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The purpose of this study is to provide evidence of technique changes during learning a sports-specific skill, the looped bar longswing (LLS). Thirteen male participants with no previous high bar experience took part in a training study. Kinematic data were collected using a CODA motion analysis system (200 Hz) during eight weekly testing sessions. Analyses focused on the amplitude of swing and the functional phase (FP) actions, defined by the rapid flexion to extension of the shoulders and extension to flexion of the hips as the performer passed through the lower vertical. Three groups were identified based on the number of sessions it took each participant to perform the LLS (G1: most successful, G2: intermediate, and G3: least successful). All participants were able to significantly increase swing amplitude over the training period (p < 0.05). For each participant the hip FP started significantly: later for G1, earlier for G2, and did not change for G3. Extension actions at the shoulders were dissimilar to those reported for elite gymnasts performing the longswing. The FP of the hips provides a mechanism to distinguish between the learners of different skill levels. The study has provided support for a single-subject design when investigating technique changes during learning.  相似文献   

Biomechanics helps us understand the association between technique changes and performance improvement during learning. The aim of this research was to investigate joint kinetic characteristics of technique during learning of the longswing on the high bar. Twelve male, novice participants took part in the learning study. During swing attempts in 8 weekly testing sessions, kinematic data were collected. Inverse dynamics analysis was performed from known zero forces at the toes to quantify joint moments and power at the hips and shoulders. Key biomechanical constraints that limited performance outcome were identified based on changes in joint kinetics during learning. These constraints were the ability to perform a large shoulder power and to overcome passive kinetics acting during the downswing. Constraints to action at the level of joint kinetics differentially challenge learners and therefore could underpin more individual, specific learning interventions. Functional phases, defined by maximum hyperextension to flexion of the hips and maximum flexion to extension of the shoulders, did not describe the key joint kinetics of the hip and shoulder for novices. The functional phases may serve however to identify novices that were unable to overcome the passive kinetic constraint.  相似文献   

Biomechanical energetic analysis of technique can be performed to identify limits or constraints to performance outcome at the level of joint work, and to assess the mechanical efficiency of techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate the biomechanical energetic processes during learning the longswing on the high bar. Twelve male, novice participants took part in a training study. Kinematic and kinetics data were collected during swing attempts in eight weekly testing sessions. Inverse dynamics analysis was performed from known zero forces at the toes. Joint work, total energy, and bar energy were calculated. Biomechanical constraints to action, that is, limits to novice performance, were identified as “total work” and “shoulder work”. The most biomechanically efficient technique was associated with an onset of the hip functional phase and joint work that occurred between 10–45° before the bottom of the swing. The learning of gross motor skills is realised through the establishment of a set of techniques with task specific biomechanical constraints. Knowledge of the biomechanical constraints to action associated with more effective and efficient techniques will be useful for both assessing learning and establishing effective learning interventions.  相似文献   

This study focused on identifying the most effective skill progression for developing the longswing on high bar in men's artistic gymnastics. Building on previous work by Irwin and Kerwin, in which a method to rank progressions based on their angular kinematics was developed, this study aimed to use the method to quantify similarities in inter-segmental coordination between selected progressions and the longswing on high bar. Video images of four members of the UK men's national gymnastics squad performing three series of five longswings and eight progressions were recorded at 50Hz. Two-dimensional direct linear transformation techniques were used to determine the real-world coordinates from the digitized data. Inter-segmental coordination of the hip and shoulder joints during the functional phases of the longswing was assessed using continuous relative phase. Similarity between the longswing and each progression was represented by a "specificity score", which was also used to rank the progressions. Each progression's specificity score was calculated by combining a "difference score" (root mean squared difference between the continuous relative phase profiles of the longswing and the progression) and a "variability score" (standard deviation of the continuous relative phase profiles for each progression). The progressions that were most similar to the longswing included the looped bar longswing and layaway swing down (ranked 1st and 2nd), with specificity scores of 9% and 10% respectively. In contrast, the least similar progressions were the looped bar "no action" longswing (51%) and pendulum swing (63%) (ranked 7th and 8th). Establishing effective skill learning pathways is recognized as a key component of the coaching process and ranking progressions based on their specificity score provided a mechanism to identify progressions with similar inter-segmental coordination profiles to the key skill on the high bar, the longswing.  相似文献   

