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这次世界性的金融危机会让很多人首次来反思我们生活于其中的文明。选择我们今天的发展模式、放弃传统上的发展模式.除了曾经的历史机缘外,可以说是我们今天心里和思想上对西方文明的顶拜。一直在书写神话的西方文明是否将开始它不再神话的历史呢?这次经济危机仅仅是经济上的危机吗?它是否在发出一个强烈的信号:世界性的消费主义为主导的生活方式是行不通的,在西方文明之外.我们需要用另外一种完全不同的文明来拯救我们已身处其中的危机呢?  相似文献   

编者按:在一个高档公寓里,本刊编辑朱健榕等见到了这位因为讲述中国文化而闻名中国的于丹教授.也许多年之后,当谈到中国文化如何复兴的时候,我们将不得不谈到于丹.  相似文献   

阮仪三教授系同济大学国家历史文化名城研究中心主任.同济大学建筑城规学院教授,中国历史文化名城保护专家,享有“古城卫士”、“古城保护神”等关誉。但比起教授、主任、专家、卫士等一系列头衔,我们更想知道,这位知名的专家原意自掏腰包,甚至曾四处碰得头破血流,即使豁出性命也要守卫下来的古建筑、古遗迹,有着怎样的文化价值,传承着什么样的精神。8月本刊记者电话采访了阮教授,本文根据访问记录整理。  相似文献   

薛达元教授任职中央民族大学生命与环境学院和国家环保部南京环境科学研究所,多年从事生物多样性、转基因作物等科学问题的研究,为深入讨论转基因作物安全性,5月本刊记者访问了薛教授.下文根据访问记录整理。  相似文献   

Evolving from decades of international negotiations, "cap and trade" has been regarded as the best ever means to offset excessive greenhouse gases emitted by human societies. Nevertheless, this mechanism faces some difficulties in implementation and has so far failed to inspire a well-agreed international system of responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. It is even challenged by some scientists for its flawed presumption.  相似文献   

Evolving from decades of international negotiations, "cap and trade" has been regarded as the best ever means to offset excessive greenhouse gases emitted by human societies. Nevertheless, this mechanism faces some difficulties in implementation and has so far failed to inspire a well-agreed international system of responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. It is even challenged by some scientists for its flawed presumption.  相似文献   

肖利:唐老师,您好!您认为目前我国主要大城市的空气污染治理的现状如何?唐孝炎:我国各大城市的空气污染物过去主要以二氧化硫为主.从上世纪末到现在已经有了较大的改变,大多数城市空气含量以可吸入颗粒物(PMIO)为主成份。  相似文献   

刘高联 《中国科学院院刊》2006,21(2):159-163,176
国际著名应用数学和力学家、教育家和社会活动家,中国科学院和波兰科学院院士、上海大学校长钱伟长先生今年已94岁高龄。钱老在其大半个世纪的学术生涯中,与时俱进,不断创新,成就卓著,在科研和育人上都做出了突出的贡献,使他早已成为公认的我国近代力学的奠基人之一[1,2]。不仅如此,钱老还是世界奇异摄动理论当之无愧的奠基人之一,这个结论是笔者在4年前应美国弗吉尼亚州立理工大学高扬教授之邀为其主编的《献给钱老90寿辰》专集[1]撰写的一祝文时郑重宣布的。为此,我曾用近3个月的时间集中对大量有关文献进行了深入的领会、分析对比,并对时…  相似文献   

At a special ceremony held in Beijing on January 18, 2012, the first Scandinavian received the Award for International Scientific Cooperation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He is Prof. Flemming Besenbacher, one of the most influential researchers in Denmark and a leading nanoscientist in the world. From taking on the first Chinese doctoral student from the CAS Institute of Chemistry in the early 1990s to successfully advocating the launch of a Sino-Danish education center in 2011, Prof.  相似文献   

Prof. Wu Zhengyi (Wu Cheng-yih, C. Y. Wu), a plant taxonomist and floristic geographer, is the founder of the Chinese school of floristic geography. Now in his eighties, he is still full of energy and working hard at his research.  相似文献   

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