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基于课题的学习模式是在建构主义思想的指导下,学习者自己设计并进行研究的一种教学模式。其中教师是一个指导者,学生是在教师指导下通过设计和完成课题来进行学习的。因此,在这种学习模式中,学习者的创造能力、批判思维和知识的综合运用能力能够得到很好的培养。  相似文献   

理论与实践贯通专题式有机化学实验教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前高校有机化学实验教学过程中,学生不能正确地应用有机化学理论解决实际问题,实验内容零散、相互独立分割,以及实验教学中创新能力培养的源动力不够等具体问题,提出了采用理论与实践贯通的专题式实验教学方式,将某一有机化合物按"制备实验、应用实验、同类型拓展实验"等组成一个专题,用"组合式"实验替代原有教学体系中分散化的实验,尽可能多地将有机化学实验的基本操作、基本技能等设计包含在一个专题中,使有机化学实验教学在形式上、内容上更具有完整性,便于学生全面正确地了解有机化学反应规律,掌握实验理论,规范实验操作,对实验中出现的现象、问题,根据实验前后的关联,作出正确的分析和处理,提升有机化学实验教学的水平。  相似文献   

本文从课程理解层面探讨了普通高中开设研究性学习课程的意义,具体论述了研究性学习课程的目标建构、内容设置和教学策略设计等,分析了普通高中实施研究性学习课程的基本情况与现实困难,对研究性学习课程体系建构提出了基本设想。  相似文献   

本文从课程理解层面探讨了普通高中开设研究性学习课程的意义,具体论述了研究性学习课程的目标建构、内容设置和教学策略设计等,分析了普通高中实施研究性学习课程的基本情况与现实困难,对研究性学习课程体系建构提出了基本设想。  相似文献   

Project-based learning is a comprehensive approach to classroom teaching and learning that is designed to engage students in investigation of authentic problems. In this article, we present an argument for why projects have the potential to help people learn; indicate factors in project design that affect motivation and thought; examine difficulties that students and teachers may encounter with projects; and describe how technology can support students and teachers as they work on projects, so that motivation and thought are sustained.  相似文献   

项目型U-S-X研究性学习模式是连接高校教学与科研的有效机制,是提高学校科研水平的有效途径,也是社会加速知识技术转化为生产力的解决之道。这种模式在实施过程中应当以学生为中心,以研究项目的确立和开展为手段和依托,以学校、老师和外部教育资源作为项目实施平台。同时还要对项目加强管理:当项目涉及公共问题时,与公共部门充分沟通,努力推动项目成果转化;当项目涉及私人问题时,注意项目风险、项目谈判以及产权划分等事项。  相似文献   

项目驱动教学法培养学生自主学习能力研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
项目驱动教学法是一种以学生为中心的教学方式。在大学英语教学中引入项目驱动教学法,使学生在教师的指导及同学的合作下,利用必要的学习资料,通过完成一系列任务,获取知识和技能,是培养学生自主学习能力的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

为提高课程改革的成效,对专题研习的概念、特征、理论基础、探究策略、探究过程与评估方式及专题研习中存在的问题进行了初步研究和深入思考。  相似文献   

一种基于项目的研究生学习研究模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基于项目的学习研究模式的内涵和特征,以一个具体案例说明如何通过构建并实现基于项目的学习研究模式来培养研究生的科学研究能力.  相似文献   

Different learning methods such as project-based learning, spiral learning and peer assessment have been implemented in science disciplines with different outcomes. This paper presents a proposal for a project management course in the context of a computer science degree. Our proposal combines three well-known methods: project-based learning, spiral learning and peer assessment. Namely, the course is articulated during a semester through the structured (progressive and incremental) development of a sequence of four projects, whose duration, scope and difficulty of management increase as the student gains theoretical and instrumental knowledge related to planning, monitoring and controlling projects. Moreover, the proposal is complemented using peer assessment. The proposal has already been implemented and validated for the last 3 years in two different universities. In the first year, project-based learning and spiral learning methods were combined. Such a combination was also employed in the other 2 years; but additionally, students had the opportunity to assess projects developed by university partners and by students of the other university. A total of 154 students have participated in the study. We obtain a gain in the quality of the subsequently projects derived from the spiral project-based learning. Moreover, this gain is significantly bigger when peer assessment is introduced. In addition, high-performance students take advantage of peer assessment from the first moment, whereas the improvement in poor-performance students is delayed.  相似文献   

The concept map tool set forth by Novak and colleagues is underutilized in education. A meta-analysis has encouraged teachers to make extensive use of concept mapping, and researchers have advocated computer-based concept mapping applications that exploit hyperlink technology. Through an NSF sponsored geosciences education grant, middle and secondary science teachers participated in professional development to apply computer-based concept mapping in project-based learning (PBL) units that investigated local watersheds. Participants attended a summer institute, engaged in a summer through spring online learning academy, and presented PBL units at a subsequent fall science teachers’ convention. The majority of 17 teachers who attended the summer institute had previously used the concept mapping strategy with students and rated it highly. Of the 12 teachers who continued beyond summer, applications of concept mapping ranged from collaborative planning of PBL projects to building students’ vocabulary to students producing maps related to the PBL driving question. Barriers to the adoption and use of concept mapping included technology access at the schools, lack of time for teachers to advance their technology skills, lack of student motivation to choose to learn, and student difficulty with linking terms. In addition to mitigating the aforementioned barriers, projects targeting teachers’ use of technology tools may enhance adoption by recruiting teachers as partners from schools as well as a small number that already are proficient in the targeted technology and emphasizing the utility of the concept map as a planning tool.  相似文献   

故事对人们有着特殊的吸引力,而中学生尚处于少年时期或青年早期,他们好奇、好问、富于想像力,更是喜欢引人入胜的故事。千百年来,在这奇妙的世界上酿出的与化学知识相关的故事,真是浩如烟海,有的趣妙横生、有的惊险离奇,有的感天动地。与教学内容相关的科学史实、记载、故事、传记、格言、诗歌等生动活泼、引人入胜的情节都是青少年所喜闻乐见的。课堂上一个动人的故事、一个美妙的传说,或者有趣的生活化学都会使学生进入学习的角色。因此,把愉快教学法的具体教学形式之一———故事法应用于中学化学教学之中,对于培养和提高学生…  相似文献   

网络环境下基于问题学习的专题教学设计与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基于问题学习的基本概念,给出了网络环境下基于问题学习的电路与电子学课程中基本放大电路专题的单元教学设计案例及其教学试验过程,并总结分析了教学试验结果.  相似文献   

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