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在社会化学习时代,在线教学逐渐成为一种常态化教学模式,其对教师和学生都提出了更高要求。随着在线教学的不断发展,各级各类课程教学的优劣势日渐凸显,其中对于语言类专业课程的影响尤为显著,教师无法直接与学生进行良好互动,课堂效果欠佳,教学质量有待提高。该文基于高校语言类专业课程在线教学的现状和存在的问题,对如何提高在线教学的时效性展开讨论。  相似文献   

在线教学在高校人才培养中发挥了重要作用,尤其是在当前受疫情影响学校传统教学无法正常进行的情况下,显现出了更多优势。然而,从实证调查的情况来看,我国高校开展在线教学目前还面临着教师对在线教学认识不足、教师在线教学素养亟待提高、学生在线学习能力需要加强、在线课程的建设缺少规划、在线教学的管理有待创新等问题。因此,应理性思考高校在线教学的地位并不断提升在线教学水平,建立以学生为中心的在线教学理念、构建有助于教学成效的师生角色、完善多维度立体式的课程知识体系、加强基于学生学习力提升的教学设计、开展形成性与终结性相结合的评价方式、创建多元而跨时空的在线教学组织,从而保障高校在线教学的实效。  相似文献   

本文在教育信息化要求的大背景下,针对目前在线课程学生实际学习的过程中地位并不突出的现状,分析了实用型《电路理论》在线开放课程的社会需求、课程需求、教师需求和学生需求,表明充分发挥在线开放课程的作用,具有深远的社会意义和广泛的实用价值。  相似文献   

美国开展在线课程的起步较早,并逐步在高校中实施。但近年来美国高校在实施在线课程中一些问题已经突显出来。在此基础上,针对这些问题的成因进行了分析,对比了在线课程与传统面授课程之间的差异。并以提高高等院校学生知识水平和教学水平为目标,研究了我国在开展和实施在线课程教育中应注意的问题并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

学生与辅导教师的在线交互研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习支持对于在线学习环境中的学习者的学习有着很重要的促进作用.印度尼西亚特布卡大学利用面对面教学、远程和在线的模式等各种方式为学习者提供学习支持服务.作为该校提供的一种学习支持服务方式,在线辅导旨在帮助学生更好地理解印刷材料.因为其"在线"的特征,在线辅导通过师生之间的异步交互和交流,以及学生之间互相的在线辅导,为学生提供了更灵活的学习途径.辅导教师在在线学习环境中的物理存在使得交互或对话变得更加客观、实用,使得交互聚焦于讨论话题."公共演讲"课程旨在培养学生向公众表达和传播观点的能力,该课程提供了印刷和非印刷学习材料,以帮助学生进行独立学习.学生通过印刷材料学习公共演讲方面的概念,并利用非印刷材料或者CD-ROM了解相关案例.在线辅导通过在线交互促进学生对概念的理解.本描述性研究试图探究在缺乏人际交流中的归属感、情感和控制等背景下,在线学习环境中辅导教师和学生之间的交互和交流,因而对2010年第一学期"公共演讲"课程的在线辅导活动进行了内容分析,研究发现,该课程的在线辅导活动中缺少礼貌,交流礼节也有所欠缺,另外,在线辅导教师需要加强学生在在线学习环境中的学习动机.  相似文献   

在线开放课程是将信息技术与课程教学相结合的全新尝试,颠覆了传统教育结构与模式,是课程教学改革的“冲锋号”。对吉林省10所高职院校学银在线平台课程数据及教师、学生开展调研和访谈后发现,吉林省高职院校在线开放课程存在课程建设数量不足、课程类型失衡、课程互动不足等问题。文章结合产业需求和职业教育实践性特点进行在线开放课程设计并建立完善的评价指标体系,推动信息技术与课程教学深度融合。旨在为吉林省高职院校在线开放课程相关政策的制定、课程开发设计与应用评价提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

