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The earth is the most beautiful planet in the space.But nowadays,the earth is destroyed by some activities of mankind-There’s a lot of pollution all over the world,such as air pollution,water pollution and so on.It is important for us to save the earth.But how can we save the earth?Here are my suggestions.First,weshouldprotecttheplants.Weshouldn’tcuttrees,walkongrassandpickflowers.Second,weshouldpayattentiontorecycle.Andthenweshouldsaveenergyandwater.Weshouldturnoffthelightwhenitisnottood…  相似文献   

There are hot water and some places steam come on our earth where up from under ground. One of the places is a large ___ the Pacific Ocean( 太平洋 ). It is North in New Zealand. Island  相似文献   

Volcanoes There are thou-sands of volcanoes all over the world. What makes volcanoes? What happens? The inside of the earth is very hot. Be-cause it is very,very hot,the rock has melted like ice.It has become liquid,like water.It is always boiling, like water in a kettle. If you have seen a kettle boiling, you know that the steam and boiling water try to get out. The very hot melted rock inside the earth also tries to get out. Usually it cannot be-cause the outside of the earth is too thick…  相似文献   

This paper has introduced the developments of water hydraulic axial piston equipments.According to the effects of physicochemical properties of water on water hydraulic components,a novel valve plate for water hydraulic axial motor has been put forward,whose moment exerted by the fluid field between valve plate and bearing plate is balanced entirely.The material screening experiment of valve plate is done on the test rig.Through numerical simulation the effects of some geometry parameters on the performance of water hydraulic motor have been studied.The silencing grooves on the valve plate in water hydraulic motor can reduce the pressure shock and the occurrence of cavitation effectively.It is evident that the appropriate structure should change the wear status between matching paris and reduces the wear and specific pressure of the matching pairs.The specimen with the new type valve plate is used in a tool system.  相似文献   

The planet we live on is called earth. It is special ( 特别的) in the universe(宇宙) because it has life on it. It moves around the sun so we call it a planet(行星).Our home planet is a rocky one (石质行星).Our rocky planet has water.Water covers about 70% of its surface(表面).That's why the Earth looks blue from space.  相似文献   

An optimal allocation of earth is of great significance to reduce the project cost and duration in the construction of rock-fill dams. The earth allocation is a dynamic system affected by various time-space constraints. Based on previous studies, a new method of optimizing this dynamic system as a static one is presented. In order to build a generalized and flexible model of the problem, some man-made constraints were investigated in building the mathematic model. Linear programming and simplex method are introduced to solve the optimization problem of earth allocation. A case study in a large-scale rock-fill dam construction project is presented to demonstrate the proposed method and its successful application shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

The influence of water on protein conformation was investigated by simulating the molecular dynamics of a model protein lysozyme in different water systems.The lysozyme-water system with TIP3P water model and lysozyme-water cluster system with six-ring water model were evaluated.In addition,the radial distribution function of solvent around lysozyme was calculated.It is found that the distribution of water molecules around lysozyme is similar to that of water clusters.The analyses of dihedral angles and disulfide bonds of lysozyme show that the conformation of lysozyme is severely damaged in the lysozyme-water cluster system compared with that in the lysozyme-water system.This difference can be attributed to the formation of larger number of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between lysozyme and water cluster.It is in agreement with the analysis that water clusters can change the degree of denaturation in the process of heat denaturation of lysozyme.  相似文献   

The safety of water quality in the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)is very important.Protections and remediation of environment safety are very crucial for guaranteeing TGR environmental quality.When piled municipal solid waste(MSW) dumps are submerged without treatment,pollutants in the MSW will leach into the water and threaten the water safety of the reservoir.Based on the surveys of the amount,distribution and characteristics of piled MSW in the TGR area,this study focusing on the MSW dumps at the water leve...  相似文献   

1. Introduction At present, the construction of large-scale reservoirworks has given rise to many large-scale reservoirareas, the stabilization of slopes in these reservoirdistricts will be influenced by water waves. Thecirculating hydraulic loading caused by the waveproduces a great force on the slope, and especiallyforms a vibration wave force on the boundary of water surface and the slope earth, and even breaks the water-soil interface, leading to the excess pore pressurechanging along diff…  相似文献   

The adsorption of CO2 can be enhanced through loading amines on adsorbents, therefore, the separation of CO2 from other gases is promoted. Water plays an important role in this process. Water increases both the adsorption amount of CO2 and the separation coefficient with N2 for all amines loaded. However, the effect of loading trialkylamines is not remarkable in the absence of water. The effect of loading dialkylamine does not depend on water, but the adsorbent cannot be regenerated at ambient temperature. In comparison, an adsorbent loading trialkylamine can be regenerated at ambient temperature even in the presence of water with fairly good stability.  相似文献   

The earth itself is thought to be more than twice as old as life on it.Two billion years ago,the earth was like a great ball about as hot on its surface as boiling water.As the earth蒺s surface becam e less hot,the thick clouds round it,from which waterwenton raining down,gotthinner.The m ore sunlightcould getthrough to the surface ofthe earth.Sunlightis necessary for lifeon earth,as airand waterare.Life began,m en think,in the saltsea.Nearthe land,where the waters werenotdeep,very sm allone…  相似文献   

