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The authors investigated the relations among reasons students gave for why they would not cheat in response to a cheating vignette, self-reported cheating, and the extent to which students take responsibility for promoting academic integrity. The authors surveyed 1,086 graduate and undergraduate students. Students who said they would not cheat because of punitive consequences were more likely to report that they cheated in classes and took less responsibility for promoting academic integrity. Students whose reasons related to the value of learning, personal character, and/or it being simply not right reported less cheating and took more responsibility for academic integrity. Academic-integrity responsibility correlated with less cheating. Results are discussed in terms of the effectiveness of punishment and the significance of internalizing integrity standards.  相似文献   

Research has shown that traditional academic honor codes are generally associated with lower levels of student academic dishonesty. Utilizing data obtained from students at 21 colleges and universities, this study investigated the influence of modified honor codes, an alternative to traditional honor codes, that is gaining popularity on larger campuses. It also tested the model of student academic dishonesty previously suggested by McCabe and Treviño in a more diverse sample of campuses. Results suggest that modified honor codes are associated with lower levels of student dishonesty and that the McCabe and Treviño model appears to be reasonably robust.  相似文献   

以滨州学院的489名大学生为研究对象,以大学生学习动机问卷为调查工具,分析大学生的学习动机总体水平及不同群体大学生学习动机水平的差异。结果表明,大学生学习动机处于中等水平;大学生的学习动机存在一定的性别差异、年级差异和专业差异。  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of a learner-centred environment in enhancing the academic achievements and motivation of high school students who are at risk of dropping out of school. Three groups of students at high academic risk were compared. The control group consisted of students who are exposed to a remedial academic program in a traditional school context, and the experimental groups consisted of students enrolled at schools that have implemented a structured academic program in a learner-centred environment. It is shown that a learner-centred environment yields significantly higher achievement scores and a somewhat higher internal motivational orientation. These results suggest that a structured academic program in a learner-centred environment could provide hope for students at academic risk and other students who are likely to be lost to the academic educational system.  相似文献   

大学生成就动机的性别差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查并结合访谈和文献资料等方法,通过对某市男女大学生成就动机的分析研究,发现大学生在成就动机结构上存在着较为显著的性别差异,具体表现为:大学女生在价值取向成就动机上的得分显著高于大学男生,大学男生在职业取向成就动机和社会取向成就动机上的得分显著高于大学女生。但在成就动机强度水平上大学女生与大学男生之间的水平差异正在逐渐缩小。  相似文献   

对某高职院校非英语专业学生中澳合作办学项目旅游管理专业70名学生和普通班的70名学生的英语学习动机现状进行问卷调查,分析发现:大多数学生的英语学习是同时受到内在动机和外在动机的激发,但在英语学习中,内在动机比外在动机更重要。中澳班和普通班学生的学习焦虑没有差别,但普通班的学习态度比中澳班的学习态度更恰当,普通班的自我归因也更加合理。所以,普通班的自主学习能力更高,在英语学习中更加积极主动,学习成就也越高。  相似文献   

文章介绍了如何培养和利用学生在实验教学中的动力因素,以提高实验教学质量和学生综合素质的一些方法。  相似文献   

In this research, the authors examined the construct validity of scores of the Academic Motivation Scale using exploratory structural equation modeling. Study 1 and Study 2 involved 1,416 college students and 4,498 high school students, respectively. First, results of both studies indicated that the factor structure tested with exploratory structural equation modeling provides better fit to the data than the one tested with confirmatory factor analysis. Second, the factor structure was gender invariant in the exploratory structural equation modeling framework. Third, the pattern of convergent and divergent correlations among Academic Motivation Scale factors was more in line with theoretical expectations when computed with exploratory structural equation modeling rather than confirmatory factor analysis. Fourth, the configuration of convergent and divergent correlations connecting each Academic Motivation Scale factors to a validity criterion was more in line with theoretical expectations with exploratory structural equation modeling than with confirmatory factor analysis.  相似文献   

