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和谐是合力的内核要素的协调状态,合力是活力的内在总体动力,活力则是和谐的必然结果,是合力映现于外的生长力、创造力、生命力。和谐、合力、活力在交互作用中融为一体,在不断整合中波浪式发展。遵循和谐、合力、活力的辩证法,自觉构建全面和谐发展的社会;自觉构建具有强大凝聚力的社会;自觉构建充满生机和创造活力的社会。  相似文献   

分析了城市和谐交通的内涵,从交通公平、交通伦理和可持续发展的角度,构建了城市交通和谐指数的评价指标体系,并提出了我国建设城市和谐交通的政策建议。  相似文献   

改进教学方法 必须要树立“以学生发展为本”的教育思想。营造良好的人文环境、构建行之有效的教学模式和正确处理好教学中的各种关系,是改进英语教学方法的重要途径。  相似文献   

终身学习、学习型社会和图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
终身学习、建设学习型社会是社会经济、科技和社会文化生活发展的必然。图书馆是建设学习型社会的一种重要的教学资源。我们要抓住当前的良好机会,把图书馆建设成为学习型社会的学习中心。  相似文献   

建设社会主义和谐社会的过程,从本质上讲就是推进人的全面发展的过程。建设社会主义和谐社会就是真正把人放在社会主体的地位,大力发展生产力,完善社会主义市场经济体制,发展教育事业,为推进人的全面发展创造条件。  相似文献   

The construct of school climate has received attention as a way to enhance student achievement and reduce problem behaviors. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the existing literature on school climate and to bring to light the strengths, weakness, and gaps in the ways researchers have approached the construct. The central information in this article is organized into five sections. In the first, we describe the theoretical frameworks to support the multidimensionality of school climate and how school climate impacts student outcomes. In the second, we provide a breakdown of the four domains that make up school climate, including academic, community, safety, and institutional environment. In the third, we examine research on the outcomes of school climate. In the fourth, we outline the measurement and analytic methods of the construct of school climate. Finally, we summarize the strengths and limitations of the current work on school climate and make suggestions for future research directions.  相似文献   

This rejoinder provides a reply to comments on a middle school college readiness index, which was devised to generate earlier and more nuanced readiness diagnoses to K‐12 students. Issues of reliability and validity (including construct underrepresentation and construct‐irrelevant variance) are discussed in detail. In addition, comments from Lazowski et al. and Mattern et al. provide a useful summary of areas where more college readiness research is needed. This rejoinder elaborates on those essential next steps, including deploying readiness indicators in school settings. Advances in the measurement of noncognitive skills will require more validity research using more contemporary data from authentic school settings. Still, the middle school college readiness index is a promising proof of concept, demonstrating the utility of diverse, early measures to support targeted, timely interventions.  相似文献   

英雄主义和集体记忆是战争电影建构国家认同的重要方式,但是,国家认同有双重理路,英雄主义有多元表征,集体记忆有代际变化,文章试图说明,"英雄主义"和"集体记忆"如何在这个充满张力的过程中建构不同的国家认同。  相似文献   

制度的宏大叙事是建构国家政治、经济、文化等诸领域活动图景的基石。不同的制度形成模式所产生的制度对国家政治经济起着或推促或阻滞的作用,如何构建合理的能使国家政治稳定经济繁荣的制度形成模式是极具探究价值的议题。拟以制度、体制和贸易的互动图式为探究路径,通过对演进的制度形成模式的缕析,建构合理完善的制度形成范式。  相似文献   

所谓大学特色,就是一所大学在长期的办学实践中建设、积累形成的办学风格、特征和模式。培植大学特色,其关键在以下几点:1.凝练办学理念,形成办学思想特色;2.坚持扬长避短,构建学科专业特色;3.注重素质教育,彰显人才培养特色;4.人文与自然结合,打造校园环境特色;5.坚持科学规范,构建管理特色。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to develop analytical tools for studying mathematical communication in collaborative activities. The theoretical construct of contextualization is elaborated methodologically in order to study diversity in individual thinking in relation to effective communication. The construct of contextualization highlights issues of diversity in collaborative activities as it emphasizes how students may struggle differently with a learning activity. The interaction of students (12 to 13 years old), playing a specifically designed dice game, is used as an example for illustration. The article shows how accounting for the focal events of the interlocutors, and the contexts in which they contextualize these events, help in organizing our thinking about mathematically effective communication in collaborative activities.  相似文献   