Kinetic analyses of the chalked bar longswing on high bar and its associated progressions were used to explain musculoskeletal contributions during the performance of these skills. Data on four international male gymnasts performing three series of chalked bar longswings and eight progressions were recorded. Customized body segment inertia parameters, two-dimensional kinematics (50 Hz), and bar forces (1000 Hz) were used as input to inverse dynamic modelling. The analysis focused on the relative contributions of the knees, hips, and shoulders with root mean squared differences between the chalked bar longswing and the progressions being used to rank the progressions. Seventy per cent of the total work occurred between 200° and 240° of angular rotation in the longswing, 67% of which was contributed by the shoulders. The shoulders were also dominant in all progressions, with the largest such contribution occurring in the looped bar longswing with “no action”. The least similar progression was the looped bar pendulum swing, while the most similar was the chalked bar bent knee longswing. This study provides a useful means for ranking progressions based on their kinetic similarity to the chalked bar longswing and builds on earlier research in identifying that progressions can be classified into those similar in physical demand (kinetics) and those similar in geometry (kinematics).  相似文献   

Kinetic analyses of the chalked bar longswing on high bar and its associated progressions were used to explain musculoskeletal contributions during the performance of these skills. Data on four international male gymnasts performing three series of chalked bar longswings and eight progressions were recorded. Customized body segment inertia parameters, two-dimensional kinematics (50 Hz), and bar forces (1000 Hz) were used as input to inverse dynamic modelling. The analysis focused on the relative contributions of the knees, hips, and shoulders with root mean squared differences between the chalked bar longswing and the progressions being used to rank the progressions. Seventy per cent of the total work occurred between 200 degrees and 240 degrees of angular rotation in the longswing, 67% of which was contributed by the shoulders. The shoulders were also dominant in all progressions, with the largest such contribution occurring in the looped bar longswing with "no action". The least similar progression was the looped bar pendulum swing, while the most similar was the chalked bar bent knee longswing. This study provides a useful means for ranking progressions based on their kinetic similarity to the chalked bar longswing and builds on earlier research in identifying that progressions can be classified into those similar in physical demand (kinetics) and those similar in geometry (kinematics).  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine if critical parameters for elite performance could be identified among a population of female shot putters. The performance of seven of the top women shot putters competing at the 2002 USA National Championships was examined. Video data were captured using two Panasonic 60 Hz cameras and the best throws of each athlete were digitized and analyzed using a Peak Motus three‐dimensional motion analysis system. Thirty variables were examined for their effect on the distance of the throw. Correlation analysis indicated that measured distance was positively correlated with release speed (r = 0.97, p < 0.0003) and shoulder‐hip separation (r = 0.72, p < 0.06) and negatively correlated with release angle (r = ‐0.74, p < 0.056), rear knee angle at rear foot touchdown (r = ‐0.93, p < 0.003) and rear knee angle at release (r = ‐0.76, p < 0.047). Greater knee flexion angle at both rear foot touch down and release along with a neutral shoulder‐hip angle at release were identified as the most critical parameters for success among this sample of elite women shot putters. The unique observation about the knee positions at specific events should assist in new training and coaching developments.  相似文献   

Based on specificity of training and biomechanical analysis, the aim of this study was to develop a method to rank selected progressions for learning the longswing on high bar. Four members of the Men's National Gymnastics Squad were recorded (50 Hz) performing three series of five longswings and eight progressions. Real world co-ordinates from the digitized data were determined using two-dimensional direct linear transformation. Biomechanical similarity between the functional phases of the longswing and the corresponding phases of the progressions were calculated. The functional phases were described as a hyperextension to flexion of the hip and hyperflexion to extension of the shoulder joints as the gymnast passed underneath the bar. Using a combined score of 'Difference' and movement 'Variability' a 'Specificity score' was calculated for hip and shoulder angular displacements and velocities. An overall score based on the average of the four scores provided a ranked list of progressions based on their similarity to the target skill. The progression that showed the greatest similarity to the biomechanics of the longswing, and was therefore ranked first, was the chalked bar pendulum swing. The least similar progression, and, therefore, eighth ranked, was the chalked bar bent knee longswing. The hip kinematics were found to contribute most to the overall differences because the performance requirements of these progressions emphasize an increase in hip flexion during the ascending phase. The method described provides a means to quantify and rank progressions based on their kinematic similarity to the longswing.  相似文献   

The Tkatchev on the high bar is a release and re-grasp skill in which the gymnast rotates in a direction during flight opposite to that of the preceding swing. Since the release window is defined as the time during which the gymnast has appropriate linear and angular momentum to ensure the bar can be re-grasped, it was speculated that the release windows for this skill would be smaller than for dismounts that are less constrained. One senior male gymnast competing at national standard performed 60 Tkatchev trials. A four-segment planar simulation model of the gymnast and high bar was used to determine the release windows in 10 successful and 10 unsuccessful performances of the Tkatchev recorded using a Vicon motion analysis system. Model parameters were optimized to obtain a close match between simulations and recorded performances in terms of rotation angle (1 degree), bar displacements (0.01 m), and release velocities (1%). Each matched simulation was used to determine the time window around the actual point of release for which the model had appropriate release parameters to complete the Tkatchev successfully. The release windows for the successful trials were small compared with those of dismounts. The unsuccessful trials were associated with later release and later timing of the actions at the shoulders and hips.  相似文献   

