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This article reports the results of a qualitative study of success factors and barriers to the development of virtual knowledge‐sharing communities of practice at Caterpillar Inc., a Fortune 100 multinational corporation. The study identified several prerequisites for successful knowledge management through virtual communities of practice: knowledge sharing as a key element of the corporate culture; employees regarding knowledge as a public good belonging to the whole organization, and not as their individual asset; communities self‐organizing around specific performance‐related problems or areas of professional interest of their members; and communities supported by volunteer managers and active core groups of experts. At the same time, the study has identified a number of important barriers to virtual community development. Specifically, even when employees give the highest priority to the interests of the organization, they tend to shy away from contributing knowledge for a variety of other reasons not related to information hoarding. In addition, corporate security considerations and concerns about the accuracy of the information and the potential information overload could clash with the need to promote spontaneous generation of information. Suggestions for overcoming the identified barriers, future research directions, and implications for HRD professionals are formulated.  相似文献   

近十余年来,积极组织行为运动的兴起使研究者们对组织行为的讨论不再局限于员工负面问题的解决上,而更强调对员工的心理优势及积极能量的开发与管理。如何激发员工的工作能量,特别是工作团队集体能量以改善组织内外部效能,逐渐成为重要的研究议题。但迄今为止,关于集体能量受哪些因素影响,对员工本身及组织究竟有何意义等问题还缺乏深入的探讨。基于20个工作团队的一手数据的实证研究表明,国外集体能量测量问卷在中国情境下同样具有良好的结构效度;变革型领导对集体能量、组织内部效能和外部效能均具有显著的正向影响;集体能量在变革型领导与组织效能之间存在显著的中介效应。上述研究结论对于我国的企业管理实践具有重要价值,这意味着,企业领导者可以通过提高自身品德修养、对员工进行愿景激励、关心员工的工作及生活和提升自身的领导魅力等方面塑造变革型领导氛围,对员工起到激励和示范作用,进而提高组织效能;组织在进行领导选拔时,要对候选人进行严格筛选,尽量选拔变革型的领导,这对激发集体的能量有重要作用;集体成员可以通过加强彼此之间的联系、共享等方式提升集体能量。一旦员工在组织中富有积极能量,他们就会努力营造高绩效工作环境,促进企业经营绩效的有效提升。  相似文献   

文章通过分层随机抽样法对4所高校493名教师进行问卷调查,探讨了高校组织文化对其知识管理的影响。研究发现:(1)高校组织文化整体水平及各因子得分高于中等水平;(2)高校知识管理整体水平及各因子得分均高于中等水平;(3)高校组织文化对知识管理影响显著,且为正向高相关影响;(4)高校组织文化各因子对知识管理的影响力不同,参与性影响力最大,其余依次为适应性、使命性、一致性。  相似文献   

The increased accessibility of technology and Internet connections has enabled organizations to provide their workforces with the opportunity to engage in distributed education. “Harnessing this innovation calls for organizational and technological infrastructures that support the interplay of knowledge and knowing” (Cook & Brown, 1999, p. 381). This article explores the evidence of knowledge convergence in online knowledge‐based communities of practice (CoPs). Learning outcomes assessed declarative knowledge, convergence, and knowledge application. A comparison group (self‐paced design) was used to draw conclusions about the differential effects of knowledge‐building strategies on these learning outcomes. The results show there was a difference in pretest and posttest scores and positive evidence of knowledge convergence. The findings pointed to higher posttest scores and higher level of convergence in the online CoP strategy.  相似文献   

知识分享:企业知识管理的核心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应当充分重视企业管理中知识分享的重要性,知识分享是知识管理的核心。知识分享有四种主要方式:数据库方式、正式交流方式潜移默化方式、私人交流方式。企业应结合自身情况制定促进员工知识分享的政策和措施。  相似文献   

