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随着网络信息资源的全球共享的实现,网络资源已成为高校开展教学科研活动的重要条件.高校网络资源建设是充分利用网络资源和多媒体新技术为教学科研服务的基本载体.网络资源的建设应在统一的资源建设标准前提下,使用统一的资源开发平台,生成统一的网络资源格式,实施统一的网络资源整合和管理,建立多元化网络资源服务,构建以服务为目的、开放的教育资源网络.  相似文献   

School psychologists are interested in providing effective and efficient direct services to children. With a wide spectrum of psychological problems impacting children, group counseling represents one viable and valuable intervention. Given the complexity of group counseling, many schools and school psychologists are interested in legal and ethical issues impacting group interventions. From the attainment of appropriate consents for counseling to ethical dilemmas, the challenges involved in direct services are large. This article reviews mental health issues transforming children's mental health, considers differing group counseling models and stages of group development, and examines contemporary legal and ethical dilemmas inherent in school practice. Uniquely, a question‐and‐answer format is used to highlight legal issues for practice. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Counselor education programs have a responsibility to ensure that individuals are competently trained, demonstrate understanding of ethical guidelines, and are free of observable psychological issues that may affect their ability to provide adequate counseling services. Counselor trainees who do not reach or maintain these professional standards may exhibit problems of professional competence (PPC). This position paper provides a review of the issues related to PPC among counselor trainees. It offers guidelines to counselor education programs for developing PPC policies and procedures. Future directions for research and training practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The performance improvement professional, as well as those in Human Resource Development, Organizational Systems Development, Sociotechnical Systems Development, Total Quality Management, and Training and Education, are all uniquely positioned in their companies to facilitate the value of ethical awareness throughout the workplace. We certainly can be ethically informed and can conduct research studies on ethical issues in performance improvement. In practice, ethical standards for the practice of our craft should arise from within the membership of our profession. Ethical standards for our clients ought to arise from the organizations in which we work. We can help them. We must decide if we will pursue those challenges. Those of us who choose to work on this task should spend time grounding ourselves in the empirical research and normative ethical theory that comprise the field of business ethics. Then we ought to design and develop a more refined ethical heuristic based upon empirical and rational writings and on the work of subject matter experts and ethicists. Finally, we ought to use and model these ethical standards ourselves as we practice our craft.  相似文献   

The practice of professional career counseling has evolved to include various computer technologies and services including the Internet. Due to the Internet becoming a pervasive part of society, increasing numbers of mental health practitioners around the world are incorporating the electronic medium into their service delivery. As increasing numbers of counselors use the Internet, professional organizations are developing ethical guidelines for practitioners to follow. This paper discusses ethical considerations related to cybercounseling and provides implications that practitioners should consider when evaluating the medium.  相似文献   


Research with children involving their use of digital and mobile technologies either as a methodological tool or in relation to their learning foregrounds emerging ethical issues and practices. This paper explores some of the ethical and practical challenges we faced in studies involving the recruitment of young children as research participants, and where the integrity of these research collaborations was critical. We propose an ethical framework to foreground these challenges that is shaped by a view of children as social actors and experts on their own lives, information and communication technologies as ubiquitous in children’s lives, and ethics as a situated and multifaceted responsibility. This framework has three aspects: access, authenticity and advocacy. We draw on examples from different research projects and use ethically important moments to illustrate how notions of access, authenticity and advocacy can foreground the ethical challenges in teaching–learning research contexts to better consider and offer children greater agency in research collaborations.  相似文献   

Quality issues in career guidance can be tackled from a range of different perspectives, related to economic, ethical and/or effectiveness criteria. With selected examples mainly from the USA, Canada, and Europe, this paper highlights how quality is described and measured in terms of statements, guidelines, standards or “hidden customers”. Some guidelines or standards are aimed at the general public; some are directed towards guidance professionals and their competencies; others deal with the quality of career information. Power issues lie embedded in such efforts: who defines, maintains and, in particular, controls such guidelines or standards? Finally, possible alternative future quality approaches are outlined in terms of green, ethical and knowledge-based quality criteria.  相似文献   

21世纪是生命科学的世纪,生物技术尤其基因技术的伦理问题对社会或人类的影响非常深远,在利用它们干预人体的过程中涉及未知的、不确定的因素太多。本文试图通过对人生命本质的伦理学、生物技术的伦理本质、伦理问题的探讨,建构生物技术的伦理学规范,从而探索安全的生物技术的管理对策。通过对生物技术进行伦理学的守护,使其遵循一定的道理或规则,更好地为人类谋福祉。  相似文献   

