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In this study we examined procedures for assessing model-data fit of item response theory (IRT) models for mixed format data. The model fit indices used in this study include PARSCALE's G2 , Orlando and Thissen's SX2 and SG2 , and Stone's χ2* and G2* . To investigate the relative performance of the fit statistics at the item level, we conducted two simulation studies: Type I error and power studies. We evaluated the performance of the item fit indices for various conditions of test length, sample size, and IRT models. Among the competing measures, the summed score-based indices SX2 and SG2 were found to be the sensible and efficient choice for assessing model fit for mixed format data. These indices performed well, particularly with short tests. The pseudo-observed score indices, χ2* and G2* , showed inflated Type I error rates in some simulation conditions. Consistent with the findings of current literature, the PARSCALE's G2 index was rarely useful, although it provided reasonable results for long tests.  相似文献   

The usefulness of item response theory (IRT) models depends, in large part, on the accuracy of item and person parameter estimates. For the standard 3 parameter logistic model, for example, these parameters include the item parameters of difficulty, discrimination, and pseudo-chance, as well as the person ability parameter. Several factors impact traditional marginal maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of IRT model parameters, including sample size, with smaller samples generally being associated with lower parameter estimation accuracy, and inflated standard errors for the estimates. Given this deleterious impact of small samples on IRT model performance, use of these techniques with low-incidence populations, where it might prove to be particularly useful, estimation becomes difficult, especially with more complex models. Recently, a Pairwise estimation method for Rasch model parameters has been suggested for use with missing data, and may also hold promise for parameter estimation with small samples. This simulation study compared item difficulty parameter estimation accuracy of ML with the Pairwise approach to ascertain the benefits of this latter method. The results support the use of the Pairwise method with small samples, particularly for obtaining item location estimates.  相似文献   

传统的项目反应理论模型由于不能很好地处理非连续数据而影响了对具有潜在类别属性的特质进行精确估计。混合项目反应理论不仅能够精确地估计项目参数和能力参数,而且可以实现按照不同类别属性的潜在特质与行为对被试进行自动鉴别。随着研究的发展,混合分部评分模型、混合Logistic模型、多水平项目反应理论模型以及带协变量的混合项目反应理论模型等相继诞生,并在教育测验分析与编制、项目功能差异分析以及其他拓展性实践应用中展现出优良的品质。开发多维混合项目反应理论模型、多维混合认知诊断模型以及混合题组模型等并对其进行本土化研究与应用将是混合项目反应理论的一大研究热点与方向。  相似文献   

Various applications of item response theory often require linking to achieve a common scale for item parameter estimates obtained from different groups. This article used a simulation to examine the relative performance of four different item response theory (IRT) linking procedures in a random groups equating design: concurrent calibration with multiple groups, separate calibration with the Stocking-Lord method, separate calibration with the Haebara method, and proficiency transformation. The simulation conditions used in this article included three sampling designs, two levels of sample size, and two levels of the number of items. In general, the separate calibration procedures performed better than the concurrent calibration and proficiency transformation procedures, even though some inconsistent results were observed across different simulation conditions. Some advantages and disadvantages of the linking procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

研究了以 1-十八醇和丙二酸二乙酯为原料合成二五十八烷基丙二酸二乙酯,然后用 LiAlH4还原得到 2, 2-二正 十八烷基-1,3-丙二醇,再在对甲苯磺酸催化下与β-溴丙醛结合得5,5-二五十八烷基-2-(2-溴乙基)-1,3-二氧 六环。并对产物的重结晶条件进行了研究,产物经元素分析、IR和1 HNMR光谱表征。  相似文献   

Lord's Wald test for differential item functioning (DIF) has not been studied extensively in the context of the multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) framework. In this article, Lord's Wald test was implemented using two estimation approaches, marginal maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation, to detect uniform and nonuniform DIF under MIRT models. The Type I error and power rates for Lord's Wald test were investigated under various simulation conditions, including different DIF types and magnitudes, different means and correlations of two ability parameters, and different sample sizes. Furthermore, English usage data were analyzed to illustrate the use of Lord's Wald test with the two estimation approaches.  相似文献   