Research and practice in human performance technology (HPT) has recently accelerated the search for innovative approaches to supplement or replace traditional training interventions for improving organizational performance. This article examines a knowledge management framework built upon the theories and techniques of case‐based reasoning (CBR) and Nonaka's (1991, 1994) knowledge conversion model to shed light on how organizational performance can be enhanced by leveraging organizational knowledge represented as cases to support learning, working, and innovation of knowledge workers. This framework offers HPT practitioners new ways of thinking and methods for the design of performance support interventions by which organizational knowledge is stored, codified, delivered, and acted upon in context, on demand, and at the point of need. This paper describes a project, Knowledge Innovation for Technology in Education (KITE), which was designed to support professional development of teachers using CBR and knowledge conversion theories.  相似文献   

知识共享及其影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章根据文献资料和调查研究成果,从知识共享的基本概念、目的动机、过程模式、影响因素四个方面对知识共享的本质与规律进行了比较深入的分析。文章认为知识包括显性知识与隐性知识两个部分,其中隐性知识是个人知识的主要部分。知识共享是在显性知识与隐性知识的不断相互转化中实现的。知识共享效果的好坏受到知识共享主体特点、内容特征和"共享场"环境条件的影响与制约,更多地重视隐性知识、强化显性知识与隐性知识的相互转化、为知识共享创造良好的环境条件是促进知识共享的关键。文章的研究将有利于更好地认识知识共享的本质,克服知识共享的障碍,更加有效地利用知识共享的规律促进知识的传播、创新和应用。  相似文献   

多媒体条件下儿童英语学习的效果与影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
英语学习作为基础教育的重要内容,受到全社会的普遍关注.我国儿童的英语学习中普遍存在的"少、慢、差、费"现象成为英语教育中亟待解决的问题.目前,多媒体技术的发展为有效促进儿童英语学习的效果提供了新的可行性.多媒体技术支持下儿童英语学习具有潜在优势,相关研究成果对多媒体条件下儿童英语学习的效果与重要影响因素进行了讨论,为提高我国儿童英语学习的效益提供了科学的依据.  相似文献   

本文依据知识分享理论讨论了开放教育资源共建共享的影响因素及其之间的作用关系,提出了开放教育资源共建共享可持续发展机制的概念模型。据此概念模型,采用基于设计的研究方法,提出了一个研究案例——清华教育在线资源共享联盟的组织机制和技术架构的设计方案并予以实施,结果表明:这个资源共享联盟初步形成了可持续发展的雏形,该设计方案也较好地解决了以往开放教育资源共建共享解决方案的主要问题。基于上述研究提出了构建开放教育资源共建共享组织机制与技术模式的原则及其适用条件。  相似文献   

The central purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which community college faculty and administrators' perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of their institutions was related to their perceptions of the cognitive and behavioral complexity of the organizational cultures and the leadership roles performed by senior campus officials of their institutions. The findings show a strong relationship between perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of the institutions and the level of complexity in their campus cultures and the leadership behaviors of senior campus officials. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research on the organizational effectiveness of colleges and universities and policy and practice initiatives that have the potential to improve the performance of these institutions.  相似文献   

Research and theory suggest that young children are highly attuned to causality. This study explores whether this drive can motivate task engagement. Fifty‐six 3‐ and 4‐year‐olds completed a motor task as many times as desired, viewing a picture of a novel item upon each completion. Forty‐two randomly assigned children then received either: (a) causally rich information regarding the item, (b) causally weak information regarding the item, or (c) a tangible reward. The remaining 14 children participated in a baseline condition featuring no rewards. Preschoolers completed more trials when rewarded with causally rich than causally weak information, or when given no reward. Children also trended toward lengthier persistence in the causally rich than the tangible reward condition. Implications for theory and educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

