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泛在学习环境中,学习资源自适应推荐模型尝试将情境感知技术和数据挖掘技术引入泛在学习环境下的学习资源推送服务领域,通过感知学习者周围的环境、设备的变化,挖掘学习者的过往情境数据,借助个性化的推送规则库,在海量的学习资源中快速定位到最适合学习者的资源,并推送给学习者,帮助学习者建立真正无缝的泛在学习体验。  相似文献   

情境感知是泛在学习的本质特征,为学习者提供情境化、个性化与差异化的资源服务已成为泛在学习领域一个新的研究议题。文章采用个性化推荐视角,研究了泛在学习情境的形式化表征,构建了情境化的学习资源推荐模型,阐述了情境化资源推荐的一般过程,并就情境化资源推荐的关键问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

新技术的快速发展促进了情境感知泛在学习的进展。情境感知泛在学习利用移动、无线通讯技术和传感技术检测真实世界中学习者的学习行为并给他们提供直接的、个性化的学习支持。但是,是否每一个学生都能受益于这样一种新型的泛在学习形式仍然受到人们的质疑并成为一个值得进一步讨论的问题。同时,认知风格经常被教育者认为是在新的学习环境中影响学生学习效能的一个重要因素。作者试图通过在一个情境感知的移动学习环境中开展蝴蝶辨别的学习活动来研究学习者不同的学习风格之间的差异。  相似文献   

通过溯源泛在学习理论,厘清其受后现代主义教育思想、活动理论、情境感知理论、行为主义理论、沉浸理论等的启示与影响,梳理意义学习理论的各种流派,构建泛在学习基本模型和操作模型,就提升泛在学习的内在意义性进行前瞻。  相似文献   

泛在学习系统要求能有一个完整的和有组织的方式,通过情境感知推荐学习单元,使学习者可以建立一个自我管理和个性化的学习环境,利用无线网络传输和真实情境实时感应学习目标,让学习的目标由抽象转化为具体,更易于掌握。  相似文献   

准确识别和表达用户偏好是实现泛在学习智能推荐服务的关键,为提升泛在学习服务的个性化和智能化水平,研究并分析影响用户偏好形成的主要因素,对构建具有自适应能力的用户偏好模型具有现实意义。文章以个性化服务理论、情境感知理论和技术接受模型理论为基本框架,分别从服务维度、情境维度、资源维度和技术维度四个方面研究并分析了影响用户偏好建立的主要因素,建立了泛在学习智能推荐用户偏好前因模型,采用结构方程模型统计技术检验了该研究模型,并对实证研究结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

基于境脉感知的泛在学习环境模型构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为满足学习者实现无缝学习的需求,本文在比较移动学习与泛在学习的基础上,认为具有境脉感知功能的泛在学习是满足学习者无处不在的个性化与适应性学习需求的最佳学习方式,并以建构主义学习理论、情境认知理论、活动理论和沉浸理论为指导,构建了泛在学习环境模型,提出了构成泛在学习环境的三要素,即泛在的学习资源、泛在的学习服务和泛在的支撑技术,并对各要素的具体组成部分如学习内容、学习活动、学习伙伴、学习交互、学习支持服务、境脉感知技术等进行了详细的分析.在此基础上,得出泛在学习环境具有无可比拟的优势,能够真正实现在合适的时间、合适的地点以合适的方式呈现给学习者合适的信息,从而保证学习者实现真正无缝的个性化学习.  相似文献   

基于情境感知的移动图书馆信息与服务推荐,主要在用户情境、移动情境、资源情境、服务情境四个维度下进行算法模型构建和感知技术设备应用,它是一个“情境-需求-服务”的自适应过程。在研究它泛在的普适化推荐服务和个性化推荐服务过程中,可以发现感知技术设备、算法和推理引擎的不同应用,主要是满足用户信息需求的以下特征,即情境信息的时效性、情境信息的准确性和完整性、情境信息的多种表达形式以及情境信息的互联与共享。  相似文献   