This survey of faculty at honor code and non-honor code institutions investigated the influence of honor codes on faculty attitudes and behaviors. As hypothesized, we found that honor code faculty have more positive attitudes toward their schools' academic integrity policies and are more willing to allow the system to take care of monitoring and disciplinary activities. Faculty in noncode institutions have less positive attitudes and are more likely to take personal actions designed to both catch and deal with cheaters. We also investigated the potential influence of a student honor code experience on faculty attitudes. We found that, in noncode environments, faculty who had an honor code experience as a student were more likely to believe that students should be held responsible for peer monitoring and to say that they deal personally with cheating. Implications for higher education institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

Contract cheating is currently a concern for universities and the higher education (HE) sector. It has been brought into the spotlight in recent years through the growth of online essay mills, where students can easily commission and purchase written assessment responses. This study contributes to the wider literature on academic integrity in HE by examining the phenomenon of contract cheating from a supply‐side perspective, thereby considering the essay mill offering and student interaction with it. The authors covertly engage with five essay mills, before successfully completing an assignment purchase with two of these providers. The pre‐purchase stage of an assignment transaction is first examined, unpacking ten reassurance cues used by essay mill providers in the text of their websites. These reassurance cues help to ensure the attractiveness of the essay mill product to potential student consumers. The analysis then moves to explore the ethical discourses around academic integrity that essay mills provide, revealing inconsistencies in their stance towards the potential for academic misconduct from the use of essay mill services. Finally, the article explores the quality of the essay mill product, through grading and Turnitin® reports for the two purchased essay mill assignments. Following recent calls for the outlawing of essay mills, this article provides a timely addition to current understanding of this phenomenon, and the associated challenges of contract cheating in HE.  相似文献   

以英语学习动机问卷为工具,以新疆少数民族本科预科学生为研究对象,探究英语学习动机及其与学习成绩、英语学习自我效能感和元认知策略运用能力的相关性。结果表明:能力目标型—远景性外在学习动机是新疆少数民族预科学生的主导性英语学习动机,而内在学习动机只是作为很多学生的辅助性学习动机;持有高水平内在学习动机的学习者同时也具有高水平能力目标型—远景性外在学习动机;内在学习动机与学习成绩、自我效能感和元认知策略运用能力均呈显著正相关,而成绩目标型—近景性外在动机与学习成绩呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

高职院校学生学习动力不足的原因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着高校扩招,一大批高考分数很低的学生进入了高职院校。这些学生文化基础差,各种心理问题和行为问题也比较突出,学习动力严重不足。高职院校要认清形势,分析问题,提出对策,充分发挥优势,更好的教育、引导、服务高职生。  相似文献   


Contract cheating happens when students commission someone else to do assessed work for them. While it is already illegal in 18 jurisdictions, others are considering making the provision of contract cheating services illegal. To date, legal approaches to addressing contract cheating have faced little scrutiny in the peer reviewed literature. This article outlines some challenges with the legal approach to combating contract cheating. To this end it examines a segment of the contract cheating market to determine if contractors operate in localities where contract cheating services have been made illegal. The results suggest that contractors operate in plain sight, offering services to and from localities where services are prohibited by law. On the basis of the current challenges with enforcement of legal rules, this article recommends some alternative strategies for addressing contract cheating.  相似文献   

中小学生的知识学习过程受多种因素的影响。其中非智力因素对学生的学习会产生十分重要的作用,动机在各种非智力因素中又处于核心地位,而学习动机又是调动中小学生积极性的原动力。是什么原因造成中小学生学习动机不足,如何针对这些不足来改善教学,真正调动他们的学习积极性,这正是本文写作的目的。  相似文献   

