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有效的远程教学传播:过程、模式与原理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
远程教育的质量保证不仅要着眼于解决系统、资源和管理等宏观层面的问题,而且要从微观层面研究改进教学的方法和策略,如何改善交互和反馈,实现师生之间持续、有效的双向交流是改进教学和服务的关键所在。本文比较了课堂教学传播与远程教学传播的差异,分析了"一流的教师 一流的传播技术"并不一定能实现有效远程教学的原因,根据世界各国和我国远程教学实践的经验,在施拉姆的教学传播模式基础上,提出了"经验之桥"远程教学传播模式。笔者指出:充分发挥辅导教师的"桥梁"作用,是改善远程传播效果,实现有效教学的根本途径。  相似文献   

旅游开发能极大地推动地区及国家经济与社会发展,但也会给旅游地的环境、文化和社会方面带来不可弥补的负面影响.目前,旅游业界和学术界始终侧重于其经济作用,社会文化影响尚未引起足够的重视,特别是开展包括文化遗产旅游、民族及民俗旅游、历史及宗教旅游、艺术旅游、村落及城市旅游和节事旅游等形式在内的文化旅游地更是面临着诸多困境.因此,有必要借鉴并整合地理学、建筑学、城市规划学、民俗学和民族学对历史街区、非物质文化遗产和民族文化等问题的理论、方法与实践,构建多学科多层次的文化旅游地历史保护体系.遵循遗产物质及环境整体性、文化原真性和社区参与及社会重建等原则,完善并创新保护机制,实施历史文化保护区及博物馆化、试验文化及社会传统复兴等策略.  相似文献   

通过分析数字标准测试软件的领域特性,提出了一种面向数字标准测试领域的敏捷软件开发方法—基于构件的产品线方法,设计了产品线构架、核心资产库框架,并在"中国网络教育技术标准"中进行了成功应用。这种软件开发方法,实现了教育标准领域中的软件复用、降低开发成本、缩短开发周期。  相似文献   

基于敏捷开发模式的“GIS软件工程”实验教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"GIS软件工程"是一门理论联系实际、综合多学科知识的实践性很强的专业课程。论文分析了该课程的特点,并总结了该课程传统实验教学过程中存在的一些弊端。通过阐述敏捷开发模式的意义和内涵,从提升学生的实际应用能力着手,提出"基于敏捷开发模式"的实验教学改革思路,探讨了在该课程中实施此方法的组织与实施策略、实施过程以及取得的效果。实践证明,该教学方法对于激发学生学习兴趣、加深知识理解、提高工程实践能力、培养创新思维等具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

化工原理实验数据处理软件的开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以Microsoft Windows操作系统为开发平台,应用Access数据库和Visual Basic 6.0语言,开发了化工原理实验数据处理软件。该软件可运行在Windows 98及以上的操作系统上,界面友好,输入和修改数据简单,能自动绘制实验曲线,并打印实验结果。  相似文献   

Phenomenographic studies of student learning have shown that students learn in qualitatively different ways and have related qualitatively different learning outcomes. But phenomenography is not, and has never claimed to be, a theory of student learning. This is not to say, however, that there is not a view of student learning which is consistent with these studies. This paper outlines such a view and analyses a number of teaching and learning problems from this perspective. The paper argues that the students’ experiences of teaching and learning situations are fundamental to what they learn.  相似文献   

古村落型文化遗产旅游地历史保护体系、原则与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史保护除要求对古迹遗址、历史建筑、传统民居及街巷和历史文化见证物等进行修缮外,更倡导对文化遗产地的经济、社会和文化结构中各种积极因素的保护和利用。目前,国内旅游业界和学界始终侧重于旅游业发展中的经济作用,其社会及文化影响尚未引起足够的重视。特别是古村落型文化遗产旅游地更是面临着亟待解决的诸多困境,因此,有必要借鉴并整合地理学、建筑学、城市规划学、民俗学和民族学对历史街区、非物质文化遗产和民族文化等问题的理论、方法与实践,构建多学科多层次的古村落型文化遗产旅游地历史保护体系,遵循遗产物质及环境整体性、文化原真性和社区参与及社会重建等原则,并采用创新及完善保护机制,实施历史文化保护区及博物馆化,试验文化及社会传统复兴等策略。  相似文献   

Abstraction is a major concept in computer science and serves as a powerful tool in software development. Pattern-oriented instruction (POI) is a pedagogical approach that incorporates patterns in an introductory computer science course in order to structure the learning of algorithmic problem solving. This paper examines abstraction processes in the course of solving an algorithmic problem and highlights three distinct, although interrelated, facets of abstraction: pattern recognition, black-boxing, and structure identification. A study that examined the influence of the POI approach on students' abstraction skills is described; students who learned according to the POI approach were compared with students who learned in a traditional manner with regard to analogical reasoning and problem decomposition and solution, as well as verbal expression. The three facets of abstraction were used to analyze students' abstraction skills and their competency in algorithmic problem solving.  相似文献   

