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论IT产业的发展及人才培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
IT人才的培养是IT产业发展的需要,也是IT教育发展的机遇.IT产业和教育特别是职业教育共同发展,可实现产业与教育的"双赢".IT产业与教育的结合是比其他产业与教育结合更为紧密的职业教育形式之一 ,这是从国内外IT业发展模式中得出的基本经验.可以说,IT产业发展提出了对IT人才的需求,而IT教育又反过来促进IT产业的更快发展,这是一个相互制约、共同发展的过程.  相似文献   

充满机遇的IT业 在世界高薪行业中,IT业一直遥遥领先.在一切向"钱"看的时代里,从事IT业的人就像原子弹一样爆炸开来.尤其是近两年,整个IT业开始复办,更加显露出对人才的"饥渴".据相关数据显示,目前我国的计算机应用水平还处于初级阶段,2005年我国IT业人才至少缺少42.5万人,按照目前IT业人才的培养速度,今后每年至少还有20万人左右的缺口.  相似文献   

比尔·盖茨创造的神话使IT业成为全球公认的创业金矿.虽然全球的IT业曾遭遇了一段"黑色时期",但2003年的种种迹象表明,IT业即将雨过天晴.  相似文献   

<正>云计算是互联网时代信息基础设施的重要形态和信息技术发展的重要模式。在大数据时代,云计算已经渗透到每一个行业,不仅国内外各个IT大佬巨头在部署云计算,很多传统企业也纷纷转型云计算。然而,日前发布的我国首部网络空间安全蓝皮书《中国网络空间安全发展报告(2015)》指出,目前我国云计算和物联网产业还基本处在"讲得多、落实少"的初级阶段。"现在云计算领域的研究基本都是在做上层应用方面,真正涉及数据中心和计算机底层架构的研究还是非常  相似文献   

由于IT产业的高速发展,我国紧缺大量的生产一线的软件技术人才.高职院校担负着为IT业培养输送应用型、技能型"软件蓝领"的重任.为适应IT产业发展和软件企业岗位需求,旨在探索高职院校应用型、技能型"软件蓝领"培养模式、改革课程体系与教学内容,以及加强与之相适应的师资队伍建设.  相似文献   

适应IT产业需求培养高职"软件蓝领"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈觎  刘国萍 《职教论坛》2005,(15):32-34
由于IT产业的高速发展,我国紧缺大量的生产一线的软件技术人才.高职院校担负着为IT业培养输送应用型、技能型"软件蓝领"的重任.为适应IT产业发展和软件企业岗位需求,旨在探索高职院校应用型、技能型"软件蓝领"培养模式、改革课程体系与教学内容,以及加强与之相适应的师资队伍建设.  相似文献   

当前在中国IT业有三个词很火,一是云计算,二是物联网,三是泛在网。但是最火的还是云计算。用百度(Baidu)搜索一下,找到相关网页达到38,800,  相似文献   

现在大家都在热炒“云计算”,其实“云计算”的最大功能是实现了IT科技从最初走到成熟的转变。“云”仿佛当年国家电网这样一个基础设施,有了它,我们的世界才会形成一个相对完整的互联网架构,IT产业也才会来到一个成熟的发展阶段。  相似文献   

我国IT业的发展与技能型人才的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国经济发展中,IT业扮演着重要的角色.以IT产业为代表的新兴战略性产业,是保持经济增长态势、促进发展方式转变的强劲引擎,是后金融危机时代产业竞争的制高点之一.IT业的发展需要大量的技能型人才.文章旨在分析我国IT业的人才需求状况及技能型人才的培养,培训状况,为我国IT业技能型人才的培养提出若干对策和建议.  相似文献   

云计算技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网不断发展和海量数据处理需求增加,云计算作为新兴计算模式受到广泛关注。采用云计算不仅可满足海量数据处理需求,还可提高IT资源利用率、降低IT成本、简化IT管理。从云计算技术角度出发,介绍云计算概念及其优势、国内外研究现状、云计算关键技术及所面临的挑战,为云计算研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,中国信息产业发展迅猛,而中国信息产业的发展与外商直接投资(FDI)休戚相关,它是中国吸引FDI增长最快的产业部门之一。这不仅是由于信息产业时经济发展起着领头羊作用,还在于信息产业是科技的基本载体和孕育母体,是在新科技革命条件下实现科技创新的主要舞台。  相似文献   

