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This study compared the effects of social persuasion from parents and teachers on students’ self-efficacy in reading comprehension in English as a foreign language. Ninety-nine Grade 8 Chinese students in a secondary school in Hong Kong completed a questionnaire with six scenarios which tapped their self-efficacy after receiving positive and negative feedback that were described as coming from their teacher, mother and father. Students decreased their self-efficacy after receiving negative feedback and the source of feedback did not make a statistically significant difference. Conversely, positive feedback led to an increase in self-efficacy with the mother’s positive feedback leading to a higher increase in self-efficacy than feedback from the teacher and the father. No statistically significant difference was noted in the change in self-efficacy after receiving feedback from the father and the teacher. Parents and teachers should increase the use of positive feedback and decrease that of negative feedback. Implications for collaboration between teachers and parents in providing positive feedback on students’ academic performance were discussed.  相似文献   

大学英语写作教学中的纠错反馈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章讨论了大学英语写作教学中有关纠错反馈的理论基础——输入输出假说以及纠错反馈的研究进展。认为教师应重视自己在纠错反馈中的角色,教师应知道纠正什么、何时纠错和如何纠错;还应重视学生在纠错反馈中的角色,了解学生的喜好和愿望,重视和引导学生进行自我纠正和同辈反馈。  相似文献   

本文基于“中国教育追踪调查数据”(CEPS)所收集的青少年样本,综合运用倾向得分匹配—双重差分法、广义分位数回归法和中介效应检验法,分析了教师关注、学生自我期望和自律努力在“教师反馈与学生成绩”这一关系中的中介作用。研究发现:教师的表扬通过加强教师对学生的关注、提高学生自我期望和自律努力程度,最终提高了学生的各科成绩;教师的批评一方面增强了教师对学生的关注,另一方面降低了学生自身的自律努力程度,最终降低了学生的语文成绩,数学和英语成绩则不受显著影响。相比于其他科目,语文成绩显著下降的原因在于语文考试的主观性强,语文成绩更加依赖日常积累,学生取得高分的难度也较大。  相似文献   

This study measured and explored the relationships among elementary mathematics teachers’ skill in (a) determining what an item measures, (b) analyzing student work, (c) providing targeted feedback, and (d) determining next instructional steps. Twenty-three elementary mathematics teachers were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: analyzing items and student responses without rubrics, analyzing items and student responses with rubrics, or analyzing items and student responses with rubrics after watching a professional development program on providing feedback to students. Findings show there is a moderate to strong relationship between teachers’ abilities to analyze student responses to infer what a student knows and can do and their abilities to take action based on that information through either providing the student feedback or making appropriate instructional adaptations. Findings show it was relatively more difficult for teachers to provide feedback that was likely to move students forward in their learning than it was for them to analyze a student's response or to determine next instructional steps. No teacher skill differences associated with the different treatment conditions were found.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of teachers’ administrative workloads on their ability to undertake class instruction preparation and feedback on students’ homework. It is often mistakenly thought that teachers conduct administrative work efficiently and effectively. To investigate this misconception this study, using an instrumental variable method, demonstrates that teachers’ administrative workload carries an opportunity cost of instructional activities. Teachers with greater administrative workloads are less likely to spend time on instructional preparation and providing feedback on students’ assignments. The author’s findings are dependent upon whether the school is public or private, and are only significant for public schools. The author’s findings highlight that teachers’ demands for a reduction of their administrative workload to allow them to perform essential instructional duties are justified.  相似文献   

了解英语教师课堂话语重复的现状,优化教师话语,有助于学生对语言的习得。采用录影录音转为文字记录与问卷调查相结合的方法,对温州高职院校的英语教师和学生进行了随机调查,结果表明,高职英语课堂中教师存在话语重复的随意性、反馈话语的模式化和简单化等现象。为此,必须正视教师不恰当的话语重复,努力提升话语重复的科学性和实效性。  相似文献   

文章针对留学生对汉语课"教师反馈"的态度做了全面的调查。调查结果发现:(1)学生普遍认为教师的口头反馈和书面反馈很重要;(2)初级汉语学习者更喜欢积极反馈,而中高级学习者更偏爱纠正性反馈;(3)初级学习者更依赖教师的口头纠错,而中高级学习者不太喜欢老师当众口头纠错;(4)学生最喜欢的纠正性反馈形式是"重铸"和"明确纠正";(5)多数学生认为纠错的主体应主要为教师,同伴纠错被排在了最后。通过调查,建议汉语教师在提供教学反馈前,应充分考虑到学生不同的认知水平、情感因素和对反馈形式的偏好。  相似文献   

