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高师学生自我专业发展意识现状调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用“高师学生自我专业发展意识问卷”对652名高师学生进行调查,结果表明:(1)总体上,我国高师学生的自我专业发展意识在性别、城乡上不存在显著的差异,在个别维度上存在着性别和城乡的显著性差异:女生的专业发展自我认同的水平高于男生;来自农村的学生在自我调节水平上高于来自城市的学生。(2)不同年级的高师学生的自我专业发展意识存在着显著的差异。四年级的学生无论是从总体上还是在各个维度上的发展水平均高于其他三个年级的学生。(3)教育教学实习对高师学生的自我专业发展意识有着显著的影响,参加教育教学实习能够提高高师学生的自我专业发展意识水平。  相似文献   

有人认为学生思维能力的培养与思想品德(道德与法治)课无关,这实际上是一种偏见。"探究与分享"是初中道德与法治教材中的重要栏目,以道德与法治七年级上册《中学序曲》为例,在"探究与分享"活动中遵循教育教学规律,努力发挥,学生的发散思维能力、逻辑思维能力、创新思维能力、辩证思维能力是可以培养的。  相似文献   

One focus of gender equity policies in universities has been the creation of ‘retention’ part-time work for professional staff, which allows employees to move between full-time and part-time hours at their request. This paper examines whether such ‘good’ part-time jobs can contribute to or at least not impede women’s career advancement. The paper examines the correlation between job classification and part-time work, and whether a period of part-time work acts as a significant ‘brake’ on a woman’s career trajectory. This study uses data from the 2011 Work and Careers in Australian Universities survey. Part-time work is used extensively by lower-classified women, but rarely by those in higher classifications. Part-time work stalls career advancement compared to working full-time, but this brake is reduced if a woman transitions back to full-time work.  相似文献   

跨文化交际情感因素是跨文化交际能力构成要素的重要组成部分,本文主要从文化偏见、焦虑、态度和移情四个方面来调查留学经历对跨文化交际情感因素的影响。研究结果表明国外留学经历有助于减少跨文化交际活动中的文化偏见和焦虑心理,同时也有利于培养交际主体对跨文化交际行为的积极态度和移情能力。  相似文献   

This article reports on one strand of a collaborative research project undertaken at the Faculty of Education, which sought to explore trainee teachers' development of assessment understandings and practices during their PGCE, and over the following two years. Using two case studies of English trainees, we explore the ways in which they seek to bring together effective assessment principles embedded in the research literatures they encountered in their training with the classroom focused, 'tried and tested' approaches in their placement schools. The resulting demands on professional knowledge 'pure' and 'applied', and some resulting tensions are investigated though interviews with the trainees concerned.  相似文献   

Administrators in professional programs perceive influences on the program from within the university as stronger than do faculty but the two groups do not perceive the strength of societal influences, professional community influences, or internal levels of curriculum debate differently. After controlling for program and institutional sizes and institutional types, these differences between faculty and administrator views regarding relationships between the program and the university appear characteristic of certain professional fields. The analysis was based on subsamples drawn from a data base of survey responses from 873 administrators and 849 faculty members in ten professional fields representing 732 programs in 346 colleges and universities.  相似文献   

两次世界大战期间英国大学教育数量发展平缓,科技教育发展不足;建立大学拨款委员会是这一时期大学教育发展的突破点,也是英国大学管理制度创新的范例;大学经费资助政策的倾斜与兼顾促进了英国不同层次大学的发展。  相似文献   

论大学青年教师专业发展存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学青年教师是当代中国大学发展的主力军。大学青年教师在专业发展上存在着先天发育不良、入职门槛太低、职后培育不善等问题。规范大学教师资格证书颁发制度,建立国家级大学教师教育培育基地,积极开展校本培训,建立校校合作、校企合作的教师专业发展培育模式,是促进大学青年教师专业发展的外部路径。敦促大学青年教师从事教学学术研究,经常开展教学反思活动,激发其自主专业发展的动力,是实现大学青年教师专业发展的根本途径。  相似文献   

