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传统的高校写作教学已经不适应时代发展的需要,只有转变教学观念,更新教学内容,改进教学方式,才能促进高校写作教学的发展,才能提高高校学生的写作能力和写作水平。  相似文献   

‘Tough love and tears’: learning doctoral writing in the sciences   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Contemporary changes to the doctorate mean student researchers are likely to be expected to write differently, write more and more often, and yet, despite a growing interest in doctoral education, we still know relatively little about the teaching and learning practices of students and supervisors vis-a-vis doctoral writing. This paper draws from a research study into the writing experiences of higher degree students and their supervisors in one science, health and technology-based university Faculty. The study used surveys, interviews and focus groups to collect information from students and supervisors about their experiences of doctoral writing and their perceptions about its development. By attending to the writing-related pedagogical practices of supervisors, this article explores how doctoral writing can be the stage for the playing out of tensions over changing roles and identities aggravated by contemporary pressures on doctoral education.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of a writing centre in creating spaces for talk about and change in disciplinary writing pedagogy. It asks how collaborative partnerships between disciplinary academics and Writing Centre practitioners might be established and nurtured sustainably. Drawing on insights from two collaborations with academics in political studies and law, the article asserts that writing centre practitioners play a valuable role in talking about and changing the way academic writing and literacy is taught in the disciplines. This is shown by working consistently with the understanding that critical reading, thinking and writing are literacy acts rather than generic skills and must therefore be learned and practiced in the disciplines. By supporting disciplinary academics in re-examining course outcomes, materials and assessments, and moving away from a ‘skills approach’ to writing, it is shown that building discipline-specific spaces for writing and literacy development is possible through these collaborative partnerships.  相似文献   

"变形"是西方表现主义文学创作中常见的情节模式,在人物异化为非人的叙述空间中,作家传达出了一份人们共通的生存体验,即人由于归属感缺失而导致的焦虑与虚空。"变形"是对这种体验的隐喻性的揭示。  相似文献   

“出奇变样”之求新精神,成就了韩愈墓志文古今第一之地位.变叙事结构,破墓志程式化之模式;史笔行文以显志主个性,变墓志写人之僵化;不为志主讳,变墓志“称美而不称恶”之铭法;多发议论、抒情,变墓志以叙事为主之写法;于文中有所寄托,变墓志只颂扬志主之主旨;求“奇”,变墓志庄重肃穆之文风,这些是韩愈墓志新变之核心内容,其中所蕴含的书写形式之改变与创作主体精神之贯注,对墓志文体影响深远.  相似文献   

从转变英语教学方式的角度探讨学生自主学习能力培养的问题,即在英语教学中引入协商机制,不但使学生获得英语基础知识,形成听、说、读、写基本技能,同时培养学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

应用性文体的功能具有三种不同的特性.即区域使用功能、文类语体功能和本体功能.文体的功能是发展变化的.新文体不断产生,旧文体不断消失,现行文体的功能也在不断发生变化.应用文要以用为依据.要用得合适、用得得法、用得合体,用是应用文的灵魂.  相似文献   

Teachers' perceptions of their changing practice in the context of the National Literacy Strategy have been well documented in recent years. However, few studies have collected pupils' views or voices. As part of a collaborative research and development project into the teaching and learning of writing, 390 primary pupils' views were collected. A marked difference in attitude to writing and self‐esteem as writers was found between Key Stages 1 and 2, as well as a degree of indifference and disengagement from in‐school writing for some KS2 writers. A strong desire for choice and greater autonomy as writers was expressed and a preference for narrative emerged. This part of the research project ‘We're Writers' has underlined the importance of listening to pupils’ views about literacy, in order to create a more open dialogue about language and learning, and to negotiate the content of the curriculum in response to their perspectives.  相似文献   

唐代寒山诗形式上以五言为主、表达上力求非诗化、修辞上采用反复譬喻、意义上体现通俗哲理、风格上力求古淡,这些鲜明的特征后人称之为"寒山体"。其形成的原因与题壁书写的方式有关,与作者的身份以及所反映的中唐底层社会生活有关,同时也与中唐以来以非诗改造纯诗的创作风尚有关。"寒山体"是唐代民间俗化诗实验性写作的一份意想不到的成果,虽然特殊得不无极端,但在后代禅林内外却被广泛传播和接受,产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   

