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尼采的权力意志真理观是从否定符合论真理观入手的,尼采认为真理是对人类生存有用的工具,是增强权力意志的工具。尼采的权力意志真理观与实用主义的真理现有内在的联系并对实用主义真理观有重要的影响,但二者又有显著不同,尼采看到了真理与权力意志的密切关系。并强调这种关系,这对培养个人的自强精神是大有裨益的,然而,尼采的权力意志真理观从根本上说则是错误的。  相似文献   

我国近百年的尼采解读史可分为世纪初至30年代中期、30年代中期至80年代初期、80年代初期至今三阶段,依次呈现出功利化、政治化和学理化三特征。第一阶段,尼采学说中的反叛意识和进取精神受到特别关注;第二阶段,尼采学说被视为法西斯主义的理论源头和指导原则;直到第三阶段,尼采学说始被当作学术和理论问题来看待。第三阶段解读尼采的成果远较前两个阶段丰硕的事实表明,把哲学理论当作一种工具或是以政治的批判代替哲学的批判,是偏颇而有害的  相似文献   

The goal of inclusion is more or less credible depending in part on what it is that learners have in common. I discuss one characteristic that all learners are thought to share, although the learners I am concerned with represent an awkward case for the aspiration of inclusivity. Respect is thought of as something owed to all persons, and I defend the view that this includes persons with profound and multiple learning difficulties and disabilities. I also consider the implications of respecting profoundly disabled learners for teaching and learning, and three aspects in particular: treating the profoundly disabled learner as a person; the close relationship between teaching and caring for a vulnerable learner; and individualised learning as an element of a successful teaching and learning environment.  相似文献   

The more recent calls for school reform have focused on a re-visioning of the work of teachings and teacher education. A central rhetoric in the current climate is related to the professionalization of teaching. We can view the public discourses as not simply a formal mechanism for describing events but as part of their context serving to align loyalty and social solidarity with particular values and social interests. My intent in this discussion is to raise questions about how the word, professionalization, is used within the social and political contexts in which teaching occurs. At the same time, I propose that there are certain issues in teaching that professionalization can address. In particular, I examine tensions of modernity and a post-modernity for considering the power relations in which the professional production of knowledge and the development of expert-mediated systems of ideas occurs.  相似文献   

非理性主义思潮的兴起,促进了上帝世俗化的进程。尼采认为传统形而上学在感性和理性的二元对立中强调理性,使之成为脱离肉体的精神实体,而基督教的上帝便是把这种精神实体即理性加以神圣化的产物。尼采以“上帝死了”的惊人口号来宣告欧洲传统宗教意识的崩溃及其“虚无主义无神论”的诞生。  相似文献   

How should we use student ratings to evaluate teaching?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The proper use of student ratings to evaluate teaching is the subject matter of this paper. In particular, two divergent views are contrasted: the multidimensional view of evaluation and the unidimensional. Marsh (Int. J. Ed. Res., 1987, v.11, pp. 253–388) is the most outspoken advocate of the multidimensional view of evaluation based on factor scores. Because we disagree over such an important use of ratings, I explain the position I have adopted, summarize Marsh's most recent position, and respond to his concerns.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April, 1988.  相似文献   

English Teachers and the Cox Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The introductory section of the Cox Report describes five models of English teaching. Together, it seems, these constitute a broad map of current thinking:
It is possible to identify within the English teaching profession a number of different views on the subject. We list them here, though we stress that they are not the only possible views, they are not sharply distinguishable, and they are certainly not mutually exclusive .
1. A 'personal growth' view focuses on the child: it emphasises the relationship between language and learning in the individual child, and the role of literature in developing children's imaginative and aesthetic lives .
2. A 'cross-curricular' view focuses on the school: it emphasises that all teachers have a responsibility to help children with the language demands of different subjects on the school curriculum
3. An 'adult needs' view focuses on communication outside the school: it emphasises the responsibility of English teachers to prepare children for the language demands of adult life, including the workplace, in a fast-changing world
4. A 'cultural heritage' view emphasises the responsibility of schools to lead children to an appreciation of those works of literature that have been widely regarded as amongst the finest in the language .
5. A 'cultural analysis' view emphasises the role of English in helping children towards a critical understanding of the world and cultural environment in which they live. Children should know abou t the processes by which meanings are conveyed, and about the ways in which print and other media carry values . (DES/WO, 1989)  相似文献   

从经验管理到科学管理、再到文化管理,是马克思主义理论和现代管理理论结合发展的趋势,也是学校管理发展的大趋势。“现代的学校必须有现代的管理,一流的学校必须有一流的管理。”而学校教师是办好学校的主体,是推动教育事业发展的重要力量。所以,学校教师管理是学校管理工作的重中之重。将文化管理引入学校教师管理中去,引导教师自我发展、自我管理。这是对当前中学学校教师管理理论的一种创新和发展,也是21世纪全球各国中学教育管理创新的一个大趋势。  相似文献   

传统的“记忆型教学文化”阻碍了学生主体性的发展,具有种种弊端,新课改呼唤一种新型教学文化。应该从宏观层面、中观层面和微观层面三方面入手,创建一种重视学生自主建构、质疑批判和个性发展的“探究型教学文化”,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

