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The purpose of this research was to explore some of the most prevalent methods for conducting Levels 4 and 5 of technical training evaluation among large organizations with a preponderance of technical talent. The researchers collected data through a survey and conducted interviews with select study participants. The sample size for the study (n = 26) comprised predominantly large, global organizations in technical industries. While a larger percentage of organizations have been found than in previous research to conduct Level 4 evaluations, few conduct Level 5 evaluations for their technical training, and most of the participant organizations struggle with advanced analytical techniques for technical training evaluation. The article summarizes some of the most prevalent training evaluation models reported in the literature since 2000, and provides useful examples from study participants of how they evaluated their technical training at Levels 3 and 4, along with their advice to fellow technical training and performance improvement professionals. Although the study was exploratory in nature and utilized a small sample size, the study is only the second study since 2000 to specifically explore the evaluation practices of large organizations with a focus on technical training as opposed to general training.  相似文献   

通过对企业远程培训教学过程的分析,提出了评价教学过程质量保证体系的4个维度:对学习者学习进程的管理,人员培训,对教师、管理人员的监控及评价,对培训站点的评价,进而构建出一个企业远程培训的教学过程质量保证评价体系。  相似文献   

广州市政府在购买中小学教师远程继续教育服务过程中,初步形成了具有广州特色的“一主多元、两步实施”模式和相应的组织、制度、操作、监管等方面的运行机制,但也存在一些影响服务质量和效益的问题,需要采取相应措施逐步形成:以教育中介组织为主的多元购买客体模式,以政府出资为主的多元资金筹集模式,以独立关系竞争性购买(契约化购买)为主的多元购买模式,以第三方实施为主的多元评价模式等。  相似文献   

Determining the worth and effectiveness of training used within a military environment is the same accountability responsibility that educational organizations, businesses, and social agencies are charged with for improving programs and services to society. The need for accountability implies the process of evaluation, particularly in governmental training programs. This article provides a case study, blueprint, and action plan for the infusion of two evaluation models as the foundation for determining the effectiveness of training within a military application.  相似文献   

一些发达国家(如美国、法国等)和发展中国家(如印度、越南、土耳其等)在开展农民远程培训方面具有丰富的实践经验。经过分析这些国家的农民远程培训的一些具体项目,并结合我国农民远程培训的实际情况,我们提出了在我国开展农民远程培训的四点政策性建议:政府要加大在农民远程培训方面的资金投入并发挥主导作用;在我国发达农村地区可以先进行基于互联网的农民远程培训的试点;卫星电视网依然在我国农民远程培训中具有不可替代的地位和作用;应重视与农民的互动并不断完善形成性和总结性评价。  相似文献   

如何建立行之有效的教学质量管理体系是目前研究的热点问题之一,本文阐述了以四个融合为特征的高职院校教学质量管理体系构建思路,这些特征主要体现在学校原有质量管理制度与ISO9001质量管理体系文件的有机融合;ISO9001质量管理体系与人才培养工作水平评估标准的融合;日常教学管理与检查工作、教学质量控制与ISO9001标准所要求的内部审核在内容和形式上的融合;日常教学质量控制组织机构与ISO9001标准推动组织机构和人才培养工作水平评估指导机构在职能上的融合。  相似文献   

总部设于华盛顿特区的NCATE是美国最具权威的且第一个为美国教育部和美国高等教育认可委员会所认可的教师教育评价认定机构。其基本使命是对教师教育机构的品质提供专业判断,并借着认可标准和实施考察评价工作,鼓励教师教育机构不断改进自身品质。文章主要介绍其最新修订的《NCATE95标准范畴与标准》中的"范畴Ⅰ专业教育的设计"完整内容,以期对我国教师教育机构的品质建设与评价认定起到积极的启示借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化及教育现代化的背景下,远程教育质量已经引起世界各国的高度重视。不同国家或机构依据自身国情及教育环境,在不同的价值取向和质量观指导下,形成各自的远程教育质量评估体系。近十年我国远程教育质量评估文献表明:从外部评估角度来看,英国、美国、澳大利亚的现代远程教育质量评估体系在质量观、评估标准、执行者、过程及效果反馈等方面有各自的特征,且具有较好的实施效果。我国在建立远程教育质量评估体系时,可以在结合自身国情的基础上,借鉴他国的有益措施。  相似文献   

