学说的哲学基础、"型"本原的物质探究、"适合"与"忠实"的翻译标准以及读者立场的策略思考共同构成了原型-模型翻译理论的本质化特征。它适用于所有文本的指导,属于综合性策略范畴,译者在翻译过程需执行"模拟三原则",即:气质模拟、改造模拟和定型模拟,完成对原语文本的翻译,实现原语文本阳化的过程。  相似文献   

在多元文化教育背景下,少数民族大学生文化适应问题引起了学术界的关注,积累了不少有理论及实践价值的学术文献。通过对已有文献的整理和归类,发现目前相关研究主要集中在少数民族大学生文化适应状况调查、影响因素及教育引导对策等方面,并对少数民族大学生文化适应的研究趋势进行了展望,最后指出了今后相关研究的重点方向,希望以此为少数民族大学生文化适应研究提供参考。  相似文献   

来疆中亚留学生在文化适应方面有着不同的特点,论文以问卷调查辅以访谈的方式,从语言、环境和生活、心理以及学习适应四个角度分析了中亚留学生来华的文化适应性。结论表明中亚留学生在文化适应方面存在的主要问题是心理和学习适应,其次是环境和生活适应,最后是语言适应,由此,教育者应当有针对性地采取措施,提高中亚留学生的文化适应能力,帮助他们更快地适应所在地的生活和学习。  相似文献   

In higher education, doctoral training has been identified as a process of stewardship development whereby individuals learn the knowledge and skills required to advance their respective disciplines. Self-study of teacher education practices is one approach that has gained the interest of doctoral students to help them understand their own development whilst also forging recommendations for others in publications. In this self-study, we worked to understand the experiences of Shrehan, a teacher from England beginning doctoral study in the USA. Shrehan had no experience teaching at the college level prior to moving to the USA, and she saw self-study as an opportunity to understand her development and acculturation into an unfamiliar system of higher education. Data were collected through journaling, critical-friend discussions, and artefacts, as well as student data in the form of surveys, exit slips, and focus-group interviews. Qualitative data analysis of Shrehan’s experiences was guided by the four stages of acculturation theory – honeymoon, culture shock, adjustment, and recovery. Shrehan’s journey emphasizes the importance of getting to know undergraduate students and building rapport as key aspects of teaching at the college level. Self-study provided Shrehan with a heightened personal-identity awareness that increased her cultural sensitivity and broadened her worldview. Results are discussed with reference to acculturation theory and future directions for research are provided.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, Mainland China has witnessed a massive outflow of students to higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In the context of an up-surge in Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong, this research aims to explore (1) why Mainland Chinese students choose to study in Hong Kong over other higher education systems, (2) perceptions about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in Hong Kong, and (3) challenges in the process of acculturation from their homeland to Hong Kong. Five key themes are identified: education, finance, learning culture, language, and discrimination/labelling. While Mainland Chinese students often struggle to blend into the new environment, most gradually become accustomed to the local way of life. What remains a challenge is (perceived) discrimination following political tensions over the “one China, two systems” framework. This paper identifies the expectations and dissatisfactions of the participants with regard to studying in Hong Kong, ultimately offering higher-education administrators an insight into how to better cater for the expanding share of Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong’s universities. This research is significant because it extends the literature by examining acculturation and cultural adaptation issues in an increasingly globalized context.  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of an investigation into selected MA in Education students’ interpretation of feedback to their written assignments in a teaching and learning institution in the UK, using the framework of cultural capital and acculturation. A case study method was adopted to investigate four participants’ thoughts and experiences with feedback over a period of two semesters. Participants were asked to go through a think-aloud process while responding to feedback from tutors to their assignments. Results of the think-aloud were used as springboard for interviews conducted with students. The article argues that students’ diverse and variable interpretations of tutor feedback can be explained by Bourdieu’s notion of ‘connaissance’ or knowledge as cultural capital. Additionally, students were found to have subscribed to the ‘acculturation’ process modelled by tutors in feedback provision.  相似文献   

Schools represent the primary setting where refugee children learn about Australian life and culture. They serve as a broad context for acculturation not only for academic development and language acquisition but for cultural learning too. This paper focuses on the after‐school homework tutoring programme that uses University of Western Sydney (Australia) secondary teacher education students as tutors for African refugee students in secondary schools to facilitate their inclusion into Australian society. African refugees may receive lower returns for education in comparison with other Australian migrants. Using Bourdieu’s theory of social capital and cultural reproduction as a conceptual framework, this paper discusses the part played by schools in constructing barriers that prevent under‐represented groups such as refugees participating in the education process. It aims to explore the success of community engagement programmes like Refugee Action Support, which is designed to act in the interests of others (refugees) characterised as socio‐culturally disadvantaged.  相似文献   