文章从地方高校馆藏实体资源和虚拟资源建设现状、地方高校实体资源与虚拟资源的整合措施两个方面对地方高校图书馆的资源建设作了分析,提出了构建科学化的馆藏资源“和谐共建”发展实施规划、通过合理转化进行实体馆藏信息资源与虚拟馆藏信息资源的整合、采用实体资源与虚拟资源的整合新技术、通过多种形式的服务进行实体馆藏信息资源与虚拟馆藏信息资源的整合、通过信息分析进行实体馆藏信息资源与虚拟馆藏信息资源的整合等建议。  相似文献   

伦理作为日常生活工作中的一种重要的价值观念和行为准则,对公共部门人力资源管理具有重要的思想指导作用,从伦理的角度看,目前公共部门人力资源管理的各个环节中存在着伦理失范的现象,探寻公共部门人力资源管理伦理失范的表现、原因和治理之策,有利于推动公共部门人力资源管理伦理的应用和普及。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been touted as the next ‘industrial revolution’ of our modern age. In order for successful research, development, and social discourses to take place in this field, education research is needed to inform the development of standards, course development, and workforce preparation. In addition, there is a growing need to educate citizens and students about risks, benefits, and social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. This position paper describes the advancements that have been made in nanoscale science and nanotechnology, and the challenges that exist to educate students and the public about critical nanoscience concepts. This paper reviews the current research on nanotechnology education including curricula, educational programs, informal education, and teacher education. Furthermore, the unique risks, benefits and ethics of these unusual technological applications are described in relation to nanoeducation goals. Finally, we outline needed future research in the areas of nanoscience content, standards and curricula, nanoscience pedagogy, teacher education, and the risks, benefits, and social and ethical dimensions for education in this emerging field.  相似文献   

Student‐led design projects undertaken within healthcare settings raise considerable ethical challenges, primarily resulting from collaboration with service users. This article emerged out of the experiences of design from a New Zealand university undertaking real world projects in acute health care contexts. A human‐centred approach to design is underpinned by a requirement for students to immerse themselves in the user context to optimise design outcomes. Several issues exist in relation to the management of the ethical complexities arising from these projects. Multiple formal ethical review processes were triggered when students’ projects were defined as research. These processes were perceived as onerous and disproportionate to the scale of the projects, and students were ill equipped to identify ethical issues and engage with formal review processes. This resulted in either abandoned projects or the use of compromised methods. A review of codes of practice and design industry approaches identifies a gap in guidance for both students and qualified designers. Some designers describe their projects as service improvement, and not subject to formal ethical review. This article argues for embedding consideration of ethics in all design projects to enhance the process, to be true to the underpinning philosophy of human centred design and to produce ethically aware graduates. To achieve this, a multi‐pronged pedagogical approach which encompasses both hypothetical, class‐based and real‐world learning experiences is described, with the ultimate goal of normalising the consideration and development of ethical standards for students and best practice across the industry.  相似文献   

裴笛 《煤炭高等教育》2008,26(6):117-119
“慎独”作为儒家倡导的道德修身的重要方法和人格修养的理想境界,蕴含着丰厚的思想意蕴、哲理取向和价值追求。有效解决现代社会中的网络道德伦理问题有赖于对“慎独”资源的充分利用。一方面,“慎独”对主体内省、真诚、自觉、深沉式的道德诉求和伦理期待,可以为解决当下网络道德伦理问题提供借鉴;另一方面又要着眼于内在局限、外延延伸和内蕴拓展,对“慎独”进行现代转换,实现现代生成,进而使之成为全社会的整体道德规范。  相似文献   


Attention has been given to the revised National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics that guides social worker use of technology. The revision of the NASW Code of Ethics has signaled a transition in the profession toward ethical online practice using modern techniques and contemporary tools. Practicing social workers are applying these new ethical standards, and many social work educators are doing so when using information and communication technologies with students. However, little research focuses on teaching social work students about digital ethics and professional online conduct. This paper explores the importance of preparing social work students for ethical online behavior.  相似文献   