A Model of Future-Oriented Motivation and Self-Regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a theoretically grounded model of motivation and self-regulation that places personally valued future goals at its core. We attempt to integrate two lines of theorizing and research that have been relatively independent of one another: the social–cognitive perspective on self-regulation (e.g., Bandura, A., 1986) and theories of more future-oriented self-regulation (e.g., Markus, H., and Nurius, P., Am. Psychol. 41: 954–969, 1986; 1986; Nutin, J., Motivation, Planning, and Action: A Relational Theory of Behavior Dynamics, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1984; Raynor, J. O., Motivation and Achievement, Winston, & Sons, New York, Chap. 7, pp. 121–154, 1974). We argue that personally valued future goals influence proximal self-regulation through their impact in the development of proximal subgoals leading to future goal attainment. The development of a system of proximal subgoals increases the likelihood that proximal tasks are perceived as instrumental to attaining future goals. Proximal tasks that are perceived as instrumental to reaching personally valued future goals have greater overall incentive value and meaning than proximal tasks lacking this instrumental relationship, and their impact on task engagement is correspondingly greater. Research supporting these claims is reviewed and the implications of this model of future-oriented self-regulation for research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   


Contract cheating happens when students outsource their assessed work to a third party. One approach that has been suggested for improving contract cheating detection is comparing students’ assignment submissions with their previous work, the rationale being that changes in style may indicate a piece of work has been written by somebody else. This approach is time consuming, but recent advances in machine learning and natural language processing suggest that it may be well suited to computerization. We trialed an early alpha version of Turnitin’s Authorship Investigate tool, which compares students’ submissions against their previous work. Twenty-four experienced markers from five units of study were asked to make decisions about the presence of contract cheating in bundles of 20 student assignments, which included 14 legitimate assignments and six purchased from contract cheating sites. We asked markers to determine if each assignment was contract cheating, then provided them with an Authorship Investigate report and let them change their decision. Marker accuracy at detecting contract cheating increased significantly, from 48% to 59% after using the report, with no significant difference in false positives. These findings suggest that software may be an effective component of institutional strategies to address contract cheating.  相似文献   

大学生动机缺失状况的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究的主要目的是对大学生动机缺失状况进行描述统计分析。主要测量工具为动机缺失量表。被试取自北京市三所高校的大学生,共1339人。结果显示,报告轻度动机缺失的人数高于高度动机缺失的人数。男性目标缺乏性动机缺失程度明显高于女性。民办高校大学生的动机缺失程度明显高于公立高校的大学生,主要表现在知行脱节性动机缺失和认知歪曲性动机缺失。  相似文献   

在高等教育国际化趋势及两岸交流日益频繁的形势下,台湾开放大陆学生到台就学政策,并于2011年正式向大陆招生。以质性研究法,对30名在台攻读学位的大陆学生进行深度访谈,通过大陆学生的真实经验与想法,了解、分析大陆学生到台就学的动机,并提出意见与建议。  相似文献   


Contract cheating providers exist as businesses with a single shared intention, to profit on a student’s inability to fulfil academic requirements for themselves. For contract cheating providers to make money, the correct market conditions are required. First, providers need to be able to offer the expertise that students request. Second, students need to be financially able to pay for specialist support across a diverse range of different areas. If students are unable to meet the price or require expertise that providers do not offer, the transaction is not going to be completed. Therefore, an examination of the demand-side of the contract cheating process in terms of subject matter expertise and the price of offers is important. The research presented in this paper is based on the analysis of 1579 Twitter messages (tweets) that contract cheating providers engaged with. The study aims to examine price variation and the type of assignments students seek to outsource. For typical requests such as essay writing, students are shown to be willing to pay $33.32 per 1000 words. Some services carry a premium, particularly where a student wishes to hire an impersonator to take an examination for them. The student demand for paid help is seen to be highest in the mathematics field, suggesting that students feel under-equipped and under-supported in this area. The paper concludes by discussing further implications of this research and strategies for the minimisation of contract cheating.  相似文献   

通过采用性别角色量表和成就动机量表对客家籍大学生进行研究。结果表明,大学生"双性化"性别角色发展趋势明显,客家籍与非客家籍大学生性别角色类型差异不显著;大学生成就动机水平存在显著的性别、专业与地区差异,客家籍大学生有着更强的成就动机;性别角色与成就动机存在显著的相关,男性化者成就动机水平最高,双性化者次之,未分化者最低。社会、学校、家庭应塑造大学生良好的性别角色形象,弘扬客家文化的优良传统,促进大学生成长与成才。  相似文献   

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