构建远程教育教学质量评价和保证体系的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于不同的培养目标、不同的教育对象以及远程教育的特点,远程教育教学质量评价指标体系应有别于普通高校的相关评价标准。评价的核心应针对影响教学质量的六大模块十一个基本要素,即培养目标与规格、教师与学生、课程资源(包括字教材、多媒体资源)、教学实施(包括教学过程和教学评价)、学习支持服务(包括设施服务、管理服务、学习服务)、反馈与控制及与此相应的影响因子进行,并以此构建教学质量评价体系的框架。  相似文献   

Because of the crisis in the western European welfare state, government by itself can no longer provide the full range of social services that populations have come to take for granted. The shortfall must be complemented by an increasing variety of voluntary organizations. In order to be effective, however, such organizations as well as the more traditional service‐providing government organizations must have good leadership. As good leaders are as much trained to be good leaders as born, an efficient means must be developed for training leaders. Given the rapidity of social change, training must be provided on a permanent basis. The authors therefore propose the setting up of a European Master's Degree programme in leadership training. It would be modelled upon a distance Master's Degree programme in Educational Administration (Northern Interior Master's Programme ‐NIMB) that the University of Victoria in Canada offered in a large area of northwest Canada. Much of the course work for such a programme would be provided by distance means using new communication technologies. Universities in seven countries: England, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, and Finland, that formed a consortium, would administer and offer this programme in which employed administrators could enroll.  相似文献   

作为国际型大都市的上海,面向企事业基层管理人员的高等教育的需求已越来越迫切,由于各方面的原因,面向企事业基层在职管理人员的高等教育滞后于社会经济的发展。本文结合上海电视大学近几年面向企事业基层管理人员开展岗位培训与高等学历教育相结合办学项目的实践与探索,分析了上海市企事业基层管理人员高等教育的需求、现状与特点,总结了上海电大面向企事业基层管理人员开展远程教育的实践成果,并提出了利用现代远程开放教育开展面向企事业基层管理人员高等教育的对策。  相似文献   

Conclusions Faculty compensation concerns and the lack of development and maintenance time are the greatest barriers to distance education across all organizational stages of capabilities. It may be that certain factors such as legal issues and evaluation, both of which show a steady increase from Stage 1 organizations to Stage 5 organizations, are the last to be tackled because other obstacles are more important in the earlier stages of maturity. The evidence from the responses to this survey indicates that there is a relationship between an organization’s level of capability in distance education and the barriers to distance education reported by respondents for some but not all barriers. Separately, we found evidence to support Moore’s assertions that barriers associated with  相似文献   

远程开放教育实践教学模式的构建,要从培养目的、教学组织和教学过程等方面体现出个别化自主学习的特点,在模式的构建中,针对试点项目实践教学的难点和重点,坚持稳定性和灵活性、时代性和发展性、开放性与个别化、操作与理论的统一的原则,在实践探索的基础上逐步构建起以深化理论知识和提高能力为导向的实践教学模式。  相似文献   

In search of methods that improve the efficiency of teaching and training in organizations, several authors point out that mass customization (MC) is a principle that covers individual needs of knowledge and skills and, at the same time limits the development costs of customized training to those of mass training. MC is proven and established in the economic sector, and shows high potential for continuing education, too. The paper explores this potential and proposes a multidisciplinary, pragmatic approach to teaching and training in organizations. The first section of the paper formulates four design principles of MC deduced from an examination of economics literature. The second section presents amit?, a frame for mass customized training, designed according to the principles presented in the first section. The evaluation results encourage the further development and use of mass customized training in continuing education, and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

