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教育类课程对职前数学教师作用欠佳的归因调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育类课程对职前数学教师教学知识的发展作用欠佳的原因是多方面的,既有教育类课程内容方面的原因,也有职前数学教师自身的原因,此外教授职前教育课程的教师的专业能力、教学方法也是不可忽视的原因.  相似文献   

英国中学理科师资的职前培养属于“3 1”模式。其职前培养课程包括公共课程、学科课程、中学见习/实习3大部分。从约克大学的中学理科师资职前培养课程的结构和内容可以看出。英国中学理科师资的职前培养具有重视理论与实践的结合;注重学生反思能力的培养;重视学生从教基本技能的培养与训练;注重学生的主体作用。重视学生教育教学研究能力的培养等特点。  相似文献   

A Study Of Mathematics Anxiety in Pre-Service Teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study investigated the changes in levels of mathematics anxiety among pre-service teachers in six different sections of a mathematics method courses for early childhood/elementary education pre-service teachers. The changes were a function of using Bruner’s framework of developing conceptual knowledge before procedural knowledge and using manipulatives and other activities to make mathematics concepts more concrete and meaningful. Data were collected using quantitative and qualitative measures. Two hundred forty-six pre-service teachers completed a 98-item Likert-type survey. Informal discussions, informal interviews, and questionnaire-guided narrative interviews were conducted with pre-service teachers. Data revealed a statistically significant reduction in mathematics anxiety in pre-service teachers (p < .001) who completed a mathematics methods course that emphasized Bruner’s model of concept development. Results of the study have implications for teacher education programs concerning how future teachers are trained, the measurement of mathematics anxiety levels among pre-service teachers, and the determination of specific contexts in which mathematics anxiety can be interpreted and reduced.  相似文献   

通过对我国小学职前科学教师对科学探究的理解存在问题的分析,提出了形成教师教育共同体,构建新型的课程体系,反思探究活动以及评价体系的建立等方法,旨在为未来我国职前小学科学教师的培养带来一点启示.  相似文献   

The study inquired into the effect of research-based video-cases on pre-service teachers conceptualizing their understanding of contemporary mathematics teaching. The 43 participants enrolled in a Mathematics Method Course viewed and discussed 5 video-cases of primary teachers teaching. Journal entries, lesson plans, and microteaching observations were collected as data on which the following assertions were based. Pre-service teachers' responses to the 5 videos were more concerned with pedagogical content knowledge than mathematical content and students' learning. They refocused and deepened their awareness of students' learning and questioning skills through discussing the videos. The video-cases improved their construction of pedagogical representation and their ability to identify a problematic situation with multiple perspectives. These effects appeared to be influenced by the scaffold of three factors: vicarious experience to complement personal experience, watching and discussing video-cases enriched by the developers, and journal writing to foster deeper reflections.  相似文献   

The publication of the National Council ofTeachers of Mathematics initial Standards(1989) has acted as a catalyst to beginreforming the way mathematics is taught in theUSA. However, the literature regarding reformmovements suggests that changing oureducational systems requires overcoming manybarriers and is thus difficult to achieve.Reform in mathematics education, like reformmovements in other areas of education, has thusbeen slow to take hold. One structure that hasbeen shown to support educational reform,particularly instructional reform, has beenteacher community. This paper discusses aprofessional development intervention thatattempted to start a professional communityamong a group of secondary mathematics teachersthrough in-service work on mathematical problemsolving and technology. The results of thisstudy suggest that the use of mathematicalcontent explorations in professionaldevelopment settings provides a means to helpmathematics teachers build professionalcommunities. Together, these two components –mathematical content explorations and teachercommunity – provided these secondarymathematics teachers with a strong foundationfor engaging in the reform of their mathematicsclasses.  相似文献   

高校教师岗前培训再论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岗前培训是新补充的高校教师任教前的职前培训,是高校教师有组织地获取教育专业知识的重要途径,实践证明它是提高教师队伍整体素质的一个重要方面。但岗前培训还有诸多认识上和政策上的不完善之处,如培训目的和定位问题、师范院校毕业生免修问题、与教师资格制度的关系问题、与教师专业化的问题等,需要进一步提高认识,也期待教育行政部门的推进。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the acquisition and use of personal computers by Egyptian science and mathematics teachers. Self-report data was collected from the same teachers on how they had changed their classroom activities and professional practice since their return to Egypt following a twelve-week in-service course in the United Kingdom. The data from this sample of teachers is compared with that from a second sample, who also attended the same in-service programme, but did not report the purchase of a personal computer. Analysis indicates that the Egyptian teachers with personal computers have tended to concentrate on improving the quality of current practice, through better preparation and student testing, rather than introducing major, paradigmatic, changes to their teaching.  相似文献   

In the first stage of a three-year study in which the effects of using computers for the teaching and learning of mathematics are being explored, a questionnaire was developed and administered to teachers of students in grades 7–10 in a representative sample of co-educational post-primary schools in Victoria, Australia. Using open and closed response formats, the information sought included data on the teachers' professional backgrounds, computer ownership and use, and their beliefs and practices in using computers for the teaching of mathematics. In this article, findings related to ownership, professional development, perceptions of technological skills, beliefs about the efficacy of computer use in mathematics, and data on how teachers are using computers for teaching secondary mathematics are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