The Tkatchev on the high bar is a release and re-grasp skill in which the gymnast rotates in a direction during flight opposite to that of the preceding swing. Since the release window is defined as the time during which the gymnast has appropriate linear and angular momentum to ensure the bar can be re-grasped, it was speculated that the release windows for this skill would be smaller than for dismounts that are less constrained. One senior male gymnast competing at national standard performed 60 Tkatchev trials. A four-segment planar simulation model of the gymnast and high bar was used to determine the release windows in 10 successful and 10 unsuccessful performances of the Tkatchev recorded using a Vicon motion analysis system. Model parameters were optimized to obtain a close match between simulations and recorded performances in terms of rotation angle (1°), bar displacements (0.01 m), and release velocities (1%). Each matched simulation was used to determine the time window around the actual point of release for which the model had appropriate release parameters to complete the Tkatchev successfully. The release windows for the successful trials were small compared with those of dismounts. The unsuccessful trials were associated with later release and later timing of the actions at the shoulders and hips.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of inter-joint coordination at different levels of skilled performance to: (1) distinguish learners who were successful versus unsuccessful in terms of their task performance; (2) investigate the pathways of change during the learning of a new coordination pattern and (3) examine how the learner’s coordination patterns relate to those of experts in the longswing gymnastics skill. Continuous relative phase of hip and shoulder joint motions was examined for longswings performed by two groups of novices, successful (n = 4) and unsuccessful (n = 4) over five practice sessions, and two expert gymnasts. Principal component analysis showed that during longswing positions where least continuous relative phase variability occurred for expert gymnasts, high variability distinguished the successful from the unsuccessful novice group. Continuous relative phase profiles of successful novices became more out-of-phase over practice and less similar to the closely in-phase coupling of the expert gymnasts. Collectively, the findings support the proposition that at the level in inter-joint coordination a technique emerges that facilitates successful performance but is not more like an expert’s movement coordination. This finding questions the appropriateness of inferring development towards a “gold champion” movement coordination.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、三维高速摄像法和数理统计法等方法,对我国四名优秀男子跳高运动员的助跑技术进行分析。研究发现我国优秀男子跳高运动员的技术问题主要有三个:1)助跑速度在倒第一步阶段下降幅度较大;2)倒三步的步长比例不够合理,倒一步的步长过小;3)膝关节在倒一步摆动腿支撑阶段的蹬伸幅度需要加大。  相似文献   

Tkachev on uneven bars is a release and re-grasp skill performed using variations of preparatory longswing techniques; the reasons why different techniques are chosen remains unclear. This study examined kinematic and key release parameters specific to three distinct techniques with the aim of understanding the relative benefits of each. During two international artistic gymnastics competitions six arch, straddle and pike longswings preceding the straddle Tkachev were recorded using twin video cameras. Calibration and movement images were digitised and reconstructed using 3D DLT. Shoulder and hip angular kinematics, angular momentum and key release parameters were compared between techniques. In the arch longswing, the first and second hip functional phases began significantly earlier than the straddle or pike. No significant differences were established for release parameters although large effect sizes for horizontal release velocity and angular momenta about the mass centre and bar were reported between the arch and other two variants. Therefore, the arch variant may provide the opportunity to develop more complex combinations following the Tkachev. Providing insight into mechanical advantages of specific longswing techniques, and highlighting those that elicit desirable characteristics offers the potential to provide coaches with objective data on technique selection and ultimately skill development.  相似文献   

通过运用三维运动学分析的方法,对我国现役4名优秀男子跳高选手的起跳技术进行研究发现:我国选手普遍存在H1值偏低,H3值偏大的现象;胡桐和徐欣过杆技术差;张树峰起跳腿缓冲幅度大、腿部肌肉的爆发力好,蹬伸能力强,摆动腿在起跳过程中摆动速度快,摆动腿和摆动臂整个摆动动作比较协调;徐欣倒一步的步长短,有倒小步的现象,上体过早抬起。  相似文献   

Reaction forces experienced by gymnasts swinging on the high bar may be determined indirectly using inverse dynamics analysis or may be measured using strain gauges. The accuracy of inverse dynamics analysis may be poor because of errors in the estimated inertia parameters and in the accelerations obtained from digitized data. On the other hand the use of strain gauges is not always possible in elite competition. This paper presents a method for estimating the reaction forces based on the linear displacements of the bar. The bar was modelled as a point mass attached to horizontal and vertical linear springs (obeying Hooke’s law) with stiffness coefficients determined from static loading. The stiffness coefficients of the bar were determined with three different tensions in the stabilizing cables of the high bar. A force and video analysis of backward giant circles was performed. Estimates for the reaction forces were obtained by multiplying the bar displacements from the video analysis by the stiffness coefficients determined from the static loadings. Comparisons were made between the estimated reaction forces and the reaction forces recorded using strain gauges attached to the high bar. Varying the tension in the stabilizing cables of the high bar did not effect the stiffness of the bar. Root mean squared differences between estimated and recorded reaction forces were on average within 99 N for three ‘regular’ and three ‘accelerated’ giant circles. This was less than 3.5% of the range of forces recorded. The bar displacement method was able to estimate the peak reaction forces to within 7% on average, which compares favourably with 24% reported by Gervais (1993) using inverse dynamics.  相似文献   

