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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):217-227
The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is a self-supporting agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce that actively collects, organizes, and distributes technical information generated by United States and foreign governments in all areas of science and technology. There are two million titles in the NTIS permanent archives, some of which date as far back as 1945, and last year NTIS added 63,000 new titles to its collection. The entire collection is available at any time - whether a report dates from 20 years ago or last month. In addition, NTIS provides government generated computer software and computerized data files on both tape and diskette through its Federal Computer Products Center. To keep pace with technology transfer activities, the NTIS Center for the Utilization of Federal Technology licenses Federal inventions and makes them available to private industry and prepares and issues a number of publications, catalogs, and directories announcing Federal technologies and resources. In the area of foreign technology, NTIS has recently increased its holdings - up to a third of the reports entering the collection are now from foreign sources.  相似文献   

Although centralized distribution of U.S. government technical reports began in 1946, the reports distributed by predecessors of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) for the first 15 years are now effectively “lost.” They are not available from NTIS, and they are not listed in the NTIS bibliographic database. Those reports are available from the Photoduplication Service of the Library of Congress, and many are available from other sources as well. This article describes bibliographic tools and resources available to identify those reports and provides advice on how to obtain them at a reasonable price.  相似文献   

Despite major technological and document capture advances in the 1990s, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) became a privatization target again in 1995 as part of Republican efforts to dismantle its parent agency, the Department of Commerce. After examining NTIS's current operational status and its user profile, this article explores six future role options for the agency. Finally, NTIS's “fit” with four competing information policy models is examined. NTIS has become an innovative, entrepreneurial agency with the potential to assume an expanded role in government and scientific/technical information dissemination, but it is still politically and financially vulnerable in the current Washington climate.  相似文献   

The National Technical Information Service functions as a cornerstone for the Federal technological publishing structure in the United States. It is a key participant in the development of those information processes that are helping, in part, to support U.S. productivity and industrial innovation. NTIS, which recognizes the relationship between information and competiveness, links the end products of information producers to those who need them. Many complicated issues confront all of us, in terms of sharing information for greater national competitiveness. For example, what steps can be taken to ensure and improve the use of government generated scientific and technical knowledge, how can NTIS better serve more government sources and customers, and what are the implications of recent government policies in terms of technology transfer? This article explores these and related issues.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the period beginning in 1950–1960s, the pre–National Technical Information Service (NTIS) period, during which two key and powerful U.S. congressmen sought to establish a national clearinghouse for federally produced and sponsored applied science literature. The article examines their activities as well as the forces impeding their efforts.  相似文献   


Key points

  • U.S. university OA policies are far less mandatory than those in the U.K.
  • The waiver clauses in U.S. university policies make it easy for authors to decline making their articles OA.
  • The relative autonomy – and competitiveness – of U.S. universities may be the reason for weaker OA policies.
  • OA in the U.S. is likely to be driven by government funding agency policies rather than by academia.

This paper traces the history of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), charting its growth from a purely scientific and technical report center into a social science information resource as well. Acquisition criteria and some typical sources of social science and information processed by NTIS are discussed. Indexing practices and subject classification os particular interest to social scientists are reviewed. The relationship between NTIS and the Government Printing Office (GPO) is explained.  相似文献   

The U.S. Copyright Office and the Register of Copyrights supervise a myriad of major functions, from recording a copyright to providing the U.S. Congress with reports and suggestions regarding the state of the law. Yet this office is part of the Library of Congress, which controls its budget and appoints the Register. Should the book publishing community support the creation of an Office of Copyrights as a separate agency of the U.S. Government? What can or should the book publishing community do to address these issues and questions? This article explores the development of the Copyright Office, the Register of Copyrights, and provides some suggestions and recommendations.  相似文献   

Some have claimed that prices charged by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) for its information products and services are inappropriately high. The National Technical Information Service commissioned a study, carried out by the author, to determine whether these claims were substantiated. The study focused on 15 selected information products and services, and asked whether prices for these products were too high relative to NTIS' costs, relative to prices for comparable commercial products, and relative to prices for comparable products from the Government Printing Office (GPO). NTIS breaks even in the aggregate, showing neither profit nor loss at the end of the year, although individual products may be priced higher or lower than cost. NTIS prices appeared to be competitive with comparable private sector prices, and 17 executives from information industry firms believed NTIS prices were about right or not too high. For comparable products from GPO, NTIS prices tend to be lower because of administrative decisions to underprice GPO. The study examined, in greater depth, issues surrounding two new information products, Big Emerging Markets and World News Connection. NTIS prices are not too high relative to costs, to comparable commercial products and GPO products.  相似文献   

This article examines the practices of, and the policies governing, U.S. executive agency publishing and printing for the period covering 1919–1950s. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the congressional Joint Committee on Printing (JCP) of the 67th Congress, as well as advancements in the graphic arts. Attention is also paid to the inherent, and sometimes bitter, institutional tensions that resulted from the publishing activities of the executive branch. This article further examines the emergence of the Printing Industries of America (PIA) as a player in the sphere of U.S. government printing.  相似文献   

It is estimated that the majority of federal information is born digital. To that end, the U.S. Government Printing Office is transforming into a 21st century electronic information agency. As part of this effort, the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) has been investigating new options for the dissemination of Federal information that incorporate digitization, preservation, electronic metadata, and information retrieval. The FDLP's efforts to find new solutions will improve acquisitions, information access, and collection development for depository libraries. This article describes just a few of the initiatives GPO has undertaken to increase access to electronic U.S. Government information.  相似文献   