面向智慧课堂的教育情境感知旨在利用情境感知技术打开课堂教学研究的"黑箱",对智慧课堂生态系统进行解构,挖掘深层次的教育规律.通过对"智慧课堂"和"情境感知"概念的阐释,提出面向智慧课堂的教育情境感知需要从数据感知层面对教育情境要素进行建模分析,实现基于活动流的教学过程解构,探究"人—机—物—环境"的交互作用机制,挖掘复杂情境下学习发生的内在机理.在此基础上构建了基于"人—机—物—环境—活动"的智慧课堂情境感知特征模型,对智慧课堂的学生和教师情境、设备和服务情境、内容和资源情境、时空和社会情境、活动和交互情境进行精准刻画.最后,从"智能感知层、智能分析层、智能服务层"三个层面构建了智慧课堂情境感知的实践框架,指出智慧课堂情境感知研究的开展需要通过对教育情境的智能感知和融合计算,探究智慧课堂的教育规律,构建基于情境感知的智能教育服务模式,以此对智慧课堂情境感知的研究愿景和实践路径进行了系统梳理.  相似文献   

泛在学习环境下基于情境感知的学习资源检索模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泛在学习环境下,如何在合适的时间,以合适的方式,提供使用者合适的资源成为国内外教育技术领域关注的热点话题.本文首先对情境的概念和基于本体的情境模型进行解释;随后探讨了情境获取的三种方式:手动输入、情境监测和情境提取;最后着重介绍了基于情境感知的资源检索模型组成,并结合具体案例分析了该模型的工作过程.  相似文献   

Because learning English is extremely popular in non-native English speaking countries, developing modern assisted-learning schemes that facilitate effective English learning is a critical issue in English-language education. Vocabulary learning is vital within English learning because vocabulary comprises the basic building blocks of English sentences. Therefore, numerous studies have attempted to increase the efficiency and performance of learning English vocabulary. ‘The situational learning approach’ proposed that ‘context’ is an important consideration in the language learning process and can enhance learner learning interest and efficiency. Restated, meaningful vocabulary learning occurs only when the learning process is integrated with social, cultural and life contexts. With the rapid development of context-awareness techniques, the development of context-aware mobile learning systems, which can support learners in learning without constraints of time or place via mobile devices and associate learning activities with real learning environment, enables the conduct of a novel context-aware ubiquitous learning mode to enhance English vocabulary learning. Accordingly, this study proposes a personalised context-aware ubiquitous learning system (PCULS) for learning English vocabulary based on learner location as detected by wireless positioning techniques, learning time, individual English vocabulary abilities and leisure time, enabling learners to adapt their learning content to effectively support English vocabulary learning in a school environment. Experimental results indicated that the accuracy of the employed wireless positioning scheme is over 92%, which is sufficient to help learners detect their locations. Additionally, the PCULS has been successfully implemented on PDA devices in a school environment to support effective situational English vocabulary learning. Experimental result indicates that the learning performance of learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems with context awareness (i.e. PCULS) was superior to learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems without context awareness.  相似文献   

The popularity of mobile devices has encouraged the advance of ubiquitous learning, in which students are situated in a real‐world learning environment with support from the digital world via the use of mobile, wireless communications, or even sensing technologies. Most of the ubiquitous learning systems are implemented with high‐cost sensing devices for detecting the locations or behaviours of learners; moreover, these systems mainly focus on providing learning guidance or learning materials, while facilities for supporting mutual help among students are usually ignored. In this study, we propose a context‐aware ubiquitous learning platform (CULP) which uses low‐cost cell phones with embedded cameras and Internet service to support ubiquitous learning. CULP is able to provide instant support for learners in the ubiquitous learning activity; that is, learners can receive help from the right people via the hints given by the learning system when they encounter problems during their learning activities. The experimental results of a Personal Computer‐Assembling course show that, with the assistance of the new learning platform, both the learning efficiency and the learning achievement of the students were significantly improved.  相似文献   

Situational awareness and mashups are two key factors influencing the success of situational language teaching. However, traditional situational language teaching cannot smoothly conduct relevant learning activities in changing learning context. This study developed a situational mashups system for detecting users' context and proposed a research model for evaluating users' acceptance on the situational mashups in situational language teaching. The proposed model consisted of users' individual experiences, situational learning theory and technology acceptance theory. The experimental results showed that users' experiences of using computer, Internet, mashups system and mashups‐based learning, as well as users' perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of situational mashups are all key factors affecting users' acceptance of situational mashups in situational language teaching.  相似文献   