我国现代高等远程教育历经十余年的发展,已在数字化学习环境和资源建设领域积累了丰富的经验。但是由于各远程教育机构的开发能力和管理能力存在差距,造成数字化资源的质量良莠不齐,数字化学习的支持服务水平也存在很大的差异。尽管相关部门对资源和服务的质量进行了一系列评估、评优工作,但其评审的公正性、社会认可度、评审标准的可操作性以及评审的持续性等都存在明显不足。从国际上看,质量认证是保证教学质量的一种有效方式。与台湾、英国、美国以及欧洲等认证机构的比较发现,我国数字化学习资源与服务认证在机构性质、专家来源、认证费用、认证指标、认证流程以及认证有效期方面,都有需要改进之处。为促进优质数字化教学资源开发以及教学服务质量的提高,我国应树立以学习者需求为中心的意识,将政府支持和第三方认证结合起来,引入非教育行业的专家,积极开展认证前期培训和自我评估,注重实地考察和反馈,以制定更加科学的认证标准和构建更加公平有效的认证机制。  相似文献   

教育是典型的知识密集型领域,因此,进行领域知识的共享研究对教育领域的发展非常重要。多年信息化的历史经验告诫我们:共享的前提是必须对领域资源实施标准化。尽管我国教育领域研发了系列教育元数据标准,但是从智慧教育的需求来看,这些标准普遍表现为缺乏语义、比较零散、体系不够完善等。随着近些年知识图谱的提出,为教育资源的知识整合发展提供了重要的技术手段。然而,目前知识图谱构建的主要焦点在构建技术方面,忽视了构建中的标准化问题。长此以往,领域将会构建出很多“知识孤岛”。为解决这些问题,本文在对国内外教育领域内标准进行研究的基础上,以系统理论为依据提出并构建了一个集预定义词汇的W3C语义Web标准、顶层词汇标准和领域词汇标准于一体的三层架构模型——教育资源知识图谱标准词汇参考模型。基于该模型建构知识图谱,不仅为教育领域数据的标准化提供标准词汇参考,而且也为规范构建教育领域知识图谱提供了参考。  相似文献   

每项技术都不是孤立存在的,其形成、发展与应用离不开特定的技术生态,信息技术尤为如此。运用人工智能、5G通信、区块链等新一代信息技术促进教育变革已成为全球共识,而技术间加速融合、协同创新所形成的智能技术生态是驱动未来教育发展的关键。智能技术生态以教育信息的全面感知为基础,以大数据和人工智能为动力,通过跨时空、跨模态、跨组织的教育教学要素重组以及各教育主体间可信、智能的合作,推动未来教育创新与变革。智能技术生态可为跨时空的教育资源配置、多主体的教育协同治理、社会化的教育服务供给以及智能化的教育管理和评价提供支撑,从教育环境、教育资源、教学活动、教育组织和教育管理等多个方面系统性、结构化地重塑未来教育样态。在此过程中,需通过技术间的赋能解决单一技术瓶颈问题,并通过优化教育治理体系规避科技伦理风险,有序推进智能技术生态的演进与未来教育发展。  相似文献   

Multiliteracies and new literacies pedagogies advocate for expanded ideas of literacy, which focus heavily on the use of digital technologies within the classroom. Yet there is little discussion within the discipline regarding the ethical implications of using social media in teacher education. This is of particular concern given the potential for online spaces to be unsafe. In particular, the social media site Twitter, used and promoted by many educators to collaborate within professional learning networks, is rife with misogyny and racial violence. Through a review of the current literature on social media use in teacher education, and a multi-disciplinary perspective on issues of cyber-violence, I will discuss the ethical implications for teacher educators who want to use Twitter as a pedagogical tool and offer strategies to develop critical social media literacy practices.  相似文献   

The use of educationally oriented biotechnology has grown drastically in recent decades and is likely to continue to grow. Advances in both the neurosciences and genetics have opened up important areas of application and industry, from psychopharmacology to gene-chip technologies. This article reviews the current state of educationally oriented biological technologies, eventually focusing on the use of psychiatric drugs with children and adolescents to improve their academic performance. Distinguishing between “good” and “bad” uses of biological technologies is complicated by conflicting theoretical views about human development, the etiology of disability, and the diagnostic categories that structure treatments. To address these issues I introduce a set of ethical concepts, which are based on a biopsychosocial approach to human development. The difference between designing children and raising children marks an ethically salient difference between approaches that focus on only part of the child (e.g., her brain) and approaches that focus on the full biopsychosocial complexity of the developing child in context. This clarifies the importance of the child's right to both autonomy and care. Implications for policy and practice are offered.  相似文献   

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