Four equating methods (3PL true score equating, 3PL observed score equating, beta 4 true score equating, and beta 4 observed score equating) were compared using four equating criteria: first-order equity (FOE), second-order equity (SOE), conditional-mean-squared-error (CMSE) difference, and the equipercentile equating property. True score equating more closely achieved estimated FOE than observed score equating when the true score distribution was estimated using the psychometric model that was used in the equating. Observed score equating more closely achieved estimated SOE, estimated CMSE difference, and the equipercentile equating property than true score equating. Among the four equating methods, 3PL observed score equating most closely achieved estimated SOE and had the smallest estimated CMSE difference, and beta 4 observed score equating was the method that most closely met the equipercentile equating property.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):125-146
States are implementing statewide assessment programs that classify students into proficiency levels that reflect state-defined performance standards. In an effort to provide support for score interpretations, this study examined the consistency of classifications based on competing item response theory (IRT) models for data from a state assessment program. Classification of students into proficiency levels was compared based on a 1-parameter vs. a 3-parameter IRT model. Despite an overall high level of agreement between classifications based on the 2 models, systematic differences were observed. Under the 1-parameter model, proficiency was underestimated for low proficiency classifications but overestimated for upper proficiency classifications. This resulted in higher "Below Basic" and "Advanced" classifications under 1-parameter vs. 3-parameter IRT applications. Implications of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Model selection is important in any statistical analysis, and the primary goal is to find the preferred (or most parsimonious) model, based on certain criteria, from a set of candidate models given data. Several recent publications have employed the deviance information criterion (DIC) to do model selection among different forms of multilevel item response theory models (MLIRT). The majority of the practitioners use WinBUGS for implementing MCMC algorithms for MLIRT models, and the default version of DIC provided by WinBUGS focused on the measurement‐level parameters only. The results herein show that this version of DIC is inappropriate. This study introduces five variants of DIC as a model selection index for MLIRT models with dichotomous outcomes. Considering a multilevel IRT model with three levels, five forms of DIC are formed: first‐level conditional DIC computed from the measurement model only, which is the index given by many software packages such as WinBUGS; second‐level marginalized DIC and second‐level joint DIC computed from the second‐level model; and top‐level marginalized DIC and top‐level joint DIC computed from the entire model. We evaluate the performance of the five model selection indices via simulation studies. The manipulated factors include the number of groups, the number of second‐level covariates, the number of top‐level covariates, and the types of measurement models (one‐parameter vs. two‐parameter). Considering the computational viability and interpretability, the second‐level joint DIC is recommended for MLIRT models under our simulated conditions.  相似文献   

项目反应理论模型的参数估计一般需要较大样本量,小样本量条件下参数型与非参数型项目反应理论模型的相对优势并无定论。通过计算机模拟数据比较两类模型在小样本量时(n<=200)估计项目特征曲线所产生的偏误及均方根误差。当模拟数据基于3PL模型生成时,参数型与非参数型模型在样本量低于200时估值偏误方面无差别,但前者均方根误差较小。在样本量为200时,两模型估算值类似。当真实数据基于3PL模型且样本量小于200时,参数型Rasch模型比非参数核平滑模型更值得推荐。  相似文献   

In judgmental standard setting procedures (e.g., the Angoff procedure), expert raters establish minimum pass levels (MPLs) for test items, and these MPLs are then combined to generate a passing score for the test. As suggested by Van der Linden (1982), item response theory (IRT) models may be useful in analyzing the results of judgmental standard setting studies. This paper examines three issues relevant to the use of lRT models in analyzing the results of such studies. First, a statistic for examining the fit of MPLs, based on judges' ratings, to an IRT model is suggested. Second, three methods for setting the passing score on a test based on item MPLs are analyzed; these analyses, based on theoretical models rather than empirical comparisons among the three methods, suggest that the traditional approach (i.e., setting the passing score on the test equal to the sum of the item MPLs) does not provide the best results. Third, a simple procedure, based on generalizability theory, for examining the sources of error in estimates of the passing score is discussed.  相似文献   

Orlando and Thissen's S‐X 2 item fit index has performed better than traditional item fit statistics such as Yen's Q1 and McKinley and Mill's G2 for dichotomous item response theory (IRT) models. This study extends the utility of S‐X 2 to polytomous IRT models, including the generalized partial credit model, partial credit model, and rating scale model. The performance of the generalized S‐X 2 in assessing item model fit was studied in terms of empirical Type I error rates and power and compared to G2. The results suggest that the generalized S‐X 2 is promising for polytomous items in educational and psychological testing programs.  相似文献   