资源环境监测作为一门农学类基础课程,与生产联系较为紧密,可为学生解决农业生产实际问题打下扎实基础。该课程开设专业较多,如农业资源环境、烟草、园艺、茶学、农学和种子经营等。不同专业背景的学生通过该课程的学习,基本掌握土壤分析、植物分析、肥料分析和其他环境要素分析的技术手段。考虑到课程和专业实际,在课堂教学中应充分高效利用在线教学方式,以提升教学效果。资源环境监测在线开放课程建设应在遵循基本原则的基础上有所创新、灵活多样。文章结合作者近年来资源环境监测课程教学实践,从理论教学、实验开展及课程讲解等方面就如何建设在线开放课程总结并提出几点认识,与诸位读者探讨,以进一步促进教学方式的改进。  相似文献   

独立学院开展课程思政存在学生内生动力不强、师资和教育资源缺乏及育人保障机制不完善等问题。独立学院应结合办学定位与学生特点,制订科学的课程育人目标;重视课程建设与改进,打造优质在线课程;提升教师的育人意识与能力,加强育人团队建设;创新在线开放课程育人模式,切实提升育人成效;完善评价与保障机制,通过在线开放课程的引领示范作用,扩大思政教育规模,提升思政教育实效。  相似文献   

以了解学生对在线学习之使用情况,与使用学生自行拟定测验题题库的适当性与否为目标,采用课堂学习搭配在线学习作为课程学习的方式,且由每位学生自行拟定课程最后阶段的测验试题,探讨学生的学习态度、适应情况与此教学策略是否合宜。用S-P表分析等研究表明,在此整个学习过程中,学生的学习态度从被动学习转换成了主动学习,学生对于将传统的课堂教学搭配在线学习的方式感到新奇,对于平时少数有缺课的同学亦可利用在线学习的平台将其在课堂上的不足加以弥补,整体对于学习情况为提升且有成效的。  相似文献   

实训课程是高职院校学生动手实践的重要学习环节。新冠疫情期间,学生和教师无法正常返校参与线下教学活动,导致实训课程的教学效果大打折扣。为了有效开展实训在线课程,采用模拟仿真软件和微视频相结合的方式,通过在线对分课堂与多种教学平台并用的形式,增强师生互动有效性,提升学生在线参与度,保证学生知识的内化和吸收,在一定程度上解决了实训课程在线教学中的动手实践问题。  相似文献   

Social presence is a popular construct used to describe how people socially interact in online courses. Online educators continue to try different ways to establish and maintain social presence in online courses. However, research to date has not identified which strategies, or types of strategies, are best for establishing social presence. We investigated student perceptions of various strategies of establishing and maintaining social presence using a mixed methods case study approach in two different fully online courses. Results suggest that students are more interested in connecting with their instructor than their peers; different students like different social presence strategies; and students have different overall social presence needs. Various strategies and implications for practice are addressed throughout.  相似文献   


There has recently been increased interest in the quality of online courses. Faculty from the School of Education at Marquette University suggest using social constructivist theories in the design and development of online courses and in the training and pedagogy of online instructors to ensure quality in online courses. Quality can be designed into online courses by focusing on complex tasks, using multiple perspectives, establishing a learning community, encouraging the social negotiation of meaning and providing assistance for learners at various levels. While good design can go a long way to ensure quality in online courses, the quality of the instructor is equally critical. Training instructors to establish a supportive climate, provide constructive feedback, and ask critical and probing questions leads to high quality online instruction.  相似文献   

This article describes the adaptation and validation of the Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) for use in the transnational higher education context. As higher education becomes a more global phenomenon, ‘borderless’ education, either online or by distance education, is becoming a reality and there is a need for remote evaluation of course delivery and student learning. Curtin University of Technology is managing supported online delivery of Business Studies Degree and Diploma courses to four partner institutions of the African Virtual University, an initiative based in Nairobi, Kenya. Evaluation of students’ learning has included an online survey about the provision of resources and the quality of the learning environment in the various computer-based classrooms. Embedded in this instrument has been the adapted COLLES, providing a concomitant opportunity to test the properties and usefulness of the learning environment instrument. Problematic issues surrounding adaptation of the instrument have included the consequences of modifying the wording and establishing or confirming the meaning of the latent constructs in partially online courses and for transnational students. The process of establishing the validity and reliability of the scales is discussed.  相似文献   