The implementation of bilingual teaching is specialized course in one of the important teaching reforms and it is also the inevitable trend in cultivating talents with high quality. In the paper, several problems of currently restricting the method are pointed out in China and experiences on bilingual teaching of "fundamentals of water quality science" are summarized. The focus of this paper is on the request for bilingual teachers, textbook, teaching mode in class andteaching approach.  相似文献   

Based on the maximum flux principle(MFP),a water quality evaluation model for surface water ecosystem is presented by using self-organization map(SOM) neural network simulation algorithm from the aspect of systematic structural evolution.This evaluation model is applied to the case of surface water ecosystem in Xindu District of Chengdu City in China.The values reflecting the water quality of five cross-sections of the system at different developing stages are obtained,with stable values of 1.438,2.952,1.86...  相似文献   

Numerous experiments have shown that the water flow in fine-grained soils can obey an exponential relationship at small gradients and a linear relationship when the hydraulic gradient exceeds a certain limit. Based on the non-Darcian flow described by exponent and threshold gradient, the theory of 1D consolidation is modified in this paper to consider a linear variation in the vertical total stress with depth and the effect of ramp loading. The numerical solutions were derived in detail by the finite difference method for excess pore water pressure and the average degree of consolidation. Finally, the influence of various parameters on consolidation behavior was investigated. The results show that the rate of consolidation is reduced when non-Darcian flow described by exponent and threshold gradient is adopted in the theory of 1D consolidation. As well the distribution of vertical total stress has a great influence on the dissipation of excess pore water pressure, either for pervious top and pervious bottom (PTPB) or for pervious top and impervious bottom (PTIB). For the case of PTIB, the distribution of vertical total stress in a foundation has a great influence on the rate of consolidation; however, for the case of PTPB, the rate of consolidation is independent of the distribution of vertical total stress. The rate of consolidation is dependent on the ratio of the thickness of a soil layer to the equivalent head of the final average vertical total stress; the greater the value of this ratio, the slower the rate of consolidation. Finally, an increase in construction time reduces the consolidation rate of a foundation. Thus, consolidation behavior of 1D consolidation with non-Darcian flow has been thoroughly acquainted in this paper.  相似文献   

The population of the world is growing faster and faster,so the en-vironm ent of the earth is becoming worse and worse.The problem of the environm ent has already been one of the most im portant problems.The people on the earth don't care about the environment.They throw rubbish here and there.They spit in the public place.They cut down trees and so on.All of thesecause the environm ent problem.As am em ber of the society,we m ust dom y best to protect our environm ent.It's our duty to keep …  相似文献   

The mechanical dewatering of activated sludge is difficult due to its high compressibility, which can be improved by electroosmosis. In electroosmosis, direct electric field is applied to sludge cake. Based on the conductivity modes of different sludge beds, a model is presented in which sludge cake consists of two series parts in the circuit: a dewatered bed and an undewatered one. The dewatered bed called solid conductor is mainly made up of immovable water and sludge particles. The undewatered bed includes movable water and solid conductor, which are connected in parallel in the circuit. The model describes the variation of water content with time and electric power consumption as a function of water content in sludge cake, and interprets the reason for the variation of electroosmotic dewatering rate. Comparison with the experimental data for electroosmotic dewatering under constant voltage supports the validity of the model.  相似文献   

A new method of short-term forecasting for water consumption in municipal supply water networks based on wavelet transformation is introduced. By wavelet decomposing commonly used in the signal field, water consumption per hour is decomposed into many series. Trend item, cycle item and random item are separated from the original time series in this way. Then by analyzing, building a model, forecasting every series and composing the results, the forecasting value of the original consumption is received. Simulation results show that this forecasting method is faster and more accurate, of which the error is less than 2%, indicating that the wavelet analytical method is practicable.  相似文献   

Unit9 Saving the earth 1.20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.地球上20%的人无法得到干净的饮用水。此处on earth=on the earth在地球上。accessn.[不可数名词]进入(的道路),通道;能接近,了解,使用(权)。例如:The only access to the cottage is a dirt road.只有一条土路通向那间农舍。Access to the town was across anarrow bridge.进城的路经过一座很窄的桥。  相似文献   

Water is very im portantto living things.W ithoutwaterthere can beno life on earth.Allanim als and plants need water.M an also needs water.W e need waterto drink, to cook ourfoodand to clean ourselves.W ateris needed inoffices,factories and schools.Then whereis water?There is waterin seas,rivers,lakes,springs (泉) and wells (井).W ater isfound alm osteverywhere.Even in the dri鄄estpartofthe world there is som e waterin the air.You cannotsee itorfeelitwhen itis partofthe air.The water in sea…  相似文献   

Saving the Earth     
As time goes by,humans are making the earth sick.People cut down too much trees ① and leave more and more rubbish here and there.Factories let out their waste without doing anything to it.All this has caused many serious problems.More and more good farmland has turned into desert,the rivers and lakes have polluted② and the water in them is dirty and poisonous.The air is less clean,even the temperature of the earth is higher than before.The earth is sick now.What should we do to save her?  相似文献   

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