开放大学是一种基于多媒体和网络技术的泛在化学习,它特有的学习方式对数字化资源提出了特定的要求。即时化、自主化、情景化、协作化、多元化、快乐化的学习方式,要求数字化资源具备相应的便捷性、实用性、智能性、交互性、系统性、艺术性等特点。只有这样,才能满足学习者多种多样的学习要求,真正提高开放大学的教学效果和质量。  相似文献   

The paper focus on exploring new theoretical approach in education with development of online learning technology, from e-learning to u-learning and virtual reality technology, and points out possibilities such as constructing a new teaching ecological system, ubiquitous educational awareness with ubiquitous technology, and changing the cognitive mode in learning process with virtual reality technology. Finally, the paper concerns effective approach to promote school-based teachers professional development through integrated ICT and classroom teaching.  相似文献   

In recent years, digital learning has been converting from e‐learning to m‐learning because of the significant growth of wireless and mobile computing technologies. Students can learn any time and any where with mobile devices. Consequently, context‐aware ubiquitous learning (u‐learning) is emerging as a new research area. It integrates wireless, mobile and context awareness technologies in order to detect the situation of the learners and provide more seamless adaptive support in the learning process. In this paper, a context‐aware u‐learning environment is developed for learning about campus vegetation in elementary schools based on an innovative approach by employing repertory grid method in designing learning content. In addition, we probe the feasibility of context‐aware u‐learning in courses by soliciting feedback from the students and teachers through interviews and questionnaires. The findings reveal that the environment is capable of enhancing students’ motivation and learning effectiveness. Moreover, it is also capable of reducing the teaching load while enabling better control of class order.  相似文献   

移动学习是一种依托现代移动通讯技术的一种新型学习模式.这种学习模式与以往的学习模式相比在灵活性、泛在性、情境性、交互性、协作性、自主性、实时性、片段性方面的特征更为突出.基于建构主义学习理论的移动学习教学设计属于一种面向学习者以学为中心的教学设计,这种教学设计应围绕着学习者的意义建构展开并注重如何利用或规避淡化移动学习系统的特征对学习者意义建构的有利与不利影响,着眼于充分发挥移动学习系统的优势,规避和淡化其不足.  相似文献   

移动学习技术开发实践的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯伟  朱东鸣 《现代教育技术》2010,20(1):115-119,126
普适计算的思想体现的是用户在任何时间任何地点都能够获取目标信息,移动学习恰恰是普适计算的产物,它实现了无缝连接,极大的丰富了远程学习支持的手段。移动学习大致有五种方式:移动式存储,基于SMS短信的方式,基于连接浏览的方式和J2ME方式以及基于特定手持设备的课堂反馈系统。文章分别对五种学习方式和技术实现给予了理论和实践的解释。我校的移动学习也在SMS平台,Pocket PC远程学习支持系统和WAP移动学习信息系统上做了开发和实践,并在实践中总结出了我校下一步的移动学习开发设想。  相似文献   

本文使用CiteSpace 5.6.R2,对国内外核心期刊中的泛在学习研究论文进行可视化分析。 研究发现国内外关于泛在学习研究呈现多领域、多视角、平稳发展的特点;研究热点主要聚焦于泛在学习环境和网络资源,国内研究更注重学习资源的分析,国外研究更注重学习模型的建构和实践。在研究趋势方面,国内外均经历了理论建构和模型设计的阶段,逐步向实证研究转变,但国内实证研究并不突出且缺乏传承性,有待国内研究者进一步补充。  相似文献   

泛在网络时代,大学英语精品课程泛在学习资源的建构与共享是大学英语精品课程建设可持续发展的必经之路。课题组通过行动研究,针对大学英语精品课程教学资源建设存在的问题,以建构主义学习理论、联通主义学习理论为指导,创设了基于卫星通信、互联网、电信网和有线电视网等无缝泛在学习环境,建构了“三多”大学英语精品课程泛在学习资源共享平台。该平台突破了大学英语学习情景语境缺失的瓶颈,解决了优质大学英语学习资源不足这一突出问题,扫清了碎片化学习(微学习)的障碍。  相似文献   

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