文章通过调查研究,揭示了高等专科院校学生中文素养与写作能力等方面存在的问题。指出培养学生中文素养及提高写作能力的主要途径:一是正确认识及理解写作教学中的“本”的问题,即如何在教学中因势引导,充分激发学生学好写作课的内在积极性,唤醒每个学生内心深处对生活、对专业、对未来的生命激情。二是在教学实践中通过改变学生写作观,转变评价标准,激发写作热情,加强阅读等方式落实“本”的意义。三是在实践中加强“本”的应用。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,世界范围内的科技进步深刻地影响着人类的文化生活,使人类的写作活动也在悄然发生着变革,出现了一些新的现代化写作形式。现代化写作的具体形态主要包括电脑写作和DV创作,它们与传统的写作方式相比,呈现出一些显著的特征。  相似文献   

基督教思想在哈代的生活和创作中刻下了不可磨灭的烙印,但由于种种原因,他最终摒弃了宗教信仰。这种反基督教倾向在《德伯家的苔丝》中得到了充分的体现。然而对教堂情有独钟的哈代始终徘徊于对基督教的信仰和怀疑之间.其宗教思想一直处于复杂变化的过程。  相似文献   

A plethora of research has found that teachers’ beliefs directly influence their classroom practices and teaching outcomes. While numerous studies in second/foreign language writing have examined the effectiveness of different innovative approaches on students’ learning to write, there is a paucity of research on writing teachers’ beliefs about these approaches and how their beliefs change in the process of their professional development. Such a lacuna becomes prominent in English as a Foreign Language contexts, especially in China, where there are numerous calls for changing the nature of classroom practices from product-focused to process- and student-centred instruction. In order to fill this gap, this brief article reports on a case study regarding changes in two Chinese English teachers’ beliefs after attending a professional development project for teaching writing. A key research question guides this study: What changes, if any, did the two teachers experience in their teaching beliefs during the project? Two writing teachers were voluntarily recruited for a case study. Findings show that the professional development project for teaching writing broadened the teachers’ understanding of different writing theories, provided a clear model of how to integrate these new approaches into regular writing courses, changed their instructional focus and shifted their perception of teachers’ roles in teaching practice.  相似文献   

形声字“声符”表意日益复杂化的另一促成因素,是形声字本身形体结构的变化“。声符”书写变式、变体“,声符”形体改换、借用“,声符”形近,声近混误,讹传的形声字“的声符”误认,或文字归并,致使形声字“的声符”异字同体,因而产生庞大“的共用同一声符”的形声字字群,从而搅乱了形声字“声符”表意的直接性,有序性,往往造“成声符”表意的隐晦,游离。  相似文献   

目前我国高中英语写作教学理念、教学方法等方面存在的一些问题,影响了《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》的实施和高考英语写作的改革效果。作者在对"过程写作"研究的基础上,提出高中英语写作中重视体裁教学,强调真实写作,倡导合作写作,发散集体思维,改革评价方式,鼓励不断完善,转变教师角色,开发学生潜能,兼顾结构内容,过程成果并重。  相似文献   

本着重探讨了贝克的非洲裔美国女性诗学中的时间意识,认为贝克的理论所强调的是变化的时间和审美经验的时间。作为一种本的修辞性时间或女性表达的象征秩序,它与线性的或物理的时间不一样,它是一种比喻性的内在时间,常常是潜在于本之中,产生隐形的变化,表现黑人女性的身份建构,从而丰富本的审美价值和化内涵。  相似文献   

英语写作研究及其对EFL/ESL教学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪下半叶,英语写作研究及其相关的写作教学研究发生了巨大变化,先后出现了成果法、过程法、语境法和社交认知法。写作研究的成果对EFL/ESL写作教学起了积极的推动作用。但我国大学英语写作教学收效仍然低下,解决的途径不能简单照搬某一理论模式,而要根据情况使用不同的方法、为学生创造不问断的练习机会并改变评价观念。  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2000,7(1):5-21
Although the subject of error has been the focus of considerable scholarly inquiry, little is known about the effects of error on teachers' responses to students' writing. This article offers a prolegomenon to further research on response to error from a social constructivist perspective. Three areas for investigation are suggested and illustrated with more specific focuses: the effects of error on teachers' processing of student writing; the relationship between error and the and the teachers' construction of the writer's persona; and the relationship between the changing status of socially constructed norms of language use and response to error. Acknowledging the general disjunction between scholarship and teaching practices, the second half of the article turns to another kind of needed inquiry within the “scholarship of teaching.” Greater focus on reflective practice allows teachers to develop more sophisticated approaches to error in the classroom, especially in the relationship between instruction and response to students' writing.  相似文献   

审题训练和自主表达训练是写作教学中两个部分,由于应试制度和传统观念的原因,人们把二者截然对立起来,严重影响了学生写作能力的提高。在写作教学中改变观念,调整思路,从写作能力形成的本质规律和要求出发,对写作教学观念和二者在写作训练中的关系及地位进行调整,成为在写作教学中落实语文课程标准的重要内容。  相似文献   

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