Underrepresented populations such as women, African-Americans, and Latinos/as often come to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers by less traditional paths than White and Asian males. To better understand how and why women might shift toward STEM, particularly computer science, careers, we investigated the education and career direction of afterschool facilitators, primarily women of color in their twenties and thirties, who taught Build IT, an afterschool computer science curriculum for middle school girls. Many of these women indicated that implementing Build IT had influenced their own interest in technology and computer science and in some cases had resulted in their intent to pursue technology and computer science education. We wanted to explore the role that teaching Build IT may have played in activating or reactivating interest in careers in computer science and to see whether in the years following implementation of Build IT, these women pursued STEM education and/or careers. We reached nine facilitators who implemented the program in 2011–12 or shortly after. Many indicated that while facilitating Build IT, they learned along with the participants, increasing their interest in and confidence with technology and computer science. Seven of the nine participants pursued further STEM or computer science learning or modified their career paths to include more of a STEM or computer science focus. Through interviews, we explored what aspects of Build IT influenced these facilitators’ interest and confidence in STEM and when relevant their pursuit of technology and computer science education and careers.  相似文献   

This paper discusses influences and concerns of the application of information technology (IT) in the Arab World. The paper argues that IT can influence the four elements of curriculum. Goals that are related to higher order thinking and problem solving abilities will gain much significance, while goals that are related to lower order thinking will gain much less significance. Science education goals will have to contain a goal that indicates the importance of preparing scientifically and technologically literate citizens. Content will have to match changes in goals. Rather than enforcing heavy content, more emphasis will be given to IT skills as well as to integrating technology in the science laboratory. Pedagogy will be more student-centered. Students will be held responsible for their own learning. Assessment will be facilitated by technology, where both process and content will be equally important. This paper discusses several concerns that are related to the application of IT in science education in the Arab World. Some of these concerns are: ignorance of incorporating the positive aspects of the Arab culture; Arab World view; language difficulties; high cost of IT hardware and software; and the use of IT to find information rather than make meaning (education). This paper recommends that successful implementation of IT in science education is a major professional challenge to Arab science educators. To meet this challenge effectively in science education, both of its promises and our concerns should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

本文以科普宣传的形式介绍了当今世界IT业的最新科技动态,通过计算机发展简史,近几年发展最新动态及对未来的展望来介绍IT界的新事物,普及科普知识  相似文献   

"云技术"是对信息技术资源整合、规模集约的前沿科技,它的提出不仅促进了信息技术领域的深刻变革,同时也给科学技术和人类社会的发展带来了深远影响。人类在享受其高效、便捷服务的同时,也必须从哲学层面正视其带来的技术安全、伦理道德、国家安全、执政安全等一系列社会问题。  相似文献   

IT专业学生课外科技活动中创新能力培养研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过分析IT专业大学生课外科技活动状况,认为课外活动是培养学生工程素质和创新能力的有效载体,在高校IT专业实践教学中,应通过组织电子设计大赛、课外科技制作等有效手段,培养学生实际动手能力。同时,以创新工作室为依托,提高学生的科技创新能力;以学科竞赛为手段,激发学生的专业兴趣;以建立课外科技活动为运行机制,提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

21世纪信息处理技术的发展趋势是综合智能系统化.综合智能信息处理系统的功能结构要求,具有传统处理技术的继承性、现代拓展模式的多样性、未来新兴科技的兼容性和综合智能特点的集成性.变进数(VCN)是基于传统数论中在恒进规则(FCR)制基础上创新拓展起来的更广义概念上的数,它提出了其变进规则(VCR)制的计数特性能给传统的智能信息数值处理技术带来更多创新和更好应用的理论观点,并给出了文本信息加密与解密的数值计算技术,抗扰动数值计算的研究,3D实体表面视觉可视性的计算等实例.  相似文献   

现代科技的飞速发展,不断地为教育提供更多、更新的技术支持.信息技术服务于教学,即信息技术与课程整合这样的改革已得到了广大教育工作者和学生的认同.英语是一门实践性很强的学科,网络信息技术作为学习的工具,优化了英语课堂教学,给学生提供更多的语言实践机会,本文主要对信息技术在英语教学中的重要性作用,对信息技术与英语课程整合的认识,信息技术与英语课程整合的方式进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the impact of a collaborative inquiry- and design-based afterschool program on urban high school students’ IT/STEM learning—using information technology (IT) within the context of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The study used a mixed methods design, involving 77 participants within two cohort groups, each participating in an eighteen-month intervention period. Data were collected from the pre- and post-surveys, analysis of the participants’ IT/STEM projects, external evaluation reports, and follow-up interviews. Findings indicate that the program had a significant impact on students’ technology and IT/STEM skills, frequency of technology use, and understanding of IT use in STEM-oriented fields. Some degree of impact on attitude changes toward IT/STEM and career aspirations in these fields was also in evidence. The study demonstrates that IT/STEM experiences supported through technology-enhanced, inquiry- and design-based collaborative learning strategies have significant impact on urban high school students’ IT/STEM learning. Effect of afterschool programs on attitude changes and IT/STEM-related career aspirations of urban high school students are recommended areas of further investigation.  相似文献   

随着科学的发展与信息技术的应用,虚拟制造技术得到发展。本文着重介绍虚拟制造技术的核心技术及在模具行业中应用过程,以推动虚拟制造技术得到进一步的发展。  相似文献   

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