微格教学是职前英语教师教育的重要组成部分,是一个创造性模仿优秀英语教师教学的过程,这与模因论中模因的模仿特征构成契合。在开展英语微格教学中,充分利用语言教学模因复合体,包括“教态模因”、“课堂用语模因”、“板书模因”、“教学设计模因”以及“课堂组织模因”等,遵循模因复制的过程即同化、记忆、表达与传输等四个阶段,能有效提高职前英语教师的教学基本功、语言教学技能以及课堂组织与管理能力。  相似文献   

小学数学教师职前培养应重视的几个方面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学教师的职前培养是数学教师专业化发展的重要环节,小学数学教师职前培养应重视以下几个方面:更新职前教师的数学教育观念;改进小学教育专业数学类相关课程的教学方法;深入研究高观点下的小学数学内容知识。  相似文献   

幼儿园教师职前教育的现状、问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文通过对统计数据的分析,概括了幼儿园教师职前教育的特征,剖析了其中存在的问题,在此基础上提出了职前教育体系改革的思路和对策。  相似文献   

我国特殊教育师资职前培养模式研究的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
特殊教育师资职前培养模式的形成、发展受社会政治、经济发展的影响,在不同社会历史时期,其培养模式也有所不同。本文按时间顺序分三个阶段对21世纪前我国特殊教育师资职前培养模式的发展进行了深入探讨、反思,即:(1)旧中国的“师傅带徒弟”和“师范班”模式;(2)新中国成立初期特教师资培养是空白;(3)二十世纪八十年代至世纪末的“中等特殊师范教育”和“高等特殊师范教育”模式。并对未来特殊教育师资职前培养新模式的产生提出了展望。  相似文献   

文章通过对湘西北地区幼儿教师现状的调查了解,对幼儿教师职前培养与职后培训进行了思考,从政策支持、学校课程体系建设、学生专业技能训练、职后培训模式、园本培训等方面进行了分析,为提高幼儿教师专业素质,提升学前教育专业的发展,提供了一些经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

我国产业转型升级急需高质量的中职教育和高素质的中职教师。当前,我国职教教师的职前培养远远不能满足我国中职教育事业发展的现实需要。剖析我国中职教师职前培养现有路径存在的问题及其原因,提出从国家层面提供优化中职教师职前培养路径的政策、经费和制度环境支持,并从中职专业理论课教师、普通文化课教师和专业实训课教师三个维度,分别构建了中职教师职前开放分类培养的优化路径。  相似文献   

根据大学教师职前培养现状以及大学教师职业特性,可以将大学教师的职前培养体制分成三种模式:纯粹的学科专业型、学科专业主导型、学科专业与教学专业并重型。学科专业主导型模式既遵循了大学教师的成长规律,也兼顾了大学教师培养与成长的实际,是当前大学教师职前培养体制的理想选择。  相似文献   


Two major concerns in mathematics teacher education are the role of subject matter knowledge and the development of self-efficacy in pre-service teachers. This article brings these issues together in an exploration of the interaction between pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their subject matter knowledge and their accounts of university and placement experiences as potential sources of self-efficacy. Reporting on a group of ten pre-service teachers in Norway, we explore variations in the ways in which they perceived the role of subject knowledge in relation to experience, particularly “mastery experiences”, over a period of nearly two years. We suggest that recognition of the role of “understanding why” in mathematics is crucial in the experience of mastery, and that there is a need to focus more on the role of subject matter knowledge in all sources of self-efficacy in teaching mathematics.  相似文献   

教学技能是幼儿园教师专业能力的核心。幼儿园教师的教学技能是指在教育学、心理学和学科(领域)教育理论等的指导下,以专业知识与相关职业技能为基础,通过运用某种知识和规则顺利完成某种教学任务的能力,包括教学设计、教学组织、教学反思等三方面。幼儿园教师教学技能的职前培养很有必要。通过有效路径进行教学技能的职前培养,有助于教师的专业成长和幼儿园教育质量的提升。  相似文献   

A CD-ROM consisting of videos of two lessons by different teachers demonstrating exemplary science teaching was used to elicit, develop and track the changing conceptions of good science teaching of student teachers enrolled for the one-year Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) at several stages during the programme. It was found that the videos acted as an effective probe to elicit student teachers’ conceptions and had significant impact on those conceptions at different stages of the programme through the provision of teacher models demonstrating exemplary teaching. The experience has extended novice teachers’ awareness of alternative teaching methods and approaches not experienced in their own schooling, broadened their awareness of different classroom situations, provided proof of existence of good practices and prompted them to reflect on their current conceptions of good science teaching. Most importantly, the strategy of asking student teachers to watch the same videos on three separate occasions at different times of the course was recognized by them as a crucial element in facilitating their reflection on their changing conceptions of good science teaching. PGDE is the standard form of pre-service teacher education in Hong Kong. It provides qualified teacher status within Hong Kong. Student teachers enrolled for the PGDE have completed a relevant undergraduate degree.  相似文献   

As a particular genre,Abstract is a growing field of study in linguistics. Move analysis is one aspect that has conducted to describe RA abstract. This article analyzed the particular genre with the purpose of helping them work out good abstracts for academic writing to improve their ability of doing research. One hundred abstracts were selected randomly from all the 450 graduation papers written by Eng lish-major pre-service teachers in 2010 in Hunan First Normal University in China. These informative abstracts were analyzed with the framework of Hyland’s 2000 Model. The results revealed that these English-major pre-service teachers haven’t done well in the abstract writing for their graduation paper, most of whom have no good understanding about the move model and move sequence, which impli cates that explicit introduction of terms of genre, move and move sequence etc., and training on how to write good abstracts in future study are really needed.  相似文献   

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