师生面谈反馈指的是师生之间一对一的关于学生作文和写作过程所进行的写作会议。写作师生面谈被认为是一种高效并有效的写作反馈方式(Ferris,2003;Williams,2004)。以往对于写作教学中的师生面谈反馈更多是一语的语境下;即使是二语的语境下,研究的重点更多的是放在对于教师或学生某一方在互动中的表现。本研究基于交互假说(Long,1981,1985,1996)和注意假说(Schimdt,1990)搭建起的沟通和辅助相结合的理论框架,根据对某中国大学的两位英语写作老师和五位大学一年级学生为期两个学期的调查和数据采集,针对老师和学生双方在互动中的表现以及其效果进行分析,作者发现利用师生面谈反馈对低水平学生的英语写作进行辅导时效果明显,并整理出一套师生面谈反馈的谈话模式以供其他老师实际操作英语写作教学中的师生面谈。  相似文献   

在各类师生互动中,反馈是涉及范围非常广的重要方面。基于对近几年关于二语写作反馈前沿问题的文献研究,分析导致写作纠正性反馈有效性争论的内在因素,并在二语习得互动理论和社会文化理论的基础上,提出改进二语写作反馈效能师生互动模式。  相似文献   


While assessment for learning (AfL) has been widely used in college English classrooms in China where teachers usually teach large classes, how AfL is implemented in the large-class higher education (HE) context is relatively underexplored. To address this gap, this study explores some of the challenges presented by large classes and the teachers’ coping strategies through case studies of three university English teachers’ AfL practices. Challenges are identified surrounding how the teachers dealt with (a) inadequate attention to individual students, (b) reduced opportunities for individualised feedback, (c) overwhelming marking responsibilities, and (d) involving students in assessment, with strategies of putting students in groups, matching names with faces, conducting teacher-student conferences, utilising technology to facilitate feedback processes, enabling peer feedback, and transforming students from assessees to assessors. Findings are framed around useful forms of AfL in large classes and the feasibility of AfL in terms of compromises between teacher agency and their temporal and contextual conditions. The paper concludes with implications for teacher assessment training, teacher education and policy-making.  相似文献   

提高质量是办好人民满意教育的核心内容,福建某重点建设高校在课堂教学质量监控与评估体系实践中创新引入全面质量管理理论,构建一套健全有效的学院课堂教学质量监控与评估体系,实证高校学院在课堂教学质量监控与评估体系上存在学生评教有效性未达到最佳效果,教师听评课重形式轻实质,学生教学信息员工作不到位;高校学院可以通过提高学生评教的有效性,建立全方位的课堂听评课制度,制定学院学生教学信息员工作管理办法,实现有效监控与评估,提高教学质量。  相似文献   


How students react to and use feedback is an important element of their higher education experience. Within the constraints of mass higher education, effective feedback processes are, however, difficult to manage. The aim of this longitudinal qualitative inquiry is to investigate through repeated interviews and related documentary analysis how four case study learners experienced feedback processes over the duration of their undergraduate studies. The analysis is guided by a social constructivist perspective on feedback research. The findings highlight students’ development of more sophisticated orientations to feedback over time; how they experienced and used feedback over the shorter and longer term; their varied affective responses; and how their perspectives evolved. The novel aspects of the findings lie in detailing the individual nature of students’ responses to feedback and documenting the different ways these changed during their undergraduate studies. The role of grades and projected honours classification was a significant element of the performative nature of the students’ experience, and impacted on the extent to which they engaged with feedback. Students often felt that there were dissonances between feedback that teachers were providing and what would be useful or palatable to them. The implications propose that the concept of students as partners can support the reframing of feedback processes as a partnership between students and teachers. Partnership approaches resonate with the need for social constructivist approaches to feedback where knowledge and understanding are co-constructed. Feedback partnerships also carry potential to enable the mutual development of staff and student feedback literacy.  相似文献   

在教与学的过程中,学生与教师都会提出反馈,也会收到反馈.课程应该提供不会让人感到威胁的环境,学生在其中能够向教师和其他学生充分地表达自己.学生需要得到针对他们工作和表现的、持续的、及时的反馈.提供有效的反馈有助于保证学生的需求得以满足,有助于保证他们能够开展高质量的学习.(Co-hen,2003:Thurmond 和 Wambach,2004)本文主要讨论的是对学生提供的反馈,而反馈本身也是对学习者的工作和活动的回应,帮助学习者更好地理解他所取得的进步,或帮助学习者改善他的学习或表现.反馈可以在教师和学生之间、学生与学生之间,也可以是学生对自身的长处或改进学习活动的某一方面进行的反思和评价.要使反馈真正有效,对学生提供的反馈应着重于缩小学生当前的表现与期望目标之间的差距.文中所提出的案例均来自于本人在线教学经历过的或访谈在线教师过程中了解到的.  相似文献   