Documents Librarina, Colorado State University Libraries, Fort Collins, CO 80523-0002. USA There was a significant increase in the number of publications disseminated by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) during 1993. This continues the trend of the past few years. NTIS continues to receive and distribute federally funded research and development reports, which are abstracted in Government Reports Announcements and Index (GRA&I) and related abstracts. In 1993 the way in which government information is disseminated changed, and as a result the role of librarians in this process has been critically examined. The trend toward more information being distributed in electronic format continues. Internet access to legislative information is now available, and many agencies are developing Internet sites to provide access to their data. New rules were published in a January 1994 Federal Register to transfer to NTIS unclassified scientific, technical, and engineering information (STEI) resulting from federally funded research and development activities. In response to comments on the proposed rules, NTIS incorporated into their plan the dissemination of these publications to depository libraries. In June, the Federal Deposiory Library Program proposed an interagency agreement with NTIS that would facilitate the distribution of these documents to the depositories. If this agreement is signed, it would result in a plan that would take advantage of the selection and distribution systems already in place in the Depository Library Program. It would make it much easier for depository libraries to select the STEI that they need and to ensure that the publications are made available to the public. All of the publications reviewed below were published in 1993. Technical reports are available from NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield. VA 22161, USA; the publications may also be obtained from the issuing agencies. 1 wish to thank Fred C. Schmidt (FCS), Head, Documents Department; Lou E. Anderson (LEA), Documents Librarian; and Awilda Reyes (AR), Documents Librarian, all of Colorado State University Libraries, for reviews contributed to this column.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between police facial recognition technology (FRT) deployment and racial differences in arrests across 1136 U.S. cities in 2016. We estimated doubly robust propensity score models using data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, FBI Uniform Crime Report, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Results show that agency FRT use contributes to greater racial disparity in arrests. This relationship was underpinned by statistically meaningful and positive FRT effects on Black arrest rates and negative effects on White rates. We also observed more sizeable and significant impacts for adult arrests, indicating that FRT's association with adult rates primarily drives the overall disparity finding. Results suggest a need for civic leaders to scrutinize the relative contributions of structural factors, agency policies, and government directives to officer decision-making before widely deploying FRT in jurisdictions. For agencies currently using this technology, it would imply the need for policies and supervision that guide, and in some cases restrict, officer discretion in FRT-assisted contexts.  相似文献   

Social media provides athletes an efficient platform on which to build and maintain their online image. Applying the self-representation theory of Goffman (1959), this study explored the gendered differences between the self-portrayals of U.S. and Chinese athletes. Findings suggest that hegemonic gender norms still had a strong hold on Chinese athletes’ self-disclosure, whereas minimal gender differences emerged between male and female U.S. athletes. Results suggested that cultural background had a substantial impact on self-representation for all participants. Although athletes might claim agency when presenting themselves on social media, the practice of self-portrayal should be examined within specific cultural contexts.  相似文献   

The Clinger-Cohen Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 (Clinger-Cohen Act) had the potential to change the dynamics of how U.S. federal government agencies view and manage their information technology. The mandated provision for chief information officers (CIOs) was intended to provide agencies with information change agents and technology “watchdogs.” To observe how agencies are reacting to employing CIOs, the author conducted field studies via e-mail with eight agencies to discover the successes and the challenges of this new information initiative. The Clinger-Cohen Act mandated four of the agencies contacted and four were non-mandated. The results of this study depict varying levels of agency compliance and commitment to the Clinger-Cohen Act as it relates to the agency CIO position.  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework to assess the text-based public information provided on program level government agency Web sites. The framework informs the larger e-government question of how, or whether, state administrative agencies are using Web sites in a transformative capacity—to change relationships between citizens and government. It focuses on assessing the degree to which text information provided on government Web sites could facilitate various relationships between government agencies and citizens. The framework incorporates four views of government information obligations stemming from different assumptions about citizen–government relationships in a democracy: the private citizen view, the attentive citizen view, the deliberative citizen view, and the citizen–publisher view. Each view suggests inclusion of different types of information on government agency web sites. The framework is employed to assess state Web sites containing information about chronic wasting disease, a disease effecting deer and elk in numerous U.S. states and Canada.  相似文献   


World Wide Web technology has reached the highest levels of U.S. government. Many changes are taking place at the federal level of government. Every cabinet level agency has a homepage and subordinate agencies are making gains in this new technology on a daily basis. This article highlights the web sites of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Well known government publications which are found in any traditional government documents reference collection are noted and recommended for both bookmarking and local web site development. The downside of electronic access is discussed as well.  相似文献   

The convergence of Internet technology and federal information policy are encouraging federal information producers and users to adopt a new direct model of information dissemination of federal information from producing agency to end user. On the surface, this trend would appear to remove the traditional middlemen—the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and depository libraries—from the dissemination model. To assess the impact of the Internet model on the future viability of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the traditional GPO/depository library model of information dissemination is examined in four areas, keeping in mind the underlying intent of the FDLP to assure access to federal information in all congressional districts.  相似文献   

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) is a small grant-making agency affiliated with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. The Commission is charged with promoting the preservation and dissemination of documentary source materials to ensure an understanding of U.S. history. Recognizing that the increasing use of computers created challenges for preserving the documentary record, the Commission adopted a research agenda in 1991 to promote research and development on the preservation and continued accessibility of documentary materials in electronic form. From 1991 to the present the Commission awarded 31 grants totaling $2,276,665 for electronic records research. Most of this research has focused on two issues of central concern to archivists: (1) electronic record keeping (tools and techniques to manage electronic records produced in an office environment, such as word processing documents and electronic mail), and (2) best practices for storing, describing, and providing access to all electronic records of long-term value. NHPRC grants have raised the visibility of electronic records issues among archivists. The grants have enabled numerous archives to begin to address electronic records problems, and, perhaps most importantly, they have stimulated discussion about electronic records among archivists and records managers.  相似文献   

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