With organizations becoming leaner during times of cost consciousness, it is becoming critical that training departments demonstrate their contributions to their bottom lines by becoming more productivity based than they have been historically. For training professionals to obtain the needed financial and organizational support of their training efforts, top management should corroborate the training function. To gain this support, training professionals have evaluation procedures available to them. My purpose for conducting this study was to determine which type of training evaluation method (reaction, learning, behavior, or results) elicited the most management support of the training function among corporate managers. I designed and distributed a case study survey instrument (TEMS) to assess the extent of this support. MBA students with management experience and non-training managers participated in the study. For both samples, the data indicated that the results evaluation format received the most support, with progressively less support for behavior, learning, and reaction evaluations, respectively. I believe that this study provides training practitioners with a mandate for demonstrating training results to top management. It further gives an accountability system for gaining management support of the training function.  相似文献   

Training is an essential part of the professional development of staff working for international humanitarian organizations. While humanitarian workers are being deployed around the world to provide life‐saving relief assistance in often‐hazardous missions, it is imperative for organizations to ensure that staff members understand the mission and protocol of their organizations and that they develop an appreciation for the impact their work has on beneficiaries. Demand for such training has been expanding exponentially over the last decade with the growing number of humanitarian organizations and personnel. In the United Nations alone, an estimated 37,000 civilian personnel are being employed as part of UN humanitarian operations, an increase of 54% since 1997; 75% of this personnel is composed of national staff of the countries of operation (United Nations, 2008 United Nations. 2008. “Towards a culture of security and accountability”. In Report of the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of UN Personnel and Premises Worldwide Retrieved July 26, 2008, from http://www.un.org/News/dh/infocus/terrorism/PanelOnSafetyReport.pdf [Google Scholar]). With the increasing reliance of humanitarian organizations on national staff to manage their field operations, the professional development of staff members poses an ever‐growing challenge due to the remoteness and distribution of staff, limiting organizations’ ability to maintain the coherence and cogency of their mission and methods. Although many international humanitarian organizations have adopted some form of distance learning into their staff training, few organizations have evaluated the effectiveness of their distance learning programs. This research briefly evaluates the literature relevant to the use of distance learning for training professional staff in the humanitarian field, assesses how distance learning programs are being used among select humanitarian organizations based in the USA, and reviews the results of a pilot distance learning course offered to mid‐career professionals working on international humanitarian issues in a professional capacity.  相似文献   

网络教学师资的培训和发展并非在真空环境下发生,组织者需要考虑网络教育的采用(adoption)和使用效率(effectiveness)的提高两方面因素。传统的培训方法并不能满足教师需要。本文从系统的绩效分析出发,提出了一个系统的网络师资培训模式,该模式中提出了一些不同于传统培训的新方法,比如绩效支持、知识共享、用户社区和形成性评估。  相似文献   

Asan external consultant, I often evaluate performance improvement (usually training) programs. As a professor, I have helped hundreds of graduate students perform similar tasks for their organizations. In my experience, evaluation projects are often ad hoc affairs—stand‐alone efforts that are relatively unconnected to other evaluation activities in the organization, or perhaps the only evaluation activity ever conducted in the organization. The evaluation team must start from scratch to design and conduct the evaluation, and the resulting project can be long and frustrating. You are familiar with the phases, outlined below (using training as the intervention). The sample questions in each phase hint at the complexity of the effort, although these questions are by no means exhaustive.  相似文献   

"一村一名大学生计划"项目旨在为广大农村培养高等职业技术教育层次的农村实用科技人才和管理人才,可以补充职业教育中素质教育方面的不足,其突出特点是采用现代远程教育的方式进行。通过对现代远程教育的特点以及参加"一村一"项目学习的学习者特点的剖析,明确了现代远程教育是适应开展"一村一"项目的教育模式;通过学习者在学习时间、学习资源、学习环境、学习方式以及学习评价等各方面的适应性分析,明确了参加"一村一"项目的学习者是适应远程教育培养方式的。  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,各类在线课程、远程教育服务得到了广泛应用。2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情在全球的突发,使得远程在线教学成为学习和教育培训的主流方式,受到社会各界的关注。建立远程教育服务的质量标准和开展质量评价,就显得尤为重要和必要。本文对远程教育服务质量的相关概念、质量标准内容、如何构建质量评价指标体系、开展质量评价的程序等四个方面进行了讨论,最后对于远程教育机构如何提高服务质量、提升人才培养水平,提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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