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公平体现在企业管理的各个方面,如招聘时的公平、绩效考评时的公平、报酬系统的公平、晋升机会的公平、辞退时的公平,以及离职时的公平等等。公平是每个诚实的员工都希望企业具备的特点之一。公平可以使员工踏实地工作,使员工相信付出多少就会有多少公平的回报在等着他。公平的企业使员工满意,使员工能够心无杂念地专心工作。在工作中,员工最需要的就是能够公平竞争。例如在法国,麦当劳的每个员工都处在同一个起跑线上。首先,一个有文凭的年轻人要当4至6个月的实习助理,做最基层的工作,如炸薯条、收款、烤牛排等,学会保持清洁和最佳服务的方…  相似文献   

组织公平感是指组织内员工对与个人利益相关的组织制度、政策和措施等的公平感受。如果员工在组织内部感受到不公平就会消极怠工,产生离职意图,从而影响组织效率。可以采取自下而上的研究策略,探讨组织公平感的结构维度以及组织公平感对离职意图影响的作用机制。首先,探索性和验证性因素分析结果表明,组织公平感具有三维结构,分别是程序公平感、分配公平感和领导公平感;其次,组织公平感各维度与离职意图呈显著负相关,领导公平对离职意图的预测力最强;再次,结构方程模型检验结果表明,组织承诺在领导公平对离职意图的影响中起到部分中介的作用,在程序公平对离职意图的影响中具有完全中介的作用。  相似文献   

饭店业作为我国最早与国际接轨的开放式行业之一,也最早受到离职问题的困扰。本文通过对饭店员工的离职影响因素进行分析,结合我国饭店业员工离职原因的定性研究成果,建立了包含员工离职意向影响因素以及离职调节因素的饭店业员工离职影响因素模型。并且通过对影响员工离职因素的分析,从饭店企业文化、工作内容设计、人员招聘、员工培训、薪酬制度、职业生涯管理以及饭店员工离职管理等层面提出有效减少饭店业员工离职的对策。  相似文献   

公平理论是以员工的投入和他获得的报酬相比较,员工在心理上对这种比较的结果加以判断,从而在员工的心理上产生是否公平的感觉。它既包括员工与其他人的比较,也包括员工现在与过去的比较,在一个公平的环境下,可以激励员工的工作积极性。薪酬管理中的公平问题主要为:内部公平、外部公平、员工个人公平。解决这些问题基本方针是,工作分析和绩效考核、把能力相近的人配置在相同的岗位上、以机会公平代替结果公平与形式公平等。  相似文献   

区域活动是幼儿园课程的重要组成部分,是为幼儿园课程目标服务的,区域活动内容常常与集体教育活动的内容相一致、相融合。一、区域活动可以是集体教育活动的延伸1.营造公平环境,给每个幼儿提供操作、体验和表现的机会幼儿园集体教育活动的时间有限,难以给每个幼儿操作、体验和表现的机会。为了尽量消除这种"不公平",我们将原本放在集体教育活动中的一些内容投放到区域  相似文献   

通过对428名在职专业技术人员的职业高原、工作投入、工作绩效、工作满意度、离职意向进行调查,分析结果显示:员工的工作投入、工作满意度与职业高原呈显著负相关,离职意向与职业高原呈显著正相关,工作绩效与职业高原的相关不显著。对应分析的结果显示:出现严重职业高原现象的员工容易出现较高的离职意向、较低的工作投入和工作满意度,而无高原现象的员工一般具有高投入、高绩效、高满意度和低离职意向。回归分析的结果表明:员工职业高原的四个维度对工作投入、工作绩效、工作满意度、离职意向均有不同程度的预测作用。  相似文献   

高学历员工的离职行为在知识经济环境下对企业的发展有较大的影响。对高学历员工离职影响因素的研究,有利于企业预防高学历员工的离职行为。本文将高学历员工离职因素分为五类:个人因素、与工作相关的因素、企业因素、态度因素、宏观环境因素,并根据国内现有研究成果提出今后可能的发展方向[1]。  相似文献   

广义的离职(turn over)是指劳动的移动,即劳工从一个地方移动至另一个地方。狭义的离职指从组织内部往外部的劳动移动。离职意向是指员工在特定组织工作一段时间,经过一番考虑,蓄意要离开组织的意图,是一种潜在的离开组织的愿望。离职意向是员工实际离职行为的“预测者”。影响员工离职意向的因素多种多样,主要来自社会、组织及个人,其中有客观的社会不可控因素,也有主观的个人心理因素,还有组织内部的环境因素。  相似文献   