My article argues that the concept of ‘aesthetic learning’ can be helpful for English teachers on two levels. First, it can be a useful identity for English teachers and students to adopt, based upon my own experiences as a secondary English teacher, creative writer and PhD student. Second, I argue that ‘aesthetic learning’ is an effective and productive way of analysing some of the learning processes that happen in the English teacher’s classroom. In order to arrive at these conclusions, I examine my own creative writing, teaching and learning processes from which I extrapolate the notion that we are all ‘aesthetic learners’ in the sense that we learn to appreciate the qualities of the worlds we inhabit, whether these are actual or virtual. Throughout, my own writing, learning and teaching are used to illustrate my argument. In particular, the article seeks to re-position my own teaching in secondary schools within the context of ‘aesthetic learning’.  相似文献   

Bharath Sriraman 《Interchange》2006,37(1-2):151-178
This paper explores the wide range of mathematics content and processes that arise in the secondary classroom via the use of unusual counting problems. A universal pedagogical goal of mathematics teachers is to convey a sense of unity among seemingly diverse topics within mathematics. Such a goal can be accomplished if we could conduct classroom discourse that conveys the Lakatosian (thought-experimental) view of mathematics as that of continual conjecture-proof-refutation which involves rich mathematizing experiences. I present a pathway towards this pedagogical goal by presenting student insights into an unusual counting problem and by using these outcomes to construct ideal mathematical possibilities (content and process) for discourse. In particular, I re-construct the quasi-empirical approaches of six!4-year old students’ attempts to solve this unusual counting problem and present the possibilities for mathematizing during classroom discourse in the imaginative spirit of Imre Lakatos. The pedagogical implications for the teaching and learning of mathematics in the secondary classroom and in mathematics teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

学术界一般认为尼采学说是“战国策”派的依据,其实,“战国策”派与尼采学说有较大的差异:“战国策”派是为国民党政府建立“意志集中,力量集中”的极权政治服务的,而尼采思想却是高扬生命价值的学说。  相似文献   

儿童性是指高师小学教育专业以儿童科学为依据,为培养具有童心素养的优质小学教师,在课程设置、内容、实施等方面所体现的专业特征。它凸显了本专业的基本价值与独特优势,是小学教育专业特色建设与综合改革的基础。当前小学教育专业儿童性缺失成为专业特色建设的瓶颈。其建构策略是:转变专业观念,确立儿童本位的人才培养目标;调整课程结构,使教学内容体现儿童性;完善招生制度,保持童心的生物性基础;建构童心教学方法体系;培育儿童文化氛围等。  相似文献   

The challenges facing children in the 21st century are immense and will need to be faced if we are to achieve the goal of child protection for all. Three specific constraints on child protection are examined in this article, namely poverty, HIV/AIDS infection, and war. The authors use their experience in Africa to raise issues of resilience and adaptation, dangers to child protection programs, and possible solutions. Poverty can be both financial and psychological, and this affects the effect of prevention programs. In many African and Asian countries, the AIDS pandemic has changed the social structure of society with AIDS orphans and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS becoming more common. The impact has devastating effects on the way we view child protection and in particular child sexual abuse. The consequences of post-traumatic stress resulting from war needs to be addressed, and the development of programs that place children in the center of relief programs to foster a culture of child protection is essential. Finally, the article notes that the picture is not overly pessimistic and the examines the achievements in the field of children's rights which underpin all programs aimed at protecting children and the future need to consolidate successes achieved.  相似文献   

尼采认为悲剧理论是在人借助艺术肯定自身力量反抗苦难的基础上建立;古希腊悲剧是因酒神精神和日神精神两个最重要的范畴的不断的斗争和和解而诞生;歌队、音乐、神话是悲剧的构成性要素;悲剧的价值不在于道德感化,而在于超越生存的苦难,实现对人的生命意志的提升。  相似文献   

鲁迅与尼采两位生存哲学大师分别以过客的“走”和精神的“变形”两种不同的精神变革形式,实践对旧世界的“复仇”;以大于历史与伦理的生命话语,完成对童心世界的守望,并在对童心世界的反顾中获得灵魂的自救和实现对生命的肯定。  相似文献   

In this article I attempt to address three positions on forgiveness that could be encouraged in schools. They are the strict view defended by Philip Barnes, the relaxed view promoted by Patricia White and the idea of forgiving the unforgivable discussed by Jacques Derrida. I shall examine the tradition from which they emerge and explore some of their problems. This will lead me to a rehabilitation of what is other to that tradition (within and without)—an other that can serve as a corrective to the problems of those positions. I shall conclude the article with an exposition of the radicalisation of the teaching of forgiveness if we focus on the perspective of the one who seeks forgiveness.  相似文献   

Nietzsche, German philosopher, who has had a great influence on the transformation of western philosophy from the contemporary to the modern, is a non-rationalist. Since the birth of Nietzsche's philosophy, evaluation from the international academic circles on his thoughts has been mixed. The "Superman" philosophy is an important part of Nietzsche's theory. He believes the spirit of strong will and that the development of man is endless, finally, we will have a "Superman". This theory has broken the tradition of western rationalism, the moral tradition of Christianity and the cultural tradition of the enlightenment since Socrates. However, we should evaluate the "Superman" theory properly.  相似文献   

受西方儿童观的影响,儿童文学观的价值取向也经历了一个从忽视儿童到发现儿童的过程,在儿童被“发现”之后,又经历了从成人“俯视”儿童、成人单向传递转变为成人与儿童平等对话交流、儿童自主建构的阶段。因此,当前我国儿童文学教育也应有新的定位和策略:儿童文学教学既要彰显其文学性,也要突出其儿童性;合理选择学习内容;确立双向建构的教学策略。  相似文献   

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