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从教育知识实在化看教育知识应具备的素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育知识实在化是指教育知识向教育实在化的过程。教育知识实在化要求教育知识必须具备一定的素质,如内容上客观真实,范围上要求有时间跨度,表述上要清晰、严谨和明确,生产态度上要认真严肃。并且教育知识实在化要求建立一定的转化机制。  相似文献   

加强学生素质教育是培养高质量人才的重要组成部分.模具教研室全体教师以素质教育为导向,认真开展教育教学改革,大胆进行产学结合及课程设计与综合实训有机结合的尝试;在专业教学过程中,受教师潜移默化的影响,学生学会做人、学会做事,并将使其终身受用.  相似文献   

中国早有句古话:“做事之前,先做人!”人来到这个世界上就做两件事:一是做人,二是做事。一个人的人生态度,决定了做人的优劣和做事的成败;一个人的品德,决定一个人人生的走势和走向。  相似文献   

教育者的素质是教育知识实在化的重要因素之一.教育者在实在化过程中应具备“心”与“力”两方面的素质.“心”的素质包括教师的教育观念、教师的职业理想、教师的信念和信心.“力”的素质包括学习能力、处理和转化教育知识的能力、实际教育教学能力、教育科研能力及一些特殊能力.  相似文献   

高等职业教育(特指职业大学、职业技术学院)与普通高等教育是同一级别的两类教育,二者之间只有类别上的不同,没有层次上的差异。高职教育的培养目标、规格要求,以及教学计划、课程设置,教学组织形式与方法、师资队伍建设和教育质量监控体系等均具有自身的特性,也集中地体现了高职教育最鲜明的时代性与实用性。该文从理论与实践方面对高职教育学生知识能力素质及其培养进行了论析,并相应地探索了实施途径与方法。  相似文献   

体育教育在我国还是一门新兴学科,在当前我国构建和谐社会、推进全民健身的背景下,体育教育正面临着难得的发展机遇。高职体育教育是中国特色的高等职业教育的重要组成部分,不但面临发展机遇,也面临培养人才目标的挑战。通过资料研究法和规范分析法,建构高等职业院校体育教育课程知识体系,研究高职体育教育课程知识体系中的课程项目对学生综合素质的影响,进而得出结论:集体运动、户外运动和健康科普知识课程对提升高职学生的综合素质有更优的教学应用价值。  相似文献   

高职教育学生知识能力素质结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了知识、能力、素质的内涵及其相互关系;对合理构建高职教育学生的知识、能力、素质结构应注意的问题和一般原则进行了初步探讨;首次提出高职教育学生能力、素质结构的“山”字模型理论。  相似文献   

“大学生素质拓展计划”旨在开发大学生人力资源、培养与提高综合素质,“四个学会”是培养综合素质的具体要求。广大青年学生应积极参加大学生素质拓展活动,在实践中做到“四个学会”。  相似文献   

为了推动高职高专教育的持续健康发展,不断提高人才培养质量,教育部于2003年决定开始对全国所有高职高专院校进行水平评估.湖南铁道职业技术学院于2004年6月接受了教育部委托湖南省教育厅组织的高职高专院校人才培养水平现场评估,结果为优秀.从准备到评估的整个过程中,学院坚持"以评促改、以评促建、以评促管,评建结合、重在建设"的方针,严格按评估体系要求,以评估为动力,积极整改,增加投入,着力推进教育教学改革与建设,全面提高教学质量和管理水平,使学院的人才培养工作水平迈上了新台阶.  相似文献   

高职教育在近年来得到大力发展,高职人才培养模式不断创新,人才培养质量得到显著提升,本文结合中山火炬职业技术学院高端技能型人才培养探索实践,对高职教育办学过程中校企合作、工学结合、社会服务、政策保障这四个重要方面的关键要素进行分析,从而进一步探索现阶段高职院校提升办学水平的有效途径.  相似文献   