运用生物力学的研究方法,对我国现役的三名突破1.92米的优秀女子跳高运动员的起跳技术进行研究,发现我国运动员普遍存在H1数值偏小H3数值偏大的缺点,部分运动员存在起跳腿的蹬伸和摆动腿与手臂的摆动配合不合理的现象,改进蹬摆的配合和过杆的技术动作是提高成绩的关键。  相似文献   

短跑运动员途中跑支撑期摆动腿作用的运动学相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究短跑运动员途中跑支撑阶段摆动腿对跑速的影响 ,采用高速摄影及影片解析、数理统计等方法 ,对我国短跑运动员途中跑支撑期摆动腿运动学特征等指标与身体重心速度、专项成绩之间的关系进行分析。结果表明 :途中跑中摆动腿最大摆动速度和平均摆动速度与支撑腿支撑时间显著相关 ,摆动腿的平均摆动速度与后蹬时间之间明显相关 ;摆动腿的摆动角速度与身体重心水平速度及垂直速度密切相关 ;支撑腿和摆动腿的角速度变化量与离地瞬间身体重心水平速度密切相关。提示 :加快摆动腿的摆动速度能有效提高缓冲和蹬伸速度 ,缩短支撑时间 ,提高途中跑的步频 ;摆动腿的摆动速度对加快身体重心水平速度有显著影响 ;加强和提高途中跑摆动腿的运动效果 ,提高短跑运动员下肢摆动工作肌群的力量。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the kinematic patterns that maximized the vertical force produced during the water polo eggbeater kick. Twelve water polo players were tested executing the eggbeater kick with the trunk aligned vertically and with the upper limbs above water while trying to maintain as high a position as possible out of the water for nine eggbeater kick cycles. Lower limb joint angular kinematics, pitch angles and speed of the feet were calculated. The vertical force produced during the eggbeater kick cycle was calculated using inverse dynamics for the independent lower body segments and combined upper body segments, and a participant-specific second-degree regression equation for the weight and buoyancy contributions. Vertical force normalized to body weight was associated with hip flexion (average, r = 0.691; maximum, r = 0.791; range of motion, r = 0.710), hip abduction (maximum, r = 0.654), knee flexion (average, r = 0.716; minimum, r = 0.653) and knee flexion-extension angular velocity (r = 0.758). Effective orientation of the hips resulted in fast horizontal motion of the feet with positive pitch angles. Vertical motion of the feet was negatively associated with vertical force. A multiple regression model comprising the non-collinear variables of maximum hip abduction, hip flexion range of motion and knee flexion angular velocity accounted for 81% of the variance in normalized vertical force. For high performance in the water polo, eggbeater kick players should execute fast horizontal motion with the feet by having large abduction and flexion of the hips, and fast extension and flexion of the knees.  相似文献   

Tkachev on uneven bars is a release and re-grasp skill performed using variations of preparatory longswing techniques; the reasons why different techniques are chosen remains unclear. This study examined kinematic and key release parameters specific to three distinct techniques with the aim of understanding the relative benefits of each. During two international artistic gymnastics competitions six arch, straddle and pike longswings preceding the straddle Tkachev were recorded using twin video cameras. Calibration and movement images were digitised and reconstructed using 3D DLT. Shoulder and hip angular kinematics, angular momentum and key release parameters were compared between techniques. In the arch longswing, the first and second hip functional phases began significantly earlier than the straddle or pike. No significant differences were established for release parameters although large effect sizes for horizontal release velocity and angular momenta about the mass centre and bar were reported between the arch and other two variants. Therefore, the arch variant may provide the opportunity to develop more complex combinations following the Tkachev. Providing insight into mechanical advantages of specific longswing techniques, and highlighting those that elicit desirable characteristics offers the potential to provide coaches with objective data on technique selection and ultimately skill development.  相似文献   

跳远起跳技术是由起跳腿的“缓冲与蹬伸”和摆动腿的“蹬、摆”两个技术构成,作为跳远起跳动作的重要技术构成之一的摆动腿摆动技术对整个起跳起着重要的作用。就我国优秀男子跳远运动员在起跳中摆动腿技术有关的运动学参数进行定性、定量分析研究,探讨我国优秀男子跳远运动员起跳中摆动腿技术的运动学特征。  相似文献   

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