We examine the equivalence of two construct‐a‐concept‐map techniques: construct‐a‐map with created linking phrases (C), and construct‐a‐map with selected linking phrases (S). The former places few constraints on the respondent and has been considered the gold standard; the latter is cost and time efficient. Both their products and processes are compared quantitatively and qualitatively as to total accuracy score, individual proposition scores, proposition choice, map structure complexity, proposition generation rate, and proposition generation procedures. We conclude that the two mapping techniques are not equivalent: The C technique is better than the S technique in capturing students' partial knowledge, even though the S can be scored more efficiently than C. Based on their characteristics, if used as an assessment tool, the C technique is more suitable for formative assessment while the S technique is a better fit for large‐scale assessments. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 166–184, 2005  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the construct of congruence, particularly with regard to school–family collaboration and partnerships. An in‐depth review of the empirical and theoretical literature supporting a shift in focus from encouraging family involvement to creating effective school–family partnerships is presented, followed by an investigation into the construct of congruence and the methodological challenges it presents. The authors define congruence, discuss its role in creating and maintaining effective school–family partnerships, and critically review common approaches to measuring congruence and similar constructs. The implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

党的先进性是建设一个什么样的党、怎样建设党的核心问题,是关系能否巩固执政地位,完成党所肩负的历史使命的根本问题。党的先进性是阶级性和群众性的有机统一。阶级性是先进性的基础,否认阶级性,党就会从根本上丧失先进性;群众性是先进性的重要条件和可靠保证,不讲群众性,党也会丧失先进性。坚持阶级性,扩大群众性,才能保持和发展党的先进性。  相似文献   

The International Charter for Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Sport clearly states that vested agencies must participate in creating a strategic vision and identify policy options and priorities that enable the fundamental right for all people to participate in meaningful physical activity across their life course. Physical literacy is a rapidly evolving concept being used in policy making, but it has been limited by pre-existing and sometimes biased interpretations of the construct. The aim of this article is to present a new model of physical literacy policy considerations for key decision makers in the fields of public health, recreation, sport, and education. Internationally debated definitions of physical literacy and the wider construct of literacy were reviewed in order to establish common pillars of physical literacy in an applicable policy model. This model strives to be consistent with international understandings of what “physical literacy” is, and how it can be used to achieve established and developing public health, recreation, sport, and educative goals.  相似文献   

The far right in the United States has gained international visibility and power by promulgating its ideas using multiple media sources. This paper considers contemporary right‐wing representations of John Dewey as found on English‐language internet websites. The author employs discourse analytic methods to address the questions—‘How is John Dewey constructed in right‐wing internet discourse?’ and ‘By what means has the Right come to construct Dewey in this way?’ Elements of the internet discourse are related to texts that helped shape it. The paper demonstrates that far right‐wing websites construct Dewey and his ideas as the antithesis of American values and as a political and existential threat of the highest order. In this discourse, Dewey is connected to Satan, communism and global conspiracy theories. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these beliefs for current educational and political philosophy and praxis.  相似文献   

新时代劳动教育课程建设的核心问题在于“为什么建”“建什么”“怎么建”,逻辑旨归在于走向跨界融合。在价值层面,应以人全面发展为价值基础、以具身化发展为价值取向、以立德树人为价值目标;在认识层面,表现为由确定性到关系性的新思维、由五育并举到以劳育人的新视角、由边界课程到跨界课程的新话语;在实践层面,需要建构全息育人的课程目标、组建异质交互的课程主体、整合横纵交叉的课程资源、推进开放交融的课程实施、实行动态生成的档案袋评价。  相似文献   

人心的黑暗,社会的缩影--论《蝇王》的实物象征主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国当代作家威廉.戈尔丁在其成名作及代表作《蝇王》中大量运用象征手法,从不同层面赋予实物以象征意义。该文从实物方面入手剖析其象征意义,探讨本书中象征手法与主题表现、情节发展以及人物塑造的有机结合,从而解读戈尔丁所寓言的人性及人类社会中所存在的善与恶。  相似文献   


The Leadership Skills Inventory was designed to assist students at the upper‐elementary, secondary, and post‐secondary levels in analyzing the strength of their leadership skills. This study was a subsidiary analyses of the research of Edmunds & Yewchuk (1996) to examine the content, concurrent and construct validity of the LSI. The results of a critical semantic comparison indicate support for content validity. Concurrent validity was supported statistically significant positive correlations between the LSI and all other leadership indicators. Interestingly, all nine categories of the LSI had statistically significant positive correlations with each other. Factor analysis revealed that the LSI contained only one factor, not nine as the separate categories infer. This supports the construct validity of the LSI, but as having only one construct, not nine as the categories suggest. There appears to be merit in using the LSI as a leadership indicator. However, further research is needed to improve its psychometric qualities.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new way of testing is introduced with full exploration and discussion of its purposes, principles and practical steps to construct the test papens.  相似文献   

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