构建产学研合作中隐性知识共享绩效影响因素概念模型,并以晋城职业技术学院与其产学研合作企业为例,采用相关分析和层次回归分析方法进行实证研究,结果显示:隐性知识共享能力直接影响隐性知识共享绩效;隐性知识共享氛围和产学研合作主体之间的亲密关系对隐性知识共享意愿产生正向影响;隐性知识共享意愿在隐性知识共享氛围、产学研合作主体之间的亲密关系与隐性知识共享绩效之间起到中介作用。  相似文献   

虚拟社区知识共享影响因素调研与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟社区中的知识共享对虚拟社区高效运作有重要意义,通过调节知识共享的影响因素,提高知识共享水平可以将这种高效运作有效实施.为此,本文以计划行为理论和人本主义理论为支撑构建了虚拟社区知识共享影响因素的概念模型.认为行为态度、主体规范、知觉行为控制共同影响知识共享,信任度、内在动机、人性化的信息技术、社区文化氛围、知识水平、效能是影响知识共享的一级维度;然后以概念模型为基础具体阐述一级维度,并以此为依据制作里克特量表问卷,以国内5家虚拟社区的问卷调查为基础对影响虚拟社区知识共享的具体因素进行了实证研究.通过统计调研数据,使用相关因素分析和线性回归分析等方法分析数据,最后得出结论为信任度、人性化的信息技术、社区文化氛围是影响虚拟社区知识共享的关键因素.本研究为虚拟社区的发展机制制定提供了理论参考.  相似文献   

在生存与发展的双重压力下,大学战略管理的地位与作用日益彰显。大学战略管理受到多种因素的影响与制约,而文化是其中的恒常因素,其影响贯穿大学战略管理的全过程。提升大学战略管理的文化内涵,关键是恪守大学社会责任、凝练大学精神和坚持以人为本。  相似文献   

为了解课程微博的知识分享效用,该研究以"教学设计师"课程微群为个案,从知识分享的内容效度和传播效度两个方面,分析该课程微博的知识传播分享效用。结果发现:在被统计的微博中,大部分内容是用来传播分享知识的课程相关微博;超过三分之一的微博引起了学生与老师的广泛参与和深入讨论。有影响力的微博个案分析也表明,"问题提出"类微博能引发更多成员参与,并且能激发更多评论。  相似文献   

邹湘湘 《高教论坛》2011,(2):94-97,100
本文通过对高校教师的实际调查与分析发现,在高校教师知识共享的影响因素中,内在激励、高校教师进行知识共享的能力、教师的观念问题和高校组织文化是影响知识共享的重要因素。外在报酬是高校教师知识共享的诱因,内在报酬才会对知识共享产生持久的激励作用。  相似文献   

本文以杭州市建筑企业专业技术人员为例,通过问卷调查收集数据,分析组织因素对专业技术人员(知识型员工)培训效果的影响。研究结果表明,上级支持、同事支持和管理沟通对知识型员工的培训动机有正向影响,并通过培训动机的中介作用显著影响培训效果;培训决策权的集中程度对培训设计有负向影响,管理沟通对培训设计有正向影响,且二者通过培训设计的中介作用显著影响培训效果。建议企业从上级支持、同事支持、管理沟通和分权决策四个组织因素出发,通过建立培训支持体系、培训合作制度,以及营造学习型文化氛围等管理方式的改进,提升知识型员工的培训效果。  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型的研究在回顾相关文献的基础上建立了学校文化认同、组织文化氛围与教师满意度对学校效能影响效应的假设理论模型,运用结构方程模型对假设模型进行了实证分析,结果发现:第一,学校文化认同、人本导向的组织文化氛围对学校效能具有显著影响效应;第二,学校文化认同、人本导向的组织文化氛围对教师的内在满意度具有显著影响效应;第三,教师满意度在学校文化认同、人本导向的组织文化氛围到学校效能之间未发现起中介作用.这一研究从实证的角度验证了学校文化对于学校效能的影响效应,对提高学校的文化领导力具有较好的参考价值.  相似文献   

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