In recent years, educational research has paid special attention to teachers’ practical-operative experience. The growing interest in the concept of practice within workplace settings has become a turning point in sociological, anthropological and educational studies. The present study aims to explore lecturers’ perceptions and conceptions of feedback and their daily professional practice, with a focus on the use of body movement while providing feedback during the class. Even though educational research has paid a lot of attention to the concepts of practice and performance, there are very few studies that consider the main actor included in the definition of those concepts: the body. Methodologically this exploratory case study uses a mixed methods approach. Results identified two types of issues: the first one concerns the relation between lecturer and students during the feedback practice; the second one concerns the internal coherence of lecturers between the kind of verbal feedback they provide during the lesson and how at the same time they act bodily.  相似文献   

Receiving feedback from students has become a normal part of life for university teachers worldwide. This puts pressure on them from several sides and may be an influential factor that leads them to tailor their teaching to students’ preferences. The aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ perceptions of student feedback and how it affects their teaching choices. A survey was sent out to all teachers at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The study found that student feedback is perceived positively by university teachers, has a large impact on their teaching and helps improve courses. Student feedback pushes teaching in the direction of fewer lectures and more tutorials, seminars and case studies. Teachers receiving negative student feedback experience more negative feelings related to the feedback, and are also more likely to introduce unjustified changes to their teaching in order to please students. These teachers also tend to have less teaching experience. However, a very large majority of teachers have a high level of professional pride and integrity and do not make (as they perceive them) unjustified changes to their teaching.  相似文献   

影响英语写作能力提高的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语写作能力日渐受到重视。但学生要提高他们的英语写作能力绝非易事。英语写作过程是一个复杂的思维过程,在写作时,学生会因为受各种因素的影响而无法较快、较好地提高自己的写作能力,而在这些影响因素中,以学生对语言输入的忽视,学生反思学习的缺乏和教师无意义的教学反馈等三方面因素最为突出。  相似文献   

教师书面反馈是大学英语写作教学的一个重要环节,有效的书面反馈能促进并提高学生的英语写作水平,而学生对所接受的书面反馈的态度、喜好反过来又会影响书面反馈的有效性。该研究采用定量和定性的方法从教师书面反馈的方式、书面反馈的焦点、纠错的类型和数量及评语等方面全面了解教师书面反馈是否满足学生期望和需求,以及不同写作水平的学生的需求是否存在差异。  相似文献   

李丽 《现代教育技术》2012,22(11):97-101
形成性评价对于翻译教学和测试而言举足轻重,它可以给师生持续地反馈学生译者能力习得和发展的情况,帮助教师适时调整教学计划,实现个性化教学。文章参照德国功能学派Nord的翻译理论将语用问题、惯例问题、语言翻译问题和具体语篇翻译问题设为形成性评价的四个参数,从而帮助教师发现学生的翻译困难。通过利用电子学档展开实证分析,具体探讨了涉及评价的相关工具与方法,希望为翻译教学改革提供参考意见。  相似文献   

The use of audience response systems (ARSs) or ‘clickers’ in higher education has increased over the recent years, predominantly owing to their ability to actively engage students, for promoting individual and group learning, and for providing instantaneous feedback to students and teachers. This paper describes how group-based ARS quizzes have been integrated into an undergraduate civil engineering course on foundation design. Overall, the ARS summary quizzes were very well received by the students. Feedback obtained from the students indicates that the majority believed the group-based quizzes were useful activities, which helped to improve their understanding of course materials, encouraged self-assessment, and assisted preparation for their summative examination. Providing students with clickers does not, however, necessarily guarantee the class will be engaged with the activity. If an ARS activity is to be successful, careful planning and design must be carried out and modifications adopted where necessary, which should be informed by the literature and relevant student feedback.  相似文献   

Mentors play a key role in developing preservice teachers for their chosen careers, and providing feedback appears as a significant relational interaction between the mentor and mentee that assists in guiding the mentee’s practices. But what are mentors’ perspectives on providing feedback to their mentees? In this case study, eight mentors viewed a professional video-recorded science lesson facilitated by a final-year preservice teacher during practicum for the purposes of providing oral feedback in a simulated mentor–mentee discussion. Findings showed that mentors’ feedback was variable in both their positive feedback and constructive criticisms and, in one case, the feedback was contrasting in nature. Implications are discussed, including preservice teachers receiving feedback from more than one mentor and universities researching the design of valid and reliable tools to guide mentors’ oral feedback  相似文献   

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