Disengaged item responses pose a threat to the validity of the results provided by large-scale assessments. Several procedures for identifying disengaged responses on the basis of observed response times have been suggested, and item response theory (IRT) models for response engagement have been proposed. We outline that response time-based procedures for classifying response engagement and IRT models for response engagement are based on common ideas, and we propose the distinction between independent and dependent latent class IRT models. In all IRT models considered, response engagement is represented by an item-level latent class variable, but the models assume that response times either reflect or predict engagement. We summarize existing IRT models that belong to each group and extend them to increase their flexibility. Furthermore, we propose a flexible multilevel mixture IRT framework in which all IRT models can be estimated by means of marginal maximum likelihood. The framework is based on the widespread Mplus software, thereby making the procedure accessible to a broad audience. The procedures are illustrated on the basis of publicly available large-scale data. Our results show that the different IRT models for response engagement provided slightly different adjustments of item parameters of individuals’ proficiency estimates relative to a conventional IRT model.  相似文献   

We consider a general type of model for analyzing ordinal variables with covariate effects and 2 approaches for analyzing data for such models, the item response theory (IRT) approach and the PRELIS-LISREL (PLA) approach. We compare these 2 approaches on the basis of 2 examples, 1 involving only covariate effects directly on the ordinal variables and 1 involving covariate effects on the latent variables in addition.  相似文献   

A practical concern for many existing tests is that subscore test lengths are too short to provide reliable and meaningful measurement. A possible method of improving the subscale reliability and validity would be to make use of collateral information provided by items from other subscales of the same test. To this end, the purpose of this article is to compare two different formulations of an alternative Item Response Theory (IRT) model developed to parameterize unidimensional projections of multidimensional test items: Analytical and Empirical formulations. Two real data applications are provided to illustrate how the projection IRT model can be used in practice, as well as to further examine how ability estimates from the projection IRT model compare to external examinee measures. The results suggest that collateral information extracted by a projection IRT model can be used to improve reliability and validity of subscale scores, which in turn can be used to provide diagnostic information about strength and weaknesses of examinees helping stakeholders to link instruction or curriculum to assessment results.  相似文献   

In order to equate tests under Item Response Theory (IRT), one must obtain the slope and intercept coefficients of the appropriate linear transformation. This article compares two methods for computing such equating coefficients–Loyd and Hoover (1980) and Stocking and Lord (1983). The former is based upon summary statistics of the test calibrations; the latter is based upon matching test characteristic curves by minimizing a quadratic loss function. Three types of equating situations: horizontal, vertical, and that inherent in IRT parameter recovery studies–were investigated. The results showed that the two computing procedures generally yielded similar equating coefficients in all three situations. In addition, two sets of SAT data were equated via the two procedures, and little difference in the obtained results was observed. Overall, the results suggest that the Loyd and Hoover procedure usually yields acceptable equating coefficients. The Stocking and Lord procedure improves upon the Loyd and Hoover values and appears to be less sensitive to atypical test characteristics. When the user has reason to suspect that the test calibrations may be associated with data sets that are typically troublesome to calibrate, the Stocking and Lord procedure is to be preferred.  相似文献   

本研究基于IRT理论中最常用的LOGISTIC三种模型来探讨等值的跨样本一致性,研究对象为某一汉语类别的测验,等值方法采用同时校准法。研究结果表明,双参数模型下同时校准法等值跨样本一致性最好,最为稳定。  相似文献   

In observed‐score equipercentile equating, the goal is to make scores on two scales or tests measuring the same construct comparable by matching the percentiles of the respective score distributions. If the tests consist of different items with multiple categories for each item, a suitable model for the responses is a polytomous item response theory (IRT) model. The parameters from such a model can be utilized to derive the score probabilities for the tests and these score probabilities may then be used in observed‐score equating. In this study, the asymptotic standard errors of observed‐score equating using score probability vectors from polytomous IRT models are derived using the delta method. The results are applied to the equivalent groups design and the nonequivalent groups design with either chain equating or poststratification equating within the framework of kernel equating. The derivations are presented in a general form and specific formulas for the graded response model and the generalized partial credit model are provided. The asymptotic standard errors are accurate under several simulation conditions relating to sample size, distributional misspecification and, for the nonequivalent groups design, anchor test length.  相似文献   

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