Work contexts are frequently referred to as spaces of learning and production of individual and/or collective knowledge. In such contexts specific dynamics are developed which cause the processes of learning and of knowledge production to have particularities. This paper aims at accounting for some dynamics that are associated with those processes, based on the main results of an ethnographic study on the adult educator team of a Portuguese local development association. The research identified ways of working/action rules based on the learning and knowledge production processes in the association. Mutual help, the reformulation and collectivization of practice, reflection in and about the action, and the negotiation of meaning about the practice are some of the mechanisms identified. The study also highlights how those dynamics of knowledge and learning and ways of doing may contribute to a practice which is closer to the needs of the adults to whom this team offers its education and training services.  相似文献   

现代素质教育的核心是树立现代教育理念,它是教师教书育人与教学行为的的根本指导。素质教育是以提高学生素质和创新能力为根本宗旨的教育。本文论述了通过转变教育观念从而提高素质教育的必然性,以及教师在素质教育中如何改进教育理念和对学生的培养方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical appraisal of resilience and its associated concepts within the context of higher education. It addresses wide‐ranging definitions of resilience, encompassing endurance and adaptability, and seeks to understand how these definitions impact on the learning experiences of students. As theoretical and empirical work on resilience has burgeoned in terms of adolescent experiences of education, the rise of interest has not been matched by that in studies of adult learning, particularly within university settings. This is despite the growing importance of retention studies, which have clear and important links to how well students manage their learning ability in adversity. Realization of the potential embodied in this concept to alter for the better, together with ways of conceptualizing learning and teaching, however, will remain constrained unless teachers within higher education pay attention to the resilience narratives that individual students present, and how teaching strategies can affect their learning trajectories. The paper examines some factors that impact on students’ learning within higher education, and theorizes how teaching and assessment may be adapted to promote resilience in all its forms.  相似文献   

从社会性别视角出发,通过对佤族民间故事中所表现的女性与自然的关系,以及女性在环境、生活、物质文化创造、宗教活动、歌舞娱乐等方面作用的分析,揭示了佤族女性所创造的女性民俗文化的丰富内涵。  相似文献   

用思想和观念创新实现教育创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江泽民总书记 9月 8日在庆祝北京师范大学建校一百周年大会上首次提出了“教育创新”的重要概念 ,并将教育创新提到了与理论创新、制度创新、科技创新同样重要的高度 ,强调只有按照“三个代表”要求 ,大力推进教育创新 ,不断发展有中国特色社会主义教育事业 ,才能不断为我国经济和社会发展培养高素质的劳动者、建设者、管理者和领导者。创新是一个民族进步的灵魂 ,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。教育要为各方面的创新工作提供知识和人才基础 ,培养创新型人才和科技创新活动必然呼唤教育创新。高等教育作为各类教育的龙头 ,正在逐步走向经济和文…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how television‐production specialists, who had no previous experience or educational background in the field of distance education, learned the distance education‐related skills and obtained the knowledge necessary to perform their jobs. The purposive sample for this study comprised 12 full‐time television production specialists who were employed for at least one year at universities across the United States to produce live, interactive, video‐based educational programs, but who, prior to employment at their respective universities, had no experience or educational background in the field of distance education. Qualitative methods, including semi‐structured interviews, observation, and concept maps, were used to collect data. This study found that television production specialists used both incidental and informal learning strategies to learn the necessary skills and knowledge they needed to perform their jobs. Participants learned predominantly by three means: assessing previously held assumptions and beliefs; learning by doing through a trial‐and‐error‐type format; and watching other's videoconference programs. Participants also experienced a ‘mindset change’, brought about by such factors as identifying audience and subject‐matter specialists’ needs, in how they viewed their own performance.  相似文献   

中国高等教育学会第四届理事会在大家的支持和共同努力下做了不少的工作.我代表学会第四届理事会向努力工作在学会各个岗位上的同志们表示衷心的感谢,向多年来一直关心和支持学会工作的各位领导和同志们表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

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