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阅读教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,是传授语文知识、培养语文能力、激发审美和创造性思维的基本途径。《语文课程标准》指出:逐步培养学生探究性阅读和创造性阅读的能力,提倡多角度的、有创意的阅读,利用阅读期待、阅读反思和批判等环节,拓展思维  相似文献   

阅读教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,是传授语文知识、培养语文能力、激发审美和创造性思维的基本途径。《语文课程标准》指出:“逐步培养学生探究性阅读和创造性阅读的能力,提倡多角度的、有创意的阅读,利用阅读期待、阅读反思和批判等环节,拓展思维空间,提高阅读质量。”为此,我寻求多角度、有创意的阅读教学实践,悉心培养学生的创造性阅读能力。  相似文献   

陈伏梅 《教学随笔》2016,(5):122-122
提倡学生多角度、有创意的阅读是新时期教学观、课程观、学生观的重大转变,是对传统师讲生听的线性教学的革命,本文对此进行了探究。  相似文献   

提倡学生多角度、有创意的阅读是新时期教学观、课程观、学生观的重大转变,是对传统师讲生听的线性教学的革命,本文对此进行了探究。  相似文献   

精读课是培养学生阅读技能的基本课型,在精读课中指导学生多角度、有创意地阅读。是培养学生探究性阅读和创造性阅读能力的重要途径。一、阅读顺序的多角度 阅读顺序有以下三种:循序阅读、变序阅读、以点带面。根据课文特点和个人的阅读习惯,可以自由选择其中的一种。  相似文献   

刘菊芳 《文教资料》2006,(35):123-124
阅读教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,是传授语文知识、培养语文能力、激发审美和创造思维的基本途径。寻求多角度、有创意的阅读教学实践,冷静探求教学内在规律,是当今语文阅读教学研究的当务之急。  相似文献   

详细从四个方面谈了小学生如何多角度、有创意地阅读。  相似文献   

巩尊灵 《现代语文》2011,(11):109-110
《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》要求学生对教材文本要多角度、有创意地阅读,能提出自己的见解和主张。因此,教师应当做好学生多角度、有创意阅读的引导者,积极创设宽松的环境,培养思维的流畅性、变通性、独创性。  相似文献   

多角度阅读对培养学生的阅读能力,有着最为直接的作用,在实际的初中语文教学过程中,教师需要积极运用多角度阅读引导,帮助学生形成明确的阅读和学习思想,进而全面提高相应的教学效率。本文主要对多角度阅读对培养学生阅读能力的作用进行了相应地研究,并提出了相应的实践方式,以改善整体的语文教学效益。  相似文献   

阅读是第二语言学习中技能训练不可或缺的重要部分。针对新疆高校预科教学对象的特点,必须选择合适的教材,采用相适应阅读的技巧和方法,这样才能有的放矢,达到事倍功半的效果。  相似文献   

《英语课程标准》对高中学生阅读能力作出了明确的要求。教师应通过对阅读技巧的指点,阅读方法的训练,提高学生的英语阅读能力,从而达到全面提高学生综合运用英语的能力这一最终目的。  相似文献   

语言是文化重要的组成部分,离开了文化语言就无从谈起。英语同样如此,不懂英语语言文化,是不可能学好英语的,然而,在部分高校的英语教学中英语语言文化却往往被忽视,这就造成了学生们严重的英语阅读障碍,因此,外语教师在教学中应对语言文化教学引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of ‘reading resilience’: students’ ability to read and interpret complex and demanding literary texts by drawing on advanced, engaged, critical reading skills. Reading resilience is a means for rethinking the place and pedagogies of close reading in the contemporary literary studies classroom. Our research was across four Australian universities and the first study of its kind in the Australian context. We trialled three working strategies to support students to become consistent and skilled readers, and to equip teachers with methods for coaching reading: ‘setting the scene’ for reading, surveying students on their reading experiences and habits, and rewarding reading within assessment. We argue that the nature and pedagogy of close reading has not been interrogated as much as it should be and that the building of reading resilience is less about modelling or outlining best practice for close reading (as has traditionally been thought) and more about deploying contextual, student-centred teaching and learning strategies around reading. The goal is to encourage students to develop a broad suite of skills and knowledge around reading that will equip them long term (for the university and beyond). We measured the effectiveness of our strategies through seeking formal and informal student feedback, and through students’ demonstration of skills and knowledge within assessment.  相似文献   

语言环境对外语学习者来说是相当重要的。多听、多读是现阶段我系学生获得语言环境的最佳途径。根据我系学生的实际情况,应改变传统的课程安排模式,科学安排听力、阅读课,使学生尽早掌握这两种技能,从而保证语言材料大量、有效地输入,为语言输出打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

本论述了有关语言输入,阅读和听力和问题,并就如何掌握正确的学心方法做了系统介绍。  相似文献   

Hong Kong attained the top place in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011, an international study of reading achievement, which arouses keen interest in understanding the reasons behind this remarkable achievement. Although factors associated with reading achievement in English have been widely studied, similar studies using Chinese as a different language system are limited. The present study proposes and tests a hypothetical model that attempts to explain the variance of reading achievement of Hong Kong pupils in the PIRLS 2011 study, focusing on parental and student factors. Data of 3,875 fourth graders from 132 primary schools and their parents or caregivers (n = 3,682) are involved in the analysis. Structural equation modeling supports the hypothesized model as tenable explaining 34% of the variance of reading achievement. Parental background acts as the fundamental factor that exerts an indirect effect on reading motivation, reading self‐efficacy, and reading achievement of students via books at home and early reading abilities. Reading motivation and reading self‐efficacy are found to be significant in influencing reading achievement. Implications for educational practices and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

精品课程是课程建设的杰作,是任课教师学习的榜样。自教育部启动国家精品课程建设以来,各校各专业都投入了大量的人力、物力进行课程建设,成果颇丰。但是日语专业,特别是高职高专日语专业的课程建设情况无论在数量上还是质量上都明显落后于英语专业等"主流"专业。本文以三门国家级(省级)精品课程为例,试分析日语专业的核心课程《日语精读》(也成《综合日语》、《初级日语》等)的建设现状。  相似文献   

本文在对以往报刊教材及研究论著进行分析的基础上,讨论了报刊课的课程定位,并提出报刊教材的选文、编排及练习的设计原则。文章认为报刊课本质上是一门语言课,是一门专项语体课,而非国情介绍课,报刊课的首要教学目标是帮助学生提高语言水平并培养报刊阅读技能,包括识别非词典登录词、分析长句难句等。报刊教材的编写要遵照“语言第一”的原则,兼顾话题的趣味性、广泛性等。  相似文献   

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