以发展性教学理念中人的素质结构分类为基础,构建适合高职学生发展的综合素质课程体系,强调学生的自我发展和学生的自主选择。通过成立委员会、培训师资、启用综合素质网络管理系统和确立电子档案袋等确保课程质量,开设基础性综合素质课程、拓展性综合素质课程、交叉性综合素质课程和弥补性综合素质网络课程。课程评鉴则遵循外部评鉴与内部评鉴相结合、兴趣性与挑战性相结合、自我发展性与完善性相结合等原则。  相似文献   

This study examines success factors in online learning from the instructors’ perspective. Academic success comprises not only student satisfaction and good grades, but also perception of learning and knowledge transfer. A systemic model of inputs–process–outputs of learning was used. A total of 322 online teachers from four different universities and countries were used to study factors of attainment. Findings suggest that: (i) instructors from the University of Peking and the Autonomous Popular University of the State of Puebla reported learner factors as the most important for students on online courses, (ii) instructors from the University of New Mexico perceived institutional factors as the most important for establishing effective online learning and (iii) instructors from the Open University of Catalonia reported outcome factors as the most important for learners in online courses. Compared with other research results in online learning, instructors in this study generally reflect a greater concern about the content, social presence, instruction and their interactions than about technological matters.  相似文献   

Increasingly, student assessments of courses are being conducted online as opposed to administered in class. A growing body of research compares response rates and course ratings of courses evaluated online versus on paper. The present study extends this research by comparing student course assessments before and after the University of South Florida made online evaluations mandatory for all courses. This change only directly affected courses taught on-campus, as online courses were already being assessed online. However, we examine the effect of this change on courses taught on-campus and online, because we expect this change in policy to have differential effects. We hypothesise that by making online assessments mandatory for all courses, online assessments went from a novel method of evaluation to the norm; and, therefore, increased response rates for online courses, but had the opposite effect for on-campus courses. We find mixed support for our hypothesis.  相似文献   

武法提教授曾将网络学习资源以知识传递的顺序和组织的方式分为结构化与非结构化学习资源,网络课程作为网络学习资源的主要形式也可分为结构化与非结构化网络课程.调查发现,现今的网络课程多为结构化形式,非结构化网络课程对人们来说还是个陌生的名词.  相似文献   

科学规范的教学质量认定标准,是高校在线开放课程引进的重要保障。该文从构建高校在线开放课程教学质量标准入手,按照"高校在线开放课程教学质量标准-高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准"的思维逻辑,以国家精品在线开放课程认定相关文件要求及影响课程引进的外部约束因素为依据,构建了包含"6+X"个维度、13个通用指标、"7+Y"个专属指标的高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准,研究表明,该标准具有较好的结构效度与内部一致性。最后阐述了基于高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准的课程引进程序。  相似文献   

从用户(学习者)体验及需求的角度开展网络课程可用性研究,为网络课程评价研究提供了新的方向。本研究从用户(学习者)的视角出发,将2007至2010年的国家网络精品课程作为一种产品进行调查评价和实证分析.全面梳理并深入分析了这些课程在可用性方面存在的问题及其原因,为提高网络课程的建设质量,特别是提高网络课程的可用性方面提供借鉴与指导。  相似文献   

The development of Internet technologies stimulates the increase of online technology-supported education in universities. Online learning based on remote experiments is capable of diminishing the scantiness in practical courses. In this paper, we present online practical courses based on remote experiments (OnPReX). These courses consist of online experiments, interactive graphics and an online tutoring-system organised at the Berlin Institute of Technology (TUB). We developed two online practical courses, one focusing on classical and the other on modern physics, for bachelor and intermediate diploma engineering students. Our online practical courses based on remote experiments took place in two test phases during two semesters. These courses were evaluated and the results were used to improve the courses. Our online practical courses on remote experiments have successfully been integrated as electives at the TUB.  相似文献   

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