课程文化研究框架分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程文化研究涵盖了课程与文化的关系和课程文化特质两个方面。前者涉及到功能主义、多元文化主义、文化分析理论、批判理论等的课程观,揭示了课程与文化之间的矛盾与适应;后者包括对学生、课程知识和教材等课程文化要素的研究,探索了课程各要素的文化特质及其在课程发展中的功能。这两者相互联系,体现在我国课程改革探索的现实之中,推动着课程文化的创新。  相似文献   

《摩尔·弗兰德斯》是英国作家丹尼尔·笛福的代表作.作品着重刻画了父权社会下女性的伦理选择.出版以来广受翻译家青睐,诸多语言翻译版本层出不穷.其中梁遇春的汉译本深受中国读者的喜爱,其立足于胡庚申教授生态翻译学理论下的三维转换策略,对梁遇春的译本进行分析,从而教导学生更好地理解译者在翻译实践中的主体地位,以及在多维度的适应...  相似文献   

为了了解四川省高校藏族学生的文化适应状况,以期为他们顺利完成学业提供科学的实践依据,也为高校教育工作者提供科学的教育教学理论方法基础。对四川省部分高校部分藏族学生进行文化疏离感的问卷调查。结果显示,302名藏族学生文化疏离感的四个维度的疏离感程度的大小排序是:不和谐感>文化分离感>文化孤立感>被控制感;藏族女生的文化疏离感高于藏族男生的文化疏离感;四个年级的的文化疏离感在四个维度上都存在差异性,其中,文化分离感维度存在极其显著性差异。总的来说,大部分学生有一定的文化疏离感,是文化适应过程中的一种正常的心理体验,没有影响到他们的正常学习生活。其中,男生适应状况比女生好;大三学生适应状况最好,大二学生其次,随后是大四和大一学生。  相似文献   

不同的文化价值观和社会准则通常会使在海外逗留的人们经历"文化休克"。要克服这种现象,几乎人人都会不可避免地经历文化适应过程。文化适应指的是个人在态度、价值观、行为,特别是文化个性上发生变化,这种变化是由于同各种相异文化的人经常不断交流而产生之结果。通过对23位中国学生在英国某高校攻读硕士学位经历的研究,证明了文化适应对学业成功有着极大的相关性,即成功完成国际教育很大程度上取决于文化适应。  相似文献   

Background: The achievement gap between immigrant and non-immigrant students that has been identified in most OECD countries and the considerable educational dropout rate among students from ethnic minority backgrounds in some countries have become serious challenges for national educational systems. The educational underachievement of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds is embedded in the process of their acculturation. In the tradition of cross-cultural psychology, acculturation describes individual or ethno-cultural group changes in behaviour and attitudes in the situation of intercultural contact. Such cultural changes are central to the experience of ethnic minority students including newly arriving immigrants, children of immigrants and members of marginalised ethnic and racial groups. Acculturation has been described as a stressful process, and acculturation orientations adopted by young people from ethnic minority backgrounds have been shown to have an impact on their adjustment.

Purpose: The school context has been recognised to be the crucial context for acculturation of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds. The academic achievement of these students is thus embedded in the acculturation process, which involves cultural identity development, psychological adjustment and behavioural adjustment. The study is aimed at analysing and systematising the findings of empirical research on acculturation in the school context with a focus on the academic achievement of young people from minority backgrounds.

Design and methods: For this study, 29 peer-reviewed articles from a total of 348 articles that matched the search criteria in the database of the Education Resources Information Centre were selected according to inclusion criteria. The selected articles addressed academic achievement of young people from minority backgrounds in relation to at least one of the issues of acculturation such as cultural identity, psychological adjustment and behavioural adjustment. The articles were analysed by applying the method of qualitative content analysis, using MAXQDA software. The findings presented in the selected articles were analysed and integrated according to a deductively developed and inductively enriched category system.

Conclusions: Overall, the results of our analysis offer insight into issues of acculturation in relation to academic achievement. Moreover, our findings reveal the complexity of the relationship between cultural transition and school adjustment for young people. As shown in our review, although a bi-cultural orientation was predominantly positively related to school adjustment of minority students, some studies also identified assimilative attitudes as advantageous for students’ academic achievement as well as for their psychological and behavioural adjustment. Moreover, our study has also shown that young people’s acculturative attitudes may have a different impact on their school adjustment relative to acculturative behaviours.  相似文献   

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