员工产生离职意向的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
员工离职问题在企业中受到越来越多的重视,特别是在当今市场竞争激烈的环境下,核心主力员工的离职会对企业造成较大损失。对员工产生离职意向的原因进行研究,有利于组织采取相应的措施对员工的离职问题加以合理管理。采用问卷调查的方法,对不同年龄、工作、性别的员工进行调查,得出员工的工作满意度、工作意义、工作的可替换性、自主性、自我效能和组织承诺这六个因素与离职意向间呈负相关;纽织承诺、工作的可替换性、工作意义三个因素是员工离职意向的主要影响因素;不同年龄员工离职意向间存在显著性差异,而不同性别、职位的员工其离职意向并不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

高等教育公平包含起点公平、过程公平和结果公平三个层次,本文时高等教育的起点公平,即入学机会公平问题进行了研究。首先分析了高等教育入学机会公平的含义,然后考察了我国高等教育入学机会不公平现象。这些现象一方面是由于我国的招生制度所造成的直接不公平,另一方面则是其他因素造成的间接的不公平。最后提出了解决我国高等教育入学机会公平问题的对策。  相似文献   

In this study I examine the role of HRD, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in voluntary turnover decisions. A sample of managers from public service agencies who voluntarily left their job in the previous year is compared to a sample of currently employed managers in the same or equivalent position. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used to determine if attitudes towards HRD were a factor in the turnover decision for those who voluntarily left and if it would be a factor in influencing turnover intentions in those currently employed in comparable positions. The level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment are also compared between the two groups of respondents. The implications of attitudes towards HRD and levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the decision to turnover among public service managers are examined along with recommendations for further research on the role of HRD in turnover decisions.  相似文献   

A number of studies have found that teachers are prone to leave schools serving high proportions of low-achieving, low-income, and minority students for more economically and educationally advantaged schools. In schools with very high turnover rates, this can pose a number of challenges, including lack of continuity in instruction, lack of adequate teaching expertise for making curriculum decisions and providing support and mentoring, and lost time and resources for replacement and training. If high rates of turnover are caused largely by student characteristics, then policy strategies to correct the problem are limited. However, due to data constraints, little research has sought to disentangle the effects of student demographic factors from occupational factors such as salaries and working conditions that may also influence turnover and are amenable to policy interventions. Using California teacher survey data linked to district data on salaries and staffing patterns, this study examines a range of school conditions as well as demographic factors and finds that high levels of school turnover are strongly affected by poor working conditions and low salaries, as well as by student characteristics. Although schools' racial compositions and proportions of low-income students predict teacher turnover, salaries and working conditions-including large class sizes, facilities problems, multitrack schools, and lack of textbooks-are strong and significant factors in predicting high rates of turnover. Furthermore, when these conditions are taken into account, the influence of student characteristics on turnover is substantially reduced.  相似文献   

近年来,组织公民行为(OCB)成为组织行为学研究的热点问题。组织公民行为是指组织成员自愿做出的、没有得到正式的报酬系统直接而明确认可的、但从整体上有助于提高组织效能的行为,包括助人行为、运动家道德、组织忠诚、组织遵从、个人首创性、公民道德、自我发展等多个维度,对组织运作有着积极作用。同时,组织公民行为对组织运作也有负面影响,如对绩效的影响还不能确定是完全有利的,并且有印象管理的嫌疑等。作为管理中的一把双刃剑,管理者应当注意识别和引导积极的组织公民行为,使之更多地发挥积极作用,警惕和抑制其消极行为。  相似文献   

Over the last decade many districts implemented performance pay incentives to reward teachers for improving student achievement. Economic theory suggests that these programs could alter teacher work effort, cooperation, and retention. Because teachers can choose to work in a performance pay district that has characteristics correlated with teacher behavior, I use the distance between a teacher's undergraduate institution and the nearest performance pay district as an instrumental variable. Using data from the 2003 and 2007 waves of the Schools and Staffing Survey, I find that teachers respond to performance pay incentives by working fewer hours per week. Performance pay also decreases participation in unpaid cooperative school activities, while there is suggestive evidence that teacher turnover decreases. The treatment effects are heterogeneous; male teachers respond more positively than female teachers. In Florida, which restricts state performance pay funding to individual teachers, I find that work effort and teacher turnover increase.  相似文献   