VUCA时代的复杂、模糊、多变和不确定性对课程开发响应动态变化需求的能力提出了更高要求,现有开发理念凸显力不从心,而"敏捷"理念提供了可能契机.为探悉VUCA时代的敏捷课程开发,研究从"敏捷"的词义及其在制造领域和软件开发领域的含义入手,提出了课程与教学领域的敏捷界定和敏捷课程开发的四个核心价值观:开发团队的互动胜过流程和工具;可用的课程胜过详尽的教学设计文档;将学习者当协作对象胜过将学习者当客户;响应变化胜过遵循计划.之后从项目管理的角度剖析了敏捷课程开发的关键理念及其与传统课程开发的区别.基于这些认识,研究最后提出了敏捷课程开发的四点行动建议:构建"学习者本位"的课程开发共同体;开展学习需求的动态化、精细化管理;小步调开发,频繁、过程性交付可用课程;过程性集体审议,促进课程民主开发与群智共创.希望研究能够加深学者对敏捷课程开发的认知,为敏捷课程开发的研究提供新方向.  相似文献   

Rebecca Doyle set up the first nurture group in Thetford Education Action Zone in 2000. In 2001, she published an account of her work to reintegrate pupils from the nurture group into the mainstream of their infant school in the pages of BJSE. In this article, Rebecca Doyle describes how mainstream class teachers requested further support in working with socially and emotionally vulnerable children in their classes using the principles and practices from the nurture group. A social development curriculum was written to support this interest, offering mainstream staff a planning tool to complement their existing schemes of work and to help in the drive to make the curriculum appropriate for every child, regardless of their barriers to learning. This article indicates that mainstream staff are now able to bring the increasing knowledge of nurture group working to the fore in their planning, supporting the development of whole-school nurturing approaches. The social development curriculum has become a well-used document alongside current planning frameworks, supporting staff in meeting the diverse needs of pupils within mainstream classrooms with minimal cost and little additional workload.
In closing her article, Rebecca Doyle argues that the social development curriculum has had a positive impact upon the pupils in her school and upon her colleagues on the staff. She is pursuing her research into nurturing approaches through her membership of the National Nurture Group Network and her studies for a higher degree at the University of East Anglia.  相似文献   

先前学习评价是对成人非正式学习所获得的知识、技能或能力加以测评、认可并授予相关证明的一种评价方式。从美国、英国、加拿大、法国和澳大利亚的先前学习评价实践来看,先前学习评价为推动与实现终身学习提供了具体途径,对个体职业发展产生了重要影响,促进了高等教育机构办学的转变,促进了国际范围的人才流动。这些国际经验对我国开展先前学习评价的实践意义是:提供了质量保证措施,包括政策、实施机构、实施流程与范围、评价标准、实施团队和模式经验等。这都对我国学分银行建设、学习成果认证制度建立、非正式学习成果识别和学分转换等方面的政策制定者、研究者以及在操作性层面上予以实施的践行者等提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

提升教师的混合式教学能力,是推动高校"金课"建设落地及效能提升的关键,也是难点.本研究采用系统性文献综述法,分析近十年混合式教学能力发展的相关研究,提炼教师混合式教学能力提升的发展策略,并通过质性元分析方法构建了教师混合式教学能力发展模型.区域、学校和教师教育机构在促进教师混合式教学能力发展过程中,应遵循理论与实践结合、发展的连续与递进、线上线下与教学现场融合等规律与原则;提供理论支撑、技术保障、能力评估、共同体建设等要素准备和条件保障;综合应用角色示范、体验学习、设计学习、同伴协作、意义反思、持续支持等关键策略.  相似文献   

建设工程总承包模式的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对建设工程项目的特点,并结合具体项目的实例,本文系统地介绍了工程总承包模式的内涵、特点、几种总承包模式,并对其进行思考。  相似文献   

根据移动终端应用需求,以自适应软件开发需求为背景,通过对诸多学者关于自适应软件研究与开发成果进行比较,分析其中的优、缺点,展望了自适应软件设计模式的发展趋势,提出了一种新的、基于设计模式组合的自适应软件开发模式可行性设计方法。  相似文献   

“航空发动机控制设计中的数值计算原理与实践”是飞行器动力工程专业一门重要的专业课程,具有理论性强、数值计算软件掌握要求高、涉及先修课程知识广且联系紧密等特点。针对课程特点,在分析课程知识内在逻辑结构、教学特点和教学现状的基础上,引入发散性思维构建课程知识体系,采用“整体—部分—整体”的教学思路,设计融合先修知识的实践实例,探索课程教学新方法,帮助学生建立航空发动机控制设计中的数值计算的知识构架、理论知识和实践对象间的联系,提高课堂教学和上机实践的成效。  相似文献   

This paper describes strategies for enhancing postgraduate supervision procedures and practices developed at Sydney University in response to a national focus upon improving the quality of postgraduate research education. The results of needs analyses conducted in Departments and Faculties and amongst postgraduate coordinators, supervisors and students are reported, and the subsequent development of an ongoing and systematic training program for supervisors of postgraduate students is described. The structure of the program, training methods adopted, and participant evaluations of the constituent workshops and seminars are discussed. Finally, consideration is given to aspects contributing to or militating against the success of the program and to alternative or complementary strategies for improving the quality of postgraduate research supervision.  相似文献   

高职院校课程建设的原则与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课程建设是高职教育改革与发展的关键问题。高职院校课程建设具有一定的原则,商丘职业技术学院在课程建设方面也进行了多方面的实践。  相似文献   

Developed in response to examples of unacceptable assessment practices, the Principles for Fair Student Assessment Practices for Education in Canada contains a set of principles and guidelines generally accepted by professional organisations as indicative of fair assessment practice within the Canadian educational context. Assessments depend on professional judgment: the ’Principles’ identify the issues to consider in exercising this professional judgment and in striving for the fair and equitable assessment of all students.  相似文献   

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