高校政治辅导员队伍职业化建设存在着的问题,给大学生思想政治教育工作带来了很大的困难.要很好完成大学生思想政治教育的任务,高校政治辅导员队伍职业化建设势在必行.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which senior female academics’ leadership practices are informed and negotiated in relation to a multiplicity of fields. As part of the shift in the logics of practice underpinning the Australian academic terrain, there has been a movement from the implementation of equity policies to that of diversity in relation to the employment of academic staff, characterised by neoliberal discourses of new public management which favour the production of the individualistic, entrepreneurial academic identity as opposed to notions of collectivity and the public good. However, diversity policies are not the sole texts that inform the ways in which many women leaders operate, nor the most important in guiding the practices they produce. Drawing on a larger study of representations of women’s leadership in the media and academia, this paper examines how two leading female academics drew upon a range of logics of practices within the different fields of academia, feminism and Indigenous rights to inform their leadership practices. In so doing, the women contested the emergent logic of practice underpinning the contemporary Australian academic field. Such contestation can be considered one of the “subaltern” consequences of policy regimes and forms an integral part of policy fields.  相似文献   


The current interest in governmental assessment and accountability practices appears to result from: (1) an emerging view of higher education as an “industry” (2) concerns about efficient resource allocation; (3) a lack of trust and confidence between governmental and institutional officials; (4) a desire to reduce uncertainty in government/higher education relationships; (5) lack of confidence in institutional governance. Based on these concerns, governments increasingly are engaging in data‐based quality assessment processes. These processes appear to assume that: (1) faculty and administrators know how to improve quality but fail to do so; (2) government officials can assure the public interest in quality; (3) measures of quality can be identified and agreed upon; (4) improving quality requires strong bureaucratic coordination and control; (5) information systems can provide the evidence government officials need to address quality concerns. An examination of literature on organisation decision processes suggest these assumptions are inaccurate.  相似文献   

高校辅导员队伍建设走专业化与职业化道路势在必行.为此,必须构建专业化与职业化标准体系,并从转变思想认识、完善管理机制、加强领导保障等三个方面做好辅导员队伍专业化与职业化建设工作.  相似文献   

中国古代尽管有太学这样的高等教育机构,但与欧洲中世纪大学不可同日而语。前者主要培养国家官员,后者则是未来职业人员的学习场所。两者的教学内容、教学方法也差异颇大,所培养的知识分子人格也各有特点。  相似文献   


We designed and piloted a technical communication course for software engineering majors to take concurrently with their capstone project course in software design. In the pilot, one third of the capstone design course students jointly enrolled in the writing class. One goal of the collaborative courses was to use writing to improve the usability of students’ software. We studied the effects of writing on students’ user‐centered beliefs and design practices and on the usability of their product, using surveys, document analyses, expert reviews, and user test results. When possible, we compared the usability processes and products of teams who did and did not take the writing class. Our findings suggest that the synergy of this interdisciplinary approach effectively sensitized students to user‐centered design, instilled in them a commitment to it, and helped them develop usable products.  相似文献   


Imposing the policy lessons from higher-performing countries may involve the complex interplays of socio-cultural and institutional contexts. This article attempts to observe Taiwan’s progress in higher education from an explicit cultural perspective. It locates Taiwan among the rising group of higher education systems in East Asia. The study interrogates a wide-held understanding of higher education development and critically reflects on the “high performances” at systemic and institutional levels. It re-examines a capacity of the Western-influenced system in preserving indigenous cultural traditions while pursuing the quest for world-class status. Adopting a case study research, data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with executives and academics at two premier universities in Taiwan. The findings have shown that, due to fundamental differences, integrating traditional values with imported Western-structured institutions remains an arduous task for Taiwanese higher education. This study critiques conventional presumptions concerning the primacy of an Anglo-Saxon model in Taiwan and offers insights into the society’s efforts to bring back its own cultural values.  相似文献   

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