A salient characteristic about the U.S. workforce is the continual process of voluntary employee turnover, which can be problematic for employers who invest a substantial amount of time and money in recruiting and training employees. This paper discusses the effects of workplace policies and practices on the voluntary turnover of women administrators in higher education. According to the results from in-depth interviews with ex-administrators of one Ivy League university, the top three reasons were conflict with supervisor, inadequate advancement opportunities, and incompatible work schedule. The results from this study revealed several interesting findings which add to our understanding of the staff turnover process for midlevel administrators in institutions of higher education. The findings could offer important insight into implementing cost-effective retention programs to help reduce unwanted turnover among women administrators in colleges and universities.  相似文献   

This study uses national survey data to examine why charter school teachers are more likely to turnover than their traditional public school counterparts. We test whether the turnover gap is explained by different distributions of factors that are empirically and theoretically linked to turnover risk. We find that the turnover rate of charter school teachers was twice as high as traditional public school teachers in 2003–04. Differences in the distributions of our explanatory variables explained 61.0% of the total turnover gap. The higher proportions of uncertified and inexperienced teachers in the charter sector, along with the lower rate of union membership, were the strongest contributors to the turnover gap. Charter school teachers were more likely to self-report that working conditions motivated their decisions to leave the profession or move schools, although we found no measurable evidence that the actual working conditions of charter and traditional public schools were different.  相似文献   

The media suggest that accountability pressure increases teacher stress and drives teachers away from teaching, resulting in teachers leaving disadvantaged schools that serve larger proportions of poor and minority students. However, no prior work has systematically examined the changes in the national trends of teacher turnover in response to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) school accountability. Drawing on nationally representative samples of schools and teachers from the Schools and Staffing Surveys and Teacher Follow-Up Surveys from 1993–2009, this study applied difference-in-differences approaches to examine the effects of NCLB on teacher turnover. We found a weak increase in the average rate of teachers transferring involuntarily to other schools following school-initiated separations, particularly in disadvantaged schools that served larger proportions of poor and minority students. We also observed that NCLB reduced the involuntary attrition rates of teachers. Importantly, the policy effect is indistinguishable from zero on voluntary transfer between schools or voluntary leaving the teaching profession.  相似文献   

当前农村土地使用权流转基本法律问题的理论思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
支持和保护依法自愿、有偿地进行农村土地承包经营流转是我国目前农村土地制度改革的基本途径,其实质在于完善新一轮土地承包经营责任制。结合泉州农村土地使用权流转改革实践,提出了承包经营责任制是农村土地流转制度基础的观点,并讨论了农村土地使用权流转改革的基本理论问题,澄清了一系列模糊认识。  相似文献   

李拉 《安康学院学报》2011,23(3):111-113
当前,特殊教育教师流失问题日益凸显,成为影响特殊教育持续发展的不利因素。特殊教育教师流失的原因是多方面的,既有教师个人因素,也有职业因素。防止特殊教育教师流失,一方面要通过提高教师待遇、缓解教师工作压力等外在措施增强职业吸引力,另一方面更为关键的是要改革特殊教育教师教育体制,促进特殊教育教师专业化,从而增强特殊教育教师的职业竞争力,为优化特殊教育师资队伍夯实基础。  相似文献   

Partnerships are seen as vital to the functioning of many social institutions and the contribution that the private and voluntary not‐for‐profit sector organizations can make to the provision of statutory services is particularly valued. The Church of England Children’s Society Genesis project worked for nearly 5 years in one urban, secondary school with a remit to promote inclusion. Despite much recorded good work, Genesis was not continued after its contract ended. The school had a series of head teachers and was in special measures for part of the period, but key problems centred around the extent of the project’s contribution to the school’s core business and the absence of a positive management of the multi‐professional project by the school. The evaluation examines ways of proceeding which are of relevance to more complex projects. The paper also reviews the place of voluntary and non‐profit making organizations in meeting current challenges to collaborative, multi‐agency working and proposes a more robust, directive, and managerialist approach to make the most efficient and effective use of the resources and expertise of voluntary and statutory agencies (Inter‐agency Czar and Stalinist environment!). Genesis has gone on to work more successfully in six further schools having absorbed the messages of the evaluation of this first enterprise.  相似文献   

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